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13524445 No.13524445 [Reply] [Original]

I'm learning German any recommendations for reading, /lit/? Preferably fiction and on the simple side because I'm not very good yet. Thank you

>> No.13524450

did you finish your Duolingo yet?

>> No.13524479

Narziß und Goldmund by Hermann Hesse

>> No.13524485

Was thinking about reading Hesse. Ty

>> No.13524496

if you're okay with reading shitty German books with probably many mistakes, you can try my books


>> No.13524499

Read Joachim Nettelbeck's autobiography and the Swiss Robinsonade by Johann David Wyss to get you going.

Don't read Faust yet, that shit is tough, espacially part II. Read Egmont, Torquato Tasso and Iphigenie. Read Wahlverwandtschaften.

If you wont to ascend: read Novalis, Eichendorff and Hölderlin.

I've been told "perfume" is written is clear and simple German I've only read it in translation(swedish) but that was clear simple and elegant prose.

Read Kafka, anon. The prose simple and to the point, especially the short stories. When Borges was teaching German to himself he started reading Kafka's short stories and was fascinated by how easy they were to read.

‘English Grammar for Students of German’ is really helpful. I was initially really averse to grammar and the idea of having to wrap my head around it kind of demoralised me, but now I find it fun. This book in particular is good because you’re probably rusty on your English grammar, and the German shit will make more sense of you already have an idea of its English equivalent. The book demonstrates each concept in English before doing so in German.

>> No.13524633

My roommate has "English Grammar for Students of German" and was recommending it to me yesterday. Good to know it's solid.

Didn't know about Borges teaching himself with Kafka. Never read Kafka so that would be a cool introduction to him.

Appreciate the solid recommendations man

>> No.13524646

Die Kritik der puren Vernunft is a good starting point
Die Phänomenologie des Geistes should come next and prepare you for the harder stuff like Emil und die Detektive

>> No.13524674

This guy has a point though. Everytime this thread appears, it always morphs into namedropping. Seriously? Recommending Hesse and Kafka to a beginner? Did you guys ever start learning a language from scratch? Anyway, OP is better off taking Skype lessons and playing vidya with German dubbing or watching shitty children's cartoons.

>> No.13524678

Not to mention recommending fucking poetry...

>> No.13524744

Joachim Nettelbeck - Lebensbeschreibung
Johann David Wyss - Schweizer Robinsons
Erich Kästner - Emil und die Detektive / Fabian
Peter Stamm - Agnes / Kurzgechichten

Letters of Wilhelm Humboldt to Charlotte
Letters of Helmuth Moltke to his Wife / Deutsch-französischer Krieg
Letters of Schiller to Lotte
Letters of Gothe to his Wife
Justus Möser - Patriotische Phantasien
Adolph Knigge - Über den Umgang mit Menschen
Clausewitz - Vom Kriege
Ernst Curtius - Griechische Geschichte
Adalbert Stifter - Nachsommer
Theodor Storm - Immensee / Schimmelreiter
Alfred Brehm - Tierleben
Bogumil Goltz - Buch der Kindheit
Helfrich Peter Sturz - Kleine Schriften
Adam Müller von Nitterdorf - Über die Beredsamkeit

Hölderlin - Hyperion / Late Letters
Letters of Bismarck to his Wife / Speeches
Thomas Mann - Buddenbrooks / Zauberberg
Theodor Fontane - Effie Briest
Gottfried Keller - Grüner Heinrich / Novellen
Theodor Abbt - Vom Tode fürs Vaterland
Max Stiner - Der Einzige und sein Eigentum
Theodor Hippel der Ältere - Über die Ehe / Über die bürgerliche Verbesserung der Weiber
Fichte - Reden an die deutsche Nation

Abraham a Sancta Clara - Mercks Wien

>> No.13524794

LMAO keep 'em coming!

>> No.13524837

Read "Der goldene Handschuh" by Heinz Strunk. Recent book about a famous Hamburg Serial killer, already a Bestseller. Simple language, and you learn a lot about German culture. It's also really good.

for more classic but simple stuff, this >>13524744 guy is right, Erich Kästner is perfect for that.

