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/lit/ - Literature

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13528097 No.13528097 [Reply] [Original]

what's the book that got you into reading?
for me it was unironically Mein Kampf
it's quite literally a book about everything
every 10 pages a lesson, on any topic you can imagine (short of cooking recipes)
before i read this book, i had read 0 books for pleasure, but in the time since i started Mein Kampf, i've finished 3 other books on the side.

>> No.13528126

Dr. Dredd's Wagon of Wonders

>> No.13528234
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He killed himself and so should you, if you think that his poorly written rant is “knowledge”
Please tell me the titles of the other three books, I wanna have a laugh

>> No.13528411

>t. never even read the book

>> No.13528450

I am an native german speaker and I read the original version in an original 1942 book and I can confirm that it's poorly written bullshit

>> No.13528471

Hi my fellow Axis member!
Italian translation was even worse because it was commissioned in a period when Italy and Germany didn’t have good relations (Mussolini sustained Dollfuss)
Fun thing is they chose a Jew to translate it

>> No.13528476

well i am a native german speaker currently an original 1937 copy and i can confirm that it's well written and thought provoking.
maybe you should put your asshurt aside and enjoy the book for what it is

>> No.13528481

are you jewish?

>> No.13528525 [DELETED] 

>Der schwarzhaarige Judenjunge lauert stundenlang, sata-
nische Freude in seinem Gesicht, auf das ahnungslose Mäd-
chen, das er mit seinem Blute schändet und damit seinem,
des Mädchens, Volke raubt.

> Das Volk ist in seiner überwiegenden Mehrheit so femi-
nin veranlagt und eingestellt, daß weniger nüchterne Über-
legung als vielmehr gefühlsmäßige Empfindung sein Den-
ken und Handeln bestimmt.

> Der Marxismus, dessen letztes Ziel die Vernichtung aller
nichtjüdischen Nationalstaaten ist und bleibt,

Literally an mixtape of Boomer post and autistic incel ranting to confirm the masses

>> No.13528534

I did, and he didn’t understand Marx at all

>> No.13528543

i think he understood marx better than the vast majority of marxists
t. former marxist

>> No.13528547

>Der schwarzhaarige Judenjunge lauert stundenlang, satanische Freude in seinem Gesicht, auf das ahnungslose Mädchen, das er mit seinem Blute schändet und damit seinem,
des Mädchens, Volke raubt.

> Das Volk ist in seiner überwiegenden Mehrheit so feminin veranlagt und eingestellt, daß weniger nüchterne Über-
legung als vielmehr gefühlsmäßige Empfindung sein Denken und Handeln bestimmt.

> Der Marxismus, dessen letztes Ziel die Vernichtung aller nichtjüdischen Nationalstaaten ist und bleibt,

It's an collection of Boomer post and autistic incel ranting to justify their atrocious acts to the masses

>> No.13528555

This. Marxists are incredibly narrow-minded

>> No.13528561

all those three are true statements

>> No.13528595

Yes. Marxists. Not Marx
You stayed the same

>> No.13528602

marx was a brainlet to be honest

>> No.13528614

>absolute state of /lit/

>> No.13528615

It was a girl I wanted to be on the same level with, not a book

>> No.13528657

Let’s say for a moment he’s stating true facts
Just stating something that is true is journalism in the best case. Not literature, not even philosophy
It would be all description and zero intellectual work. You have then to interpret reality and offer some solutions to the problem you observed: Hitler does this in a retarded way
Also from a stylistic pov he’s just a technical school dropout who tries to imitate Thus Spoke Zarathustra with very poor results
There are some metaphors that suggest he had a quite of a schizo way of reasoning

>> No.13528672

Remember when slow board /lit/ btfoed every /pol/ raid? I just hope things get better after the end of the sunmer

>> No.13528679

Meant for this>>13528614

>> No.13528703

I am a native Germans speaker and read every version and they’re all fantastic and said you’re gay

>> No.13528752
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Post shelf(s)/pile(s) with timestamp.
And do not attempt to veil away any of the titles from our eyes. They are specifically what is to be vehemently studied, and their context evaluated.

>> No.13528787
File: 82 KB, 476x475, LOVE YOU FOREVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom read to me every day as a child so probably this unironcally.

>> No.13528837

I read a lot as a child. No idea which book started that. Drifted away from reading at some point, then Inherent Vice got me back into it a few years ago.

>> No.13528899

Sherlock Holmes

>> No.13529535

its still a pretty good book. partially brilliant. he was never aiming at writting something like nietzsche or kafka. its like das kapital just reporting „facts“ and than giving a solution trough an ideology.

>> No.13529596

the bread book

>> No.13530390

His solutions seemed like they were working until the war started.

>> No.13530406

I believe George’s Marvelous Medicine by Ronald Dahl was the first book where I had that “hooked” feeling.

>> No.13530409

The Cricket in Times Square

>> No.13530408


>> No.13530430

>killed himself
Show me the body faggot, oh wait, you can't

>> No.13530953

Yeah, but their only logical outcome was a war to start

>> No.13533018
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i don't think there has been a book yet that has 'got me into reading'/'started it all'
that said, i've been reading a lot more rapidly since i finished lucky jim by kingsley amis

>> No.13534264

I’m not sure if that’s the book you want to be taking lessons from, anon but you do you

Anyways for me I really have been reading the entirety of my life with occasional lulls, but the book that really got me into a more purpose-driven goal-in-mind reading was a shortened copy of The Count of Monte Cristo (Don’t worry I eventually read the full thing).