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File: 110 KB, 840x840, revolt-against-the-modern-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13526611 No.13526611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Novels that promote and elucidate this feel?
I've read the philosophy of the Right, but I'd like to see it in literary action.

>> No.13526651

why do you retards fetishize the past

>> No.13526661
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Traditional forms are Eternal and will recur indefinitely forever. We do not worship the past, we are waiting for its recurrence.

>> No.13526666

Capital acceleration is irreversible.

>> No.13526690

Also the OP image looks like the start of a gay porn comic.

>> No.13526692

economics is a joke

>> No.13526694

t. woman
women will never understand camaraderie and mentorship

>> No.13526697

This. The only reason you have this romanticised view of the past, OP, is because a) it looks 'quaint' and 'different' to you and b) only the good parts have been preserved. In reality living in the past was just as depressing and boring as living today, if not more.

>be a serf
>wake up
>till the fields all day
>cant read or write because you're illiterate
>drink disgusting rum and sit around doing nothing

Of course nobody painted pictures or wrote books about the banal aspects of this life, so you assume it was all great.

>> No.13526706

Supple young man gangbanged by a brute an alpha male and an old pervert. This image clearly has sexual undertones.

>> No.13526707
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>the past
>the past, the serfs, the plague, the banal aspects, nostalgia
We aren't after the past itself, we are after the timeless truths and values contained in it that much of the modern world has forgotten. What passes as progress these days is actually decay.

>> No.13526709

Just kill yourself

>> No.13526710

stop visiting pornhub

>> No.13526711

>only the good parts have been preserved.
I kind of agree. It's these parts that should be revived. Of course no one wants the bring back what they think the negative parts of pre-modernity were.

The debate should be centered around what is done better now and what was done better then, rather than just which time period was superior.

>> No.13526715

>being this blind to obvious similarities between this pic and blacked meme
They're literally looking down on him.

>> No.13526718
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>> No.13526719

Like what? I guarantee you if I could send you back in time to live with serfs you would hate them just as much as you hate the modern man.

>> No.13526721

Growth of the soil or any kind of escapist rural romanticism

>> No.13526730


try a renaissance faire, or one of those MMO games that mandate LARPING

>> No.13526739
File: 296 KB, 540x709, trads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like what? What timeless truths?
Family. Morals. Marriage. God. Church. Community. Art (that isn't degenerate). Charity (not welfare).

> if I could send you back in time to live with serfs you would hate them just as much as you hate the modern man.
It's not a question of hate at all.

>> No.13526740

Stop repressing your nature.

>> No.13526744

Your brain has rotted from pornography.

>> No.13526748

Young Hitler Jugend FUCKED by Viking blacksmith Knights Templar and Franciscan Monk all AT ONCE

>> No.13526756

paleo fascism's hot

>> No.13526758

You can still have a family. Why do you care if people around you don't have one?
You can still be moral, lmao.
You can still believe in god
You can still go to church
We have communities
>Art that isn't degenerate
What? So you respect old art such as Macbeth and The Illiad but you don't like reading about degenerate things? Do you even read bro? Most art is degenerate and it always has been.

>> No.13526760
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>> No.13526763

Transformed throughout history, now degenerated into nuclear family without any sings of returning to the traditional form.
Transformed throughout history. Still exist now
Transformed throughout history. Doesn't show any signs of return outside of middle East.
Not timeless at all.
>Art (the ones I like)
>Charity (the one where powerful give to the weak, not the institutionalized)
Transformed throughout history. Doubt we would see turn away from institutionalized one.

>> No.13526765

You know it's inside of you but you refuse to acknowledge it. You lie to yourself because your nature is in conflict with your morals.

>> No.13526771

Wow the lack of comprehension in this thread is staggering. OP isn't looking for a medieval time travel book you fucking retards. He's talking about novels that illustrate traditionalism rather than simply discussing it as a concept.

But really OP it's a hard subject to pinpoint. Basic tenets of traditionalism like family, responsibility, bravery, are pretty Universal.

Someone could suggest Beowulf, or Little House on the Prairie, or The Road, and be in the same ballpark in this case. What specifically are you looking for? The revolution aspect?

>> No.13526773

>You can still have a family. Why do you care if people around you don't have one?
>You can still be moral
>You can still...
What are rambling about? This thread is about novels that promote traditional values, patriarchs, and ways of life.
I'm not telling you how to live or what to read.

