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File: 41 KB, 850x400, quote-if-god-did-not-exist-it-would-be-necessary-to-invent-him-voltaire-191148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13525006 No.13525006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do present humans seem to not understand God or religion at all? Is it because of the liberal discrediting of the Church and religion as mere submission and superstition?

Even the so-called Christians of today seem to completely miss the point and get caught in stupid arguments over stupid factoids that are really not relevant to Christian spiritual life.

Religion is not superstition, magic or stupidity. It's real and human. It discusses real human and social problems backed by millennia of wisdom and experience that is as relevant today as it always was.

Honestly, if you're skeptical of religion, you need to live more.

>> No.13525012

>reddit spacing
>not factually explaining why he believes in a god

>> No.13525018

I can't put in a sentence why I believe in reality and humanity

>> No.13525022

Because only God can comprehend God and nobody can agree on the definition of religion no matter how much they study religions.

>> No.13525024

>im right, i just cant explain why

>> No.13525038

>Honestly, if you're skeptical of religion, you need to live more.
What does this mean? What experience will convince you of God?

>> No.13525108

Years and years of nihilistic material demoralization. When when from looking up to the heavens with our divine potential, to constantly looking down as merely "piles of cells".

>> No.13525131

Isn't the choice rather personal? If someone observes a meaningless world and you can't prove that it's otherwise, what is the point of having these discussions about it or trying to change someone's mind?

>> No.13525164
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>Why do present humans seem to not understand God or religion at all?
seems to be the population who take things literally

we're all children in some form or another an NEED a skydaddy in some form or another

>> No.13525194

I can explain why, it's just that it's much bigger than quoting Wikipedia in a pissing contest.

What do are you curious about?

>> No.13525334
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Because we live in an epistemic-cultural paradigm of rationality which precludes the idea of faith having its own legitimacy. By justifying faith in rational terms, you've already undermined the truly religious. You did pinpoint the time period when the diminishment of religion started occurring (around the 16th-18th century) but i would say that liberal critiques was more an effect than a cause.

>> No.13525348

>well god is reality and humanity, so ergo god exists

Jesus christ I bet you think you're so fucking smart huh?

My little pony is reality and humanity, you don't believe my little pony has decades of wisdom of human experience?? How can you be skeptical of people who base their life around mlp?

>> No.13525374

In absence of god atheists are known to take up the worship of my little pony

>> No.13525394

Well why not? I mean My Little Pony discusses real human and social problems backed by decades of wisdom and experience that is even more relevant than some book by a bunch of desert kikes.

>> No.13525407

I assume it might teach moral values as a kids show and that’s ultimately based on Christian morals. Have you ever seen chinese children’s shows? Completely different world.

>> No.13525420

And christian morals are ultimately based on kike/zoroastrian/babylonian morals. Whats your point?

>> No.13525521

>why do present humans seem to not understand god

the last two centuries, and the 21st century specifically is marked by an incredulity toward meta-narratives. Signs, meaning, and information are so ubiquitous that they become diluted. Look around you: every product has identity and a story behind it, and there are an infinite amount of products. There is nothing to reflect the idea of God, because we know the process behind everything that our lives are full of.
God lovers would point to non-human made products, a tree or a flower as foundational for understanding the magnanimity of God. Something so complex as a simple flower, must require an infinitely more complex creator.
However, we are in control of these flowers, the trees, and even the sky. It is by urban design that the trees are where they are, and it is by air pollution and constant transportation by plane that we control the skies.

The world around us is not God-made, regardless of the question of "Does God exist or not." The world around us is evidently human-made.
My survival depends on corporations to feed, clothe, and house me, my final judgement depends on legal institutions, my enlightenment depends on education and information apparatus, such as universities or the Internet.
We do not understand God because he is not around. (we have killed him)

>> No.13525526

we've regressed to animality OP

>> No.13525533


>> No.13525977

A strong church shuts down the losers and perverts, and gives its members the power to ensure that God's will is done on earth -- even if that conflicts with what the church leadership wants to do right at that moment -- because the kingdom of heaven is more important than any of us.

But the church got lazy and weak, and spent all their time on stupid shit like creationism and moral panics. And now we are reaping the consequences, because someone that will believe in creationism will believe in sex-change operations. It just takes a different kind of brainwashing.

People are getting more interested in Christianity because they realize that it means death for clown world. Even with all their resourcefulness, Jews cannot state that Jesus Christ is their personal Lord and savior or follow his commandments.

