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1354201 No.1354201 [Reply] [Original]

Which does /lit/ find to be a higher form of art: tragedy or comedy?

>> No.1354211


>> No.1354220

Something that includes both.

Seems like not many people today are familiar with Dark Humor/Black Comedy. It's a shame, really.

>> No.1354226
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>Something that includes both.
I agree

>> No.1354295

>Black Comedy

I know man, Eddie Murphy is pretty baller

>> No.1354304

from a literary standpoint, comedy is much more difficult to write

>> No.1354693
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>Seems like not many people today are familiar with Dark Humor/Black Comedy. It's a shame, really.
You must be talking about teenagers or USians. It's the staple diet of the Scots and the Swedes.

>> No.1354694

I'm all with the Ars Poetica Aristoteles

>> No.1354696

I've never read a book that seriously made me feel the drama in it. I have read a few books that made me laugh from time to time "Don Quixote, Crime and Punishment".

>> No.1354711

All tragedies are as comedies to me.

>inb4 Deep&Edgy even attempts to match such a feat in depth and edginess.

>> No.1354722
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>> No.1354726
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fokin pwnd faget

>> No.1354736 [DELETED] 

does the ubermensch even need friends or recognition?

>> No.1354763

Tragicomedy, dipshit, Romeo and Juliet ring a bell?

>> No.1354770

tragedies are panegyrics

comedies are satires and anathemas

lol no.

>> No.1354821

While tragedy and comedy are both 2 sides of the same coin, our reactions to them are vastly different. I would think that comedy can be the higher art, since laughter has greater dimensions than sorrow.

Laughter may have developed from the action of snarling, and perhaps was a way to establish a pecking order, but the role of a fool in society is a complex one. It is precisely because the fool can be laughed at and has no status that they can look in at society and comment upon it and criticize it.

Laughter is also a humanizing action; we do not laugh at things without recognizing an aspect of humanity within it. So It helps us come to an understanding of who we are, as an individual, as a citizen, as a member of a species.

Then there's the crossing of two worlds; most jokes take two seemingly unrelated concepts and find some common ground between them, that was not obvious/apparent before. So it helps us to reconsider what we think.

>> No.1355920


>> No.1355922

Tragedy. It takes more to make someone cry than to make them laugh.

>> No.1355927

I disagree:

People relate to things very easily. And the only difference between a comedy and a tragedy is the status of the person being laughed at; are they higher or lower than you, as a person?

>> No.1355928

comedy. there are very easy, exploitative tools you can use to create tragedy and make someone feel bad. successful comedy is based entirely on the current, and thus requires a sharper intellect crack and gauge how the audience will respond.

>> No.1355929

How are you using the terms? In classical times, comedy only implied that (most of) the cast survived the story. Tragedy meant there was a boatload of misery and killin'

>> No.1355931

>implying it's as simple as that
>should read Aristotle's poetics
Classical times is a large period bro.

>> No.1355936


How often do you cry versus how often you laugh? Can you remember the last time you cried? If it were so easy to make someone cry, you would be bawling daily.

>> No.1355938

>>1355929 should be >>1355928

>> No.1355939

This is 4chan; simplification is inevitable.
Unless it's a porn story, >3 sentences is tl;dr

>> No.1355968

Same thing bro.
The only difference is in the ending, and possibly the tone.
The art form that is higher than both is the tragedy that makes you think it is a comedy and the comedy that makes you think it is a tragedy, e.g American Psycho, or Old Men in Love

>> No.1356002

When a man get crushed by a falling piano across the street it's comedy, when a man gets crushed by a falling piano next to me it's a tragedy.

Paraphrasing charlie chaplin

>> No.1356008

I agree with this.

>> No.1356104

Comedy. Hands down. Comedy is the realm of the gods, tragedy, the realm of man.

Not that it really fucking matters at all and not that the greatest playwrights/writers mixed both.

>> No.1356105

Falstaff, Don Quixote > Hamlet, Othello

It's easy to say, look how fucked up we are baw baw baw, but it's hard to get people to feel genuine happiness.

>> No.1356152

Actually, tragedy isn't about BAWWWW, SOMEONE DIED, IMMA CRY NOW.
Tragedy is about having a catharsis, realising that you cannot change your fate, being guilty without guilt.

But still, I prefer comedy. It makes me feel better then some ''cleansing''.

>> No.1356183

Comedy is tragedy and time, so I'd say comedy. I like my stuff aged, whether it be my wine, my women, or my milk.

>> No.1356184

Tragedy. It's a better reflection of reality, it is more serious about reflecting reality. It is also more serious as expression. Comedy is inherently unserious.

>> No.1356193

>no comedy in reality
>no fun allowed

>> No.1356201

This thread fucking sucks. I mean, it is remarkably stupid.

>> No.1356212

>Comedy is inherently unserious.

This is what americans actually believe

>> No.1356217

Those aren't the definitions.

>> No.1356220


Well. After further investigation, that is more or less what it says in the dictionary.

>> No.1356224

Dictionary dot com is not reliable

>> No.1356228

>mfw comedy is just as serious a reflection of human intellect as tragedy is of human emotion.
>mfw comedians should be taken most seriously of all, especially on occasions when they force laughter when "you aren't supposed to laugh".

>> No.1356241

The Divine Comedy was way more important than any stupid piece of angsty bullshit.

Comedy for the win!

>> No.1356267

I dunno I think Shakespeare's tragedies are at least as important