>> No.13526774


>> No.13526776

Not everyone is as sick as you.

>> No.13526783

>What specifically are you looking for? The revolution aspect?
Anything you would recommend really, preferably with some action and intrigue.

>> No.13526794

Grapes of Wrath is honestly a great book for this. It has some socialist themes but what it fundamentally deals with is a poor, white, rural family with an unbreakable spirit and endurance. It made me wish I was born into a large close-knit family when I finished reading it.

>> No.13526796
File: 603 KB, 666x590, 1477224408602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys I want to become a better person, what should I read?
>*demonic activity and gay posting intensify*
Like clockwork.

>> No.13526798

I'm not talking to you nigger. I was talking to the guy who said that traditionalist values are "timeless truths" which are forgotten in the modern world. That's what I was responding to.

>> No.13526805

like cockwork**

>> No.13526811

>runs out of crucial resources

>> No.13526814

Your obsession with top down moral domination centered around a prescientific worldview doesn't make you a good person.

>> No.13526819

Why did those based ghibelline-pilled gentleman let that pedophile near the boy?

>> No.13526820

Why do you demonize the past? I understand we appeal too much to tradition, but why do so many people appeal to "progress" and "moving on" from a "barbarous" and "backwards" past?

>> No.13526824

Imagine being so mentally ill that you see gay undertones where they do not exist. Brainwashed by modern social norms and pornography. I hope you find a real friend someday, pathetic manchild.

>> No.13526827
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The ancestors must be respected, but we are also invited to overcome them. The models of your image, artisan, warrior and priest, are not applicable in the modern world, and trying to go back in time is destructive and self-destructive and no better than Theodore Kaczynski. I recommend you to rescue their idealistic values, but does not idealise the past. There is much work to be done, but on our own terms and our own history.

Each generation must create its own era, its own aesthetics, order and execute its own will.

>> No.13526834

The past, like the present, is a horrible entanglement of human suffering and boredom. People romanticise the past and traditionalism so we point out that it was just as shit, if not worse, back then as it is now.

>> No.13526847

Disgusting sodomite pedophile your mind has truly been corrupted.

>> No.13526848

"Society has always been the same" is a meme. We are so ridiculously disconnected from the world right now we barely believe in emotions let alone more abstract concepts like honour. The word probably made half of the users in this thread scoff despite serving as the basis for societies for thousands of years.

>> No.13526849

So we disagree, go find another thread, this one aint for you

>> No.13526850

Because although there are human biological constraints that must be respected, the changing techonomic environment obsoletes many old social customs. The natural instinct to resist change is not productive.

>> No.13526858

Extremely based post. Any philosophers who expand on this?

>> No.13526861

I noticed that too, like they were on standby for such a thread

>> No.13526862
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1563208412377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13526865

The traditionalist caste system is eternal. Ted did nothing wrong. Kys yourself, modernist bugman. The modern world is demonic, there's nothing worth finding here.

>> No.13526871

>le modern scientific humanist face
your portrait

>> No.13526873

You live in the modern world. Get used to it.

>> No.13526878

Yeah I ride the tiger. *tips fedora, but unironically*

>> No.13526880

the irony is, that romanticised notions are directly resulted from being a subject in modernity. Their desire is completely dependent on modernity and everything they hate, their neurosis stems from their own conflicted desire, not any moral decay. they should just admit that they wanna have a three way with a knight, a friar and a black smith - they'll be healthier for it

>> No.13526895

And it will. The problem is when we are approaching Babylon niggery where society thinks its God and can do whatever it wants

>> No.13526901

>thread asking for literary recommendations
>not a single literary recommendation

Imagine my shock

>> No.13526904

There's nothing wrong with bringing values and traditions back, but then you idiots go full retarded by talking about crusades and all kind of racist rants, and you immediately lose any normal person that might have been interested.

>> No.13526910

Reminder that idolisation of the past has been a constant theme throughout history and every single old man before you also hated the new generation and favoured the old.

>Do not say, "Why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions.
Who do you think said that? Some modern liberal? Steven Pinker? No, King Solomon circa 900BC. Yep, in 900 FUCKING BC, people were also complaining that the old days were better than then.

>b-b-but pessimism and nihilism and depression is a modern phenomenon!

