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13541083 No.13541083[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/, just dropping in from /sci/

lately on /sci/ we've been getting a lot of posts from an avatarfag we call "berzerkfag" -- this guy posts a mix of pseudoscientific Electric Universe stuff (the typical "atoms don't real, einstein was a fraud, the sun's energy comes not from fusion reactions but instead from invisible plasma currents throughout the universe") but he's notable because he goes beyond the typical electric universe retardation into wacky metaphysical crap, and what he says is often direct quotes from this guy Ken Wheeler, which is why some of us have concluded that berzerkfag is probably actually Ken Wheeler himself.

i was wondering if you guys can apply your /lit/erature knowledge to figure out what he's quoting when he rambles on about in his videos about religion/spirituality and "metaphysics" and where he gets these eastern-language sounding words he uses (i think he says they're from a language called Pali). I assume it comes from some hindu text but i doubt he went to the primary sources himself. here is a good one of his typical smug ranting about nonsense eastern philosophy crap:

i assume there must be some newager author or scammer guru that he's cribbing from, but who? and is there any relevant commentary on why that stuff would be completely stupid, since it sounds like stupid nonsense to me. i doubt he is actually at all educated about eastern philosophy

>> No.13541138


>> No.13541365

i wish you the best of luck.

>> No.13541434

thank you for bringing this to my attention. watching the video now and the guy has strong zealot vibes, he gives the impression he is tapped into the Valis source but it's all gibberish. i love these kinds of things

>> No.13541445

alright guys in case anyone is interested, i got some leads myself. sheesh, /lit/ i thought you guys were high IQ :^)

there was a reddit thread:
which leads to this thread on a buddhist forum:
which then leads to this 2011 post about some buddhist dude analyzing Ken Wheeler's blog and his other nefarious online activities:
which has some great quotes:
>Needless to say, it is hard to read any of this with a straight face. I find it disturbing though when I go to a website allegedly devoted to the Buddha’s teaching (even if wildly distorted in its interpretations) and find it sprinkled with Nazi swastikas (see left) and a picture of Julius Evola, a twentieth century Italian philosopher sympathetic to the kind of occultic, racialistic, anti-egalitarian drivel promulgated by the Nazis and Italian fascists. (Harold Musson, aka Ñanavira Thera, about whom I’ve written extensively on this blog, translated one of Evola’s books on Buddhism, though later wrote of the work “I cannot now recommend [it]…without considerable reserves.” For the full story, see my first post on Ñanavira here.) Readers who meet up with Aryan Buddhist’s hostile reviews (one star), under whatever alias, should ignore them for the claptrap they are.
so basically he is a newage buddhism idiot but he takes heterodox ideas inspired by nazi/fascist crap. surprise! that explains why he lurks /sci/ apparently, probably the /pol/ shit as usual

if anybody wants to dig up more crap on this pseud asshole, we can keep the thread going

>> No.13541446

>existence specifically means "to be outside of yourselves" i.e. exio-stence

This is an extremely smooth, incredibly powerful brain. Dementia 21 brain smoothing victim smoothness.

>> No.13541452

some of his videos have over a million views, guess time is running out for the arrogant fake news scientific establishment and their buddies in the materialist mafia

>> No.13541456

he likes coomarswamy a lot. Start with him

>> No.13541525

seems from wikipedia that he was mostly an art critic/art historian. what does this have to do with Ken Wheeler acting like he's got the entire field of metaphysics worked out?

>> No.13541576

if you want to understand what he's saying you should try to understand what coomaraswamy is saying

>> No.13541585

he sounds like a typical gearfag pseud boomer from /p/

>> No.13541588

tl;dr me on that, then. what's he saying? all i can see is that he studied art stuff

>> No.13541628

this is so personal to me. whats your discord?

>> No.13541633

>so basically he is a newage buddhism
you haven't seen a single one of his videos.

