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13541341 No.13541341 [Reply] [Original]

What do you write in your journal?

>> No.13541361

my lifts
my bowel movement timing with estimates of volume and mood
if i made food or went out, or went without
short stories

>> No.13541370


>> No.13541375

Typically, incoherent rants about life and song lyrics that strike a chord. Very occasionaly, OC poetry.

>> No.13541378 [DELETED] 

I write this:

Under this loop of honeysuckle,
A creeping, coloured caterpillar,
I gnaw the fresh green hawthorn spray,
I nibble it leaf by leaf away.

Down beneath grow dandelions,
Daisies, old-man’s-looking-glasses;
Rooks clap croaking across the lane.
I eat and swallow and eat again.

Here comes raindrops Helier-skelter;
I munch and nibble unregarding:
Hawthorn leaves are juicy and firm.
I’ll kind my business: I’m a good worm.

When I’m old, tired, melancholy,
I’ll build a leaf-green mausoleum
Close by, here in this lovely spray,
And die and dream the ages away.

Some say works win resurrection,
With white wings beat flitter-flutter,
But wings or a sound sleep, why should I care?
Either way I’ll miss my share.

>> No.13541387

"I feel fucked" a lot. Very rambly shit about life and people I know, and whenever something eventful happens to me I try to write about it that day

>> No.13541522

Daily events and happenings. My thoughts and predictions.

That's about it.

>> No.13541530
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>> No.13542170

Objective events that happened during the day.
>Mom's for dinner
And other thoughts I think might be useful for some piece of writing.
I try not to write down subjective views on the day as a whole or the individual events because I don't want to dwell on it later. It doesn't get it off my chest to write it down, I just end up stewing about "bad" events and putting pressure on future events to be "good".

>> No.13542194
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Boring stuff since I enrolled at university

>> No.13542197

What did you have for dinner, anon?

>> No.13542213

Steak stroganoff.

>> No.13542216

Did you make it or did she?

>> No.13542239

She did. She had asked me what I wanted and I said anything would be great, so she decided on one of my favorite meals.

>> No.13542258

That sounds really nice. I hope that you both enjoyed it.

>> No.13542278
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>about anxiety
>about technology
>about suicide
>about philosophy
>about maths
>about life in general
>about my future plans
>about the very situations in which i write
And so on and so on. It is sort of like psychotherapy but instead of talking to a person I talk to my notebook with my pen.

>> No.13542285

I write stuff that's intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.13542286

>What do you write in your journal?
Be honest ---- be strong ---- be beautiful ----- the world is your oyster

>> No.13542290

I don't really keep a journal because I wouldn't be strict enough to write stuff in it every day.
I do keep track of weird dreams that I have which is a fun activity.

>> No.13542298
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>> No.13542302

What do you like about maths, anon?

>> No.13542324

Its clarity, its abstractness, its own way to be creative etc., and how separate it is from humans, and I'm not making any philosophical claims like "maths is out there and we discover it blah blah", but just how it is a way to close the mankind out of my life for a while. I am also starting my PhD studies this October, so I write about ideas regarding which routes to travel in order to hopefully find something nice.

>> No.13542338

Good luck anon! Have you decided what you're going to do with your skills?

>> No.13542354

Thanks! I hope I can become a researcher. If not, I still have two backup plans: maybe write some "deep" (that is, pretentious) sci-fi full of mathematical jargon or keep working at some warehouse like I am currently doing. Or, obviously, kys mine shelf, but that I will try not to do as long as my parents are alive.

>> No.13542359


>> No.13542364

>about my parents divorce
>about my mom's remarriage
>about my moving out
>about my mom's second divorce
>about my xbox achievement win streak reaching 1000 days
you know, the important things in life

>> No.13542365

I hope it works out for you. Study as hard as you can. If you have a knack for it, make the most out of your gift. Maybe pursue your writing interests on the side, but don't harm yourself, please..

>> No.13542366

my mental breakdowns.

>> No.13542368

I'll see where my life leads me. Thanks for the encouragement. The stress levels are building up inside me, and your words actually made me feel a bit easier.

>> No.13542373

I’m too afraid of my boyfriend reading mine

>> No.13542376

I don't have a journal.
I have sketch books.
in which I sketch and plan larger drawings and larger projects.

>> No.13542379

I worry about you anons sometimes. Some of you are really great people and it makes me sad to see you so blue or miserable. Best wishes to you and your future.

>> No.13543831

Assuming the person who drew this also took the picture, he's an asshole.

>> No.13543840

anxious is such a reddit word

>> No.13543842

I have a strange way of doing it since I reject language, I reject teleology as well, so I try and meditate then set out a sequence from which I am able to document the experience itself as if it were prior.

