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13530937 No.13530937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would Marx be for or against immigration. And if your answer is
>immigration would not be a problem when clases are abolished
Could you try and justify it?

>> No.13531027

A classless society would also be a raceless society

>> No.13531030

blackened society

>> No.13531054
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>raceless society

>> No.13531367

Ah, everyone wants to live in Brazil

>> No.13531391

He wanted a worldwide revolution and a stateless society. So I don't think he minded immigration.

>> No.13531399

Natural classes would form, the weak overlords and the strong cart pullers

>> No.13531432

How exactly would immigration be a problem in a world where the very concept of nation and borders are obsolete?

>> No.13531461

>stateless society
>people relocating between states


>> No.13531471

Race is not tied to borders or nations, it’s coded into your genetics.
Also, a stateless society wouldn’t stop different cultures from emerging eventually, it’s only a natural process.

>> No.13531482


regardless of how he actually felt he should've been against it
In fact I would think that pretty much all socioeconomic ideologies would be against it because it can only serve to disrupt and destabilize the carefully balanced system
No matter how much people want to believe in the feel good idea of everybody just gettin' along with no borders or structure systems always work better when they're controlled
This is why communism and socialism can actually work perfectly in relatively small insular communities

>> No.13531490

Why would borders become obsolete magically, are you going to stop having any forms of centralised administration at all?

>> No.13531509

Marxism springs from liberalism, liberalism denied the individual was different and placed him above man made institutions. Tradmarx also denied man was under any institutions, the difference between tradmarx and liberalism is that communism sees capitalism as an institution while liberalism sees capitalism as a natural institution that works in and with man. Communism saw it as an artificial divider and controller. Marxism grew balls with leninism and stalinism under influence of a push to deny weak liberalism which is what fascism was the highest point was.

So to answer OP madx definitely wanted a worker revolution where he thought class abolition was the one thing that would make man entirely equal.

Neo Marxism saw the limits of this viewpoint and made it entirely culture related

>> No.13531667

Deport them where? Is xyr advocating for gulags?

>> No.13531690


Based on Marx's statements about Irish immigration to Ireland, it appears that Marx considered that mass immigration was a tool used by capital to "force down wages and lower the material and moral position of the English working class" and divide the working class into English and Irish camps who were too busy being hostile to each other to be hostile to the employers exploiting the both of them.

>> No.13531699

Capitalism is what caused all the economic immigration. Open borders is a basic human right though.

>> No.13531704

Marx was an immigrant

>> No.13531732

>capitalism is bad but the things capitalism does is good, actually
The modern left in a nutshell

>> No.13531738
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>>13531699 (checked)
These. The context matters significantly, and capitalism has a tendency to corrupt all things in the name of profit.

>> No.13531761

>muh Brazil
You should refrain from speaking about something you don't understand

>> No.13531764

Friendly reminder that Marxism is the product of the unexamined hypostasis of the same enlightenement abstractions concerning Man, language, human-nature etc. (the Rousseauian/Hobbesian/Lockean contractian "state of nature", Smith's "land of barter", etc.) that underlie liberalism-proper, and that these abstractions are themselves the result of the unexamined reification of unexamined pre-enlightenment abstractions (Smith's "land of barter" for example is not at all corroborated by contemporary anthropological evidence - he just made it up). Marxism is just some random enlightenment abstraction built on a foundation of other enlightenment abstractions built on a foundation of nothing.

Friendly reminder that Marxism is ontologically liberal.

>> No.13531767

A modern and progressive burger company.

>> No.13531813

Immigration of whom, from where, and in what circumstances?

Marxism is anti-liberal.
>Without any doubt, the individual is a unit from a biological point of view, but one cannot make this individual the basis of social organization without falling into metaphysical nonsense. From a social perspective, all the individual units do not have the same value. The collectivity is born from relations and groupings in which the status and activity of each individual do not derive from an individual function but from a collective one determined by the multiple influences of the social milieu.