Here I cite Theognis of Megara, 5th century BC:

>Best of all for mortal beings is never to have been born at all
>Nor ever to have set eyes on the bright light of the sun
>But, since he is born, a man should make utmost haste through the gates of Death
>And then repose, the earth piled into a mound round himself.

>> No.13526971

>History has a bunch of shitty times.
>People in those times would say: man, this sucks. Remember back when it didn't?
Retard on 4chan:

>> No.13526984

I can sorta get around the chain mail, but the race stuff makes no sense. Race, as a concept, was arrived at in conjunction with genetics. I don't understand how they can rely on concepts explicitly modern to promote a 'traditional', pre-modern way of life.

>> No.13526996

Race is a retarded modern concept. Ethnic groups based around family ties, history, religion, and language are where it's at. The more localized, the better. Amerisharts promote muh white race because they lost their ethnic identities to the original globalist project that is clapistan.

>> No.13527015

How can something be eternal if recurrence has never hapenned? Forms keep changing at every turn, what remained unchanged in them actually changed as a consecuence of the change in their relations and elements.
Just keep waiting.
>We do not worship the past
Yes you do. That's what waiting and celebrating its recurrence entails buddy.
Jesus, this world is saturated with mediocrity.

>> No.13527016

then i don't understand how America works. how does the revolution begin, seeing that history ends at colonization of the locales?

>> No.13527028

>smol anglos fight big anglos

>> No.13527053
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>Eternal Recurrence has never happened
>Can only see Forms
>Linear thought/Linear history

>> No.13527068

By 21st century it's ridicolous to deny linearity of history.

>> No.13527074

history is a trilogy, 1 - 2 - 1,5
repeatedly, building 1,5's. ww1-ww2 was a 1, you are now living on the 2 and soon you will meet the 1,5.

>> No.13527084
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>> No.13527093

They're all about 30 except youngster

>> No.13527100

You're an insanely good person, the world would advance so much with ppl like u around

>> No.13527106
File: 383 KB, 1500x1188, 1998_unabomber_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that neo-reactionaries can deliver certain solutions to the modern human situation, but do not expect Final Solutions.

>The traditionalist caste system is eternal.
As long as people want to live in that caste system. The German nobility helped develop Protestant hyperstition in order to achieve more modular control of European territory. So we have a historical example of how a higher caste rebels against the system itself in order to gain more power and control.

>Ted did nothing wrong.
In other words, killing innocent people who have nothing to do with the techno capital process is valid as long as they serve to make your manifesto famous. Ted was the swan song for the global civilization and village utopia that was so romanticized thanks to McLughan.

Keep an eye on Neuralink. Imagine that classical Babylon will be reborn in cyberspace. But the transfer of consciousness to silicon-based platforms and the migration of oligarchies and kratocracies to Mars will be the last decanting of a process of economic and political refinement that has been going on since May 1945. Babylon and Rome, so hated by the slaves of the past, already exist, in a certain way. All the rings of power and pleasure live in militarized VPNs and paradisiacal third world geographies. Only we peasants are unable to see what is camouflaged by the mass media manufacture of consensus, lobbies and simple social contact.

>> No.13527321
File: 82 KB, 759x500, carl-jung-irritates-759x500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13527348

You can't have any of that in the modern age, don't be ridiculous. Extended families are non-existent, morality has made way for hedonism, churches are dying, civic life non-existent in the age of suburbs and freeways... It's a catastrophe

>> No.13527398

Why tf does the guy on the left with the hammer look like an asian, and why tf does the kid look like a mixed asian and ayy?

>> No.13527458

fucking KEK, would pay to see this

>> No.13527463

This is just a feeling though, i feel that you're notion that things don't really change is just the result of you being a frog in boiling water.

>> No.13527482

Maybe actually revolt against the modern world instead of sitting on your gay nazi larp.
You do know they were german right?

>> No.13527505

You and all people who think thay way are mentally ill.

It reminds me of the morons who say "Haha Frodo and Sam are gay lmao", or the retards that do not understand the Ancient Greek concepts of love. "Haha did you know the Sacred Band of Thebed were gay lovers? Did you know Caesar was a bottom?".

We live in an age when most people have had their brains rotten to a point of no return.

