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13540599 No.13540599 [Reply] [Original]

>So, of course Stoner is not a perfect novel. There’s no such thing, but if there were, it definitely wouldn’t sympathize with marital rape or demonize characters who are not cisgendered, fully abled white men. To state the obvious, no novel can be all-inclusive. Committee art is rarely of good quality. But a novel that actively shuts out readers because of their gender or skin color? The time for celebrating a novel like that, for glorifying it to the point of biographizing its author, should be long over.

>> No.13540625
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>> No.13540632


>> No.13540633

t. author of that cringy article

>> No.13540637

I'm mocking the article, just so you know.

>> No.13540640

kek I was planning on posting the exact same thing for (You)s later.

>> No.13540657

Roastie mad that Edith btfo herself.

>> No.13540663

T.b.h neither the guy nor the book seem that good. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but
>campus-and-academia (and briefly, farming) novel about a run-of-the-mill literature professor
>written by a run-of-the-mill American literature professor in the 60s
>written in 'cold, factual prose"

I'll pass thanks. At least the article can be read in under 15 min.

>> No.13540673

Somehow you managed to outpleb the roastie from the article. Bravo and nice bait.

>> No.13540693

There are much better things to read than self-pitying tripe for irrelevant American academic, you know. My next book will be Love Letters from a Portuguese Nun (in the original). What will be yours Mr connoisseur of nonpleb American tripe?

>> No.13540715

same, it's the easiest (You) to get if you've read the book before

>> No.13540720

>Love Letters from a Portuguese Nun
It's actually called Letters from a Portuguese Nun in English. The "love" thing was used for the movie version's title. And to answer your question I'm reading Faulkner as an ESL. I'm tackling the core tetralogy and then the collected stories. Pretty good so far.

>> No.13540736

I see, seems pretty good. How hard would you say it is? I'm also ESL and I always wanted to read Faulkner in the original, but I'd rather be at a point when I don't need an hour for a couple of pages.

>> No.13540783

>Stoner repeatedly indulges in marital rape, saying that when his wife shifts against him in her sleep, “he moved upon her.” His wife, in response, “turn[s] her head sideways in a familiar gesture and bur[ies] it in her pillow, enduring violation,” so there is no mistaking these encounters as consensual.


>> No.13540792

t. moralfag who can't separate fiction from reality

>> No.13540804

It's not as hard as I thought it would be. Whenever there's a word or phrase I'm not familiar with I simply look it up in the dictionary. I'm talking notes as I go along, particularly about the dialectal words, sort of like a lexicon, and it seems to help. Once you get the hang of it it gets easier.

>> No.13540806

She was a wimpy sheltered waif, that's why her transformation into a semen demon and then a ball buster after Grace was born was so shocking.

>> No.13540807

In fairness those kind of scenes in clearly autobiographical novels often read like wish-fulfillment. So it's even worse than the guy being a rapist, he's a cuck who daydreams about being a rapist.

>> No.13540814

I see, thanks. I'll probably try it next year.

>> No.13540817

is that really worse than being a rapist

>> No.13540824

Not necessarily. Some people just write fiction. Was Tolkien dreaming about being a hobbit with hairy feet? I doubt it. Only the sexual stuff is perceived as autobiographical and negative for some annoying reason.

>> No.13540832

In terms of harm caused no, in terms of soul corruption or sinfulness, debatable, in terms of cowardice yes. So it depends on your moral framework really.

>> No.13540835

because that's a rapist by choice.

>> No.13540842

>So it's even worse than the guy being a rapist, he's a cuck who daydreams about being a rapist.
Imagine unironically believing this.

>> No.13540844

Tolkien's work are hardly autobiographical, though he did refer to his wife as "my Luthien". But Stoner is very close to the author's life apparently, down to the main character name, so the suspicion is not entirely baseless.

I agree with you in general, but in this casethe idea is pretty natural.

>> No.13540854

What does it means to "believe ironically"?

>> No.13540868

>Whaaaaah my wife doesn't want sex with meeeee whyyyyyyy
>whoaaa what a deep literature!

>> No.13540871

it means you're not being serious but rather memeing and joking. Hence, the irony bit.

>> No.13540911

holy fuck people actually think like this?


>> No.13540918

In that case I don't believe anything unironically. I doubt I even exist unironically.

>> No.13540925

The world is big anon. There are even people who believe what they read on the internet.

>> No.13540949

Cringiest post of all time

>> No.13540961
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>duh secks in book meens wish fulfilment

>> No.13541118

Coming from an unsuccessful small-time man of letters? Absolutely. And it's obviously more about domination or affirmation than sex.

You must not have been here long.

>> No.13541126

so apparently you knew John Williams and all his secrets. bravo.

>> No.13541158

What an awful thread

>> No.13541163

He wrote them in a book for people to read, so it was not that hard.

>> No.13541177

>a writer is 100% his characters
fell for the plebbiest meme trap in existence

>> No.13541206

You apparently haven't bothered to read the book, the article, or even the thread apparently. So why comment?

>> No.13541211


>marital rape

Is she talking about Edith jumping William like a forced creampie video?

>> No.13541218

I've read both the book and the article, and I'm the author of the thread, you faggot.

>> No.13541254

Any discussion of mediocre literature that doesn't use James Baldwin has its benchmark is worthless. That man's creations are the platonic ideal of literary mediocrity.

>> No.13541297

>you haven't read the article
is this supposed to be an argument?

>> No.13541343
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>thinking about raping people but not doing it is worse than raping people