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13532158 No.13532158 [Reply] [Original]

I just had surgery and had a very pleasant time in the hospital. Wonderful (and cute) nurses, was fed well, very comfy bed, painkillers that worked. What did this guy have up his ass when he compared them to prisons?

>> No.13532164

Some hospitals are not so good, especially in his time.

>> No.13532170

Tell a doctor you are hearing voices or suicidal and see how much fun you have in the psych system

I had a lot of fun

>> No.13532214

He just said they are structured like prisons. He didn't condemn them

>> No.13532221

A hospital gave me some of the heaviest antibiotics (cipro) without knowing what caused my pain. These antibiotics usually are strictly used as last resort
Nearly a year later I'm still suffering from the side effects, yet every doctor I visit ignores this and tries to give me more medication
The manufacturer of this antibiotic even posted a warning earlier this year and still every doctor thinks I'm insane and keeps brushing off the posibility of my new condition being caused by antibiotics. Even if I print every warning and government page on the side effects, which are literally and obviously what I'm experiencing and describing, they'll just respond with "ah" or "but that's impossible" and grab some new injections or pills
Sorry for the inane ramblings, but English isn't my first language and I'm furious at how much my quality of life has permanently decreased

>> No.13532237

I don't know what the fuck it is about hospitals, bros, but I become an absolute Chad while in there. I tell the funniest jokes to the nurses and generally have a good time, but in normal life I'm just a mopey bitch. I wish I could always be like that

Sue the hospital for malpractice. Go talk to a lawyer

>> No.13532250

Might be the opioids

>> No.13532260

I had the cutest nurse. The type of girl you look at once and know you could marry her. Sadly the nature of my surgery made me unable to speak much (throat hurt) so I couldn't really flirt

>> No.13532266

Sounds like you have paranoia.

>> No.13532272

I heard of people getting rekt by antibiotics needing bacterial transplants, just beg them to let you eat shit for 20 grand

>> No.13532274
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I just served a sentence and had a very pleasant time in prison. Wonderful (and cute) prisonwives, was fed well, very spacious cell, prisonwine that worked. What did this guy have up his ass when he compared them to schools?

>> No.13532282
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more common than youd think

>> No.13532285

Are you from China?

>> No.13532287

I actually really enjoyed being in school. Being able to spend time with a bunch of people your age was the best. I wish there was a way to still be around people afterward

>> No.13532304

Search for ciprofloxacin tendon rupture and come back to me

>> No.13532323

Is a tendon rupture really the cause of all your worries? Just go on an anti-depressent and you will stop caring

>> No.13532340

multiple tendons throughout the entire body that will not heal
Being crippled is troublesome, yes

>> No.13532343

>we’re not living in a dystopia
I saw a commercial for a drug that’s sole purpose was to treat the permanent side effects of another medication. How can you still be left in 2019?

>> No.13532399

Purely psychosomatic

>> No.13532401

Because humans thrive under discipline.

>> No.13532647


>> No.13532669

he was talking about hospitals in the pre-1900s days you dullard

>> No.13532720

So basically he said "hospitals were bad like 100 years ago". Wow. Profound.

>> No.13532740

pretty sure he was talking mainly about psychiatric hospitals and whatnot

>> No.13532770

I'm on antipsychotics and antidepressants. Sometimes I miss being a manic sex god and staying up for weeks philosophizing and receiving telepathic messages from a higher power but then I remember roaming the streets begging for change and smoking cigarette butts and getting fucked with by crust punks and hobos. For all the ecstasies my schizophrenia afforded me along came equal parts absolute terror and pain and loneliness. I much prefer my medicated existence now that I can see clearly. I would not recommend medication for those with minor problems, however. It is a major tranquilizer and will cause mental and physical lethargy and fatigue for months after the first dosage. It also has reduced my sex drive such that I only fap once a week or month or so as opposed to multiple times a day as I did prior to medication. (It is in fact impossible for me to orgasm multiple times daily now and often two days in a row is too difficult -- I have since been performing nofap with occasional lapses so that I am not desensitized when I fuck chicks although that admittedly is somewhat rare for me lately)

>> No.13532951
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Ooh i've got a good story about this
>9.5/10 redhead nurse, in her early 30s
>I was mirin' her before she even said anything
>she tells me out of the blue that I'm handsome and that if she had a daughter my age she'd totally set me up with her
Felt good. Unfortunately I wasn't in Chad mode at the time or I would've made a witty remark that she herself would do just fine.

Quite possible. Should I start doing ket or something to replicate these feelings?

>> No.13533066

Take your meds.

>> No.13533098
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I am so lonely, bored, and leading such a meaningless life that getting fucked up by crusties and hobos in the streets sounds alright to me.

>> No.13533260

Like all of his kind, he hates health and wants everyone to become as sick and twisted as he was. Slandering hospitals and glorifying mental illness was the first step to that

>> No.13533315

Did you have any other conditions that would have contributed?

>> No.13533337


>> No.13533342

He's right, they are grossly authoritarian superstructures run by sociopathic and demoralized petty bourgeoisie managers (doctors).

>> No.13533346

I do take my meds...

