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13535576 No.13535576 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been brainwashed by /pol/ memes for too fucking long. I’m gonna try to fix my brain. I was thinking of trying to become Marxist, but I realized that was just the same shit in a different direction. I want to become a normal person, I want to completely deradicalize myself. I don’t want to be hide my power level anymore, I want to have no power level to hide.
So how do I do it? How do I go back down to normalcy? I have a copy of Anne Franks diary, what else should I read?

>> No.13535579
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pic related.

>> No.13535582
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>> No.13535590

just binge watch the daily show and try to laugh along, doesn't matter if its forced at first, eventually you won't have to fake it

>> No.13535595

stop using this site and just read books dude. cut off the internet from your brain. use the books to your advantage and get your good inforrmation from them.

>> No.13535598

Stop caring about politics. Problem solved. It doesn't matter if you're a Nazi, Marxist, anarchist, or whatever. None of those groups have any power whatsoever. If you want to "deradicalize" yourself then you need to forget everything you know about things that aren't mainstream politics. The only political opinion you have that can matter is if you pick the donkey or the elephant.

>> No.13535604


What >>13535579 is suggesting. Also read more philosophy and try to determine a philosophy that you want to live by. Once you do this getting into politics will be easier since your values will be better defined.

>> No.13535636

>dont care about politics but care about msm again
dont throw away what you learned. why revert back to what you saw as fake? you dont have to care about msm again to be normal, life is much richer than that. all those narratives dont matter because understanding of what drives true love and peace is not found where people constantly deceive each other.

>> No.13535642

The Last of the Just is an excellent book about anti-Semitism. Read anything and everything that reminds you that every human is a person.
Until you develop your own ideas of morality, use mild Christian ones as a shortcut.

>> No.13535706
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>You're here forever

>> No.13535718

I never said revert to msm. MSM sucks. However op wanted to deradicalize himself politically, and the only way he could do that is by not subscribing to radical political ideologies

>> No.13535747

you can have all of the positive aspects of being on the right without falling for natsoc or other /pol/ stupidity. OP will find the right balance, he/she just needs to step back from the /pol/ution

>> No.13535761

Reading a book written with a ball-point pen in 40s Germany? Get real.
Smash your computer and go innawoods if anything, stop caring about politics at all. Then you don't need to hide it to anyone.

>> No.13535747,1 [INTERNAL] 

I would recommend you to watch few left-wing youtubers because it might deepen your understanding of politics and broaden your mind regardless of whether you agree with them or not, which might help you deradicalize a bit:

Cuck Philosophy, Innuendo Studios, Shaun, Three Arrows, Contrapoints, PhilosophyTube, Simon Obirek, Some More News, etc.

The best way to deradicalize your self is by keeping an open mind and exposing yourself to various kinds of ideas (avoid echochambers). Also: go outside more and socialize more if you're able to.

>> No.13535771

the ballpoint was notes by her father in the margins, if I recall correctly. But tell us more about where all those Jews went--were they eaten by bears? An extended vacation? Fell into the Bermuda triangle?

>> No.13535792

>How do I go back down to normalcy
There is no normalcy, but likewise, a lot of radicals are just echoing what other people think. I would recommend sitting down and figuring out who you are yourself. The mark of an intelligent person is the ability to entertain an idea and not agree with it. but if you're looking for things to read I would definitely recommend Crime and Punishment; the book explores how we can corner ourselves into believing we have the correct answer to a solution, and reading it makes it easier to see my own pathological activities. Think critically, go easy on yourself and others.

>> No.13535816

Or abandon thoughtlessness and political systems with no great affect on your life or community? Does the EU or the Fed really matter that much compared to whatever local politics you are likely ignoring now? Is the town council really so perfect that your meager political capital wouldn't be better spent there? Where it might actually buy something?

>> No.13535835

1.) Leave 4chan
2.) Read midwit tier stuff like Peterson or Pinker, stuff that’s positive
3.) As dumb as it sounds keep your head out if anything extreme at all for a few months. You need to stop seeking answers in unusual / meme ideologies.
4.) You need to work on compassion and empathy. Try some compassion meditation if it feels foreign at first.