>human rights

Friendly reminder that Marxism is ontologically opposed to liberalism.
>Setting out from the individual-unit in order to draw social conclusions and to construct social blueprints or even in order to deny society, is setting out from an unreal supposition which, even in its most modern formulations, only amounts to refurbishing the concepts of religious revelation and creation and of a spiritual life which is not dependent upon natural and organic life. The divine creator — or a single power governing the destiny of the universe has given each individual this elementary property of being an autonomous well-defined molecule endowed with consciousness, will and responsibility within the social aggregate, independent of contingent factors deriving from the physical influence of the environment. Only the appearance of this religious and idealist conception is modified in the doctrine of democratic liberalism or libertarian individualism. The soul as a spark from the supreme Being, the subjective sovereignty of each elector, or the unlimited autonomy of the citizen of a society without laws — these are so many sophisms which, in the eyes of the Marxist critique, are tainted with the same infantile idealism, no matter how resolutely "materialist" the first bourgeois liberals and anarchists may have been.

>> No.13531844


>> No.13531904

>>Setting out from the individual-unit in order to draw social conclusions and to construct social blueprints or even in order to deny society, is setting out from an unreal supposition which, even in its most modern formulations, only amounts to refurbishing the concepts of religious revelation and creation and of a spiritual life which is not dependent upon natural and organic life. The divine creator — or a single power governing the destiny of the universe has given each individual this elementary property of being an autonomous well-defined molecule endowed with consciousness, will and responsibility within the social aggregate, independent of contingent factors deriving from the physical influence of the environment. Only the appearance of this religious and idealist conception is modified in the doctrine of democratic liberalism or libertarian individualism. The soul as a spark from the supreme Being, the subjective sovereignty of each elector, or the unlimited autonomy of the citizen of a society without laws — these are so many sophisms which, in the eyes of the Marxist critique, are tainted with the same infantile idealism, no matter how resolutely "materialist" the first bourgeois liberals and anarchists may have been.
This ideology was brought to you by Adam Smith's Land of Barter(tm).

>> No.13531911

A destabilized third world isn't a good thing but the least we can do to help is let them into the first world

>> No.13531912

So I could basically move around forever and basically not be a part of any community if i wanted too?

>> No.13531916

Stabalizing the third world is a better solution instead of this retarded half measure.

>> No.13531919

Why am I supposed to make my society worse to benefit some third world retards on the other side of the globe while my countrymen die in their own piss?

>> No.13531922

Not going to happen under capitalism whose main goal is just to make money and only make small changes like letting in immigrants pretending that it makes the whole issue ok

>> No.13531926

Because you are the ones who fucked up the third world in the first place with colonialism and the cold war

>> No.13531942

My country had zero colonies and was barely involved in the cold war in any way whatsoever, got any not retarded reasons?

>> No.13531953
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>Who would Kierkegaard main in Smash Bros?
>Would Wittgenstein own an iMac?
>Would Sartre be able to play VRChat?

the absolute state of this board

>> No.13531965

if marx were alive today he would be a racist accelerationist

>> No.13531969

Why are nationalists so short sighted Can’t you see the simple connections?
>third world country is a shithole, people starve etc..
>the people therefore want to emigrate, which they do (even if they’re „not allowed to“)
>these people, formerly spread out around the globe, move to already overcrowded areas of first world countries
>these first world countries get even more overpopulated and have to spend finances on accommodations, welfare or even just the deportation of the immigrants
>economic progress of the country is slowed down, job market problems arise, social division happens etc
>not only the initial country suffers, but also its trade partners
„Heh I don’t care about anyone but ourselves“ doesn’t work.
And if your countrymen die in their own piss without options, you don’t live in the first world

>> No.13531971

Well if you don't want to help them out then they are inevitable going to immigrate to the first world

>> No.13531974

Kierkegaard would main Kid Icarus

>> No.13531976

Elaborate or die. Statements without reasoning are like chair without legs, silly and strange.

