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/lit/ - Literature

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13531246 No.13531246 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post literature with strong female characters

>> No.13531252

Why is Carrie Fisher always in these lists? Because "muy womon" or because she did something beyond starwars that I don't know about?

>> No.13531257

excessive cocaine consumption leading to an early death is inspiring, shitlord.

>> No.13531266
File: 15 KB, 240x180, but-god-she-wont-even-make-me-a-sandwich-240x180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally started tearing up reading this image, I'm so glad we finally live in a society that allows women to be free. You go women!

>> No.13531286

Is this scraping the barrel or including a buzzword to try and make women relevant

>> No.13531289

Whoah... Is this the power of women?

>> No.13531297

This really makes women look bad

>> No.13531315

Why this picture angers me so much?

>> No.13531365

100 years of solitude has strong female characters.

>> No.13531385

The sheer audacity of them insisting that these footnotes in history are actually on par with the actual great people of history, and them telling you that you're retarded if you point out their ridiculous beliefs about them to boot?

>> No.13531394


My bitch Jane Eyreee

>> No.13531400

The only based one in that image is Curie

>> No.13531403


Why do you even care? What is lost in aggrandizing women's history? Why is it necessary to tell someone theyre foolish for looking up to women? Never mind this particular image, but how jaded & bitter must one be to want to put someone down because they're just trying to feel like they have someone to look up to who shares their identity? This comment is really mean I don't understand it..

>> No.13531410

'Useless Beauty' by Maupassant. 25 pages, read it online, it's worth it.

>> No.13531421

Don't you think it's weird to base your identity, your whole worldview, and the people you look up to on possessing the same genitalia as them?

>What is lost in aggrandizing women's history?

What a ridiculous notion. History should never be the plaything of fashionable political currents.

>> No.13531437

This. All it does it prove that the said person is lacking in character, and needs to hyperfocus on identity politics in order to divert what little attention they have away from the lack of character, and to this false and shoddy replacement of a "character"

>> No.13531446

even she is not a real white

>> No.13531453

Why do people pretend now that Pierre didn't even exist?

>> No.13531500


What? Identity politics makes sense psychologically and sociologically. Look at how fervently this board rejects discussion of black authors and how insularly the anglosphere is often praised. Its not as if people on this board dont obsess over people who look like them and actively debase those who don't. Yet if a woman does it all of a sudden it's the result of a weak identity? Humans have always liked role models, why do you think poets wrote so often about heroes? And as time advances and media diversifies, people realize that "hero" Cha can be made more so or less so congenial to their tastes. If a lit poster can't drool about Joyce and call Ishmael Reed a "nigger" why can't women just appreciate people who share their identity in history? Unless you have contempt for the people on lit I'm describing there's no grounds to earnest denounce idpol in this context. And even if you do denounce it, again, just from a tribalistic perspective and accounting for how humans generally have functioned historically, idpol and the desire for representation is a logical conclusion of today's media and accessible information. Literally what is the shame in women wanting to look up to other women instead of men who may be more likely to oppose their views? If I told you to look up to Stokely Carmichael or Assata Shakur youd say "why would i want to look up to a negro", so whats the confusion here? Let women have their role models, you obviously will have yours, it doesn't destroy anything, the men of history still exist and have their accomplishments. Dont be bitter.

>> No.13531504


Meant to say "hero character"

>> No.13531508

hilary clinton

>> No.13531511


Also *can drool

>> No.13531542
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You are making the naive assumption that I also obsess over the identity of whites, anglos, etc. like a lot of this board does. I don't. There are non-white and female authors that I like, but I hate the influx of overfixation on their identities (especially when in order to seem fashionable) rather than their works. Identity politics is fine (since it can't be totally avoided) provided it is not to an overreaching extent as seen in a lot of the civilised world. I don't respect Curie because she is a woman, I respect her because she contributed well to Chemistry.

>> No.13531597

because the picked mostly ameritrash trash females

>> No.13531635

audre lorde
Or is it too confrontational she pointed out racism and homophobia in feminist movements?

