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/lit/ - Literature

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13541258 No.13541258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Christianity was always the answer in my life
I can't believe I was a cringy atheist in my late teens. Books for born-again Christians?

>> No.13541264

Cardinal ratzingers books are the best introductory level. Then read Augustine.

>> No.13541272
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I wish I never became atheist when I was 15. It was just because I think I wanted to be contrarian to my Catholic upbringing.

>> No.13541278

I wish I never became an atheist. I still am but it lead to pornography and fornication which brought only slavery to these vices.

>> No.13541283

Unironically the bible

>> No.13541290

oh fuck off this isn't even literature

but while we're here, here's some stats:
>less that 23% of philosophers called themselves theists
>less that 14% of scientists called themselves theists
>an overwhelming majority of those with below average IQs identify as religious

now, pls go larp somewhere else

>> No.13541291

>cringy atheist in my late teen
Have you always been a late bloomer?

>> No.13541295

How many great artists and writers were Christians, though? All the greats.

>> No.13541314
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Glad you took the patrician path.

>> No.13541317

How to Commit Suicide

>> No.13541321

>appeal to authority

>> No.13541334

that's complete nonsense.
you also conveniently forgot that christianity was more tenable before modern science.
you also forgot that people were punished for atheism.
you also forgot that it was easier to be a christian before information was as easy to spread as it is now.
use your fucking brain lol.

>> No.13541350

artists with notions of divinity created the greatest works of art in history. that's why art and literature sucks nowadays. the so-called intellectuals and artists are atheistic and dull.

>> No.13541359

pride is a sin

>> No.13541398

The End of the Affair

>> No.13541415
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What made you realize that you were a christian?

you guys see that? I actually asked him a question instead of going right to pushing whatever agenda I have.

>> No.13541421

>you also forgot that people were punished for atheism
This is the big mistake. If you ban idiocy you make martyrs out of the idiots.

>> No.13541443

>wojack Christians
what a joke religion, filled with neurotic larpers.

>> No.13541450
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>what a joke religion, filled with neurotic larpers.

>> No.13541454
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>> No.13541468

The Lives of the Saints

>> No.13541499

Silence by Endo, brothers karamazov, lord of the rings (eucatastrophe). Or, really, anything. Evaluate what is good beautiful and true. Christian lit doesn’t have a monopoly on any of those

>> No.13541508
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>> No.13541512

Spiritual meaning is a nice feeling. It's a really interesting phenomenon all the millennials suddenly realizing this and diving into it, since boomer parents either weren't religious or made a terrible example of it. I wish more of them bothered to seek knowledge and evolve rather than trying to imitate their grandparents.

>> No.13541521

I think this might be true

>> No.13541569

This is true, but not in the way you think if you are the type of person to post a macro like this

>> No.13541603

Do brainlets unironically believe in god here on 4chan though?

>> No.13541639


No, not unironically.
But /lit/ likes to LARP real hard at being reactionaries. I guess you dont choose your fetishes.

>> No.13541675

I unironically believe in God, because I have felt something I don't know how to explain otherwise. It's not a warm happy feeling like the OP but a sense of tremendous awe before something beyond my comprehension, and it infuses the world around me with glowing beauty and I feel simultaneous extreme sorrow for all the suffering in the world and love for people.

It's not an experience that happens often though, and of course Im not retarded, I understand that that can be a brain misfiring or subjective delusion or whatever, i just don't believe it is.

>> No.13541687

ITT: assholes who have never read Kierkegaard especially OP

>> No.13541697

Bros, I CANNOT handle chastity.

>> No.13541783

You believe the big bang was started by a 'God particle' how is that different from believing in God?

>> No.13541801

Nobody believes that, the name "God particle" is just a marketing meme. Some physicist wanted to write a book about it called "the godamned particle" but the editor wouldn"t have it because it was not a family friendly title, so they changed it to "God particle".

>> No.13541826

>falling for the Abrahamic demiurge
The courage to take the anxiety of meaninglessness upon oneself is the boundary line up to which the courage to be can go. Beyond it is mere non-being. Within it all forms of courage are re-established in the power of the God above the God of theism. The courage to be is rooted in the God who appears when God has disappeared in the anxiety of doubt.

>> No.13541840

>Actually, some particles resulted in the creation of the universe
>"Ah, so your particles are God hurr durr"
Why is this always the response?

>"Who created god?"
>"God always existed"
>"Is it more likely God always existed, or laws of physics+some energy/particles always existed?"

