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13548594 No.13548594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13548597

>first posts

>> No.13548599
File: 277 KB, 540x420, 1550558792422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex

>> No.13548604

With you?

>> No.13548610

my diary desu

>> No.13548632

Are you going to write
>dear diary, anon was really cute

>> No.13548635
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>> No.13548638
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>> No.13548642
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>My only value is the hole between my legs

>> No.13548647

His wife sure ain't a woman.

>> No.13548665
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>> No.13548676


>> No.13548687

Shut the fuck up and grow a pair of balls, are you a man or a eunuch?

>> No.13548691


>> No.13548692
File: 61 KB, 400x624, The_Fox_and_the_Grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have no achievements, no redeeming qualities, have barely read a book in my life, but cling to the vain sense of superiority based on my sex even though, by all accounts, i am an abject failure. This sense of superiority springs from my resentment of not having hot women throw themselves at me even though i never leave my room, have no personality, no friends, no hobbies, and never talk to women. Really, intrinsic qualities are all i have, so i define my worldview by them as, without this anchor, i would have to face the uncomfortable reality that i have wasted the last two decades of my life and am doing nothing to try and reconcile the situation. It is much more comfortable to sit in my room and wallow in my misery, blame every ill that has visited me on something beyond my control, and generally engage in a life of mere existence.

>> No.13548697

I want to pick the grapes for the fox. Do you think it would bite me? Do foxes even like fruit?

>> No.13548700

people usually laugh when they're faced with an uncomfortable situation or topic. tell us, OP, what ails you about women? did you ever have a female friend? any sisters? your mother? why do you believe you are fundamentally incapable of bonding or empathizing with the female perspective?

>> No.13548702
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>have sex
>wimins still trash
>look at internet pipols still defending that garbage

>> No.13548707

You'll never have a dick. I have a dick and you don't. Stay jelly.

>> No.13548711

>people usually laugh when they're faced with an uncomfortable situation or topic.
No, they laugh when things are funny.

Only onions babies like you laugh to show submission.

>> No.13548716
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>a female friend

>> No.13548723

>OP, what ails you about women?

Need I say more?

>> No.13548730

You just proved OP's point.

have kids

>> No.13548734

>empathizing with the female perspective
>tell us
Suck my dick, i will throw up if empathizing with the female perspective once

>> No.13548740

try having sex with a boy now

>> No.13548745


>> No.13548748

s-s-s-sure if y-y-you w-want

>> No.13548757

>Need I say more?
yes, be more specific. what about women? we can't read your mind. tell us your theory about the female condition that makes them incomprehensible and unequal to you

>> No.13548765
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>> No.13548766

>yes, be more specific. what about women?
>tell us your theory about the female condition that makes them incomprehensible and unequal to you
Women remain children their whole lives. A handful of outliers exist, but the rule applies. Women are nothing but big children.

>> No.13548771

>Women are nothing but big children.
I guess you have a lot in common.

>> No.13548776

There's no girls here, they won't offer their holes to you for defending them.

>> No.13548779
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Man, it must suck being a woman. Having literally everything in your favor, literally given the easy road through life for free, and yet you're still doomed to be stupider and weaker than men for the rest of your life.

>> No.13548783

I'm glad Brendan turned his life around after that harpies bloodsucking ended

>> No.13548785
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I love women.
Life would be meaningless without them.

>> No.13548789

Officially UN-JUSTed

>> No.13548795


>> No.13548797
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Materialist cumbrain

>> No.13548806

>he thinks in memes

>> No.13548817

>Women remain children their whole lives.
interesting, please elaborate here. what do they do that gives you this perception of women? you are still not being specific

>A handful of outliers exist, but the rule applies. Women are nothing but big children.
okay so not all women are children and some number of them manage to meet your standard of an ideal woman. what are these standards? please elaborate what is it these exceptional women do that they no longer qualify as children in your view?

>> No.13548860
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>interesting, please elaborate

>> No.13548883

For real.

Any women reading this thread, I just wanna let you know you're awesome, keep up the good work!

>> No.13548891

>t. women

>> No.13548901

The cunts can't dm you their snap in here mate

>> No.13548907

Women really cant be rational fucking ever, its actually infuriating. Like I get not everyone is some perfectly rational robot thats a dumb way to think of life like some fedora tipper, but women, mein gott doesnt matter what their education level is. They cant fucking THINK

>> No.13548915

I don't want their snap, I want their heart..

>> No.13548919

Based Froyd

>> No.13548924

>he doesnt know that almost every complex concept inside our minds are memes

>> No.13548933

Holy fuck what's with the /lit/ women hate? You guys are worse than /pol/ when it comes to it.
Women read the most out of both genders too!

