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13544257 No.13544257 [Reply] [Original]

being a leftist in the 60s: interesting figures of look up to like Barthes and Goodman and potential for a revolution.
being a leftist now: literally just lesbians complaining while you await heat death.

>> No.13544292

>interesting figures of look up to like Barthes and Goodman
just a bunch of opportunists
>and potential for a revolution
ruined by said opportunists

60s were garbage. we have a bright future ahead

>> No.13544297
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being a leftist tomorrow: schizospasm

>> No.13544315
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>we have a bright future ahead
>you await heat death.

>> No.13544317
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>implying idpol-er non theory larpers are leftists

>> No.13544320
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60s leftists were the worst desu

>> No.13544321
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>> No.13544326


>> No.13544334

The hell is xeno-feminism? I saw the thread the other day, but ignored it.

>> No.13544343

xenofeminism is like the demonic groupie of the cybernetic logos, behind every great faustian is a lilith

>> No.13544354

Left died with Sayuz.

>> No.13544357

A burgerpunk parody idea. Okay.

>> No.13544374

accalerationists and their sister philosophies are anti-materialist it seems like with the whole 'nothing human escapes the near future stuff and their obsession with cycberspace but what do they say to the sun destroying the servers they're so optimistic about escaping into? No matter how far you go there will always be a material element that can be destroyed.

>> No.13544383

haven't you ever heard of Amy Ireland or Sadie Plant you silly bitch?

>> No.13544389


>> No.13544411

great, now that the left is dead we can finally get on with communism

>> No.13544429

hopefully the people in the servers will be converted into energy to help capital escape into space when the time comes

>> No.13544454

sounds cool

>> No.13544481
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>> No.13544487

>interesting figures of look up to like Barthes and Goodman
kys senpai

>> No.13544517

Anon have you ever stopped to wonder why your ideological opposition are such easy targets? Don't you think it's convenient for you that leftists (who you've been exposed to through heavily filtered environments such as 4chan) are just mindless, angry, screeching lesbians possessing no ability for critical thinking nor any interest in talking about issues beyond their non(or semi)-phallic genitalia?

Why not name Zizek? Why not name Richard Wolff? Chomsky? Bernie? Corbyn? The South American socialists? The vietnamese socialists? The anarchist factions in the middle east? etc

You've bought into a far-right caricature.

>> No.13544559

fuck off retard

>> No.13544568

I was being hyperbolic in my description of the modern left for the sake of a joke. I don't think the modern left is totally devoid of interesting and admirable figures and I like most of the people you named. Destructive idpol does rule the party though and there is basically no hope

>> No.13544571

I'm not the OP, but from those you cited, I only respect Corbyn.
The South American socialists from the 60's could be limited to Che, Fidel and other Cuban revolutionaries because they weren't retards. Today we can only look at Evo Morales, Hugo Chávez and Maduro (even with their mistakes, they were successful). Correa, Kirchners and Lula made huge mistakes and you can see why.

>> No.13544577

have you perchance perused James Mason's revolutionary and uncompromising classic SIEGE? People seem to think right-wing thought starts and ends with Hitler, some repeat the leftist commonplace that there is no such thing as fascist theory, when they could be farther from the truth. Charles Manson, Miguel Serrano, Savitri Devi, Francis Parker Yockey, Anton Long/David Myatt/O9A... the list goes on. esoteric nazi theory is definitely deeper and more fascinating than leftwing and marxist theory, which imho lacks the cosmological razzmatazz of right wing theory.

>> No.13544585

>Why not name Zizek?
Spastic close to a stroke.
>Richard Wolff
coops = marxism? wow, so deep
Support hillary!

>> No.13544592
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Guenon btfo leftism

>> No.13544600

You mean trannies

>> No.13544615

Well yeah I agree that identity politics is a problem on the left. It used to be that you bring up race or minority status when you're talking about serious issues such as judicial inequalities or social non-acceptance but now it seems like the arguments boil down to "I am a woman of colour so I win the argument." However I think that this can be vastly overstated sometimes, especially by right-wingers, who use the crazy type of identity politics to discredit genuine social movements that focus on legitimate minority issues.

>> No.13544623

The same kind of people who say this though would deny North Korea is leftist, so any alternative or badass leftism is disowned in favor of liberal homosexualism.