>> No.13533383

Same here.
Had a surgery on my arm. Pretty good recovery in the hospital. A cutie physio touched my hand (the whole hand) and lifted my arm up for exercise. Twice a day(TWICE).

Feels good to be a non-virgin now.

>> No.13533498

I recommend all incels get hospitalized, there's a very good chance you will have human contact with a cutie.

>> No.13533530

That boy needs therapy

>> No.13533589

By Marx's definition, doctors are members of the proletariat.

>> No.13533708

Doctors made me addicted to benzodiazepines. Nobody warned me and they kept prescribing them.
After founding that I was hooked to the second worst possible addiction (just after alcohol, opiods are ranked fourth) I talked to many of them and they were absolutely ignorant about the whole thing, or worse they were in malevolent denial.
Found a couple of ones who admitted it was a huge problem, but couldn't help in any way. After 2 failed attempts at tapering, I'm almost there with the detox but the whole thing took 10 months and it's not finished yet.
Medicine is all good and fine if everything goes good but it's quite shocking how doctors can ruin ppl's lives for trivial shit.

>> No.13533764

lol go to a hospital in rural canada, bone sticking out you could wait 3-4 hours to be treated, in fact many people die waiting. God forbid youre put in a hospital bed, you just become a burden to the staff then who are trying to push you out as quickly as possible.

>> No.13533768

manufacturers never recommend prescribing benzos longer than 2 months, 4 months in extreme cases. anyone whos abused alcohol isnt supposed to be prescribed them either but they view it as treatment for alcoholism it seems lol.

>> No.13533781

>I talked to many of them and they were absolutely ignorant about the whole thing, or worse they were in malevolent denial.
>Found a couple of ones who admitted it was a huge problem, but couldn't help in any way
This is a real issue in the modern age, you can’t trust doctors anymore because they’re terrified of a malpractice charge. Nowadays a doctor just wants to keep their head down and get out alive.

>> No.13533829

I tried to hold a nurses hand after I attempted suicide whilst I was laying down and she let go and said 'call his mother' or something, was a stupid eastern european who just wanted to work on the next 'patient' for whatever reason. The other nurses treated me nicely but I found it strange I had to wait 3 hours alone in a waiting room after something so tragic. I was only 17 at the time and I had no family members.

I think the system is cruel because there's nothing in place that is soul based, since we live in a materialist society.

>> No.13533848

I think more simply that they are in bed with Big Pharma and cover each other's ass to protect their own class and privileges.
I don't even know if a completely honest doctor would be able to make a living these days.

>> No.13534595

Sociopaths are attracted to the high wage, not love for fellow people

>> No.13534652

are you from rural canada?

>> No.13534668

You're delusional comrade, report to the nearest infirmary.

>> No.13534673

>What did this guy have up his ass
gallons of poz cum

>> No.13534680

How long were you taking them and what dosage? I hate being on them but sometimes its the only thing that helps

>> No.13534687

This conclusion goes pretty contrary to the central point of discipline and punish

>> No.13534714

clubs and hobbyist groups exist off schoolgrounds you know

>> No.13534715

>people misunderstanding Foucault this much thinking he was against hospitals and prisons

He was purely for them, he would always talk about how terrible things were before the invention of them.

>> No.13534716

>imagine thinking crazy people can't make their own decisions and need to be taken care of by other people
>can you imagine this absolute injustice, the horror of it, why do we not treat them as equals, or better, oracles that can see outside our close-minded society?
>turning them all out on the streets, that's the true cure!

>> No.13534720

Yeah but usually it's just a small group with a specific interest that only occasionally gets together

>> No.13536189


>> No.13536626

I don't know when the addiction kicked in but I discovered it after 4 years of use. Seems a lot of time but you know what, time passes.
NEVER use benzodiazepines regularly, even if the doc told you it's OK (my case). Not only they won't fix the underlying problems but they will create HUGE problems on their own. Just google and read what a benzodiazepines withdrawal is like, fucking hell mate.

>> No.13537088

A Frenchman's AIDS-ridden penis

>> No.13537145

this is why you should have read Naked Lunch

>> No.13537281

Well no shit if you use it regularly for 4 years. Using it for 2-4 months is fine with no bad side effects

>> No.13538703

>Using it for 2-4 months
You're still putting yourself in a dangerous situation since even if you're not addicted stopping after a daily use can be quite difficult and you keep taking 'em.
Benzos should only be used in emergency situations.

>> No.13539751

Doctors are irrelevant nowadays. Who cares? They unironically go to Med school to memorize Web-MD-tier info, haphazardly prescribe useless, if not harmful medication, and very rarely have any answer but "get some rest."

>> No.13539772

>What did this guy have up his ass when he compared them to prisons?
Nigger dick

>> No.13541333

why did he have sex with men

>> No.13541545

He was redpilled.

>> No.13541735
File: 146 KB, 1080x1920, 67201208_489984451776183_3224398310370443264_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got problem with my tendons and other ailments until I started taking what my psychiatrist prescribed me ( clomipramine ). I hope your life gets better and you start to experience beautiful and enjoyable experiences

>> No.13541747
File: 114 KB, 592x894, 65310938_477260699715225_8376982034630836224_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you the best