Essentially you need to embody a normie. A well developed , well socialized human being. Thats how i fixed my fucked up poltard brain.

>> No.13535859
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>> No.13535874

I suggest getting hobbies, focusing on social gains, and generally ignoring politics.

Anyways /pol/ is right about a lot of things, but very hateful. It’s best to understand the biodiversity of humans but to also not be so vitriolic about it.

>> No.13535881

Not OP but just added that to my reading list

>> No.13535882

Still never heard a good argument against nazis

>> No.13535916

Did you have to bluepill yourself to fix your brain? Did you change your political ideology as well as your mental attitude and habits?

>> No.13535917

Literally stop reading, stop thinking, and just go along with the general flow of the people around you. Care more about being nice and productive than being right or knowing the truth.

>> No.13535924


>> No.13535947

I honest to God recomend eating healthy, do excercise, dress nicely (preppy), sleep at night (8 hours) get a job and overall take care of yourself, if you REALLY focus on this you will be busy all day long, and slowly you will become a "normie", also don't read books, just chat with people through some messenger service, just say "hi" and "lol" or whatever, and talk about your day and never talk about deep thoughts, never about politics, never "spill the spaghetti", that's it, just be neutral or be quiet and go with the flow

>> No.13535952

Find yourself a hobby.
Treat politics as all liberal analysts do.
Be healthy.
Go outside.

>> No.13535985

Just realize that there is no meaning to you as a being. You are just a group of cells that is in constant competition with every other group of cells in existence. Consciousness is just an evolved trait to assist in that competition. Your only mission is to keep your genetics going by reproducing. You aren't you. Once you realize that nothing that happens actually matters, and that the universe will go on no matter what, politics and everything else suddenly become so much more clearer.

>> No.13536049
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Become a centrist you autist. There is no truth in radical beliefs despite what people on 4chan will tell you.

>> No.13536079

I have become relatively apolitical. I was pretty interested in WN type stuff, tribalism, etc... because I accepted political game theory conclusions.

After close to a year now of actively trying to practice personal virtue ethics, and seeing people as individuals and attempting to empathize, I don’t really want some sort of traditional tribal political system. The “red pill” stuff like race and iq I don’t care about. You start to realize that your average jew is not some pol caricature, that sometimes black people get fucked by the system, and that grand conspiracies are often just a larp. Im not a leftist per se but I am much more liberal in the American terminology than i was.

Im much happier now. I feel normal and like the future has something for me rather than being a complete nihilist about it. I don’t feel full of pointless hatred.

>> No.13536087

Normal people don’t read. As long as you read you will still have a power level above normalfags. Just do what >>13535590 days and you’ll be just fine

>> No.13536681

They killed millions of innocent people and plunged the world into a bloody and needless war that last half a decade and destroyed an entire continent

>> No.13536868
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Read these

>> No.13536876

Either embrace clownworld, to do that start with the marvel movies, or do what I did, don't change your views just become entirely apolitical, stop visiting /pol/, stop reading the news, stop voting, stop engaging in debate.

>> No.13536883
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You've been "de-radicalized" bro?

>> No.13536886
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>So how do I do it? How do I go back down to normalcy?
You can't *unknow* things anon.

>> No.13536893
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>> No.13536895

God, I wish I had the Idea to come out as an ex-alt righter and start a successful far-left YouTube career of that.
I think it would have been pretty easy to get a few thousand bucks a month by shitting a bit on the alt-right every couple of days.

>> No.13536902

>They killed millions of innocent people
So did capitalists and the communists.

> plunged the world into a bloody and needless war
If Britain didn't want a war between Germany and Britain, maybe they shouldn't have declared that war?

>> No.13537074

I would suggest stop reading about politics, especially online. Don't try to brainwash yourself into a different ideology.

>> No.13537089

ballpoint pen

>> No.13537122
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Embrace apolitea.

>> No.13537129
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>so did capitalists and communists
not with the scale and intent of the nazis. wwii remains the bloodiest war in history. nazis systematically killed millions of civilians in the span of a single wa. the level of cruelty of the regime was far beyond that of capitalist countries. i do agree communists aren't demonised enough however.