>> No.13527521


>> No.13527875

That example doesn't prove the traditionalist caste system invalid.
>killing innocent people is valid
Innocent is entirely subjective. Killing people is always ok, considering modern humanism and human values are a bourgeoise invention and completely arbitrary. You seem to have it nicely figured out, as long as you only consider phenomena exclusively from the limited perspective inside your own modernist bubble.

>> No.13527894

Yes it does. Your obsession with bottom up moral domination is clearly horrid and evil. Your acceptance of science is top down intellectual and moral domination, you don't appeal to trashmen to determine science. You're an absolutely evil horrid stupid person

>> No.13527907

Lmao, who the fuck draws this shit? Whoever did can fuck back off to deviantART so he can mingle with his bronies.

>> No.13527911

If it's inevitable, then why are people writing this shit or making threads about it? Eat a dick. Also, stop trying to sound like an intellectual.

6/10 because I took the b8.

>> No.13527929

Debatable, but the conservatives idea of family mostly harks back to the 1830. Unless you're talking extended family roman-style, but even for the romans state and duty > family which was viewed as a woman's thing.

Morals change pretty quickly, even in a supposedly religious hegemony like Europe under Christianity morality changed every half-century or so.

Our concept of God is hardly 2500 years old at the earliest (our most advanced conception of God are probably less than 1700 years old). That's less than half human history, not to mention the vastly longer human prehistory.

Less than 2000 years old, and an organization that was solidified and reorganized many times over since. The history of the Church is intrinsically bound with the history of the formation of the state. It's a relatively modern European thing first and foremost
>inb4 what do you mean 2000 years is modern
I'm looking at the large time scale, as you should do if you're concerned with timelessness. The Church appears in a relatively late stage of human development.

>(that isn't degenerate)
Again a Church-thing. Some of the earliest cave paintings are either naturalistic or animistic symbolic, two things I'm sure you consider "degenerate".

A theologal virtue, so precisely an introduction of the Church, unless you want to borrow from earlier Middle Eastern tradition, still you're probably not looking much farther than 600 BC and I'm being generous.
Don't get me wrong, the search for timeless things is worthwhile if quixotic, but you sound like an opinionated faggot who just wants an excuse to claim that the old things he likes are eternal (and, I suppose, above the material realm?), when most of them are very Western-centric and need the context of a large economy to even exist.

>> No.13527934

The whole point of 4chan is contrarianism you know.

>> No.13527945

You just agreed that the past was often shitty then acted like it is unreasonable to point it out. Read the post you're answering to again. It's not only about some bad circumstances, it's about the fundamental uselessness of human live as described by ancient philosophers.

>> No.13527950
File: 293 KB, 1024x777, hyperborea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then explain the disappearance of hyperborea. also what about agartha?

>> No.13527957

This should be on the sticky. Best way to approach the hotbed of perpetual irritation that is 4chan.

>> No.13527967

>retards that do not understand the Ancient Greek concepts of love
the ancient greek concept of love (eros) was that it was 100% sexual desire and not any sort of romantic feeling, the homoerotic lover and beloved (erastes/eromenos) were defined by this sexual desire and expressed it by the older man rubbing his dick on the teenage boy's taint and thighs until ejaculation, more rarely by actual anal penetration. but please do continue deluding yourself that it was just "male camaraderie" or whatever despite all the ancient greek sources explicitly mentioning gay sex and aristophanes joking in every other play about someone's asshole being stretched out by dicks.

>> No.13527973
File: 81 KB, 500x440, coffee-zone-34133296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chronologically constructed political ontology is a mental trap for uninquisitive simps and dimwit normalfags. Reject both traditionalist and progressive mind viruses and think more particularly about your own setting.
You and your circumstances are special, unique, OP.

>> No.13527976

Half of my family is God-fearing, prays several times a day and follows ancient ritual in their own rather large religious communities. We are also close-knit despite having different levels of religiosity.

Your claim about morals is ridiculous, people keep sacrificing themselves for what they think is moral, and people keep getting morally outraged. The difference with ancient times is we don't believe in the moral authority of institutions, but let's not kid ourselves, acting morally was always the responsibility of the individual, and institutional moral trust has been rather flimsy and scarce throughout history. Educate yourself on the history of the Catholic Church, perhaps the most robust moral institution in the past two millenia. It was challenged, fought, criticized and divided to the point of making a fool of itself every other handful of decades.

