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File: 7 KB, 300x300, john-dewey-9273497-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13552619 No.13552619 [Reply] [Original]

I'm disgusted with the amount of utterly neolithic idealism and pure mysticism that covers this board. Platonic bullshit.

Read Dewey.

>> No.13552632

>neolithic idealism
>pure mysticism
Using jargon doesn't make you sound intelligent faggot. Spean plain English.

>> No.13552635

Spean the truth brother

>> No.13552644


>> No.13552646

i thought this was a Klages photoshop at first.

>> No.13552647
File: 50 KB, 434x604, guenon&schuon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the final red pill

>> No.13552652

you have to realize some of guenon's limitations and then move on to evola, but also realize evola had some of his own limitations and then you will truly be redpilled

>> No.13552660

mysticism isn't allowed in this thread.

>> No.13552742

Idealism and Realism are not mutually exclusive


Given Idealism means that all we can make claims about is essentially what we as individuals perceive and infer, and that even if there was an external reality it would be unproductive to pay attention to it,

And given Realism means that there is an external world that we as beings witness to (which is "over there"), and that abstractions map a reality for the scientist to gain scientific knowledge,

The Truth of the matter at hand is that a given individual human perspective is distinct from the "I" I refer to myself as being. The idealism lies in the latter, the foregoing of my processes and experience in the very front, the realism is the veil that must be inferred through patterns or preconscious impulses, and yet Realism and Idealism can both qualify for objective or subjective considerations. Stick to your arrogance and hate yourself for behaving in a way you vow to never again repeat and on and on.

There is no such thing as a hard-lined behaviorist Watson ass kisser that doesn't epistemologically isolate themselves. Realism is not any better than Idealism at "everything," some people react better through formal methods of introspection and learning systems while others are behavior-reward circuited through the senses, and seeing how we're all silently shaking our foots' away in the stillness of the evening in front of small lit screens there is a good chance we're all mostly intuitives so deal with it nerd

>> No.13552747
File: 22 KB, 264x315, meillassoux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe and correlationismpilled

>> No.13552751

please do neither, both of them are a waste of your time

>> No.13552753

metaphysical realization is not a waste of time

>> No.13552763

Honestly, the true red pill is evaluating and developing a unique philosophy. Synthesis is the ultimate show of knowledge.

>> No.13552765

>Realism is not any better than idealism at "everything"
Never seen this point made so succinctly. Good job anon.

>> No.13552782

>some people react better through formal methods of introspection and learning systems while others are behavior-reward circuited through the senses
so in other words we should accept both methods because they work for different people...so you’re a pragmatist then?

>> No.13552845


Behaviorism seems to work better especially with mentally ill like autists and asbergerees and big evil corporate types sometimes actually prefer hires with asbergers because they focus so well
>but what if behaviorism models just end up describing everything as this passive wave of behavior and by what right are we making alterations i.e. what is the motive for messing with the natural flow of behaviors and responses
Man's mind, his will, his purpose, his self?
It's just about making some people happy that happen to be lucky enough to afford shrinks because that aspie that ends up at an office with no sense of identity other than their job will probably be a really shitty person apart from their function as part of a company making capital gains or something and infinite productivity is just stupid for any real wisdom we are seeing worldwide massive cultural decay and money isn't going to help so what's the fugging deal with that idk, but pragmatism doesn't seem sound at the stage of ethics

The divine pure light of reason shines from within

>> No.13552854
File: 34 KB, 299x400, 1564349125794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty, have an epic moustache

>> No.13553668

شوان looks just like a regular arab

>> No.13553785


are you sure you understand dewey buddy