>If Britain didn't want a war between Germany and Britain, maybe they shouldn't have declared that war?
retarded arguement made by stormfags who don't know about what hitler did before the war. hitler broke every international agreement germany had to abide by, rebuilding the army, reoccupying the rhineland, uniting with austria and invading czechoslovakia after agreeing not to invade czechoslovakia. hitler couldn't be trust and he wasn't gonna stop expanding as long as no one challenged him. britain and france knew poland was the next likely target, which is why they agreed to defend them against germany.

>> No.13537130

just read liberal shit. like popper and kant and that sort of thing

>> No.13537134

I wish I could go back in time to save Anne.

>> No.13537216

>I want to become a normal person, I want to completely deradicalize myself.
You want to be a sheep without opinions? Lmfao

>> No.13537380


>> No.13537609

t. jeff mangum

>> No.13537750

Just go out of your house for like ten minutes.

>> No.13537799

>hitler broke every international agreement
That wasn’t an agreement. They were demands after WW1. Germany had no choice.

>defend Poland
You mean land that was just Germany a few years earlier? The people were still German. They wanted to be part of Germany. Did those people get a say in the international agreement?

And yes capitalism is more cruel. It creates a weak society and kills millions by getting them addicted to bad food and laziness and destroys the environment.

>> No.13537803

read The True Believer by Hoffer and it'll teach you how all extremism works

it's like reading the answers at the back of a textbook

>> No.13537811
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>“I lie in bed at night, after ending my prayers with the words "Ich danke dir für all das Gute und Liebe und Schöne" and I'm filled with joy. I think of going into hiding, my health and my whole being as das Gute; Peter's love (which is still so new and fragile and which neither of us dares to say aloud), the future, happiness and love as das Liebe; the world, nature and the tremendous beauty of everything, all that splendor, as das Schöne.

>At such moments I don't think about all the misery, but about the beauty that still remains. This is where Mother and I differ greatly. Her advice in the face of melancholy is: "Think about all the suffering in the world and be thankful you're not part of it." My advice is: "Go outside, to the country, enjoy the sun and all nature has to offer. Go outside and try to recapture the happiness within yourself; think of all the beauty in yourself and in everything around you and be happy."

>I don't think Mother's advice can be right, because what are you supposed to do if you become part of the suffering? You'd be completely lost. On the contrary, beauty remains, even in misfortune. If you just look for it, you discover more and more happiness and regain your balance. A person who's happy will make others happy; a person who has courage and faith will never die in misery!”

How did she write such beautiful stuff?

>> No.13537814

Truth can never be unlearned.

>> No.13537830

>"Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil."

>> No.13537836

Imagine being voluntarily mediocre lol

>> No.13537849

This. Kind of like how in 1984 they force you to love Big Brother, you'll get there eventually mate.

>> No.13537851

how would "Is your child a far-left degenerate?" look like ?

- takes drugs and booze

- consumes gay porn

- reading marxist literature

- is queer or trans

-goes to far left rallys all the time

- panders to muslims and terrorists

- hates white men and their country

>> No.13537857

If you recall correctly, huge populations of Jews were subsumed within the Soviet Union when they invaded and took over Eastern Europe, that could account for much of the massive decline in the European Jewish population.
All the 'extermination camps' were also all conveniently located in USSR-occupied Eastern Europe, to which no Western forces were given access for some reason.

>> No.13537877

In other words, yes he bluepilled himself. Judging by his words he likely never believed in it in the first place or is simply too stupid and solipsistic to understand their implications.

>> No.13537883

Is it shocking that the largest camps would be outside Germany and away from the German public? The ones inside Germany were similarly awful, however

>> No.13537884

Nazism is a forerunner or modern capitalism in most respect, including the lack of respect for living beings, the hyperindustrialization of everything that matters, and the replacement of traditional and organic form by new fabricated ersatz.

>That wasn’t an agreement.
The agreement not to invade czechoslovakia wasn't an agreement? How is "not invading a country" an excessive demand? Face it, Hitler wanted full militarisation, he was more than willing to go to war. Which is not surprising given his election was funded by weapon makers.