>> No.13531993

>Marxists aren't useful idiots for neoliber-

>> No.13531994

Yes, for the same reason he advocate for free trade.

>> No.13532003

Sounds like closing the borders is a great idea, thanks.

>> No.13532012

Elaborate how a firstworld stays so if it takes in millions of third worlders. Do marxists just think this will fuel the le revolution? Are immigrants more likely to not be lumpebproles in their eyes? Sounds doubtful

>> No.13532017

No such thing as immigration under Marxism due to the world belonging to the people. Under capitalism immigrants are just another exploited resource whether they're for fearmongering or feeding capitalism.

>> No.13532023

Yeah totally gonna work out right?
Because naah man, we don’t need trade partners or any of that shit dude. Fuck that haha.

You should look up „national economy“ and maybe, just maybe, read a thing or two about that so you don’t have to base your opinions on politics on „lol fuck everybody but ourselves“. Helps you to understand that the world isn’t just a bunch of totally independent countries and stuff.

>> No.13532043
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I wonder what Marx was up to. What can his end goal have been? Coming from such a long line of Rabbi's it's puzzing to think that he left jewishness behind. Maybe he was a beautiful new future for the world. Everyone equal, led by a group of benevolent leaders.

I'm sure he just wanted to make the world a better place aren't you?

>> No.13532052

>things are good or okay before capitalism ruin it

>> No.13532055

Reminder that when someone says 'go back to /pol' they really saying I'm ok with the prevailing marxist order and, rather than engage, I'm happy to use dismissive rhetoric to protect that ideology.

>> No.13532071

What country are you in anyway?

>> No.13532073
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This bugman should deport most of the third world if he wants to be consistent.


>> No.13532076

>Would Marx be for or against immigration.
Considering that Immigration is quite literally a tool of the capitalists to crush wages and stop worker revolts the answer seems pretty straight forward.

>> No.13532094

Indians are racist as fuck, its never really addressed desu

>> No.13532099

It's a short term solution that doesn't solve the underlying problems of capitalism

>> No.13532103

Communism isn't egalitarianism. There are no ruling class either

>> No.13532108

Immigrants are all self interested family people, they are conservatives at heart going along with lefty values for the benefits.

>> No.13532109

>It's a short term solution
To what?
Because the only thing Immigration really addresses is Stagnating economies and Worker unrest.

>> No.13532110


>> No.13532113

>the answer seems pretty straight forward.
wouldn't he advocate for it to accelerate the revolution?

>> No.13532115

>they are conservatives at heart
Exactly, conservative about the values of the home countries.

>> No.13532117

It makes first worlders feel less guilty and less likely to want to change the system

>> No.13532119

>russia not involved in the cold war and having no colonies

Ayo hol up

>> No.13532122

Didn’t you guys made satellite states in East Europe and Middle East? And involved in the Cold War?

>> No.13532123

Look at the size of that NOSE

>> No.13532124

No, why would that make sense?

>> No.13532129

>wouldn't he advocate for it to accelerate the revolution?
Yes, the revolution is surely accelerated by making worker unrest even harder and continuing the growth of capital.

>> No.13532130
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>let's just make assumptions about every western country and make people pay for something they had nothing to do with
and Marxists wonder why everyone hates them.

>> No.13532137

Marx advocated for free trade to accelerate the revolution and free trade just helps more wealth accumulate in the hands of the capitalists

>> No.13532138

>confusing prescription for description
It is a natural consequence of playing stupid games to win stupid prizes.

>> No.13532143

>Dude things need to get way worse to make things better


>> No.13532144

>confusing prescription for description
Meant to be the inverse

>> No.13532146

>>confusing prescription for description
No, he isn't.
>>13531926 gave a reason for:
"Why am I supposed to make my society worse to benefit some third world retards on the other side of the globe while my countrymen die in their own piss?"
Its clearly prescriptive, as it gives reasons WHY a certain thing should be done.