>> No.13524851

Read Brecht. Great stuff, simple language.

>> No.13524930

Jesus Christ. Ich danke dir

>> No.13524974

Das Sams

>> No.13525335

Thats some seriously godawful German. Do not recommend. If you want to learn a language, you should read literature with correct terms. Maybe you can try Cornelia Funke. She writes german books for young adults. The language isn't too hard. Later you can advance to more complicated things. Avoid reading Kafka for a start. His sentence-building is some advanced stuff.

>> No.13525400

>Read a book about serial killer
>You learn a lot about German culture
Somehow I don't think I want to learn more.

>> No.13525468
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Well it's a good book, it's not some crime Thriller shit, the murders aren't even in it, except one at the end. It just describes the everyday life of a German hardcore alcoholic in the Pubs of Hamburg in the late 60s, it's really good. Like I said, it's a Bestseller and Major German newspapers declared it the best German novel of 2016. I bought it spontaneously at the Train Station before a Long ride on the Train, and it was really worth it.

I mean, just look at the guy.

>> No.13525470

>Avoid reading Kafka for a start
This, not sure if it was supposed to be bait, but Kafka is absolutely not a good choice for someone foreign trying to learn the language.

>> No.13525493

B-but Borges said he learned german reading Kafka

>> No.13525507
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This is comfy as heck, anon. Should be fairly accessible too, since Rilke originally wrote it for kids. Nice little poetic illustrations of faith.

Also, Rilke’s verse in general is comfy and fun to try and translate. I did that a lot trying to improve my german

>> No.13525509

Yeah sure I mean you can, it's just not a good idea. It's making things unnecessarily complicated. And nobody talks or types like that, it's not like you can take anything from it that you could use in a conversation or anything.

>> No.13525516

I haven't read this but Rilke is great

>> No.13525518

I fell for that meme fuck

>> No.13525543

Gottfried Keller - Der grüne Heinrich/Die Leute von Seldwyla
Jeremias Gottheld - Die schwarze Spinne

>> No.13525547


>> No.13525572

10/10 lmao

You can also cross read with whatever you already know very well, desu. That was my primary strategy. Now, I took some german classes in high school so I had some preknowledge going into it, but I taught myself to read german mostly by cross-reading the stuff I was already deep into in my mother tongue (the Bible and Heidegger’s S/Z) as well as reading der Spiegel and listening to podcasts and tv shows.

>> No.13525852

I get the people reccing Kafka. It's much easier than expected. It took me a while to get there though. Stuff like basic level newspapers make a lot more sense and give more practical expressions, but once you're ready for proper literature it's a good enough start.

>> No.13525898

Just read iconic young adult fiction. Ignore everyone in the thread namedropping great classic German writers

>> No.13525922

„Jenseits von Gut und Böse" von Nietzsche wäre mein Vorschlag.

>> No.13525935

opinion discarded

>> No.13526002

How about 'Briefe an einen jungen Dichter'?

>> No.13526010

I enjoyed reading 'der Zauberlehrling' es a child, you should bea ble to read that.

>> No.13526015

I don't think you know what iconic means. I meant shit that most Germans read when they were young.

Yes, if you want something light, written in simple language, go read Nietzsche.

>> No.13526022


>> No.13526077

Most germans these days don't read at all.

>> No.13526101

How do you know? I think you're full of shit

>> No.13526117

I'm a german born in this generation and can tell better than you what my generation's reading habits are like.

>> No.13526257

That doesn't answer my question. Just because you go "Yikes, everyone but me is so dumb and stupid these days", doesn't mean that's actually true. Maybe take a look at statistics like sale numbers, or the success of certain novels. You'd be surprised.

>> No.13526295
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>> No.13526306

More people are reading now than ever before. Theyre reading trash, though.

t. german

>> No.13526403
File: 111 KB, 960x535, Justice_Honka_Fritz_Honka_klein_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several sources confirm that he was "too ugly" for even the most burned down and coked up whores of Hamburg. Apparently that's how he got started with the whole killing women thing.

