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13549485 No.13549485 [Reply] [Original]

Any books you would reccomend to a fan of Berserk and Dark Souls?

I tried and enjoyed Lord of the Rings and the Song of Ice and Fire was not for me. The pacing with the POV chapters just bothered me, although some of the lore was interesting.

Currently reading and enjoying Count of Monte Cristo.

These were the 3 reccomended to me at the bookstore when I tried to explain the themes/feel of Berserk and Souls. None have fit the bill, or even been similar at all desu, though as I said I have enjoyed them and would like to continue reading. Fantasy or even genre works are not required. Just something dealing with struggle. Maybe we with a glimmer of hope. But maybe not.


>> No.13549523

here are some books like Dark Souls
>The Book of the New Sun
>The Aeneid
>The Worm Ouroboros

>> No.13549529

Search for Conan pastiches, they are great for building up pop fantasy and have a similar tone to berserk manga without all the cringe and cuck fest.

>> No.13549552

The Buried Giant has that kinda post-apocalyptic fantasy feel, although very low fantasy and rooted firmly in history

>> No.13549574

Solomon Kane and Conan
The Night Land
Clark Ashton Smith
Lord Dunsany
The DreamQuest of Unknown Kadath
This too >>13549523

>> No.13549609

Why would you recommend Conan pastiches and not the original Conan stories? Are you some sorta asshole? Especially when you didn't even specify which Conan pastiches he should read since the vast majority of them are not good.

>> No.13549976


Thanks for this. I actually should have mentioned that I'm actively looking for the first part of Book of the New Sun and just haven't found it yet. I can't order online because my neighborhood is ghetto and most of my packages just get stolen while I'm at work, so I'm stuck shopping at used book stores and they just haven't had it lately.

Appreciate the other responses as well but can't give you a (you) cause I'm on my phone in a bookstore at the moment and my browser doesnt work well with 4chan.

Thanks guys

>> No.13549990

Oh man The Worm Ouroboros sounds amazing. There's a LOT I haven't actually read but I can't believe I've never even heard of this before. Sounds/looks right up my alley.

>> No.13550359

I indulge in dark stuff sometimes and would recommend The Wake by Paul Kingsnorth. It's pretty bleak and different. Historical fiction about anglos fighting after the Norman invasion.

>> No.13550850

Worm Ouroboros is probably the best modern fantasy book written
>“Look well on these,” said Mevrian as they passed by. “Our own men of the Side and Thunderfirth and Stropardon. Thou may’st search the wide world and not find their like for speed and fire and all warlike goodliness and readiness to the word of command. Thou look’st sad, my lord.”
>“Madam,” said Lord Gro, “to the ear of one that useth, as I use, to consider the vanity of all high earthly pomps, the music of these powers and glories hath a deep underdrone of sadness. Kings and governors that do exult in strength and beauty and lustihood and rich apparel, showing themselves for awhile upon the stage of the world and open dominion of high heaven, what are they but the gilded summer fly that decayeth with the dying day?”

>> No.13550872

thanks for reminding me of this. looks cool

>> No.13551012

This is actually a really good recommendation, especially the weird dreamy feel and memory stuff