>> No.13532151
File: 61 KB, 850x400, quote-in-a-word-the-free-trade-system-hastens-the-social-revolution-it-is-in-this-revolutionary-karl-marx-67-97-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx would like a word with you

>> No.13532154

>as it gives reasons WHY a certain thing should be done.
No that is description, the reply didn’t state that the anon should, but that he must.

>> No.13532165

I meant would

>> No.13532168

>No that is description
"You should do X because of Y" is not a description, how retarded are you?

>> No.13532174

Learn to fucking read through what you wrote before posting retard, this isn't too hard.

>> No.13532177

That >>13531926 never use the word should

>> No.13532181

Chill nigga, I am not the one inserting a should into someone’s post

>> No.13532186

Yes, but read the fucking post before, it gives a reason WHY something should happen.
"X should happen because of Y" is NOT a description, >>13531926 JUSTIFIES why >>13531919 should happen.

>> No.13532196

Dude, at least I am able to read two post.
The first guy said "Why should X happen", the reply to that was "because of Y", if you think that is descriptive there is something wrong with your understanding of the English language, which would be pretty unsurprising at this point.

>> No.13532204

No he gave a reason why it is happening not why it should happening.

>"X should happen because of Y" is NOT a description
I know it isn’t, and my point is nobody is making that statement in the first place. Justifying something is not the same as encouraging it.

>> No.13532216

>The first guy said "Why should X happen"
>>13531919 never said that either senpai. He asked for a reason and he got one.

Learn to fucking read senpai. You are literally projecting words into people post.

>> No.13532217

>No he gave a reason why it is happening not why it should happening.
You literally are unable to read, I really am unable to argue anything at this point.
Sure if you believe 2+2=5 go ahead, I do not care, but if you just read the post you would see that this is a lie.

>Justifying something is not the same as encouraging it.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.13532222

>mega man
>yes, but he would lie about not liking it


>> No.13532226

>>>13531919 never said that either senpai.
What is wrong with you?
You realize the thing, "X", that should happen can be him doing something?

At this point you are just denying reality...

>> No.13532227
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No one so far mentioned that Communism and Marxism leads to Jewish slaughter of the people.


>> No.13532232

It is also irrelevant to the question of Marx supporting Immigration or not.

>> No.13532234

Borders were not invented by capitalism

>> No.13532238

Not an argument. Nobody made any suggestions in the reply chain, and pretending otherwise is delusional at best

>What the fuck is wrong with you?
I unfortunately know the difference between a prescription and a description lmao.

>> No.13532244

>Justifying something
Justifying something most definitely isn't descriptive though.

>> No.13532245

Why do you still insisting on repeating the word should when no one but you is using it?

>> No.13532249

Communism is the removal of social hierarchy

>> No.13532251

My bad. Describing or illustrating would be a better word.

>> No.13532252

I mean, you can deny reality all you want, but the facts are pretty clear, one guy asked why X should be done and the other said WHY it should be done.

>> No.13532253

Race as a coherent category and having the 'more melanin' gene are different things.
Also, 'different cultures' exist already within what you seem to call 'Cultures', there's no such thing as the latter.
You're using concepts like a elementary school student.

>> No.13532255

Read Marx before you speak

>> No.13532259

Again spamming the word should as if someone said it... why do people have to project prerogatives into casualty so that they can be mad about it?

>> No.13532264

>Why do you still insisting on repeating the word should when no one but you is using it?
Because I am rephrasing "Why am I supposed to do X" into "Why should I do X"?

You are literally denying reality here.

>> No.13532273

>Describing or illustrating would be a better word.
Yes, he is describing why one proposed action should be taken...
If I describe why all black people should be killed, is that prescriptive or descriptive?

You are literally not engaging with reality here.

>> No.13532278

>"Marx actually supported class hierarchy!!"

>> No.13532295

ReAd MArX.