>> No.13543844

anxiety isn't real

>> No.13543853

cute performative anxiety

>> No.13544314
File: 44 KB, 807x450, FutureMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep my journal in my head. It's called memory recall.
However I also use a website called Future me, which stores an email you write to yourself and then sends that email to you after a year.
Pic Related

I found a job relating to my degree.
I gave up smoking 7 months ago.
I didn't end up moving in with those guys.
I did get better at DnD
I still only speak 1 language.
(30/7)*2.15 is something like 9. I parred Math off to study 1st order logic.

>> No.13544339

Dreams if I have any.

>> No.13544350

looks like something a 14 years old girl would make

>> No.13544390

>your journal

>> No.13544399

Based. Too many people ignore their dreams like nothing happened at night.

>> No.13544427

same. actually writing a book to share this very insight.

why are professors so bad at expressing how deep math is? it seems like most of them are just autisitc puzzle solvers

>> No.13544453

it is

>> No.13544508

The first half is usually about my daily worries. Very specific and meaningless talk about so and so and the project at work and how I feel about all of it. When I first started journaling I thought that I was majorly missing the point and that I was wasting precious space kvetching. But this exercise should be cathartic. I have realized that not all of it needs to be memorable or worthy of publishing in my death bed memoirs.

The second half is either self coaching or some strange intellectual point I've been incubating. Again, none of this is 'worthy' information, but I tend to ruminate internally and never let anything out. It's cathartic to see it written out on paper so I can either discount the thought completely or I can pursue it in a more formal way.

>> No.13544521

riddles and puns, mostly

>> No.13544560
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I use it for camping trips plus a monthly update

here's an extract from when I got arrested last year

>> No.13544576

I write down the things that I yearn for, but as if I already have those things right now. For example: "I have my own private jet."

>> No.13544586


>> No.13544589

share some for us anon :)

>> No.13544594

Writing down the dreams can help you with faster recalling as well as memorizing more details. It is useful for those who research lucid dreaming. You can also use them as an inspiration for a book.

For me, I recorded dreams because it is all I have left.

>> No.13544814

Usually try to describe and analyse my behaviour to allow for introspection and self-improvement. Also sometimes write about literature and media that has a profound effect on me. Such as recently I went onto a trip that had an uncanny similarity to the experiences of Hans Castorp in The Magic Mountain, so I tried to record these comparisons.

>> No.13545211


was intended for you:


>> No.13545521

>pass user

>> No.13545789
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Each night's dreams
Intrusive thoughts that I found strange

>> No.13545798

Butt tons o' faggy gay shit. And in case you're wondering yes I am based.

>> No.13545804


>> No.13545812

Lol me too. It's not romantic. It's a psuedy mess but of course no one will ever read it but me.

>> No.13545978

Pseud stuff

>> No.13545987

His mother, obviously.

>> No.13546018

I only take notes about things or words. I don't ramble in my diary like a teenage girl.

>> No.13547159

I've had both good and bad profs. Most likely, I would assume, it is a consequence of the academic industry complex whose purpose is to take young people in as raw material and pump them full of info in order to produce educated work forces. Not only does it affect what is taught but how much in what time, and it must also demotivate the profs.

>> No.13547175

You’re not thinking deep enough, what about the kind of professors produced by this system?

>> No.13547187

what part of her?

>> No.13547207

Those I have no experience of, but they would probably be more motivated to be machines producing machines than the old ones.

>> No.13547217

But these posts are quick thoughts written on a bus. My forklift is calling me now. Good luck with your writing, btw!

>> No.13547249

Self-motivation like you are beautiful, you are loved etc

>> No.13547372

>Hans Castorp

>> No.13547386

what the fuck does this mean lmfao get off the internet tard

>> No.13547528

"what the fuck does this mean" is such a reddit question

>> No.13547586
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>For me, I recorded dreams because it is all I have left.
Hits too close to home

>> No.13547618

Woah I bet you're really introspective and twisted up inside OP! man you're so cool, that look of brooding you have on your pimpled face as you walk around town in your leather trenchcoat, all the girls are secretly into it

>> No.13547628
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ITT: "Individuals"
You should stop just pretending to be depressed and actually just kill yourselves.

>> No.13547630

somebody's got issues

you do know that's not the OP's journal, just a random image he found on google?

>> No.13547632

Based posts
The rest of you should play in traffic

>> No.13547636

Hit too close to home didnt I, shithead?
Little faggot baby gay retard

>> No.13547638

lol, see a psychiatrist

>> No.13547642


>> No.13547645

see a priest

>> No.13547646


>> No.13547674

Your reply isn't very relevant to my post d e s u

>> No.13547711

>unironically giving hiroshima money to fuel his data collection addiction

>> No.13547746
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>complaining about my support of, whilst utilising, the very website through which said data collection is supposedly being conducted

>> No.13549194

Goals,affirmations,dreams,business ideas, thoughts, notes, regimens,etc. It is ever evolving.