>> No.13531657

Yeah, I'd rather not have women congratulate other women who promote their worst aspects running amok as progress, sorry. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile : that's just how women function both in social relationships, and in the ideological space as well.

These role models are almost without exception false prophets set by higher interests in order to lead the gullible sheep : I won't stand by and watch them destroy themselves, the nuclear family, and the cornerstone of civilization itself in their deluded rampage in the name of "progress".

Women are very important to me : my mother, grandmother, my sisters, my friends, my lovers - these are the women that I treasure, and I am obligated to take action when I see them seduced by the siren song of their guaranteed unhappiness and doom. The future rests on it.

>> No.13531924
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>> No.13531983



>> No.13532086

Aside from Earhart I have no idea who any of these people are, except for Carrie Fisher.
The fact she's on here makes me think they were struggling to come up with nine women, unless being in some mediocre pop culture is a great achievement.
t. non American

>> No.13532091

Because men and women work best together, the fact is the genders naturally compliment each other and that's yikes problematic sweaty and homotransphobic.
So they just act like she did it all herself.

>> No.13532197

how early is a coke death in your 60s exactly

>> No.13532215

marie curie is by far the most important person on that list, what did say, earhart, do other than be pilot when that was looked down upon?

>> No.13532231

I'm a total retard, I missed Curie.
I looked up the rest and most of them are Burgerstani historical Footnotes, Earhart kind of is too honestly but she's famous here.

>> No.13532233
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Tubman ... and the Chicana Earhart did NOT look like that. Terrible work Karen.

Because she just died!

>> No.13532243

Women are godlike angels that can do no wrong!

>> No.13532242

>not something like Emily Brontë or Virginia Woolf but some literal who lmao-i'm-native-so-i'm-double-oppressed-so-i-get-so-many-points-even-though-i-never-wrote-anything-of-worth

although i gotta say i assume the middle chick is one of them muslim women in middle east actually speaking out against their terrible condition which is actually a brave and worthwhile thing to do

>> No.13532254


Frankly you're just being sexist when you praise the mediocre accomplishments of a bunch of mediocre people just because they have vaginas.

>> No.13532290
File: 187 KB, 1000x779, AmeliaEarhart1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Amelia Earhart drawn to look like a minority?

>> No.13532301

cringe. praise the work not the author as a person. what if the author is a fourth rate human being but "she looks like me :)". Fuck this shit. some women on op are great people how accomplished things of importance. besides why do you need someone to look up to? isn't this childish, and even if it's for the kids they don't care about what their idols look like. a black child can like superman and a white kid can like martin luther king jr. don't limit them.

>> No.13532313

Oh, actually I think I figured it out. She's the only person that would have had a distinctly white hair color -- red -- therefore her hair is covered up. And all the eyes (of every woman) are colored as black, so that you can't have distinctly white eye colors either. The end result makes sure that no one looks white even if they include a white woman.

>> No.13532396
File: 61 KB, 260x377, rosa-parks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Rosa Parks wasn't dark enough for whoever created that image.

>> No.13532406

Why is Marie Curie in the same picture with all these literal whos? I'm unironically triggered

>> No.13532415

You are sensible. All of these ppl responding are exactly those you described, /pol/tards and what not.

>> No.13532427

>thinking Marie Curie and Amelia Earhart would support modern day feminism in the slightest
Oh no. Oh dear... ahaha... oh no no no...

>> No.13532448

Geek Love has strong female characters and is an astounding book.

Carol by Patricia Highsmith.

Little Fires Everywhere

>> No.13532476

Because most of the good stuff came after he went under the tram

>> No.13532539

fernanda is a bitch tho

>> No.13532547

If this is what women look up to that’s sad.