The religious establishment sees this, and is coming out of the woodwork, hoping that they can just take over and be in charge again, but that will never happen, because we all subconscioiusly realize that it's their weakness that got us here in the first place. We're going to see a whole new concept of Christianity, arrived at collectively by legions of shitposters, which IMHO comes much closer to Jesus' teachings and the activities of the early church.

>> No.13526024

>We do not understand God because he is not around. (we have killed him)

We killed god by understanding him.

>> No.13526032

Because there are all sorts of creation myths and I can't see why Christianity is any truer than Hinduism.

>> No.13526040

>he thinks there are things out of the scope of the Bible, including MLP

>> No.13526043

Quite based post. You're a smart man.

>> No.13526056

I've never seen a more failed at attempt at Neitzschein philosophy. Nothing is under our control. A quick reading of the stories of the Old Testament can show you how quickly God can destroy the creations of men. The fact that we control things is an illusion. Hence, the ideas given to us by our current world are also illusions. You need to read and experience life more. You must read the Bible and the Fathers if you want a more well-rounded view. I'm sorry but what you wrote shows exactly why we are doomed as a society.

>> No.13526057


>> No.13526393

>Nothing is under our control. A quick reading of the stories of the Old Testament can show you how quickly God can destroy the creations of men.
...And those stories are real, historical events?

>> No.13526401

Faith is pre-requisite to all endeavours of the intellect, being the groundless ground on which anything further must rest. How does one hold to an axiom, without having faith both within the axiom and to the concept of an "axiom" itself? And how does one have faith within the concept of an axiom, without first having faith within faith itself?

But Christianity perverts the concept, whereby something preceding yet accompanying reason has been divorced from it entirely, now a "blind guide" which can be used for the justification of anything. Faith is an inescapable element of any philosophical system, but has no intrinsic value to itself, simply being necessary for any further ideology.

Christianity turns it into not merely a virtue, but the highest of virtues, which distinguish the intrinsic quality of individuals according to their volume of such. In Christianity, "belief" is something to pride yourself over, and is used not for small truths, but for the highest truth conceivable: a character from a scripture named Jesus tells you that a personal deity has created the universe, hears your prayers and has sent him here to instruct you, in that you should live your life according to the ethical codes given to you. All of this requires faith: faith that the words of the scripture are not the products of ordinary men, but correspond to those of a real figure, that the real figure they belong to was himself what he claimed to be, that said figure cannot make an error and did not make any in the deliverance of his doctrine, and that the central concept of the doctrine, that all of the universe was fashioned by the handiwork of a personal, loving entity whose historical accounts are literally relayed of in the Old Testament, and continued in the New. Yet not a single fact of the above can be verified for such, being only a mound of immense presumptions, which neutral rationality would often motion against.

A position is made stronger the less faith it rests on, and not the opposite. Christianity inverts this, turning faith into some kind of force, which actually manifests truths into realities proportional to the intensity employed of it. (1/2)

>> No.13526411

Now it might be fine were it a personal mechanism in one's private spiritual practise, regarding unconfirmable realities, but this is not so: Christians publically tout it as one of the strongest aspects of their doctrine, even using it in arguments for their cultural belief-system. There's a reason no other religion utilizes faith in it's arguments: they instead have the arduous task of actually formulating metaphysics, where Christianity utilizes mythology, and where the former attempts to persuade you by virtue of propositions which reason can reject (ex. the metaphysical discourses in Buddhist scripture), Christianity attempts to condemn you for not being convinced by something which reason cannot. Outside of religion too, you will not a find a single discipline in which "faith" is a central component of doctrine, and one that calls itself a virtue. Which scientist accompanies their proposed models of a phenomena with a mention of how strong their faith in it is (not regarding any statistical probabilities in favor of it, but simply how much the scientist personally "feels" his findings to be true), and which scientist would consider the latter element to be relevant to the former doctrine? Not good ones, that's who. Which politician attempts to persuade the people by virtue of repeated, blind affirmation of party slogans, rather than proper reasoning and evidence of their policies being effective for its ends? The ones lacking in the latter, essentially. The Flat-Earther has faith that NASA and every space agency is deceiving him, and no matter how many articles of evidence he could be shown which demonstrate the shape of his planet, the faith he holds for his position could always negate it. Is he wise for this approach of his?

The only virtue of faith is the personal security it brings it's holder to feel. It holds no intrinsic value beyond that, bringing less value to the philosophical models which have more attached to them, and any Christian who independently reflected on the subject would recognize this fact, and never again mention it in any public conversations of their religion, keeping it the private dimension of one's being which it has always been and will always be.