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13547777 No.13547777 [Reply] [Original]

Does more money equal happiness? Books about this? Not on economy but about value and a life of meaning

>> No.13547782

>Does more money equal happiness?
It gives you more options certainty. I guess it would depend on how you earning that money. Did you win the lottery, did you become a success businessman? Are people going to stab you in the back to try and get some of it?

>> No.13547801

questions to ask:
1. what is money in i)value ii) worth iii) function?
2. what is happiness in i)value ii) worth iii) function?
3. in what respect is money equivalent to happiness?

I don't know what either of those things are, you guys can answer those questions

>> No.13547931

there's plenty of research that says that more money does increase happiness, but only up to a certain level. after that there's a kind of law of diminishing returns
try the paradox of choice by barry schwartz

>> No.13547936

I doubt it. You ever play a video game where you have to build your guy up and then once you finally get all the stuff you need to really play you don’t want to play anymore?

>> No.13547965

Up to the part where it lifts you from being worried, yes. Above it, not really. This means: once you are able to pay taxes, rent, and have a lifestyle where you don't have to struggle or worry about becoming poor and die, having more money won't make you that much happy.

>> No.13547985

if you have more money then you can buy more books

>> No.13547992

I recommend reading the social leap it is a book on anthropology, and goes into a lot of detail on why we evolve to not be happy a lot of the time and what actually makes us happy. If you don't want to read it however, having security is the most important factor and then creating good memories through things like vacations will make you happier long-term then buying something like a fancy chair. So yes money will buy you happiness, just spend it on vacations and not expensive garbage that you won't care about two weeks after.

>> No.13547994

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.13548084

this. also the richer you get, the more bizzare what things could illicit euphoric response in you.

>> No.13548111

Why does every rich people want more money ?
It just doesn't make sense. I'd rather use that money for neetbox.

>> No.13548130

No. It only increases is until you have enough to survive and not struggle. After that all studies shows it doesnt increase happiness at all. What books you want? just find scientific articles and read them on it. If you trully believe more money equals happiness then you deny all those studies and then you should go make money and sacrifice everything to it.

>> No.13548133

I hate capitalism.

>> No.13548156

that's a different phenomenon. people always need new things to achieve.
example, there was a study of frequent flyer members on an airline that showed that once people achieved the highest level of the scheme (one that didn't require renewing each year) they would actually fly less on that airline as there was no new incentive for them

>> No.13548161
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the bible

>> No.13548304

Why do fit guys keep chasing higher lifting numbers? Why does pewds keep streaming?
My experience with (self-made) rich people is that they enjoy doing what made them rich so they keep doing that, the money is just a was to measure how good they are at that thing.

>> No.13548451

I think rather than pure enjoyment, chasing more money becomes an obsession. Everything ends up being about money, like, why wouldn’t Bezos raise his workers’ wages and hire more people to provide them fewer work hours? Pure greed.