The original incel

>> No.13526498

Do people really level up their skill to 5? Or is 2-3 enough?

>> No.13526543

proof? reading youtube comments doesn't count.

>> No.13526553

>Die Kritik der puren Vernunft

>> No.13526555

see >>13526257

Just look at statistics. You're the one who made the unlikely claim.

>> No.13526558

It's means literally the same, easy to confuse it.

>> No.13526590

>It's means literally the same
t. german

>> No.13526609

I'm German too. Pur and rein are the same.

>> No.13526618

No they are not. There is a nuance to it, like the difference between klein and winzig or lustig and witzig.

>> No.13526622

what statistics?

>> No.13526625


pur Adj. ‘rein, unvermischt, klar, ohne Einschränkung’, spätmhd. pūr ‘rein, lauter, unverfälscht’ (14. Jh.), entlehnt aus gleichbed. lat. pūrus.

rein Adj. ‘ohne fremdartige Bestandteile, unvermischt, unverfälscht, frei von Schmutz, sauber, frisch gewaschen, unberührt, keusch, vollkommen, fehlerlos’, ahd. (h)reini (8. Jh.), mhd. rein(e), asächs. hrēni, mnd. rein, mnl. reine, rēne, nl. rein, afries. (h)rēne, anord. hreinn, schwed. ren, got. hrains. Mit dem Suffix ie. -ni- gebildetes germ. *hraini- ist verwandt mit ahd. (h) rītara (um 800), mhd. rīter, nhd. (obd.) Reiter ‘Sieb’, aengl. hridder, hriddel, engl. riddle ‘Sieb’ und außergerm. mit griech. krī́nein (kρίνειν) ‘scheiden, trennen, unterscheiden, sichten, urteilen, entscheiden’, lat. cernere (aus *crin-) ‘sichten, scheiden, sondern, unterscheiden, entscheiden’, crībrum ‘Sieb, Durchschlag’, air. criathar (aus *krē̌itro-) ‘Sieb’. Auszugehen ist von ie. *(s)kerī̌-, *(s)krē̌i-, *(s)krī̌- ‘schneiden, scheiden’, einer Form der unter scheren (s. d.) dargestellten Wurzel ie. *(s)ker(ə)- ‘schneiden’. Im heutigen Sprachgebrauch bedeutet rein vor allem ‘nicht schmutzig, sauber’ und ‘unverfälscht’; in Teilen der Schweiz und Rheinfrankens noch erhalten im Sinne von ‘fein gemahlen, gesiebt’ (von Mehl, Zucker, Sand u. dgl.). Reinheit f. ‘Sauberkeit, Klarheit, Lauterkeit, Unschuld’ (17. Jh.), anfangs konkurrierend mit Reinlichkeit (s. unten) und (dem zu Anfang des 19. Jhs. untergegangenen) Reinigkeit, mhd. reinecheit, reinekeit, reinikeit, ahd. in un(h)reinigheit ‘Unreinheit’ (11. Jh.). reinigen Vb. ‘säubern’, mhd. reinegen, rein(i)gen, abgeleitet von mhd. reinec, reinic ‘rein’; vgl. ahd. (h)reinen (8. Jh.), (h)reinōn (9. Jh.), mhd. reinen, asächs. hrēnian, hrēnon, got. hrainjan. Dazu Reinigung f. mhd. reinegunge, reinigunge. bereinigen Vb. ‘ins reine, in Ordnung bringen, beilegen, klären’ und Bereinigung f. (beide 15. Jh.). verunreinigen Vb. ‘beschmutzen, schmutzig machen’ (15. Jh.); vgl. mhd. verunreinen; Verunreinigung f. (15. Jh.). reinlich Adj. ‘sauber, ordentlich’, mhd. reinlich; Reinlichkeit f. ‘Sauberkeit, Genauigkeit, Sorgfalt’ (16. Jh.).