>> No.13532578


Completely missing the point. First of all, yes, representation matters to children. Black kids LOVE black superheroes and role models, I'm speaking from experience growing up as a black american and talking about this with other black people. Yes, obviously, we can love superman, but it is genuinely special for a lot of children to have heroes / role models who look like them. You can learn this just by talking to them and growing up as a POC in America. If you are white American this concept may be harder to understand because we have historically been saturated with white icons in this country as it is. Chiding someone for wanting a role model is such an inhuman rebuttle, as if you're so much above looking up to someone or admiring what someone has done? Give me a break. And as for the "minor accomplishments" part, you dunce, the whole point is that women have been significantly more disadvantaged than men in nearly every field of society, so when they succeed exceptionally we take note of it. We aren't "congratulating them for having a vagina" it's praising people who either did something significant in their field or overcame an adversity, and this is just generally speaking as far as women's history goes, not just reference of this specific pic. Your posts essentially boil down to a flat refusal to celebrating women for the sake of your personal disapproval and detestment for the concept of "role model". Both of these opinions are easily discredited by the fact that, again, just by looking at what many people ask for on social media, just by talking to children, you can see that representation really does make people happy. Yes they shouldn't be dependent on idpol to feel good about themselves, obviously, but you can teach people to be psychologically independent and let them know that certain black or brown women had significant roles in history. Whether or not you personally approve of those roles is irrelevant to the amount of people who do and will benefit from learning about it. I have yet to fine a valuable argument for refusing people the knowledge of history, and the fact that people even want to make such an argument is shameful.


Cut the shit. Why are you, a man, dictating the best avenues for women to fulfill themselves in society? What's the logic? Do you let black women tell you how to conduct yourself, the media you consume, the historical figured you revere? Of course not. So drop the "traditional Western man" act and just say you think men should dictate women's role in society because that's worked how excellently the last few centuries. People on this board will go through amazing mental gymnastics to justify backwards logic, it's unbelievable.

>> No.13532983
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The blond Eckbert by Ludwig Tieck

>> No.13532996
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>> No.13533010

they made the black ones prettier than what they are

>> No.13533017

i wonder how pissed frida kahlo would be to know that she has basically become an icon of capitalist multiculti globohomo and nihilistic art collector jews

>> No.13533026

The Holmes and Russell series by Laurie R King.

>> No.13533064

>literature with strong female characters
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, of course

>be chad with multiple chicks after your dick, after cucking some loser guy and knocking his arthoe bitch up
>"tfw no strong amazon gf to look after me"

>> No.13533102 [DELETED] 

>Cut the shit. Why are you, a man, dictating the best avenues for women to fulfill themselves in society?
Because we, unironically, live in a society you stupid fuck. This shit does not happen in a vacuum so stop acting like it does. I went to one of the best high schools in my state and we did not learn a single thing about WW1, probably the most important war in Western history, beyond "Germans sank the Lusitania and the US entered and we won". But we spent an entire month on the Holocaust, on black history month, and on women's history month of whatever the fuck that even was. But please, keep tut-tutting muh patriarchy and muh oppressive men and just let women b herself you stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.13533109


They're literally all losers lmao

>> No.13533215

>carrie fisher
The fuck?

>> No.13534324


>> No.13534328

Curie didn't discover anything

>> No.13534329

Because they're all drawn to look like shitskins, despite some being white. Also Frida Kahlo is nowhere near that attractive

>> No.13534336

She had a mustache lmao

>> No.13534339

i dont read scifi or fantasy.

>> No.13534345

Nigger be quiet.

>> No.13534770

They couldn't get to 9 women who have accomplished something so they have a few fillers
no bulli

>> No.13534861

Lady Macbeth, Juliet, Regan, Goneril, Cordelia, Desdemona, Cleopatra and many other characters written by a man and intended to be acted by men on stage.

>> No.13535089

A. Why in God's name is Carrie Fisher here with all these others who have actually done something of note? (At least the seven I recognize have.)
B. For "Write," there are any number of genuinely recognizable writers they could have gone with (Jane Austen, one of the Brontes, George Eliot, Louisa May Alcott, L.M. Montgomery, Phyllis Wheatley, Agatha Christie to name an arbitrary half-dozen), and they go with some literally who. Why? Just why?

>> No.13535111

I, Claudius

>> No.13535134

>and they go with some literally who. Why?

because she's from a meme race

>> No.13535229

Drones of Capitalism. I love how they all have a cocky smile on their face. Proud to be able to be emancipated in the exchange value system. Proud to be a key component of a system based on exploitation.