>> No.13532306

But it is not a complete rephrase you delusional retard. Suppose doesn’t just imply any moral obligation like should does.

>> No.13532307

Read Marx but for real this time

>> No.13532309

Think it was more heirarchy based on prestige instead of wealth or whatever. So commie society academics can keep fellating themselves like they do now

>> No.13532311

>If I describe why all black people should be killed, is that prescriptive or descriptive?
Prescriptive because you literally used the word should.

If you said Blacks are killed because they cause crimes than that it is a description

>> No.13532315

>class hierarchies are the only possible social hierarchies
stupid retard

>> No.13532316

Fine I admit, whatever you are saying is absolute truth.
Two plus Two indeed equals Five, I should have known that from the beginning.

>> No.13532324

H-how, can you not see it?
Its truly remarkable that you still are unable to figure it out.

Whatever see >>13532316

>> No.13532328

Read Marx.

>> No.13532329

I accept your passive aggressive concede.

>> No.13532332

Fine, I have accepted the truth that two plus two is indeed five.
I truly have no argument left why it should have ever been 4.

Go ahead, make the last reply, I give you the honor you so desire.

>> No.13532335

ok you got me. Marx secretly wanted a ruling class of people who with their own interests which conflicted with the rest of the people

>> No.13532337

Saying that A causes B isn’t the same as B should happen coz of A. One is a casual link the other is opinion.

>> No.13532338

Today's thread about Marx is a disgrace. Usually there at least one or two people who have read Marx. Even someone who is against his critique of the Capital but who have at least read him.
Today no one. Only people talking about things they don't know.

Marx in Das Kapital, Vol.1, Chapter XXV (translation from french copy)
"the Capitalist system develops the means to exploit the worker more, by making his day of work longer, or by making his work more intense, or by increasing the number of workers employed by replacing a strong and expensive workforce by many inferior and cheaper work forces, the man by the women, the adult by the teenager or the children, a Yankee by three Chineses. These are methods to diminish the demand of labor and make the labor market superabundant, in one word, to create supernumerary workers."

>> No.13532351

Whatever it sets out to replace the individual with classes it still tries to get rid of all classes to make the individual work again. It's literally just an addition to liberalism by denying the free form nature of capitalism as being a persecutive force to man. In the end it seeks the same thing and whatever asides by downgrading the individual to meet the single class is still similar to liberalism. In contrast fascism, conservatism, monarchy etc try go build up the institutions to buoy against base human nature and the grouping of man as a whole unit. Marxism is 100% an ideological child of liberalism minus an industrial setting. In fact if the industrial age was set 200 years prior Marxism would have been developed then

>> No.13532352

Read Marx.

>> No.13532359

You haven't read Marx.

>> No.13532360

Go back and actually read Marx. That quote is just an oddity

>> No.13532362

You still didn't get it.

Whatever, go get your last reply.

>> No.13532364

Make a point

>> No.13532367

I did. I said that you should read Marx before commenting on what he did or did not want.

>> No.13532372

Read >>13531690

>> No.13532379

I wasn't him but every marxist screeches read Marx and I've regularly dispatched of them in a debate and I never reveal I've never actually read Marx outside articles. He's become some mystic for u ppl. Marx lent himself to bolshevism not menshevism

>> No.13532391

And further so Marx never found a replacement for capital, he tried to pawn off work vouchers from an American but that's just replacing capital w capital. He should've banned trade outside barter in villages and banned cosmopolitans and banned national politics

>> No.13532394
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You are not allowed to give your opinion on Marx until you read his entire oeuvre including personal letters. (Pictured is just his work with Engels)

>> No.13532398

If you've read this you've read and understand more about Marx than 97% of hardcore marxists

>> No.13532524
File: 97 KB, 620x476, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall build my throne high overhead,
Cold, tremendous shall its summit be.
For its bulwark-- superstitious dread,
For its Marshall--blackest agony.