>> No.13526628

No, there's not. Or maybe there is, but not as an adjective to Vernunft. Pure Vernunft is literally the same as reine Vernunft. Klein/winzig and lustig/witzig is like an actual difference in quality, I'm pretty sure rein and pur don't have that

Or let's agree that it's close enough to be confused

>> No.13526630

>rein, unvermischt, klar
>ohne fremdartige Bestandteile, unvermischt, unverfälscht

Literally the same.

>> No.13526636

Book sales.

>> No.13526642
File: 67 KB, 1200x1200, 1563631179011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like one of those times where I catch myself being too fucking autistic and obnoxious. Please stop right now and let's pretend this never happened. Someone confused the title, let's leave it at that.

>> No.13526663

To be fair: all people involved in this dispute are ipso facto autists.

>> No.13526668

>Ich wasche meine Wäsche rein
>Ich wasche meine Wäsche pur
It's clear that the meaning of those two sentences are not identical.

>> No.13526674

It's almost like you know you're wrong. Germans are reading less than ever.
>Ernüchternde Studie: Die Lust am Lesen schwindet
>Zwischen 2012 und 2016 gingen dem deutschen Buchhandel 6,1 Millionen Buchkäufer verloren. Das entspricht einem Käuferverlust von 17 Prozent in dieser Zeitspanne. Zu diesem Ergebnis kam eine vom Börsenverein Deutscher Buchhandel beauftragte Studie. Der Rückgang betrifft vor allem die junge (14 bis 29 Jahre) und die mittlere Altersgruppe (30 bis 59 Jahre), unabhängig vom Bildungsniveau. Weniger als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung in Deutschland tritt überhaupt noch als Buchkäufer in Erscheinung.
>Immer weniger Deutsche kaufen Bücher

>> No.13526679

Yes, because they are still different words. But they may be used in a very much identical way. Pur doesn't make sense in that context, nobody talks like that. But it also doesn't have a different meaning, it's just the wrong word. See >>13526630

Pure Vernunft = Reine Vernunft

Now how do we clean up this mess, we can't just leave all those spaghetti on the floor

>> No.13526684

The internet and amazon are a thing. Of course ye' olde buchladen is losing customers.

Also E-readers.

>> No.13526688

This includes online sales. Nice cope though.

>> No.13526695

To be fair, I'm not the guy who said that Germans read more than ever. I'm the one who said that they still read.

>> No.13526698

>discussion about the most autistic language ends in autistic screeching
rein pottery

>> No.13526727

The fact that it is pure reason in english is just because ameribongs don´t have a corresponding word for "rein", maybe has somerthing to do with their hygienic standards

>> No.13526738
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>> No.13526864

mein kampf

>> No.13526885

the german title sounds like something google translator would spit out

>> No.13526887

doesn't matter. if moby dick was a shark or whatever instead of a whale it wouldn't make any difference.

>> No.13526915

>Written for A1 language level or beginner German readers.

>> No.13526920

you're dumb

>> No.13527146

Thank you friends

>> No.13527161

Germans produce more "literature" than any other country in europe. There are more English books produced overall, but that includes the whole anglosphere. They are big readers and writers.

>> No.13527176

>Avoid reading Kafka for a start. His sentence-building is some advanced stuff.

>> No.13527179

Die Leiden des jungen Werther

>> No.13527184

To you and all the other idiots namedropping great German writers and novels, if you're not memeing, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.13527187

OP said he wants to learn German. He does not speak it very well. He even said he wants fiction, and simple stuff. Are you fucking dense?

>> No.13527197

based and kafkapilled

>> No.13527203

How long would it take me to understand Rilke and Trakl?

>> No.13527204


>> No.13527211

kafka's stories are easy. any competent learner can read them.

>> No.13527222

How the fuck does this language even work when spoken? Is real German disappearing? I've been told many sounds are disappearing thanks to millenials and niggers, is there any truth to this?