>> No.13527990

every night I dream this

>> No.13527993

The Sacred Band of Thebes was pretty explicitly described as being made of lovers.
It is a well-documented fact that homoeroticism in various forms was common among Greeks and Roman higher classes throughout antiquity, not that it made them homosexuals in the modern sense.

>> No.13528003

>image purposefully drawn in such a ragingly homoerotic style that it's almost a tom of finland drawing
>all the tradcucks have to loudly insist they don't see it to prove their angelic purity of soul as their brows sweat profusely
funniest thread in a while

>> No.13528005

>You seem to have it nicely figured out, as long as you only consider phenomena exclusively from the limited perspective inside your own modernist bubble.
Ironic considering you're exposing a rationalization for killing people because 'values are arbitrary m8".
There have always been acceptable ways of killing, but killing in general was always considered forbidden unless special circumstances. Throwing around the word "bourgeois" doesn't allow you to disregard thousands of years of history of law. Where do you think "you shall not kill" comes you faggot?

>> No.13528010

>>be a serf
most people in current society are unironically looking forward to retirement to live like serfs used to live all their lives

>> No.13528011

But you are missing the point.
Fascism seeks a balance between the traditional and the modern.
It isn't about literally returning to feudalism, but it is about recognizing what was *good* about it and looking to it to see what people might be missing in the modern world today.
Your accusation of "fetishization" is just missing the point entirely and I can accuse you of the same, "why are you fetishizing the present?".

Do you people genuinely believe that living now is in all aspects better than in the past?
Because I think that is very hard to believe.

>> No.13528020

how did she transition to blackness?

>> No.13528034

The point of fetichization is it has nothing to do with the actual past, it's just ideology in fancy dressing. The present by definition is there, so it's harder to fetichize although it's still possible.

>Fascism seeks a balance between the traditional and the modern.
Are fascism, traditionalism and conservatism really congruent ideologies though?
For instance what has Mussolini, the inventor of political fascism, rescued from the past and made alive in his present? Appropriating roman iconography and symbols doesn"t count, everyone in the past 500 years has been doing it, and the structure of the fascist state ahs very little to do with the Roman empire (which wasn' t even a legitimate legal entity but I digress).

>> No.13528053


>> No.13528063

people who appeal to the past in earnest recognize that capitalist, and more specifically neoliberal, society is extremely alienating and weakens community bonds, or outright develops structures in which communities can no longer form. i think this is probably especially true on 4chan, where a lot of us are young, disaffected people who grew up in the suburbs where community is completely nonexistent by design. i would argue that the only enemy trads really have because of this is capitalism, and by switching to a more communal system, we can see community restrengthen, and through that, "traditional values" restored.

>> No.13528081

>tfw boyscouts are molested by LARPing bears

>> No.13528098

correct, a lot of people on here yearn for community despite being massive autists (result of social alienation)

>> No.13528102

"Retards" have been doing this well before Homer (not the Simpson one, you bugman)

>> No.13528113

italian fascism had anti-tradicional currents too

in general fascism is little more than pragmatic socialism with some window dressing on top

>> No.13528128

It's true that there is an avant-garde quality about fascism that doesn't mesh wel with any real traditionalism. Have you ever been to the area of Rome built under Mussolini? It's pretty fascinating, if a bit ominous, how much it draws from the artistic avant-garde of the time.

>> No.13528135

please list ten pre-homeric literary works that do it

>> No.13528230
File: 533 KB, 1920x1280, 1920px-Palazzo_della_Civiltà_Italiana_a_EUR_Roma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The point of fetichization is it has nothing to do with the actual past
Did you even read what I wrote?
When a Fascist talks about the values of the past he isn't trying to give and accurate portrayal of what life was at that time, but he seems to distill what was good about it and discards the rest.
It's stupid to accuse someone of disregarding the "bad" if he trying to distill the "good".

>Are fascism, traditionalism and conservatism really congruent ideologies though?
No, firstly fascism is inherently revolutionary and at odds with any form of conservatism.
Secondly Fascism and traditionalism are also at odds, as tradionalism rejects modernity as a whole and Fascism seeks s ballance.

>Appropriating roman iconography and symbols doesn"t count
I kinda get your point, but it also makes little sense to disregard it.
Just look at pic related and tell me that Fascist architecture didn't seek a reconciliation between the traditional and the modern.
Rows and Rows of arches and the clear style of Roman type, fitted into a glass and steal building.