>> No.13544650

The right uses idpol to their advantage too. Just see Corbyn and antisemitism or stupid woman/people

>> No.13544658

that shit is dangerous af. they don't know what they're playing with, like using cthulhu to hotwire a telephone pole

>> No.13544686

>Right doesnt know what idpol is
Idpol is what the right is all about. Anything that appeals to idpol appeals to something that is fundamentally and metaphysically within the sphere of right wing politics and that's a good thing.

>> No.13544713


Main question in left-wing versus right-wing ideologies is the question of how much should the State intervene in private affairs. In this specific topic I think that leftists are far more reasonable and humane than right-wingers. Let me explain.

The main thing about neoliberalism and right-wingers is that they want the State to exist and intervene up to the point they need it to exist and intervene. Pass that point they will call all State regulations communistic and fight with a they have to prevent it, using all sorts of liberty and freedom and prosperity slogans. This is mostly because: a) they don’t want to have to spend money and pay taxes to help people they don’t know and don’t care about and b) they want to be free to exploit others and the environment without any coercion.

All this right wing figures absolutely want the taxes to be spend on the army and on police forces, for example. Why? Because they need them to protect their property and their lives. They need the army strong to use it as a way of coercion upon other countries. They need the police to keep plebeians in their place. This same people would never complain about taxes being used to build roads and infrastructure, since they too need these things.

Now, if the government wants to use tax money in free healthcare and free higher education, and in better social security and social services, then the same people who happily see taxes founding the army will complain, because they don’t need healthcare or schooling and etc, since they can pay for it. They don’t want to have to pay more taxes to help others, since fuck others. They are short-sighted and fail to see that everything is connected and that the more healthy and happy people are the better it is for everyone.

The most nasty aspect of right -wing politics, however, is the “freedom” they want in environment and labour regulations. They want to be free to exploit cheap labour and to extract all they can from their employees. Also, they want to be free to destroy the environment without any laws to curb them, and whenever someone proposes that the State should intervene to help in securing better conditions for workers or more strict laws to defend the environment, the same people that aprove forced like the army and the police will say that the State is communistic and dictatorial.

In short, most heads of the right-wing parties are extremely greedy and egocentric people who want all for themselves and aprove of anything they need to achieve more, but who will scream “communism” to anything that is not necessary to them or that will weaken their power and freedom to exploit others.

This is the main thing about the diference in left and right wing politics. All the rest is just varnish and superficial colors.

>> No.13544738

Funny how the right then turns around to whine about idpol the most

>> No.13544741

>Main question in left-wing versus right-wing ideologies is the question of how much should the State intervene in private affairs.
That's very shallown, novomundian take.

>> No.13544747

Am I right in saying Fascism is basically political and managerial opportunism?

>> No.13544772

youre describing liberals, the far right are monarchists who want however much state intervention the monarch deems necessary at a given time

>> No.13544804

>The most nasty aspect of right -wing politics, however, is the “freedom” they want in environment and labour regulations.
There is nothing right wing about that.
The right winger seeks to protect his country, it's people and it's culture.

Anybody who doesn't do that, eg.:
-Promotes globalisation
-Promotes immigration
-Promotes the excessive destruction of nature
-Promotes a consumerist culture
-Promotes the exploitation of his own countries workers for material gain
is not a right winger, but in fact just another, totally apolitical, neocon shill and represents "the right" as well as you average neolib represents "the left".

>> No.13544807

you're crazy, like you deserve to get your brain splatted crazy. bugman. read nick land again

>> No.13544810

Fascism is economically agnostic and socially far right.

>> No.13544813

>read nick land again
Why would I care about Nick land or the product of his drug ravaged mind?

>> No.13544815

People like Sargon of Akkad are centrists, idpol is relevant to the right if and only if it exists in a multi-ethnic society.

>> No.13544818

this post contains literally no content, just rambling and calling him crazy without responding to a single thing he said

>> No.13544819

Its actually leftist but ok

>> No.13544828

>Its actually leftist
I mean there is *some* case to be made, but ultimately it rejects egalitarianism and embraces hierarchical structures.

>> No.13544829

Sargon is far-right, or at least alt-lite, what are you talking about?

>> No.13544835

>Hurdur only my autistic and irrelevant fraction is the true side

>> No.13544836

Fascism is a late-stage leftist aberration made peculiarly toxic by its comparative practicality. National socialism and other authoritarian nationalism schemes are still within the house of liberalism: there is a System and everyone is equal, so we have the right dogma and we succeed.