>> No.13527232

Because he's basically asking for childrens' books. He doesn't speak German, he's asking for something very simple. Recommend him something simple, doesn't have to be Harry Potter in German, there's good and valuable books for children and youths, but this constant namedropping is just stupid.

Don't kill yourself though please, sorry for saying that.

>> No.13527236

Are the Grimm's fairy tales a good start?

>> No.13527243

I don't know, I guess?

>> No.13527246

>Ctrl+F "Grimm"
>0 results
Smh. They're not that hard to read once you develop a vocabulary and they are important as many Germans read or hear them as children. I reccomend "Hans im Glück."

>> No.13527267

They're too difficult. OP needs special education tier books because he doesn't le Germain.

>> No.13527273

You know Harry Potter but you don't know the Grimms? Pleb alert. JEUDEN ALERTEN (lol)

>> No.13527278

Not really. The language is evolving though, but that's natural.

Turkish does have a little influence, for example most young people call weed "ot", the turkish word. Or they adress each other as "bruder", brother, very very common in Turkish, and very very uncommon in German. Unless you're a monk I mean. Stuff like that starts out ironically but ends up normalized.

>> No.13527286

Really? Where did I say I don't know the brothers Grimm?

>> No.13527290


>> No.13527294

Did the Grimm brothers write Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, and Jack and the Beanstalk?

>> No.13527296
File: 37 KB, 540x521, 1547230134020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f
>no Assimil

>> No.13527297

>The language is evolving though
Evolution is a euphemism. I fear for the German language suffering the same fate as English nowadays: simplified and niggerised.

>> No.13527306

Here: >>13527243
>I don't know, I guess?

>> No.13527310

The biggest thread for German is probably English, I forgot about that. Anglicisms are spreading like crazy

>> No.13527317

>Should I recommend X?
>I don't know (do what you want)

Really, anon?

>> No.13527325

They compiled folk tales and wrote them in their style, yes.

>> No.13527331

Oh, okay. Are there any sounds disappering, though?

>> No.13527343

I don't think so, but I'm not sure. There's a lot of Germans in this thread, someone probably can tell you more

>> No.13527354

Don't really think so (yet). I think there was a discussion some time ago if the ß should be abolished but I can't think of anything else at the moment. But give it a few years and a couple more millions of niggers and I'm sure our language will change drastically.

>> No.13527372

it wouldn't make any difference if you´d just shut the fuck up instead of posting

>> No.13527381

That's very natural though. I mean in general, that flood of anglicisms is a bit extreme. But look up what Goethe did with the language, he published dictionaries of words created by him to improve the language and adapt to time. Look it up.

>> No.13527397

It's sad to see the West collapsing :(

>> No.13527402

Hesse is pretty easy to read though and good entry point into German lit

>> No.13527421

daily reminder to NEVER read books like harry potter in your target lang. Always do the opposite. Read German books in translation, then try to read them in German. It's what people who have NEVER learned a language recommend.

>> No.13527425

Kek nein, rein bedeutet ohne Verunreinigungen und pur ohne jegliche Vermischung. Es existiert ein kleiner aber feiner Unterschied zwischen den beiden.

>> No.13527435

Les einfach Nietzsche bis du es es versteht.

>> No.13527440

>unironically recommending Harry Potter
It's clear Germans here don't read

>> No.13527441

Ok. Kann aber trotzdem synonym verwendet werden in vielen Fällen. Und der Vergleich mit witzig/lustig ist trotzdem falsch.

>> No.13527450

That's retarded. Pick something that reflects how people actually talk. And maybe even teaches you something about the culture.

>> No.13527465

>Ok. Kann aber trotzdem synonym verwendet werden in vielen Fällen
Im Englischen vielleicht. Im Deutschen gibt es viele Feinheiten, z.b. sind Wirklichkeit und Realität auch nicht dasgleiche, im Englischen wird aber mit reality beides bezeichnet.

>> No.13527474

Oh right. What was I thinking? How about:
>Das doppelte Lottchen
>Any comic strip. Max und Moriz is good, but I also have a Peanuts book in German.