>> No.13541648

dude he literally has a book on metaphysics

>> No.13541653

i've watched more than just the one in OP. specifically a few where he shills electric universe theory and claims gravity is false and he knows physics better than any modern physicist (disclaimer: i am one)

i have no time to read that. tl;dr?

>> No.13541667

i've watched every video he's made. ask me anything. i'm tired so i'll sum it up...

>> No.13541677

do you actually believe him? if so i pity you. his videos related to science are completely retarded. he obviously knows nothing about physics but attempts to argue that special relativity is false, and not because he has any science to back it up but rather by rambling incessantly about philosophy crap

>> No.13541681

feel free to disprove it lol.

>> No.13541699

disprove what? i mean, he is claiming that Electric Universe is true, which makes a lot of debunked claims. it's already disproven.

just as one example out of many, Ken and the Electric Universe retards claim the aether is real. this was a real scientific question around 1915-1920 and aether was debunked. and has continued to be debunked consistently by every physics experiment since then.

the burden of proof is on Electric Universe idiots to demonstrate even one reason why they aren't retarded, and they haven't come up with one since Wal Thornhill started shilling it in the 90s

>> No.13541711

Telling me that his stuff is wrong because the scientific community has 'debunked' it has to be the most 'sheep' like thing a person could do. You didn't refute anything, just said 'aether is bad' like an idiot. Try watching his videos.

>> No.13541715


>> No.13541716

the michelson-morley experiment is as stupid as the 'schrodingers cat thought experiment'

>> No.13541719

i actually have done these experiments myself in lab courses. because i have an education that involves actually doing science.

i'm sorry that you think Youtube is a reliable place to get information. maybe if you were so intense about trying to debunk physics, you could try some at home. there are kids who build fusion devices in their dad's garage. i bet you could do the Franck-Hertz experiment in your garage if you spent like 2000 dollars on the equipment, and you would be able to personally debunk the "electrons don't real" claim that Ken and the Electric Universe idiots parrot to one another constantly

>> No.13541723

what is an electron

>> No.13541726

Hey, you're just the same as the other billion people who have an 'education'. You have no wisdom, you have an EDUCATION....FROM A SCHOOL....They teach you what you need to be a CALCULATOR.....You are a human calculator. You have no gnosis or wisdom...You are a walking google basically, you dismiss anything outside your bubble because you see it as wrong according to your 'EDUCATION' that was chosen for you by the elites. You cant put the universe in a lab idiot, its not just physical, theres a METAPHYSICAL quality

You should read a book

>> No.13541729

okay, now i realize why i stay on /sci/ instead of this cesspool. you guys just deny science at will to fit your own deluded view of the world.

what are you going to argue next, biology doesn't real? chromosomes don't real? sex doesn't real and science is just patriarchy?

just remember that scientists are responsible for your computer and the LCD screen you're using right now. stay buttblasted

>> No.13541750
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>> No.13541753

an electron is a particle with spin 1/2 and charge -1e with mass 9.1 x 10^(-31) kg. you can look up its other properties in the PDG

you are shilling a bunch of sophistry that is more suited for >>>/pol/ or >>>/x/ where conspiracy theories are favored and "oh, anyone who got an education must be in some evil conspiracy"

anyhow this whole thread has degenerated to /pol/ tier crap. this board sucks. i may make more replies here, but i'm happy that i never come here and stick on sane boards like /sci/ instead

>> No.13541757

>an electron is a particle with spin 1/2 and charge -1e with mass 9.1 x 10^(-31) kg. you can look up its other properties in the PDG

huh, this doesnt tell me what an electron is

>> No.13541775

sorry anon, is “particle” too hard a concept for you?

>> No.13541777

this is a literature board, you should actually read some metaphysics and stop talking like you know something, you have no wisdom, hence why you can't refute ANYTHING...its all 'my school says this is wrong'... you are the adult version of a 6 year old telling me that his dad could beat me up. you'll grow up from materialism if you actually read, but since you don't plan on doing this, just leave and stop harrasing people who disagree with you.

