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/lit/ - Literature

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13553610 No.13553610 [Reply] [Original]

>before /lit/
>want to read book
>read book
>after /lit/
>want to read book
>have to first read every major book that ever came out before it
>going through massive reading list starting with Gilgamesh, Sumerian literature, working my way up to Greek philosophy
>forget most of what I read after I read it, have to immediately reread it
>read supplemental anthropological works on the cultural contexts of each book
>I haven’t spoken to another human being in years, but I know more about Ancient Greece than anyone in my former friend group
>I convert to a different religion every other week
>I still haven’t got to that book I want to read
>I’m not even at the Middle Ages yet

>> No.13554402

/lit/ has never been so truly summarized

>> No.13554811


>> No.13554828
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>> No.13554831
File: 27 KB, 476x395, inmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I stop forgetting details? Serious question. I remember most of the important parts like characters, plots, central idea of books but every once in a while I will reread and find something I didn't notice at all and could not remember.

>> No.13554844


>> No.13554904

All this time we've been staring with the Greeks, but we should've really started with the sumerians... Damn..

>> No.13554911

If you’re forgetting big details start writing stuff down. If you only forget the little ones don’t worry about it, it’s not like you’re gonna be quizzed on it

>> No.13554915
File: 1.78 MB, 3000x3868, 4C104D16-BF3D-4100-A3EF-149B96228C9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13554922


>> No.13554926

>He doesn't write down what he wants to remember, and then record it into the computer in a folder of subjects each full of text files that are each a book or website or other source of information
>He doesn't then, after imputing enough information from a source, such as after having exhausted that source, take all the information in the individual text file, which is specifically for that single source of information, and condense all the information into a single essay containing the core parts, as well as explaining better the parts not understood by auxiliary studying online to help with the essay
>He doesn't then, after various sources within a subject have been exhausted and condensed into essays, take all the knowledge essays and combine them further into a major treatise., compassing all the knowledge about a subject
>He doesn't then take the Treatises, after they've been made for enough subjects, and combine them further into a book

>> No.13554937

In this image, which I really like, is the guy in the third panel supposed to be the same guy pushing the other dude out of the way in the second panel?

>> No.13554971


>> No.13554994

But what if I really want to know them, how can I commit an entire book to memory?

>> No.13555007

You have to be an autist I guess

>> No.13555011

I lol'd

>> No.13555453


>> No.13555477

It's better to read these before you read the bible, for the sake of context. The Greeks+Romans are pretty much self-contained, and arguably more enjoyable, so it's better to read them first.

>> No.13555489
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It's sad how accurate this is. My reading list just surpassed 1000 unread titles.

>> No.13555498

This is why everyone should just read what they want instead of making it too autistic. If that is what you want to do, then fine. Don't make everyone else hace to deal with it.

>> No.13555695

>Brainlets keep falling for memes
And the sun will set in the west, once more.

>> No.13555716

>starting with the Sumerians
To really begin Literature you must travel to cave painting sites and interpret the cave paintings.

You wouldn’t eat a sandwich without surrounding yourself in dirt within a cabbage patch and absorbing the essentialist nature of cabbages would you?