>> No.13548946

>sailor moon

>> No.13548951

YA trash, yas
and would be better if thay dont

>> No.13548966

A woman got me into reading again, so I don't hate all of them, but I do hate whole lot of them

>> No.13548975

Because women are not rational thinking beings. They only read fucking YA aswell, so that basically makes their reading worthless aswell. I have to mention that I've fucked tens of women, not to brag, but to say I understand women. And most are fun to fuck, but that's basically where all their value comes from. You can't talk with them about politics, niggers, jews or just have a rational conversation with them, because they instantly get turned off by that, so just have to act like a retard. That's why I've never had a long relationship

>> No.13549099

What is with all the pathology toward women on this board? There are multiple threads daily

>> No.13549122

Women are trash

>> No.13549127

okay ben dover

>> No.13549150

post-jordan peterson incel invasion

>> No.13549157

People hate what they can't get

>> No.13549164

Hope she see this bro!

>> No.13549167

Tbf Jordan Peterson is ok but I dont hate women. l don't understand the Peterson = right meme

>> No.13549223
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yass sister

>> No.13549277

I agree, women are genuinely interesting to talk to because they don't believe in language in the way Wittgenstein came to conclude. Preparation of the body (sex) is different from the passions (Sophia)

>> No.13549395

>You can't talk with them about politics, niggers, jews or just have a rational conversation with them
god you sound like a retard

>> No.13549397

Hes a kike lover

>> No.13549476

But they are right.

>> No.13549486

You sound like a man's man, and you don't understand what they want at all

>> No.13549531

>but cling to the vain sense of superiority based on my sex
The only vain thought regarding superiority of a sex is the vanity of the implied inferiors.

>> No.13550009

calm down, buddy you're basically raging because other people like things you don't like. what makes you think you know what's best for anyone else other than you? irrational decision making isn't unique to women. men do stupid things, too like dismissing half of the population as irrational beings not worth equal consideration to you.

>> No.13550017
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>> No.13550133
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Today I will remind them

of the WALL

>> No.13550149

gotta give her credit for at least claiming she's thinking about how much harder less fortunate people have it then her. can't say i've ever seen an incel show an ounce of empathy for anyone else

>> No.13550163

you’re literally not a person you know that

>> No.13550208
File: 46 KB, 600x396, diogenes_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is a person?

>> No.13550222
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Bold strategy.

>> No.13550310

>gotta give her credit
the chick is wantonly posing in a choreographed photo; the reflection is inherently selfish; by posting the picture, she is making a display of herself. the laborer is an object she uses like a prop in cultivating whatever aura she hopes to project with the post.
she might be awake enough to actually empathize, but there is no innocence in the subtext here; the laborer is a means to her embellishing her social status.

a genuine post of this sentiment would not have her posing in the foreground.

i can’t believe you’d be this naive

>> No.13550318

everyone dumb or well read hates women. it must be them not women

>> No.13550437

that's one possible interpretation. another more reasonable one would be that by including herself in the picture does a much better job of highlighting the contrast of privilege and poverty than if she was not in the picture. the picture and the message she is communicating would surely not have garnered anywhere near as much attention as it does the way it is now. i mean consider how you rage at the picture yourself and were emotional enough about it to post it on social media because you believe it's emblematic of the vanity of women. i believe it would be safe to assume you would not even know about the picture, let alone shared it to others, had she not included her THOTY self.

>> No.13550477
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>> No.13550509


Let no one say that God is humorless, above the plight of Man, and does not intimately intervene therein.

>> No.13550520

this is a very utilitarian perspective to take. how would the rice farmer react to this picture of him? would he be glad that westerners are being exposed to his “plight”? does he perceive his experience as one worthy of western pity? because that is certainly the reading the vast majority of viewers will have of the image. the chick in her revealing bathing suit is a contrast of luxury to toil; of whiteness to non-whiteness; of west to east.
i think it’s extremely myopic and narcissistic stance to take that the photo is “net positive” by virtue of shoveling a contrast into the Instagram feed for microsecond consumption that fosters a claimed “awareness”.
what about the image is demanding of attention? rice farming is a centuries old practice that millions partake in. it’s back breaking labor and the cornerstone of tens of thousands of communities. what i see is a clear contrast of perceived privilege to disadvantage. the result is to presuppose an undignity of the laborer.
all she had to do is post without herself in the frame. that affords a more sober reflection and a less narcissistic motive.

this sort of argument is what rich highschool students make when they go to build schools in africa. how disgusting a premise: local populations need the mudbrick building expertise of weak limbed western teenagers over local adults, who build the roads and shelters of the rest of the community