Nope no hierarchy here, no body to rule over anything, or decide what, how, how many, how much is dolled out, how much the currency is worth, or any other trivial matter of a society. No hierarchy, no decisions, no movement, no motivation, only stagnation, unless there is force, but who is using force if no power base exists?

>> No.13532551

>--Marx clearly wanted to abolish class hierarchies, but there are other things that are often considered hierarchies, especially by braindead anarkiddies, that he wouldn't want to get rid off
just learn to read you nigger

Another illiterate faggot, this time with writing issues. Or maybe it's just the lack of any coherent thoughts to express in the first place that's the problem.
>similar to liberalism
your mums asshole is similar to liberalism

That's probably true.

>> No.13532579

my favorite is when Marxist tell you to read various books about how you are supposed to interpret Marx and Engels, rather than decide for yourself what they mean, and how it actually plays out irl. Even in instances of failure, Marxists tell us that it was the wrong interpretation that was utilized. So many ways to interpret the same words, so many ways it can fail, but its never Marx, or his apostles, its everyone else who gets it wrong.

>> No.13532594

In actuality they are mostly fairly welloff migrants that go country shopping, many of them temporarily as they suck up money and get bored (the elite of their shitholes). The countries that do have huge amounts of refugees are much poorer and closer to the sources, these are the people that genuinely need to escape, not really by fear of death or starvation but simply out of a desire to live a safe life (which is not pressing but reasonable still), and don't have the knowledge or resources to go country shopping. The welloff ignore good options, or indeed the countries they're already in or travelling through, in favour of both the wealthiest and those that offer lots of welfare and social conditions that allow them to do anything with impunity while having minor celebrity status. Which the various medias aggressively condition in the population to the extent that their minds just break if they ever have a critical thought.

>> No.13532595

He would be against, immigrants act like scabs, undermining organized labor..

>> No.13532602


>> No.13532610

My favorite is when the staunchest anti-communists suddenly become the biggest believers in the absolute truth of propaganda coming straight from the mouths of so-called communists as soon as it comes to evaluating stuff like Stalin saying "why yes, of course I'm a Marxist and the USSR was socialist!"

>So many ways to interpret the same words
Yes, if you're allowed to cherrypick and to handwave problematic fragments away by saying something like "yeah, we've made progress since then and corrected our understanding, trust me :)", then there's an infinite number of ways to interpret Marx.

>> No.13532634

Do you really deny that Marxism comes from liberalism? You know nobody will take you seriously if you deny that right anon?

>> No.13532641

Oh lord then nobody including Marx is a true marxist. You live in your little fairytale world

>> No.13532650

My favorite part is when in 2019, on the internet, it is perfectly fine to discuss about authors we didn't even read.

I still haven't read Hegel. I have a copy of the phenomenology of the spirit, and i intend to read it soon, when i'm finished with other books.

However, that's fine Anon, i haven't read Hegel, but let's discuss about Hegelian philosophy. I've heard Hegel talks a lot about dialectics. I don't know what it is, but it seems cool. Wanna talk about it?

>> No.13532661

Do you have anything interesting to add?

>> No.13532672

Nop. You can /thread.

>> No.13532673

"Comes from" is so vague that I can't deny that, but even if it comes from it in some way, then it still completely negates it. And fascism also comes from liberalism, even more so than Marxism.

Engels and Lenin were Marxists.

yeah dood, i haven't read him as well, but we can discuss him. Hegel was totally wrong about the whole thesis--antithesis--synthesis thing so he sucks imo and I heard that he caused nazism or something.

>> No.13532680
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Btfo by >>13532661

>fascism comes from liberalism more than Marxism
Guys we've got a certified retard in here

>Engels and Lenin

>> No.13532736

If you "people" love so much marxisim why dont go to live in Venezuela? lmao

>> No.13532749

>yeah dood, i haven't read him as well, but we can discuss him. Hegel was totally wrong about the whole thesis--antithesis--synthesis thing so he sucks imo and I heard that he caused nazism or something.

