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13539111 No.13539111 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ like about existentialism?

>> No.13539119
File: 135 KB, 402x502, KierkegaardWasBadAtSmallTalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Value is derived from scarcity. Also this comic is fairly shit and wikipedia summary tier stuff I still read it.

>> No.13539122

Freedom doesn't exist
You are the byproduct of your environment + genes

>> No.13539133

when are we going to see an existentialist revival? it's the perfect philosophy for xanax addled zoomer sadbois

>> No.13539138

I wish the retard who keeps making these comics dies already

>> No.13539139

The freedom of being myself and fulfilling my fate is the highest freedom.

>> No.13539144

Highest suggests stratification or variation. How can the only freedom be the highest freedom? If you're condemned to be free that's all you can be.

>> No.13539156

What does that even mean?
Your choices are a delusion.

>> No.13539172
File: 688 KB, 1395x840, camus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't.

>> No.13539182
File: 132 KB, 305x479, 449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of which kind? People often forget that there are three schools of existencialism.
If we are talking about Sartre's branch, it's just your average nihilistic crap overrated by scholars, which itself is a consequence of the absence of trascendent metaphysical values in his philosophy.

>> No.13539194

this guy's comics are not funny

>> No.13539202

I like this "make lemonade out of lemons" mentality. Even if the fundamental meaning of existence is a zero, zero is a palimpsest, a big open canvas through which an individual may project his values. The radical notion of freedom and responsibility however is totally unfounded. People, just like everything else in the universe, spring from necessity . In the end, Chance and Necessity prevail. Freedom is a cognitive illusion that helps stabilize the mind against deterministic absolutes.

>> No.13539210

So who is the best existentialist philosopher to read?

>> No.13539218

Calling something an illusion, however, does not deny it a basic reality or even power. There's reality in the virtual. An illusion can enter into one's thoughtspace and function as a definite component within that network. An illusion can have concrete, definite impacts and even motivate behavior such that one acts as if the illusion is real and true. Belief by itself is a creative power, we're all subject to one giant lifelong placebo effect.

>> No.13539244


Nothing. It's just jittery Jews.

>> No.13539412


Existential Comics do suck and the guy who makes them is an asshole commie

>> No.13539474
