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/lit/ - Literature

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13538343 No.13538343 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good novels about the life in a European city?

>> No.13538345

Preferably something that includes a lot of characters.

>> No.13538352
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>> No.13538671

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.13538698

about something that isnt obvious you fuck

>> No.13539214
File: 36 KB, 325x499, 51Hx7r0j9DL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13539238

The Masterpiece (1886) by Émile Zola, realist novel about a painter in Paris during 19th century

>> No.13539262

The Hive, Camilo José Cela.

>> No.13539269

Berlin Alexanderplatz

>> No.13539343

Thank you friend. This is good. You got anything else like this?

>> No.13539379

pretty much anything from Zola, Flaubert or Balzac. Large realist novels interconnected with each other over a large period of time, with a sea of characters . Sentimental Education (Flaubert), Lost illusions (Balzac) are also in Paris.

>> No.13539388


>> No.13540386

Berlin Alexanderplatz
Death in Venice
The Book of Disquietude

>> No.13540396

Probably half of European literature written between 1810 and 1950 but notoriously Dubliners is about, you know, people living in Dublin. Also Perec's Life: A User's Manual is a very detailed account of the daily life of an appartment building in Paris.

>> No.13540695

Maupassant's A Parisian Affair and other Stories

>> No.13540702

Tropic of Cancer

>> No.13540757
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, un-homme-qui-dort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smokes droopy cigarette
>drinks wine
>talks in french about his chronic depression
>mentions WWII
>has unsatisfying sex with anorexic prostitute
>quips famous philosophers
>has existential ennui
>walks the narrow streets filled with people with bagguette
>waxes on and on about human suffering
>has awkward encounter with immigrants from the colonies
>has low-key disdain for the Ottomans
basically every novel about life in a European city (actually they're all about Paris)

>> No.13541253

The Quran

>> No.13541296

>Great Expectations
Central Europe
>Death in Venice
>Crime and Punishment
>Book of Disquiet
>Arabian Nights

>> No.13541352


>> No.13541420

Lmao, took me a second

>> No.13541423


>> No.13541427


>> No.13541707

Keking hard

>> No.13541763

>tfw you live in Paris but will never experienc egenuine existential ennui
Why even vivre?

>> No.13541786
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Sounds like kino, but do I need to know my art/paintings to appreciate it?

Nausea by jean-paul sartre, if you're looking for that lonely-despite-being-in-a-city type of feel. Drifting... aimlessly...