>> No.13541782

no such thing, fuck off to >>>/x/

>> No.13541784


>> No.13541790

'my teacher told me this is wrong'

>> No.13541795

It’s an elementary particle. The most fundamental, indivisible unit as per the standard model.

>> No.13541796

ok, i know that, but what is it

>> No.13541797

okay, fine, humanities majors can’t into science. have fun with believing in magic

>no such thing
well okay, you don’t believe in physics then. the standard model of particle physics accurately describing nature is just a coincidence, or a conspiracy, or something. again, have fun with your anti-science view of the world and believing in aether, i’m sure it will get you far in life

>> No.13541804

i didn't study at a school and i guaruantee i know more about physics than you. ive read enough wheeler. 'standard model of physics'... my friend you do not understand how science works at all.

>> No.13541809

sure you do. include me in the screencap when you win the nobel prize for proving the aether exists

>> No.13541817

i don't care about the nobel prize you fucking idiot, stop worshipping society, you obviously have no idea what's going on in the world

>> No.13541820

okay Mr. Aether. so based and redpilled

>> No.13541829

i actually AM my teacher. retard.
have sex.

>> No.13541846

no you have sex. retard. im actually the teacher.

>> No.13543137
File: 131 KB, 750x500, 1526389829644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely 100 percent rent free in your head.

Deirdre Carabine:The unknown god
Algis Uzdavinys: Philosophy as a rite of rebirth
Thomas taylor translations of:
Plato: it's all good
Parmenides (specifically "the Parmenides" from platos works)
Timaeus (another book of plato)
The republic
Plotinus: (The Armstrong translationsones don't really

Lone pine writings:Eric Dollard

Really fun bonus one that's going to make every /sci/fag rage quit:
Walter Russell: The universal One

Your welcome, thanks for asking. Hey litfags. I want you all to know that this person is extraordinarily butthurt over the fact that I keep asking how simple fucking magnet works. Go to /sci/ and try it sometime if you're bored and want to enrage a bunch of physicists. Bonus points if you post the Feynman video where Richard fumbles when trying to explain it.

>> No.13543177

*armstong translationgs aren't that good (of plotinus), get the thomas taylor ones.


Bonus videos from Ken. This is why Buddhists hate him.

>we disproved one assumed theory of the aether.
To this day they still think that it disproved it entirely.

>> No.13543197

Fuck you for wasting my time on this guy.

>> No.13543202

>Bonus points if you post the Feynman video where Richard fumbles when trying to explain it.
He doesn't fumble. He exposes the limits of anything the human mind conjures up, thus the limits of philosophy and science. Explanations of a flower are all dependent on perception and and the mind, and common references therein. This is the same for magnets except that only scientific models have any references as magnets are imperceptible. If you don't understand them then there's no way to explain it. Everything that you explain requires some references, from the simple experience of conjuring the perception of space and geometry, to magnets.

>> No.13543233

Also, you're free to make empirically confirmed models that can explain magnets, it's just that magnets sit deep within highly developed science of several centuries. Your model will likely be less explanative and more limited in scope, more than that it won't fit within wider models or frameworks for explaining the universe. A great deal of physics' progression is taking these limited scope specific models and generalising them into something that can explain a huge range (also ending up explaining the original specific things more deeply).

>> No.13543251

That massive faggot doesn't speak for this community. We need more rationalists like you here to combat the retardation you just noted.

>> No.13543254

>He doesn't fumble.
He restates the premise of the question multiple times and has to ask for more clarity about the question, probably to give him so extra time to conjure up that nonsensical story about aunt minnie. In the end his answer is basically "Well I can explain it to you, but it would make any sense".

Stupid, also never answered the question.

>Everything that you explain requires some references, from the simple experience of conjuring the perception of space and geometry, to magnets.