>> No.13541849

That's beside the point, you still believe something was created from nothing, therefore defying Newton's laws of thermodynamics. Doesn't matter is this is called the God particle or something else.

>> No.13541880

>Ah, so your particles are God hurr durr"
No the argument is the particles share a major characteristic with God, the creation of something from nothing.
>Who created God
God always existed, just like you're particles aways existed, or did something create the particles?

>> No.13541908

You are either arguing in bad faith (ironic), or completely blind. Reread my post.

The gist is that it's far more reasonable for some fundamental laws and particles to have always existed than for an omnipotent creative force to have existed. It's also even more reasonable to think we don't have a full understanding just yet, but science's track record will provide more information in time.

You are reasonable, right anon?

Moreover I'd reckon that, if you are 'spiritual', you don't pray to pre-big-bang particles or equations?

>> No.13541940

Why is it more reasonable laws and particles would suddenly change and form a universe, compared to a creator making a decision to create?
>You are reasonable right?
p-p-please agree with me

>> No.13541950

>Why is it more reasonable laws and particles would suddenly change and form a universe, compared to a creator making a decision to create?
What created the creator then? You simply raise another question.

>> No.13541952

Chapocels aren't allowed on 4chan

>> No.13541965

He's saying it is equally likely that laws +particles existed prior to the universe as a god existing before the universe

>> No.13541971

What created the particles that formed the universe in your theory? Your question has the same answer, it is beyond human comprehension.

>> No.13541983

>it is beyond human comprehension.
Misleading, it's beyond human's current understanding for sure. You can't say any more than that, though.
You're kinda pulling the "god of the gaps" fallacy here. Just cause there's a blank in current scientific knowledge doesn't mean you can say "that's so because god!" and call it a day.

>> No.13541985
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change this to "Belief in Gods" and its true. One entity couldn't have created everything alone without any help or influence. There must have been many generations of work, where each generation built on the previous, with teams (a pantheon) of creators.

Which is why polytheism is more logical.

>> No.13542013

Go back and re-read the thread, my point was there is no difference between believing a particle created matter from nothing, and God creating something from nothing. You're pulling an argument from the gaps.

>> No.13542045

Isn't it convenient that "the truth" was the dominant ideology around you and not the folk religions of the Amazon nations?

>> No.13542118

>faith is utility
>God created the world like people raise a barn
You have to be 18 to post

>> No.13542124

The dominant ideology is hedonist materialism in America

>> No.13542143


He says, with no authority whatsoever. Perhaps, he believes, if he says it enough, the others will believe him?

>> No.13542165

chapos are functionally not allowed on 4chan because they scurry when you post hatethink. I have debased my own soul immeasurably by posting awful racist shit here because I know it will make them leave, a compulsion I literally can't control even though I feel like a miserable asshole when I do it. They annoy me so much I can't not do it a lot of the time

>> No.13542175


Paul Atreides really could have used brainworms as big as yours.

>> No.13542178

my point is that god could not have become god alone. no patterns in our reality reflect that paradigm. its systems interacting with systems, actors with actors. specialization, competition, change, cycles.

but at least you believe in a god so you're better than an athiest. As your knowledge continues to blossom the reality of the Gods will make sense to you.

>> No.13542294

Believing in the existence of something else is reasonable.

Being part of a religion isn't.

>> No.13542296

I recommend you a book titled you're a fucking incel autistic American manchild bitch who thinks adopting a desert religion will save "the white race" or some stupid bullshit you saw on pol you fucking impressionable piece of fat shit KYS LARPer

>> No.13542557

I'm Orthodox

>> No.13542591

What's wrong with being part of that 23%?
>You're supposed to be identical parts!!

>> No.13542603

My atheism ended abruptly as I was forced to learn of the memetic organisms and understood that there are millions of gods even if our minimalism and reductionism were correct.

>> No.13542612
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>> No.13542770
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>> No.13542777


lol, look at this retarded fedora. Pro tip: all scientists, philosophers today are effeminate KEKS. who cares what they say

>> No.13543311

Pantheism is worshiping aspects and anthropomorphized phenomena whereas Christianity is reverence of a single God.

Jesus would also not have been Divine had he stumbled, ergo Jesus in his full subservience to God is divine, divinity resting in coherence with Gods intentions, outlined as they pertain to people in the Scriptures.

''Multiple Gods'' is just incomprehension and compartmentalization of all of the processes we observe, but factually they work in parallel and tandem with eachother like chords in the Keys of a musical piece.

>> No.13543373

quite literally: holy cringe