>You mean land that was just Germany a few years earlier?
Poland is a slav country and it didn't want to be invaded by Germany.

>> No.13537894

>Rousseau was a liberal, arguably a proto-Marxist
>Hobbes was an absolutist
>Friedman a libertarian
>Kissinger a realist
Don't really understand how this is 'no pill'

>> No.13537895

/pol/ is pretty mediocre famalam. It's ressentiment: the meme ideology.
Nigga I met people who were there at the liberation of some camps. In some cases the American soldiers were among the first witnesses. You're full of shit.

>> No.13537898

>hoe to un-redpill myself

Not possible just like Neo couldn't go back into the matrix.

>> No.13537899

>blue pill= well adjusted and less presumptuous
>red pill= being an insufferable pretentious faggot
You don't make a convincing case fren.

>> No.13537913

>The ones inside Germany were similarly awful, however
Well didn't you just answer your own question then?
Similarly awful ones in Germany - however, these were not claimed to be extermination camps where systematic gassing of Jews took place - those were only located under Soviet purview.

>> No.13537916

What a pathetic ball of brainless mush you are. Your complete aimlessness and lack of intellectual self-direction paints you for the useful idiot you are. People like you are a plague upon mankind, and are responsible for most of the world's problems.

It's one thing to be a fool, but a fool who has no pretenses. It's another thing to be a fool in search for an ideology to guide him and tell him what to think.

>> No.13537921

Yes - the liberation of forced labour camps, which of course did exist.
Forced labour camps were not extermination camps, however.

>> No.13537927

They basically created Israel

>> No.13537936

wash your penis

>> No.13537941

You can be redpilled and socially adjusted if you're not a fucking autist.
Maybe your mind is too simple to hold to handle such scenarios and I feel bad for you.

>> No.13537946

Literally me

>> No.13537947

Lots of good advice itt, what you need is forming healthy habits in thinking. This doesn't mean becoming normie, actually this doesn"t mean trying to emulate any default position, be it the "bluepill" of the unreflexive consumer or the "redpill" of the hateful dropout. You need to learn to think critically, develop perspective, a feel for nuance and context, and an habit of approaching a single idea from various angles.

For this philosophy, logic, and some scientific field if you can (mathematics requires very little except books to be practiced for instance). This will let you experience how hard it is to prove something, how easy it is to be wrong in earnest.

Stop reading things to confirm what you already believe, read the most intelligents among those who disagree with you. Try to find flaws in your own arguments but don't shield yourself off from theirs. Try to be honest, as much as possible, about what you read and hear, and learn to make distinction: is that argument valid? Is the thing it argues for true (whether the argument is good or not)? Could it be argued better? How would you argue for it? How would you argue against it? What are the things it is missing? What are the thing you missed that the argument made you realize? etc.

The way to truth requires neverending discipline, and there's no last stop except perhaps in faith. Keep your mind healthy and alive and cultivate your intellect. Above all be mistrustful of easy answers, hysteric reflexes, exaggerations, unsupported systematizations (I read a book once that said X, therefore everything that happens must be because of X), everything that gives you the cheap psychological satisfaction of felling "right", "redpilled", "in the know", "against mainstream", "against them" (whoever they are). All that dreg is literally porn for your intellect, it will poison your ability of reasoning. The argument that a controversial opinion must be true is the exact symmetric of the uncritical acceptance of consensus. It is judging a statement entirely from who agrees with it, don't do that, it's retarded. It's at best secondary to assessing the inner logic of the argument and the empirical evidence from it.

Above all the comments about being healthy and compassionate are right. Wallowing in hatefulness won't help anyone, least of all yourself, so don't do that to yourself. Treating people like the human beings they are (which means flawed, that's how we are) is the first and most important step.
If you work hard on it over time you'll develop your own based view and it won't rely on silly infographs of passive-aggressive pepes, and it might even prove enlightening to people around you.

>> No.13537964


>> No.13537973

Why is /lit so infested with leftists scum ?
Must be all the roasties.