Okay. Tell me the difference between a magnet an the material that makes a magnet but magnetized. The reference being the "nonmagnet". Keep in mind both objects are 100% quantitatively the same.

>both objects are quantitatively the same
>so the only difference can be qualitative

>> No.13543263

I didn't know faggotry of this magnitude existed before today.

>> No.13543267

>i didn't study at a school
Your posts confirm this

>> No.13543276

Stop ignoring my post and engaging in sophistry. He did answer it, he was just a bit put off by the adamant ignorance of the reporter.

address this
the scientific models that explain magnets do not particularly explain magnets, they are MUCH more general. so you have some basic ideas, are you going to make a better model or continue misunderstanding obvious philosophical conclusions about mind and knowledge in favour of distasteful polemic?

>> No.13543295

also generally how science works today is that models are layered. so if you can come up with something that is good, then it layered with the present models will paint a much better picture. in biology this is easily illustrated, you look at many layers all together: mathematics, molecules, physics, organs, tissue, cells, etc. same is the case with every other science.

>> No.13543340

Stop ignoring my post and engaging in sophistry. He did answer it, he was just a bit put off by the adamant ignorance of the reporter.
No, he never answer what causes magnetism. He described what a magnet does. Then he explains how he can't explain why because it would end in an infinite regress of descriptions of why. Only he was asked SPECIFICALLY about a magnet. Not ice, not minnies family, none of that bullshit.
"All the electrons are spinning in the same direction and magnify the "force"".
"it's just one of the things you're gonna have to take as an element in the world is the existence of magnetic attraction"
"I can't explain that attraction in terms of anything else that's familiar to".

"I can't provide a simple analogy because that would actually explain something elementary and I'm just a bongo beating charismascience man".

Geomancy is a "force" now apparently.

>> No.13543449

TLDR this thread: science fags are philosophically illiterate which is why they study science, the easier subject where no thinking is required

>> No.13543500

Stop stalling and answer the question you dipshit.

>> No.13543678
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>i was wondering if you guys can apply your /lit/erature knowledge to figure out what he's quoting when he rambles on about in his videos about religion/spirituality and "metaphysics" and where he gets these eastern-language sounding words he uses

Like Guénon, Coomaraswamy and Schuon, Ken Wheeler accepts an idea of a perennialism or 'eternal metaphysics' which corresponds to a non-dualism a la Advaita Vedanta or Neoplatonism (all 4 of these people accept the two systems as aligned and in agreeement), and which underlies all the esoteric/wisdom schools throughout history as well as all true or most advanced religous metaphysics. The former three authors all generally focus on Advaita Vedanta and regard it as one of the best explications of this eternal truth; Wheeler differs insofar as he largely references and seems to ground his ideas in Neoplatonism as opposed to Advaita but he namedrops Shankaracharya and Vedantic texts enough in his videos as well as mentioning Coomaraswamy that it's clear he's read the Traditionalists and agrees with their view of the two systems as being the eternal truth behind all philosophy/metaphysics etc.

He studies ancient Pali and in his perspective the original Buddhism taught by Buddha was almost the same if not the exact same teaching in essence as the Advaita teachings existing in the Hindu Upanishads; and that this was misunderstood by almost many later Buddhist schools. In his videos on Buddhism he sometimes cites the Buddhist Pali Canon and talks about how parts of it really agree with Advaita, Neoplatonism etc.

>and is there any relevant commentary on why that stuff would be completely stupid, since it sounds like stupid nonsense to me.
Not really, Vedanta, Neoplatonism etc can't really be 'refuted', either you accept the validity of metaphysics as a valid premise and source of knowledge or you don't. For what it's worth Erwin Schrödinger was a huge fan of Vedanta and wrote in his books about how he believed in it and that it was an accurate description of reality and in agreement with quantum physics. There is also pic related written by a grad student in theoretical physics which talks about some of the many agreements viz Advaita Vedanta and quantum physics.

>> No.13543793

magnets prove plotinus and vedanta

>> No.13543811