You're wrong. It's Friedrich Nietszche who is responsible for Nazism. I haven't read him also.
But it doesn't matter since i've heard he is a fascist haha.

>> No.13532771
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my favorite part is when in 2019 I can make an assumption about whether or not another person read what I read based on that person's understanding of the same literature, without acknowledging if there is a reasonable explanation behind the abilities for this person to come to their own conclusions of the matter. In 2019, with reddit spacing no less.

>> No.13532789
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so where did it go so wrong?

>> No.13532794

it's harder to justify imaginary state borders. don't you think you should have the freedom to travel wherever you want whenever you want without bureaucracies stopping you and making you pay for the privilege?

>> No.13532938

Just don't let the third worlders in, simple as that

>> No.13532949

>And fascism also comes from liberalism
Yes, but mostly by virtue of OPPOSING everything liberalism supports.

>> No.13532977

That’s very, very wrong.
I’m from a country in Europe that took quite a lot of refugees. What you say is solely based on what you wish it is like so it fuels your political ideas instead of actual facts.
Believe it or not but most third world countries don’t have a real (in the sense of numbers that would have any impact) financial elite and if they do, they (their education and value on the job market) would be worth less in countries with different systems. The amount of filthy rich people that inherited their wealth instead of selling their personal knowledge or workforce in third world countries is basically negligible.

>The countries that do have huge amounts of refugees are much poorer and closer to the sources, these are the people that genuinely need to escape, not really by fear of death or starvation but simply out of a desire to live a safe life (which is not pressing but reasonable still), and don't have the knowledge or resources to go country shopping.
So people in Syria weren’t starving through cut supply? They didn’t face death? They just „didn’t really live a safe life“? Again, you’re downplaying everything in favor of your ideology and again, it’s wrong. Do you know how many refugees emigrated from Syria alone? About as much as my country has inhabitants. These refugees have to be spread out across lots of different countries. Not for their sake but for the sake of the national identity of the host countries.

>The welloff ignore good options, or indeed the countries they're already in or travelling through, in favour of both the wealthiest and those that offer lots of welfare and social conditions that allow them to do anything with impunity while having minor celebrity status.
Here we go again. What do you think? How does immigration work? Do you think personal finances are irrelevant? They’re just rich and get welfare anyway and enjoy „minor celebrity status“ (lmao)? No.

>Which the various medias aggressively condition in the population to the extent that their minds just break if they ever have a critical thought.
This is not a critical thought. It’s made up bullshit. It’s shit from people who have absolutely not even the slightest of any idea about economics, laws, situation in other countries or relations to other countries. It’s shit from people who live in their bubble and instead of acquiring knowledge about this, come up with their own version of how things work, which (oh surprise) is completely wrong because (oh surprise) it’s not based on any sort of actual underlying fact.

>> No.13532979


I’m not a „open all borders“ liberal and I’m not promoting immigration per se (which is evident in my original post). What I’m saying is, in simple terms: the world is a pretty big place and if you believe it or not, a lot more intertwined than you think. A refugee from Syria is not worth less than myself as a human being and being a modern human being per se has the obligation to help other human beings. Not solely for the sake of being a „nice guy“, but for the sake of relations, avoidance of segregation through ignorance, avoidance of social problems and therefore not only wars but also the emergence of growing radical beliefs through simple spreading of said beliefs across a group of easily influenced people fearing what has been kept from them, who eventually create movements that not only inhibit quality of life but eventually have the possibility to turn a prosperous country into one you need to escape from. You see, it’s all a big circle.
Which brings us back to my original point: if you want to stop immigration, which (without segregation) is a good thing, you have to help out the initial third world country and make it a place you can actually prosper in.

>> No.13532992

There is no "would". Marx explicitely opposed immigration as a tool of capital against labour. All European communist parties were accordingly opposed to immigration till the 70s.

>> No.13532995

Probably on paper but he hated nigs IRL