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File: 98 KB, 1200x627, 39891-HolyBible-Bible-read-ThinkstockPhotos-585291064.1200w.tn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13549469 No.13549469 [Reply] [Original]

This book is absolutely not worth reading for the purposes of edification, least of all in its entirety. Anyone who suggests you read this for a foundation of literary knowledge is actually just a Christian trying to get his foot in the door. Judges is a comedy of errors where everyone is improbably retarded, Job has the most simplistic message possible, ecclesiastes is like a Nihlism resolved in a shear copout. The same 7 parables get recycled over and over, mostly about husbandry and entirely redundant one to another. The parable of the potter is especially retarded because the message could not be simpler and the allegory is irrelevant to thinking, feeling conscious beings. The only thing you might find is the odd idiom like "there's nothing new under the sun" or "set ones teeth on edge".

>> No.13549478
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An extremely broad criticism by an ignoramus. Why did you make this post?

>> No.13549495

Because its true. The truth needn't be particularly sophisticated. Surely that is a matter I can even find myself in agreement with Christians on if they actually believe this crap is the ultimate truth of all reality instead of something like Heidegger.

>> No.13549542

Prithee (I can say that because I read The Bible) what relevant knowledge does Leviticus or Kings 1 and 2 have for an apostate?

>> No.13549564

There is no subtlety in the entire Bible to speak of.

>> No.13549616
File: 107 KB, 700x401, nightly-devotion-bible-man-sleeping-apathy-bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Bible reading plan if you absolutely feel compelled to read this crap as a literary pursuit.

1 of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel or Ezekiel (they are highly redundant within themselves, but particularly when taken altogether
Matthew and John
Corinthians II
First Epistle of James

That's all you really "need" if even that.

>> No.13549621
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It's not true because it betrays only (at best) a surface-level knowledge of the Bible.

>instead of something like Heidegger
I see you are going through your "philosophical" phase, something you'll grow out of eventually.

Well, Shakespeare, if you are reading the Bible just for utility and "relevant knowledge" you are reading it for the wrong reasons.

>> No.13549638

If I read the Bible and believed what it said I would feel aggrieved for my own existence, would think of God as a lower order maniac of some kind and would become a fervent antinatalist wearing a shirt saying "Birth is the beginning of damnation".

>> No.13549644

Read Guenon then you will believe the Bible

>> No.13549652

You are either stupid or pretending to be.

>> No.13549662
File: 115 KB, 682x900, crttiovt66u11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>argument comes up
>eh, this is hurting my head and making me angry. I'll just call him stupid and evil like the book told me to do.

>> No.13549735
File: 131 KB, 820x616, 820-8207058_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-lbfxskq-apu-apustaja-thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One would think God would be a better poet than even Shakespeare and a better rhetorician than Socrates but this simply isn't the case.

>> No.13549745

Christianity, like all religion, is a form of "philosophy" too anon, but simply one that includes a lifestyle guide alongside it's particular exposition of metaphysics. Christians take it to represent the ultimate Truth, but anyone could just as easily let Heidegger serve the same for them.

>> No.13549747
File: 404 KB, 1200x1116, 1505155787979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not an argument, it's just weakness on your part as well as a demonstration of your capability to misinterpret and exaggerate the "horrors" of the Bible. Grow a pair and stop using brainlet wojack memes.

>> No.13549754

Theology in general doesn't even aspire to be philosophy because it is so dragged through the mire of a prepossessed and highly specific set of ideas that it fails to approach these realistically, dispassionately, objectively and organically; from first principles, as the greater body of Philosophy does.

>> No.13549784

Christians who recognize the inarguable supremacy of Shakespeare instead attempt to claim him as a Catholic, despite his work displaying a closer alignment to pagan sentiments than anything Christian. They also ignore the whole bisexuality part, but in order to claim the whole "divinely inspired" bit, they need to admit that either uninspired random humans can outdo the Almighty, or that God doesn't hate gay behavior as much as they argue so.

>> No.13549795
File: 724 KB, 3600x1700, Convocation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who derives optimism from the bible is just getting high off their own supply (endorphins) and abusing the Bible to their own purposes simply because it has the sound of something more dignified than any thing they themselves could contrive of (especially because they are stupid). From there its just a matter of selective listening. Did Paul say "Sit back and relax and don't forget to mention Jesus' name to St. Peter at the Pearly Gates to redeem your free salvation!" or did he say "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling"? Did Jesus say "Party at my house!" or did he say "For many will be called but few will be chosen"? You see, where regards the fate of all humanity, The Bible is the single most pessimistic text in existence. Not cynical but pessimistic to be sure.

>> No.13549824

Yep, you got it. Nobody who was an ardent Christian would call death an equalizer. In fact, to a Christian it ought to be considered the least equal of all things.

>> No.13549825

Careful anon: pointing out basic, sober facts like this will likely result in images of black hats soon being sent your way. Best to just praise the book, as the book itself tells you to.

>> No.13549857

the influences of the bible are inherent to literature throughout the world spanning across centuries. reading it as a basis for understanding people of the past and their writings is not at all a useless endeavor, regardless of the teachings themselves.

>> No.13549881
File: 281 KB, 640x480, 1504140780192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, master theologian.

The Bible isn't a play or a book of poetry. Even if he wanted to be a better poet or rhetorician his work would fly over your head, so you would then have to denounce it as puerile or stupid so as to save face

>> No.13549886

>Whatever you say, master theologian.

Ah, that's more like it. Even sarcastic acquiescence I will take for the real thing (for what it lacks in vigor, it may as well be).

>> No.13549891

You don't suppose if God's word didn't say bats are birds or that locusts have 4 legs or that it were the most beautiful thing ever conceived in terms of its prose or that it contained sophisticated argumentation that it would somehow be better received by a greater number of people?

>> No.13549921

I'm not commenting on "theology". Theology is just a hypocrisy unto itself is it not. I'm simply saying if people believed the things the Bible actually said, they would not look forward to dying, much less the end of the world. Its much more a commentary on the dangerous mechanisms of human self-defense that exist in the Optimism Bias.

>> No.13549933

>its God's burden to appeal to human aesthetics

The LORD scoffs at you.

>> No.13549943

>God is just pretending to be retarded to hide himself, like a big dick

Okey Dokey.

>> No.13550227

The book literally tells you to turn off your brain (ie: Walk not after the imagination of your own heart). Its the most intellectually stunted thing ever conceived.

>> No.13550393

That's your family pic? because you're a retarded blackpilled incel projecting himself onto the bible you fucking idiot