>> No.13537981

Some of them were, not that forced labour camps are anything to neglect. But why would it matter that the Soviets liberated those camps? If they had been liberated by the Americans you would still claim something is fishy and the US are trying to paint the nazi in a bad light. Remember it wasn't the Soviet who organized the Nuremberg trials.
But in the extermination camps some gaschambers remained though many had been destroyed. And archive of orders from German high command also remains, though piecing them together wasn't easy. I'm not saying the extermination plot is obvious, it wasn't easy to establish, even the historian who worked on it say as much (although of course they have pretty high standard for what counts as "establishing"). But it's not the 70s anymore anon, there is a wealth of scholarship around it.

>> No.13537983

They invented modern propaganda and willingly distorted the German language. Read Karl Kraus and Klemperer on the use of language by theThird Reich. It's pretty disgusting, the Nazis were unironically the gret-grandfathers of Clown World.

>> No.13538033

>You mean land that was just Germany a few years earlier?
You mean the land Germany lost after they started a war?

>> No.13538037

No need to lie to make your point anon.
>Remember it wasn't the Soviet who organized the Nuremberg trials.
Yes it was, it was agreed between the British and the Soviets that courts would be established to punish the German leadership once the war was over.
It is also significant that for every trial of the German leadership, the Soviet judges handed a death penalty for every single defendant, of course because there were 6 judges (2 British, 2 American, 2 Soviets), we saw that British and Americans were much more merciful and so executions did not occur for all.
>why would it matter that the Soviets liberated those camps
From circumstantial occurrences such as these (as well as the fact that the Germans killed ~20 million or so Soviet citizens), the Soviets had immense antipathy towards the Germans and every reason for them to be eternally hated and neutered. Let us not forget that 2 million Germans were also estimated to have been murdered by the Soviets after the war due to expulsions/rate/forced labour.
Modern historical investigation means nothing now that an entire ideology and civilisation's metanarrative rests on its existence, and of course let's not forget that the 'victors write the history books'.
If anything information that was collected closer to the time is more accurate, and red-cross statistics estimated that 300-400,000 Jews were murdered by the Nazis.

>> No.13538050

>I want to become a normal person, I want to completely deradicalize myself
Then fuck off. Download tinder and uber eats. Waste all your money on pointless carnal pleasures. Go watch all of the Avengers films. Enjoy your mindless drivel with the rest of the brain-dead swine like a good little faggot.

>> No.13538056

They lost the war, Germany was desolate by the end, Hitler committed suicide. The means can only be disproven by the end. In a historical sense, nothing the nazis did was I unique. Plato calls for the genocide of barbarians in the republic. Thankfully we’ve evolved past that though and somebody like Hitler would always be vehemently opposed.

>> No.13538069

Not sure where you guys live, but local councils have nearly fuck all power. Here in Australia, the councils only control when our bins get collected every week, and what kind of playgrounds we will have in our parks
Things like immigration, which are dramatically changing the culture and civilisation in which we live, are all handled either at the national or supra-national level.
Personally, I'd rather worry about Sydney being 50% Chinese than worrying about whether or not the bins are collected on Wednesday mornings or Thursday mornings.

>> No.13538097

In some sort of time machine?

>> No.13538107
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>Porn and Hollywood
>Porn and Hollywood
>Porn and Hollywood

>> No.13538111

Chinese money is making Australia go around. Australian universities would go out of business or drop down the rankings like a fish down a waterfall if you kicked out the Chinese.
What do you want to preserve your civilization or your culture?

>> No.13538113
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>Nazism is a forerunner or modern capitalism in most respect, including the lack of respect for living beings
Oy vey.
>Hitler was a vegetarian.

>> No.13538115


>> No.13538131

Yeah nazis preferred animals to people. They cared about random shit instead of human beings.

>> No.13538145

No it's not and no they wouldn't.
Chinese money is making hundreds of politicians, bankers, real estate agents, and universities extremely fucking wealthy, while we suffer the consequences.
>do you want to preserve your civilization or your culture?
Since reading Spengler/Yockey and understanding the 'metaphysical' idea of race, I realised that colonies by nature lack cultural sensitivity and the 'culture-bearing stratum', and thus are doomed to be dominated by other cultures. That's why citizens here lack any cultural awareness and lack any desire to perpetuate whatever remnants of European culture have remained here since colonisation.

