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13540199 No.13540199 [Reply] [Original]

>From the failed 1848 revolution untill the 1860's Marx thought an industrial crisis would cause a revolution in France
The revolution and the crisis never occurred and Marx was subjected to ridicule by his peers.
>Marx thought the recession in 1857 would lead to a revolution
It never did.
>Engels thought a crisis would lead a revolution in England by 1886
A revolution never happened and the economy in Britian recovered by 1888.
>Marx thought Capitalism had the long run tendency to keep real wages at a subsistence level
In reality, real wages have gone up in the long run.
>Marx thought workers' plight would lead to Communism
In reality, modern day plight of workers has not led to a renewed interest in Communism

>> No.13540442

cope. the very fact you're making this post shows there's enough commies for you to make it, therefore showing he is still relevant

>> No.13540452

>therefore showing he is still relevant
in obscure far left internet circles

>> No.13540545

The crank L. Ron Hubbard is relevant too, I wouldn't say that is a good thing.

>> No.13540607

what is China

>> No.13540609

The state capitalist country? The Communist Party of China has abandoned Communism for pragmatism.

>> No.13540614

Ironically closer to fascism than anything nowadays.

>> No.13540629

Nice fallacy m8.
Did OP make any mistake in his argument?

>> No.13540639


>> No.13540650

>The revolution and the crisis never occurred
Decade later, but Commune still happened.
>In reality, real wages have gone up in the long run.
Partly thanks to his writings.

>> No.13540655
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>The Communist Party of China has abandoned Communism for pragmatism.
I think you mean Socialism with Chinese characteristics

>> No.13540780

>Decade later, but Commune still happened.
The commune was established during the Franco-Prussian war. Once the Prussians besieged Paris the standard of living declined and people had to eat cat meat. It was not caused by an industrial crisis like Marx stated and Marx thought that an outbreak of revolutions would start in France and spread throughout Europe.
>Socialism with Chinese characteristics
What? Private property, cooperation between companies and the government to maintain monopolies and suppression of workers from unionising?

>> No.13540781

China is state authoritarian capitalism, with an eye towards socialism, supposedly.
What was Lenin’s reasoning again? Russia can’t do communism because they’re too agrarian. Is China still too agrarian? We just have to wait for that sweet spot of capitalist development before we switch it off and turn socialist?
We’ll see.

>> No.13540820

China will not turn Socialist especially after Mao's brutal regime and market liberalizations. Even the Communist Party of China has abandoned Communism.

>> No.13540857
File: 128 KB, 397x612, 71B592B5-3CC1-4F23-9A14-86E559E896F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mao is dead. You mean Xi?

>> No.13540895

>Even the Communist Party of China has abandoned Communism.
They never explicitely abandoned it. They always rationalize the liberalism with Marxist theories saying that they will get socialism in the end.

>> No.13540907

That's what I mean, tranny.
It's just cope so they can stay Socialist in name only.

>> No.13540948

>It's just cope so they can stay Socialist in name only.
Meh, real question is what happens after "social productive forces" develop enough so they wouldn't need export toys to the west.

>> No.13540963

This again?
Look, just because we're mostly anonymous here doesn't mean there's a different bunch of people every time you post this. We have the ability to remember, too, you know.
This isn't some gacha, you won't eventually roll a thread that goes exactly your way.

>> No.13540986

What's wrong with attacking Marx?

>> No.13540993

They pretty much don’t need the rest of the world anymore.

>> No.13541033

They still do need rest of the world, hence they keep western companies there. Interesting things will start happening once they don´t.