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/lit/ - Literature

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13538139 No.13538139 [Reply] [Original]

I know this thread might meet some backlash, but can any of you recommend me some decent male same sex romance novels? The majority of gay stories are arguably shit, but to my surprise I enjoyed the comfy and depressing vibe of the classics like Giovanni's Room and Maurice. Is there any other novel which relies more on the exploration of one's sexuality and bond between two men rather than bland horny sex? I've tried to read Confessions of a Mask, but dropped it because i saw no signs of a relationship in the book.

>> No.13538146 [DELETED] 

Fuck off you dirty sodomite. Your kind will burn in hell.

>> No.13538148

haha fag lol

>> No.13538190
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Since this thread is already about homosex, anyone wanna recommend some good classic dyke /lit/? I only know of Sappho

>> No.13538231


All of Mary Renault's books tend to feature gay relationships. At least the historical ones are also considered pretty good in general. The Last of the Wine might be a good one for you to start with.

>> No.13538578
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Maybe not exactly what you’re looking for, but a classic nonetheless

Yeah, sh was pretty good. Loved The King Must Die

>> No.13538611
File: 509 KB, 876x1200, 8F82945A-0306-4682-9437-65568C44A828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a book called Inseparable by an Emma Donoghue, and it was full of all the classics, not surprisingly most of them sad and downright anti-lesbian, but not all bad. Olivia sounds good
Also Winterson’s The Passion

>> No.13538641
File: 33 KB, 311x475, at swim two boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so genuinely good
the gay guy in my book group chose it and it rocked my world. it has so much fucking heart, so much joy in language, so much wit and invention. it's a genuine fucking masterpiece

everything about it is good and if you read it you will want to tell everyone how good it is

>> No.13538717

Brideshead Revisited
Dorian Gray
A Single Man

>> No.13539003

>I read about dykes because I am a girl :3
COPE tranny

>> No.13539069
File: 88 KB, 600x851, 270CA161-BB40-42F6-B346-629AF6C865C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read about the history of lesbian literature, which had always seemed so dreary or porn oriented and rare in my youth that I skipped most of it to better pass, because I love literature.

>> No.13539160

Do you have a gf? Have you ever had one if not? And are you European? Just curious, not that anon

>> No.13539289

Not a real one, just a friendly partner situation. Maybe it’s played out it’s course. Had a few ill fated gf from years ago. But I’m okay with my solitude. It doesn’t bother me like it used to.
I’m from the left coast

*Read a blurb about Rubyfruit Jungle when I was still a prudish Christian teenager. The protagonist seemed disgusting to me, so I decided to not read it. She doesn’t seem so bad anymore. Bisexual, but very much the egoist heroine.

>> No.13539369

Don't talk to it. Tripfags aren't welcome in this gay thread.

>> No.13539389

You aren’t welcome here, furfag.

>> No.13539392

demian, kind of, but not. Still.

>> No.13539403

>tfw everyone ignores my genuinely patrician rec yet again
some day i will get one of you fucks to read this magnificent book instead of trolling that butterfly guy i believe it

>> No.13539469

I am not a guy. Rude. I read your post and was actually interested. As long as it avoids the sex, I think I might actually enjoy it. People read posts but have nothing to say about them all the time. Don’t feel ignored.

>> No.13539483

there is sex in it, hard and uncompromising
can you get past gay sex?

>> No.13539488

I wrote down the name, anon. I read Tonio Kröger recently and even though it's only one chaper and perfectly chaste, it got me interested in literature that properly explores male love.

>> No.13539495

the old ladies in my book group dealt with it (although sandra (rip) said it was 'disgusting' lol') so i think you should handle it

>> No.13539513

Like skipping through /gif/, I suppose.

>> No.13539523

butterfly although you're terrible and i hate you, i like you

>> No.13539545
File: 121 KB, 800x800, 800B95A9-1F12-41A1-862C-BBA23D9E8E35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hate is an arrow that swings around to hit you alone without fail.

>> No.13539552

yeah that seems normal

>> No.13539574

tfw trying to get butterfly to read a good gay book with gay sex and everything

>> No.13539578

Have you read Hadrian?

>> No.13539702

is this a contract?
if i read that you will read the other?

>> No.13539732

No contract. It is classy goodness though.

>> No.13539810

leave my thread immediately and never return

>> No.13539818
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>> No.13539824

Death in Venice, of course

>> No.13539898

I enjoyed The Last of the Wine by Mary Renault and I'm not even gay

Truly touching, and /lit/ should love it for the setting and surrounding events it's based on

>> No.13539937

Alexander's Choice by Edmund Marlowe.

>> No.13539970

The Song of Achilles is worth reading. It's an adaption of the Illiad and other myths about Achilles but told in first person from the perspective of Patroclus.

>> No.13539973

I don't read books by women, except for Ingeborg Bachmann.

>> No.13539983

Les Amitiés Particulières is a classic about French school boys.

>> No.13539996

I keep trying to find an English copy of this. Seen the movie. Apparently Montherlant attended the same school and wrote a similar story.

>> No.13540022

There are copies floating around online. Search long enough and you will find it.

>> No.13540034

Sandel by Angus Stewart is an underappreciated classic imo.

>> No.13540119

Huh. What is the criteria someone needs to meet to be your gf?

>> No.13540127

Forbidden Colours is a Mishima novel with a male-male relationship.

>> No.13540653


>> No.13540665

N-No reason, just answer already

>> No.13540743

I like a lot of looks, but I seem to have narrowed my character criteria a bit. I’d like a socialist atheist like myself, and I’m open to younger than myself, but now I’m kind of wondering if that’s fair to the girl that’s too young... I’m getting on in years.
And Though I always liked the idea of traveling, I have to stay put for my future plans. Money and time.
How old are you even?

>> No.13540784

relax anon, I just downloaded the epub.