>> No.13538161

Please define "Marxist" to me.

Marxist = follower of Marx' ideas about communism/capitalism?

>> No.13538171

I took the blackpill and no longer get upset by "Swedish parents imprisoned for frowning at a Muslim" headlines
Once you understand how little your outrage accomplishes (get real, circles of internet meme ideologies aren't going to start bombing campaigns or ignite revolutions), you start to realize that it's just not healthy. Focus on what you can- things are going to keep getting worse but there's literally nothing you can do about it.

>> No.13538173
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>> No.13538179

Here's how much jews care about human life. This and circumcision.
Kosher and ritual sacrifice by fire (known as holocaust) is how much they care about animals.

>> No.13538224

Animals are food.
And what's wrong with cutting your own dick

>> No.13538233

>And what's wrong with cutting
>your own dick
I suppose the Rabbis own the other jews...
>Animals are food.
That doesn't necessitate that they must suffer.

>> No.13538235
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>No no there cannot absolutely be anything wrong with the jewish mentality or modus operandi

>> No.13538259

Watch Destiny debate white nationalists and far right people.

>> No.13538263

Did you miss the part that said competing ideologies?

>> No.13538313

Do this if you want to remain eternally redpilled, I can't imagine any non-partisan watching that and agreeing with Destiny.
I'd recommend his most recent one with Nick Fuentes.

>> No.13538324

It's not about agreeing with him. He asks questions which destroy the core foundation of their beliefs. They end up blabbering like idiots or in some cases just calling him names. The best ones are the ethnostate ones when he starts asking them questions about how it's actually going to function.

>> No.13538338

>The best ones are the ethnostate ones when he starts asking them questions about how it's actually going to function
Ethnostates functioned quite well before their dismantlement, what are you talking about?

>> No.13538354

Which ones specifically are you talking about so we can go over them?

>> No.13538360

>Nick Fuentes.
Mexican nick thinks they will let him in the white ethnostate lol

>> No.13538424

Different anon. Of course you could argue that the entire population of a country won't be the same but Japan is almost entirely ethnic Japanese and they do quite well.

>> No.13538469

>"hey so how exactly will an all white state function??"
What? it will function like every other state except it will be homogeneous, ergo significantly better. See Denmark, Norway, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands for examples of ethnostates (though some are changing rapidly).

>> No.13538485

What sort of policy is going to be enact to make sure you keep a certain percentage of the population a certain race/nationality? How do you check this? What races/nationalities and percentages are allowed in the ethnostate?

>> No.13538520

Definitely don't become a Marxist they're worse than /pol/. Either just stop paying attention to politics or become centrist.

>> No.13538570

Not him, honestly Destiny is so dirty with these debates, he makes tons of straw men with the "so you are saying..." thing and similar tactics, really smug when he makes some points, he tries to pass as the voice of reason but you can heard him say very ideological things frequently and trying to pass them as the most "logical reasonable thing" (e.g. against Mister Metokour when he makes his Mexico intervention argument) besides that, his whole mannerism is disgusting to watch, his fanbase support him no matter what, and that's not a bad thing per se, I mean to say theres very little critical thinking in there, it is just like an other side of the same spectrum, so yeah, if you are an angry resentful person becuse jews and nigs are fucking up the western and this little weak skinny character debunks the whole thing acting like he is the most rational guy around, sounds like a perfect target to hate.

>> No.13538600

I stopped visiting pol and my views stabilized more or less. I recommend that to anon

>> No.13538613

>What sort of policy is going to be enact to make sure you keep a certain percentage of the population a certain race/nationality?
Exactly this type of policy obviously and enforce it through immigration laws restricting people coming here.
>How do you check this?
How do you check whose living in your country?
Through census data obviously.
>What races/nationalities and percentages are allowed in the ethnostate?
white nationalists tend to say people who are 'white passing' - i.e. you can basically look at someone and tell whether they're white or not, let's not pretend this isn't the case.
I'm not a white nationalist and don't believe that 'race' especially the 'white race' is sufficient to base a nation around, but these are minor details which don't present a problem to their ideal.