>> No.13535382

They don't pick many extremely historically significant women. Marie Curie and Rosa Parks you could make a case for (possibly Earhart at a stretch too), but the rest are just people who are currently trendy among the woke liberal crowd.

It actually insults women more than it praises them because it implies that this is the best they can do while leaving actually important women in the dark. You'd think they'd have people like Arendt or even someone as well known as De Beauvoir, but apparently an actress in a sci-fi movie is the best they can name.

>> No.13535498

She discovered Polonium and Radium out of pitchblende

>> No.13535648

Rosa Parks just sat on a bus people. She was just lazy. (Nor was she the first or some helpless random. She worked at NAACP.)
You want a well known black woman that might make a good role model? Why not Oprah? Successful business woman, media empire, started poor, seems nice enough.

>> No.13535685

>thinking a person is worse or better by nature of their skin colour
Grow up. And, until you do, please go back.

>> No.13535686
File: 51 KB, 359x478, what a loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right, we should judge them on wether they are pass users or not

>> No.13535705

>incomprehensible ESL babble

>> No.13535778
File: 102 KB, 400x218, sweatpants sweat pants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that would be dumb as well.

>> No.13535801
File: 15 KB, 408x230, FF4ED35D-0C1B-4339-8685-06E9B51545B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with Karl Bear
How much did that thing go for ?

>> No.13535817

Never return to this thread

>> No.13535901

A few hundred, I think

>> No.13537316

Even if she wasn't the first, she was the straw that broke the camel's back and was widely held up as a martyr. Her significance was symbolic.

>> No.13537347

Was more thinking of Ursula

>> No.13537354

>pass user
that's a hard pass for me senpai

>> No.13537376

>Identity politics makes sense

>> No.13537746

Because there are very many women of note and the author of the image is a retard. What has Rosa Parks done except sitting?

>> No.13537770

Cirime and Punishment.

>> No.13537777

>joy harjo

>> No.13537780
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>> No.13537807

>Carrie Fisher
>who is Mother Teresa
>who is Joan d'Arc

>> No.13537847

But that's the problem. She's not a woman with agency, a woman who lead an extraordinary life. She's just a symbol used by other people (by men in fact.)

>> No.13538040

>Mother Teresa
>what is massmurder?
>what is stealing from the poor?

>> No.13538064

>This comment is really mean I don't understand it..

Of course you don’t. You’re a woman.

>> No.13538088

>Do you let black women tell you how to conduct yourself, the media you consume, the historical figured you revere?

No, but women in general need to get out of advertising.

>> No.13538439

God this fucking bitch angers me so. She won the nobel prize for peace only because she managed to survive an attack and made a speech. She has done so little yet she is cheered on like she is some sort of Messiah for women in the middle east. The nobel prize is a fucking sham

>> No.13538506

Wait, she saved a total of 70 people? That's it?

>> No.13538675

To be fair, she has done slightly more than Obama who won it for not getting shot while black.

>> No.13538922

>I have no idea who any of these people are
Shows a lack of education on your part. Half of those women are historical figures that are taught to grade school kids. The rest you should be at least familiar with because of current events (unless you exist solely in an echo chamber).
I would expect that /lit/-izens to have a more well rounded knowledge of such things, unless you are a troll or something.

>> No.13539066

>tfw you cant tell if you are being mocked or not
it is a bad feel

>> No.13539128

>significance was symbolic
This is precisely why such lists or martyrs are seen as a joke. They didn't accomplish anything another random person wouldn't have accomplished being in the right spot at the right time or related to the right person. Carrie Fisher would never have been famous if she hadn't had famous parents. Malala is famous for being shot and still promotes the shitty religion and culture that was behind her getting shot. Joy Harjo is a literally who. Ginsberg is fully lefty status quo. Not to mention, one woman with real accomplishment - Earhart - is drawn to look non-white. Pathetic.

>> No.13539132

Bleeding Edge

>> No.13539342

>post on literature board
>cannot ask a question in english