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13527839 No.13527839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ you as smartest board what would be your best advice for me?

>> No.13527848

unironically kill yourself. sokrates was smarter than all of us and he offed himself, too.

>> No.13527851

Read books

>> No.13527852


>> No.13527854

Feet make my pee pee hard

>> No.13527855

Socrates suicided? Why?

>> No.13527857

this, suicide is the ultimate intellectualpill

>> No.13527862

based and blackpilled

>> No.13527873

You want my advice? Stop asking for advice.
Find something and stick to it, come hell or high water.

>> No.13527877

he was forced to commit suicide,
he was convicted for not believing in the athenian gods and for "corrupting the youth"

>> No.13527879

Don't worry about things you can't change; be nice to people around you; don't masturbate more than two times a week (also cut the porn off); eat healthy; read at least a book a week; do at least 150 minutes of exercise a week; don't spend to much time here and most important try to make as much friends as you can, because people and conections are everything in life, whether you like or not.

>> No.13527885

What do you consider eating healthy?

>> No.13527903


>> No.13527912

>most important try to make as much friends as you can
I don't have anything in common with normies, i guess would need to put on the mask of normalcy and learn the things that they like, but i don't even know where to start.

>> No.13527921
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Shut the fuck up and drag a small tree with you wherever you shall go.

>> No.13527931

Did he bum little boys

>> No.13527939

From what i have read he really wanted to.

>> No.13527940


>> No.13527941
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>you as smartest board

>> No.13527947

t. IQ 140

>> No.13528009

leave 4chan and 4channel forever
but save the stickies

>> No.13528041

>forced to commit suicide

not really suicide then my dude but okay

>> No.13528122

>my dude
please be my gf femanon

>> No.13528123


>> No.13528170

Socrates was a subversive who deserved death.
He absolutely did and was looked down on for it. Don't believe the globohomo propagandists saying it was "accepted in ancient Greek society"

>> No.13528179

based socrates

>> No.13528184

This life is a game of benefit, of existence. Solidify your existence and prolong it.

>> No.13528186

wtf I love him now

>> No.13528238

Plato was such a good spin doctor everyone thinks Socrates’s “corrupting the youth” charge was because he encouraged kids to embarrass their elders with Reason and Logic, but what actually happened was Socrates had students who went on to become literal tyrants and kill 5% of the Athenian population. When democracy was restored, Socrates was put on trial. That’s what “corrupting the youth” means. Not making a politician look stupid in front of a bunch of teens for not knowing what justice is.

>> No.13528244
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Many people on 4chan may disagree with me but I truly believe no one person can be accurately called a normalfag. Rather, it is an abstraction. Usually, to be normal is to fit within or around the average of a distribution in any given metric. Thing is, everyone is unique, no matter how average, how common they are physically, social, financially, you will eventually come across a judgement where they are deviant from the norm.
Colloquially, social normalcy is increasingly evoked as a disassociation of a person's personal traits, tastes and motivations from more common, accessible or low-brow streams of culture. What many young people consider to be normal culture is dependent on what they perceive as an omnipresent "other."
It is all perspective. For example, many here would call ravers or edm kids colossal normies because of the perceived accessibility and sociality of their interests. I've met ravers who believe they are special for devoting more time and energy than average to dancing and ecstacy and sexual promiscuity. Because they lack proximity to these online communities, they would lump in 4chan types with brogrammers, old fashioned tabletop nerds, hell even just Reddit using college students and interns. To them we are the normalfags and they are the exceptional few. I'm using two extremes but you can apply this even to similar internet communities. Hell, we attack boards like /soc/ and /fa/ for being too comprised of normalfags.