>For instance what has Mussolini, the inventor of political fascism, rescued from the past and made alive in his present?
Basically the present he was living in was the present of the total defeat of monarchism by global capitalism and liberalism with it's mass democracy.
As such it sought a return to a more hierarchical and less liberal society, just as it rejected egalitarianism in favor of a more "traditional" society.
In retrospect Fascism has to be viewed as the only real movement which opposed global liberalism.

I know you didn't ask this, but to some extent the National Socialist try to create a new aristocracy, of course not directly through a re-embracing of the old one, but through the creation of a new one.

>> No.13528268
File: 268 KB, 1024x760, Goya-Desastres-De-La-Guerra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The traditionalist caste system is eternal.

>That example doesn't prove the traditionalist caste system invalid.

In this sense, the European middle age caste system is just as valid as the Indian caste system, but both have undergone a battery of reforms, counter-reforms and uprisings from all their bases. Damn it, even the Japanese have their burakumin so that all societies, even without contact with each other, have been modeled in very similar ways, which holds to some extent, your statement.

but Eternal? It is a very big word and a very long time and all human processes and phenomena take on the form and substance of the nature of their architects: failed, with points that don't quite fit and finally tend to wear and tear. The testimony to this is the blood that has been shed since the first dawn.

Just as I live in the bubble of modernity, you live in the bubble that considers murder not only as part of the system itself, but also a right of the warrior caste. The only thing we share is the idea of the sacred. The fact that, if war it is carried out, it must be executed with sacredness and respect. Something tremendously difficult to achieve, for the mercenary and the veteran nothing more than a childish dream, a burlesque and ill-intentioned joke by an immature idiot who has never entered combat other than through the illusions of the software. Any human being who has hated or been in the heat of battle knows the reality that would be just trying to reconcile the feral thirst for blood with the inhuman higher moral vision to assassinate the enemy by respecting him.

>> No.13528269

Fascism is autocracy that overtly uses statism over economy, media and other national apparatus to unite and energize society. It is symbolized by the ancient Roman fasces that celebrates the principle of strength through unity, in the sense that a bundle of rods is much more difficult to break than single rods. Indeed, a strong argument could be made that the principal example of fascism should be not Mussolini’s Italy, but ancient Rome itself, as Rudolf Hess alludes: “In a difficult time the Romans gave full power to a young and capable leader — and the Romans knew something about governing! They knew that “men make history.”” Mussolini’s Italy is a good example of fascism in the modern world on account of its revival of this Roman symbol to rapidly bring together what was before Mussolini’s time a deeply divided society, though it should be noted that Mussolini was not opposed to democracy on a fundamental level, given his own words: “Fascism is an autocracy on the road to democracy.” North Korea’s Juche (meaning “Integralism”) system is a good example of a present-day fascist system in practice, though it does not call itself such. Nevertheless, fascists (especially those who call themselves such) by definition should be essentially Roman in outlook. It also sucks ass

>> No.13528341

holy shit calling juche fascist you are a mega brainlet lmfao

fascism is an autocratic liberal ideology that predicates itself off of moral assumptions and "innate" truths. it literally does not have to connect to an abstract traditionalism, because abstract traditionalism is almost always boiled down to some kind of communalism. anyone reading this thread who has an interest in "traditional values" or traditionalism of any kind, do not fall for the fascism meme. look for ways to form real communities at the personal and the statewide level.

>> No.13528349

OP does not point to the past, but to heroes. Sacrificial heroism is the bread and butter of all civilizations. It is a nuclear phenomenon that lays the foundations on which rest the age of peace, reason and, in general, the improvement of the human condition. Some might call it "Progression."

In the image there is the blacksmith, who sums up the creative and constructive force of builders and artisans, the soldier, who is the defender and protector and the priest, who allows the harmony of the individual and the family with the Higher Order. I think the only mistake is to forget that all human beings cast a shadow. And yet, the observation of OP in heroism seems valid to me.

But what is the modern world? It is the world that began the day Soviet troops triumphed over Berlin in May 1945 while the idea of a 21st-century arrangement of monarchical systems ended up in the hands of their visionaries. However, it remains a diffuse and elusive concept. I would like to know what they mean by that concept.