>> No.13538619

>Not him, honestly Destiny is so dirty with these debates, he makes tons of straw men with the "so you are saying..." thing and similar tactics,
That's why he always asks the person to tell him if he is mischaracterizing their views right?
>e.g. against Mister Metokour when he makes his Mexico intervention argument
Don't remember this one do you have the time stamp?
>his fanbase support him no matter what,
His fan based is filled with socialists who hate him for being a liberal.
>I mean to say theres very little critical thinking in there,
You can't deny he has much more critical thinking than any of the people he debates.
> and this little weak skinny character debunks the whole thing
He usually just tries to get the other person to give rational explanations for things. He usually doesn't try to hit them with btfo facts.

>> No.13538660

>Exactly this type of policy obviously and enforce it through immigration laws restricting people coming here.
What happens to all the people who were born here and live here and aren't white. You are going to be shipping them out of the country to a place they weren't born correct and if they don't do this they will be killed?
>Through census data obviously.
Is there census data on what percentage white everyone in the country is?
>white nationalists tend to say people who are 'white passing' - i.e. you can basically look at someone and tell whether they're white or not, let's not pretend this isn't the case.
What about someone who looks white but isn't are they allowed Is someone who is 90% white allowed? 80%? 50%?

>> No.13538724

>What happens to all the people who were born here
In the ideal case, WNs advocate for racial segregation within the country. This is something that has worked in the past.
>Is there census data on what percentage white everyone in the country is?
Yes almost all countries keep census data on racial composition, we know that America is around ~65% white or so, and similarly that blacks make up 13% etc. etc.
>What about someone who looks white but isn't
Regarding this, the consensus usually comes down to whether that person identifies as white. If they are 'white-passing' with only a certain percentage of 'white', but identify as white and consider themselves ingratiated with white culture, then they are welcomed.

>> No.13538730

>His fan based is filled with socialists who hate him for being a liberal.
I noticed this lol. He even calls himself a capitalist and it's makes plenty of his fans seethe.

>> No.13538740

>advocate for racial segregation within the country.
This doesn't really count as ethnostate.
>we know that America is around ~65% white
Normally ethnostate guys go deeper than just white.
> If they are 'white-passing' with only a certain percentage of 'white', but identify as white and consider themselves ingratiated with white culture, then they are welcomed.
Seems kinda shady no? The country would be filled with barely passing whites mixing down the gene pool.

>> No.13538760

It's weird because a few months ago he was hanging out with hasan and acting extremely leftie and then one day just went hardcore capitalist and started banning lefties.

>> No.13538787

>This doesn't really count as ethnostate.
This is really the closest realistic implementation of the ethnostate (for America); in any case, it is a stupid abstraction anyway that has been popularised by unserious, chimerical idealists
>Normally ethnostate guys go deeper than just white.
Do they? From people like Richard Spencer et al. I've only heard references to white as in all the peoples of Europe so who exactly are you talking about?
>The country would be filled with barely passing whites
What? 'white-passing' doesn't mean 'barely white', it means exactly what it sounds like; i.e., people like Nick Fuentes

>> No.13538835

Preferrably a hobby that's outside

>> No.13538916

Northern Europe

>> No.13538927

An odd proposition

All positions and beliefs currently considered 'centrist' were previously radical and extreme.

Are you suggesting that only in 1991 was objective truth reached?

>> No.13538981

>animal suffering is okay as long as it not industrialized

>> No.13538985

All of them before mass migration.

>> No.13539062


>> No.13539075

>Nazism is a forerunner or modern capitalism in most respect, including the lack of respect for living beings, the hyperindustrialization of everything that matters, and the replacement of traditional and organic form by new fabricated ersatz.
None of this is accurate. Neck yourself, Goldberg.

>> No.13539213

Is the military in your town enforcing the laws? National civil authorities behind every corner? No, a local network of politicians, police, and business associations de facto control the region. Were they like-minded and without pretensions to greater power they could enact much. With future developments, such as crypto coinage and contracts, a community could enforce any political, moral, racial or any other ideology of their choosing. Only military force could stop them. Which might still be avoided with some judiciousness in their violations.