Really, you just belonged to a different stream of social media. Everyone has one, whether it's Instagram dm's or niche subreddits or black Twitter or Avant-garde fashion forums or some twitch streamer's chat. If you wanna make friends, you're only hurting yourself when you come in with a mindset of performative normalcy. It's not how people operate. Many people you see in public and perceive as boring and regular may have some incredibly intriguing passions, stories, personality traits. Hell, you may see someone entirely normal-presenting just to find out he's a 4chan crossboarding apu poster like yourself.
It sounds like a lot of your anxieties have little to do with acting regular and more on being socially fluid in physical space. There are professionals who could assist in that but just becoming increasingly talkative and expressive with people you know and don't know will prepare you for that. That you spend too much time socializing online is not at all unique to anonymous image boards.

>> No.13528267

Socrates famously did not bum noted twink slut Alcibiades even though he was totally asking for it

>> No.13528282

Just don't drink coke or any sugary drinks, don't eat fast food and try not to eat shitty, industrialized food in general and your life will be a lot better, specially when you get older. Also remember to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, even if you don't like, because most of them have tremendous health benefits.
Tha's the tricky part, ins't? I've been strugling with that since I've had the realization of how important it is to have people in your life. What I am doing is going out more, putting more effort on conversations, doing my best to maintain some of the friends I already have and just trying to left my comfort zone in general. You can do the same. Trust me, it's painful, but it will pay off. You don't want to enter your 30s with no friends or conections. If you think it's hard now, imagine how even more dificult this can be as you get older.

>> No.13528316

>He absolutely did and was looked down on for it. Don't believe the globohomo propagandists saying it was "accepted in ancient Greek society"
Next up on paranoid internet man : "how Hitler did not kill any jews and even if he did it would be a good thing"

>> No.13528319

Also, I just want to say this anon is 100% right. If you want to engage in the real world, drop this special image you have of yourself. You are somebody elses normie and at of the day we are just a bunch of people in a strange world trying to do our best to survive and be happy, so none of this shit is important.

>> No.13528363

You think you know a lot but you don't

>> No.13528375

have sex

>> No.13528376

This. Having kids is very meaningful

>> No.13528412

>even if he did it would be a good thing
Yes indeed

>> No.13528422

Condoms exist

>> No.13528455
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but how. Girls look at me in funny way.

>> No.13528478

Why don't you want kids?

>> No.13528484

leatn to distinguish /lit/ from /adv/

>> No.13528493
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Just say "hi"

>> No.13528501

Seems kinda dumb to have sex and not even have kids. That's like chewing food but not actually ingesting the nutrients

>> No.13528629

I dont know a lot, but I'm intetested in learning :)

>> No.13528643

Socrates was based, and died to prove a point. It's different from offing yourself because you're a khv loser

>> No.13528654

You haven lived a full life until you've taken your shit and eaten a little bit of it.

Nobody cares if you shit your pants when you are famous.

>> No.13528706

Cut vertically not horizontally

>> No.13529020

what does this mean?

>> No.13529027

jelqing is real, you WILL grow your dick

>> No.13529032

Believe in God and kill Marxists. :3

>> No.13529050
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>> No.13529741

Because then I bring them into a world where they might encounter someone who conflates suggesting that sex for pleasure exists with not wanting to have children ever. Lesser men than I would probably kill themselves in the face of such retardation and I simply do not have the strength to endure the death of someone who would be as close to me as my child.

>> No.13529752

Neuroscience disagrees but alright.

It means anon has a scat fetish.

>> No.13529768

this is legitimately a very solid set of life advice

unfortunately, i think a lot of it will be discounted by those who don't see anything wrong with jerking off to porn, which seems to be most people...

>> No.13529775

where does this come from? surely there's some source other than misinterpretation of "corrupting the youth"

>> No.13529838

I agree with this except for the "make as much friends as you can", rather I would advice to make deep connections, even if few

>> No.13530222
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I agree but
>try to make as many friends as you can, people and connections is everything
isn't right, the most important thing is to be content with yourself and cherish genuine friends if you happen to meet them.

>> No.13531127

depends on what your goals are
for example, there are lots of jobs where connections are everything and if you want to get ahead in those anon is undoubtedly correct

>> No.13531388

That makes him immensely more based