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13544275 No.13544275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 9 am, feeling tired because I browsed the internet until 3 am (I mentally convinced myself that throwing away a few years of my life to climb the corporate ladder a bit could be worth it)
>browse internet and drink coffee for 3 hours
>read 30 pages of a book
>decide to skip exercise but then see a post calling me fat, so I went jogging and it felt good
>went in to central London
>went walking down a slightly hipsterish, close to zone 1 but not quite gentrified area
>went to the British library and saw the sex having time of their lives having thick solid fresh hot wet tight students studying what they love and I felt so sad that my youth is over (I'm 28)
>sat on a bus
>now drinking coffee and feeling sad
>considering a binge soon

I saw the slightly run down area with the council houses. I wonder what this place would look like if housing benefits stopped existing and councils charged the highest rents possible.

It feels like nothing in London was built between 1970 and 2005. I viewed some former council flats to live in when moving to London and they were tiny cuckboxes designed for a population with 95 % and 70 % of the current average heights and weights. Everything in the street looked similar.

I'm so sick of being fed this idea by the media that I'm supposed to feel sorry for inner city minorities. Literally imagine complaining about being given housing in central London. I couldn't give a single fuck about knife crime as long as they don't come near me.

I'm the guy who wrote that "how do you react" topic with the Chad and Stacey that is popular. I also wrote that "the mafia is dead" post. I also wrote that "Stacey the People Operations analyst" post you may have seen on biz or pol.

There haven't been many Staceys or qts to feel demoralised about today.

I am currently imagining myself acting with a fake enthusiastic manner in my next job but it feels excruciating when I try to simulate it.

I have nothing to do tomorrow and all day to do it.

>> No.13544319
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>woke up at 8am
>no work today
>had a Greggs breakfast with a large tea
>drove to some charity shops to check out the books
>got slaughterhouse five and an old copy of the hobbit
>99p each
>came home
>ran a hot bath
>added 1kg of magnesium sulphate

Going to enjoy that and read some short stories in bed.

A good day.

>> No.13544325

poor people destroy their own communities and i say that as someone who lived on a council estate for 21 years, they will vandalise buildings/cars, rob people's houses, terrorise other members of their community for fun, sell hard drugs to other members of their community, they breed like rats and demand other people be responsible for their offspring (usually using this to justify how they behave), they litter everywhere, public transport is bad because poor people use it

bare in mind these people all get free housing and money every month for food

what's hilarious is when you get people who've never lived around these animals that try and defend them by saying it's due to the government, they always demand the state step in and do something, or that we pay more taxes, them and their offspring are always other people's responsibility

>> No.13544329

I’m the 2nd poster itt, I’m 28 also.

You’re sounding quite down OP, what book did you read today?

Personally I used to live in a city and hated it, I moved into a rural area, much calmer around here.

>> No.13544342


I'm not that down. I haven't got a neutral Pepe image saved.

>> No.13544345

>literally imagine complaining about being burned alive because the contractors scrimped on building materials

I hope one day you get stabbed so I can refer to you as "just another statistic".

>> No.13544348

Are you the hallowed Londonfrog? You seem to be doing better than you used to honestly (reading, exercising, no binge yet). Still self-pitying yourself but work on avoiding it and it'll go away.

Be steadfast you're gonna make it. Remember some anon said he'd make you Holy Roman Emperor if he ever became Pope. You can't die before seeing how that pans out.

>> No.13544363
File: 206 KB, 900x873, 700DBBA5-EA71-46D7-9D7F-F4C0D1C02D81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having an 8gb flash drive full of various pepe/apu images

Something is definitely not right here, OP. You can talk to us

>> No.13544373

I wrote a short story roughly based on you. I hope you don't mind.

>> No.13544382

I've lived on an estate in SW london for most of my life, but I don't agree with you. Architecture and infrastructure are incredibly important in generating these kinds of problems– You build the estate but do nothing to create new jobs and amenities in the local area, so the culture corrodes away and people turn to drug dealing, prostitution and god knows what else to get by, or even more pathetically, just to pass the time. Of course people are going to act irrationally and unethically if there is a lack of opportunity. Poverty doesn't make noble people.

>> No.13544393

Poverty also doesn’t excuse degeneracy

>> No.13544409


I agree. the media view of poor people is engineers and doctors down on their luck due to evil corporations and discrimination

stupid + no social skills + no personal responsibility + no life skills > poor

every single one of those people is poor. the implication doesn't go the other way of course. not all poor people are like that though, and neither are they trouble makers

>> No.13544412

>magnesium sulphate
never really heard of salt baths before. Apperently it cures fucking insomnia of all things top kek. Tell me more about the bath

>> No.13544416

It's not an excuse, it's an explanation. I'm not condoning the behaviour but its retarded to make the issue about minorities only when the most underrepresented group at british universities are working class white boys, lack of opportunity and education is very much a broader problem than whatever paranoiac fears about immigrants you might have.

>> No.13544422

Causes are not excuses, but they point to possible solutions. Thinking in terms of blames or excuses is itself a symptom of unwillingness to deal with issues.

>> No.13544469

I said it in that thread and I'll say it here
Your Mafia is dead post sucked, le wrong generation tier garbage. real life 80s was not Hollywood 80s

>> No.13544497

Londonfrog is the only person I wouldn’t mind using a trip. Fuck you butterfly.

>> No.13544509

it's not up to the government to provide "new jobs" for lauren's 30 offspring, nor are they other people's responsibility, the only person providing for them should be their parents, your post also hasn't disagreed with me on anything, you've just explained why SOME of them destroy their own communities

>> No.13544543

youre either dishonest or deluded

>> No.13544562


>> No.13544566

Ah fellow London anon, its nice to see someone else be enlightened at how the world really is here

>> No.13544733

I have a physical job and work 6 days a week so I run a hot bath (about 40^C) and add about a kilo of the salt. Really good for relaxation, muscle aches and helps cuts heal quickly. I’d recommend to anyone. I love sitting in the bath sweating then feeling fresh afterwards. Very good for acne apparently but I don’t get it

>> No.13545029

doubt your job pays very well if you're this miserable

>> No.13545207

>I mentally convinced myself that throwing away a few years of my life to climb the corporate ladder a bit could be worth it
It's over