>> No.13544838

>Support hillary!
You have to make compromises. We were given a choice between pure evil and purest evil.

>> No.13544841

this post was made by nazbol gang

>> No.13544842

>there is a System and everyone is equal
That is just plainly false thought.
Germany embraced very explicitly hierarchical structures.

>> No.13544845

>National socialism and other authoritarian nationalism schemes are still within the house of liberalism:

I don't think I have brainlet deformed enough to illustrate this level of retardation.

>> No.13544848

A neocon represents "the right" as well as you average neolib represents "the left".

If I can't call the Democratic party "the left", then the Republicans surely aren't "the right".

>> No.13544850

>Sargon is far-right

>> No.13544862


>> No.13544863

I mean he basically supports what the average "leftish" politician supported in the 90s.

>> No.13544866

>National socialism and other authoritarian nationalism schemes are still within the house of liberalism
ironically this is Lenin's position

>> No.13544869

>purest evil
Trump is chaotic neutral.

>> No.13544878

Neoliberals (Thatcher, Raegan etc.) are right wing. American democrats are the left and American republicans are the right because they are the two main fractions in American politics. Left-right spectrum isn't meant to be universal, but calibrated to the polity in question.

>> No.13544899

Far-right? Sargon, the "liberalistic" liberal? Is your perspective of the political reality this caricature? I thought /pol/ was being innacurate about you guys, but this seems to be actual signs of some kind of retardation.

>> No.13544908

this board is full of leftist sam hydes be careful

>> No.13544929

>disparages any attempt at minority activism
>supports non-minority activism (straight pride)
>pro-tax cuts
>pro-Brexit for all the wrong reasons
>thinks women should be housewives
>Trump supporter
>Is fine with deporting daca recipients
>Sees no problem with Trump telling American politicians to go back to their own countries, thinks it's not racist
>Constantly talks about white british identity, says london is no longer british because it's not majority white
>Supports UKIP
>Supports Tories, Boris Johnson
>Calls the Liberal Democrats socialists (lmao)

>> No.13544930

You are wrong, really wrong. Read a few books about third positionism, by third positionists of course, and you will learn the magnitude of your mistake.

>> No.13544939

Nevermind. You are actually retarded. We shouldn't make fun of people like you. It is ableist.

>> No.13544942

>disparages any attempt at minority activism
Are you trolling or from R*ddit?

>> No.13544945

The far right is monarchy, patriarchy, open race realism, etc. Idk why this point needs to be constantly reiterated to people who sperg out when you make the error of calling progressives far left instead of just socialists.

>> No.13544948

Those men just produce the knowledge used by the harpies.

>> No.13544955

He's built his whole career on shitting on women's rights movements and non-white activism. What do you mean?
No. Hitler wasn't a monarchist.
Sargon believes in that.
>Open race realism
He's a racist he just isn't open about it

>> No.13544960

>women's rights movements and non-white activism
Yes and?
Thinking that makes anyone right wing either makes you a troll or a r*dditor.

>> No.13544965

hitler is not the furthest right you can go, monarchy is. Hitler had absorbed all sorts of concepts from liberalism and socialism. You clearly dont understand what youre talking about.

>> No.13544967

It makes you socially rightwing. I already explained how he was economically right wing as well.

>> No.13544971

>Sargon believes in that.
I think I remember him saying repeatedly that it doesn't exist.

>He's a racist he just isn't open about it
You are putting word in his mouth.

>> No.13544973

>The far right is monarchy, patriarchy, open race realism
so nineteenth century britain under a liberal government was far right, but nazi germany wasn't. okay pal

>> No.13544975

Of course he's not but does anybody deny that the nazis were a far-right party?

>> No.13544979

Hating Muslims infecting your country isn't "right wing", it's adding two plus and two together.

Nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.13544981

>does anybody deny that the nazis were a far-right party?
See basically any book about fascism written by a "conservative".

>> No.13544985

>doesnt exist
I can say that a genocide of /lit/ users doesn't exist that doesnt mean I don't believe in genociding /lit/izens
>words in mouth
No. I already explained how he was a racist in the initial post.

>> No.13544992

>I can say that a genocide of /lit/ users doesn't exist that doesnt mean I don't believe in genociding /lit/izens
So you are purely speculating about his mind, all your evidence is things you believe he believes but doesn't say.