>> No.13527486

I just want to commend you for accurately explaining their relationship to the tales
t. A guy who did his senior capstone on the Grimms

>> No.13527489

Alfred Andersch
Easy sentences, easy reading but great literature

>> No.13527499

War nicht meiner

>> No.13527519

Not as many these days actually read them. Just like not all americans these days know about Paul bunyan.

>> No.13527526

The Grimms are way more influential, though.

>> No.13527527
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>I-i didn't know, it wasn't me, I swear
Really, Germ? Again?

>> No.13527532

13% but also half

>> No.13527578

Guck doch einfach ein bisschen Idiotenchästli, vollzeit kika. Willy will's wissen, mit der Maus und den Elefanten, und soweiter. Oder geh nach Ulm und spiel Flunkyball mit freundliche Fremden.

>> No.13527594

You need to go back.

>> No.13527618

>Nutzt ein Komma vor dem und um einen Hauptsatz von einem Nebensatz zu trennen

>> No.13527633

>Lacht über Leute die Kommas falsch setzen

>> No.13527685

Since this thread is already up, I'm gonna ask it here: what are some good books to learn about german history and culture? I want to become a germanboo

>> No.13527713

Mein Kampf

>> No.13527731

von doderer

>> No.13527743

I will start with Bernhard.

>> No.13527757

Der goldene Topf by E.T.A. Hoffmann is a great read

>> No.13527775

Charlotte Roche - Feuchtgebiete

>> No.13527835

"Verbrechen" by Ferdinand von Schirach as well as his other books "Schuld" and "Strafe" are a compliation of short stories and are highly recommend.

>> No.13527868

Man, I confused him with Baldur von Schirach. I thought it was his thoughts on Nuremberg or something.

>> No.13527881

Right, and a bunch of ridiculous conflations where there's an obvious need for more word variation e.g. Himmel or Geist. Meanwhile English has words like knowledge and learning, which both wind up as Wissen or value and worth, which doesn't come across well in German.

>> No.13527891

I've read Schuld, which is mostly very easy, aside from some legal expressions and the odd smalltown culture piece of vocab. Don't think it's all that good though. A big chunk of the collection is this crime caper story which is childish as fuck.

Also think that the first story, while striking, is basically just shock tactics.

>> No.13528106

Witz'st auf di', bin doch kein Deutschmann, jung.

>> No.13528136

Not German, but get a folk songbook. Also just jump down a wiki clickhole on obscure German medieval important figures or places zum Beispiel Esico von Ballenstedt, the river Lahn, the margravate of Saxony, or anything else you can come up with. Preferably in German of course. Then you can get an idea what region or period you like the most and you can find books in that category.

>> No.13528308

*for example

>> No.13528344

Dürrenmatt writes mostly very clearly and his books aren´t too long but still easy to follow.

>> No.13528392


>> No.13528522

>Emil und die Detektive
unironically top tier /lit/, also Die drei Fragezeichen

>> No.13528524


>> No.13528531


>> No.13528533

I hatet this shit so much as a kid for some reason, the other kids loved it hough. Might be a good recommendation for OP

>> No.13528550


Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger

>> No.13528557

>Don't kill yourself though please, sorry for saying that.

>> No.13528580

Just watch '5 Freunde für alle Fälle' or listen to TKKG audiobooks.

>> No.13528691
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>Weist auf Kommafehler hin
>Bekommt es selbst nicht richtig auf die Reihe

>> No.13528708

Read Böll and Grass, for example "Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum oder: Wie Gewalt entstehen und wohin sie führen kann", "Ansichten eines Clowns" or "Katz und Maus". You'll learn to think like a german boomer aka the main demographic. And they write good books.

>> No.13528758

Read the translation of stuff you already know.
For actual spoken language, I recommend the german dub of Star Trek TNG. Very clear, no colloquialisms.

>> No.13528766

>star trek
>not stargate

>> No.13528767
File: 99 KB, 500x441, her-lewdness-is-a-great-nightmare-her-anus-is-defenseless-343970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wie Gewalt entstehen und wohin sie führen kann
Sie kann dazu führen das mein Pimmel in jemandes ungeschützten Anus landet.