>> No.13544996

>Hating Muslims infecting your country isn't "right wing", it's adding two plus and two together.
Who was talking about Muslims? Already forgot the conversation topic? Do you wanna recoup buddy?
>Nobody gives a fuck.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. EVERYBODY GIVES A FUCK YOU RETARD. There are whole parties such as the Labour Party and all they do is talk about the economic issues. When someone attacks Trump or the Tories it's invariably going to be about the economic issues, since they're the most important fucking thing.

>> No.13545008

>Who was talking about Muslims?
He mentioned minorities and Muslims are the number one "minority" of (mostly) non-whites.

>> No.13545010

He believes women should be housewives. He constantly shits on women's rights movements. In fact he's built his whole career on it. Everyone who he associates with holds these radically traditionalist view of women. Of course he's a sexist.

>> No.13545027

Any evidence for these claims?
Until now you have asserted things that he believes but didn't say, do you have any evidence to back any of this up?

>> No.13545054

What even is n1x? I’m tired of these stupid accerationist abbreviations. It took me like 2 months figure out what g/acc meant

>> No.13545066

I'm not going to go look through his hundreds of videos to find the stuff I'm talking about. If you unironically think SARGON OF AKKAD didn't build his whole YouTube career shitting on women/minority movements then you are either uninformed or a literal cabbage who doesn't mentally process the shit it watches.

>> No.13545090

So all you have is "he thinks this but doesn't say it and" and you refuse to give any evidence for the things you assert he actually says, I see no reason to believe a word you say.

>> No.13545117

He does say it. He's built his entire career on it. I feel like this is getting awfully repetitive now. Just look at his videos. All of them are anti-left and pro-right and the reason he's well known is for shitting on feminism and Black Lives Matter.

I mean the man is a literal TRUMP SUPPORTER. How can you claim he's a centrist with a straight face?

>> No.13545141

Communism is also dead senpai. The future seems to belong to ecofascism

>> No.13545147





>> No.13545152
File: 1.81 MB, 4000x2937, 292276F5-3413-4419-AB79-267A7BDB34FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The future belongs to a niche meme, my friend.

>> No.13545158

a tranny

>> No.13545160

>Fascism on the rise globally
>Ecological awareness on the rise globally
It's 1 + 1 famsci

>> No.13545173
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>mfw a redditor thinks that being harrassed by antifa pussies is an admission of guilt
What's funnier about that incident is that they actually made Sargon come across as the more sympathetic person.

>> No.13545175

>He does say it.
But you refuse to show evidence, which is pretty curious.

>> No.13545177

Hakim Bey’s Temporary Autonomous Zone
All I can say, once again, is:
Hakim Bey’s Temporary Autonomous Zone
Read it

>> No.13545178

Call again once fascists stop voting for parties that support oil industry.

>> No.13545182

I wanted to hear what HE says, not what is said ABOUT him, is it so hard to produce evidence for you claim?

>> No.13545189

I'm not taking your bait anymore senpai. Go to YouTube and Sargon's channel and see for yourself

>> No.13545193

Sooner or later I will have access to the genome of the Spanish flu. With a few modifications it could easily wipe out up to 8% of the American population, at least until they figure out what strain I based it on

>> No.13545194


People like you described are consuming Brazil from the inside out right now, like an HIV virus. It’s even worse when your country is subservient to other countries. If people in the US or Britain think their neoliberals are a bunch of greedy vampires they should take a look on the kind of people we have here in Brazil, or on the legacy of Pinochet in Chile (and to those who think Chile is good now, they should pay attention to the reforms they needed to do after Pinochet gave power away, and on how great was income inequality right after his regime).

>> No.13545200

Did you read any of the articles?

>> No.13545202

>actually existing sincerity

>> No.13545419

damn crackhead

>> No.13545726

Imagine being pro capitalist and anti immigration

>> No.13545800

it's called being redpilled

>> No.13545849

Those are just standard right wing positions, not "far right"

>> No.13545892
File: 33 KB, 500x522, dodged-your-bait-27681098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you all taking this cringey bait

>> No.13545963

>alliance with dolphins

>> No.13545974

>Muslims are the number one "minority" of (mostly) non-whites.
No it isnt, it is a Freudian slip if anything else.

>> No.13547365

any biological female accelerationists want to cock suck?

>> No.13547420
File: 64 KB, 625x626, 8D772CEB-CA8B-4461-BDB5-A50A2FDED3D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go back