>> No.13528774



>> No.13528900


>> No.13528923

The one about the clown is very funny, I too recommend.

>> No.13528945
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>tfw trunk in Petöcki

I love that short story so damn much.

>> No.13528959

Dankeschön, anons.

>> No.13528996

Nichts zu danken, mein Schatz.

>> No.13529007
File: 529 KB, 1556x694, 20190726_004902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice please. I've read these so far. Can I start on big boy books yet?

>> No.13529056

Star Trek in German sounds like a cool idea.

>> No.13529380
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Good job! You can now proceed to the Sams and Die Drei Fragezeichen

>> No.13529403

why not read comic books in german tho

>> No.13529423

there, fixed it for you

>> No.13529636

Die Drei Fragezeichen für Arbeiterkinder

>> No.13529654


>> No.13529701


>> No.13529808

Try Germany: Memories of a Nation by Neil MacGregor

>> No.13531028

yeah I'm sure anyone can pick it up after learning German for a few months!

>> No.13531426
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>> No.13531679
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>> No.13531985

this thread is dead

>> No.13532069


>> No.13532355

Germany is dead

>> No.13532361

That's a good collection that probably everyone with at least one German parent has read as a child. Krabat was a darn good book

Wherever people talk like that. I guess some weird Swiss valley where they eat cats for christmas.

>> No.13532368

People keep complaining about /lit/ being a male board but when a woman shows up and recommends something she wrote she gets booed down

>> No.13532418

I did not say that the story is awful. I said that the German is awful.
If you want to learn a language, you should stay away from incorrect grammar and terms. Period.
And I actually recommended a female german writer, too. Get a grip.

>> No.13532482

>People keep complaining about /lit/ being a male board
Literally who? I've never seen anyone seriously complain about that.

>> No.13532483

Ironically complaining.

>> No.13532528
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>> No.13532603
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The Sams is the most based children's novel series of all time.
Change my mind

>> No.13532609

I own that exact edition

>> No.13532640

>Katz and Maus
good. Please grass is so fucking boring, except Blechtrommel his writing never amounted to anything of interest

>> No.13532665

the islamic republic of germany will last forever

>> No.13532865

ETA Hoffmann is based but he's fragmented, psychadelic, fantastic style definitely isn't for beginners

>> No.13532869

Sandmann is a great story

hopefully, allahu akbar

>> No.13532876

god what an ugly language

>> No.13532890

Yes it sounds horrible, but it's not bad. Especially if you want to articulate something very precisely and nuanced. Very autistic language.


>> No.13532905

Und wir haben es getötet.

>> No.13532916

Feiern die Nördlingen kein Katschinachtn? Was macht ihr den am 24. Dezambri?

>> No.13532928

Yeah I don't disagree that his writing is great, still nothing for beginners. I took a class on Hoffmann once in Germany and there were loads of foreign students and they didn't understand shit.

>> No.13532942

Sure, didn't want to disagree. Takes time to get used to his language even as a German.


>> No.13533005

Are we posting shitty-but-somehow-sweet-music now?


>> No.13533043

No, we're posting good music.

>> No.13533075

>not reinen

>> No.13533086

Oh no......here we go again

>> No.13533091
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>> No.13533096

Siehste ni' das'ch mit nur meine kleine Kenntnis der deutschen Sprache und ein wenig Verständnis der schöne Dialekten hier umbartdwisla alles niederschreiben kann, und du Kontextgeweiß doch die Vürtli einfullst deren du noch niemal vorhin in das Gehirn genommen hast. Das ist ja die Schönheit eigen an das germanische Sprachraum. Wi underkennen die Fehler, verstehen es aber noch immer.

>> No.13533104

Dialekt is ok, aber schreiben in Dialekt weniger. Genau wie Katzen essen.

>> No.13533126

Eine Sprache ist nicht mehr als ein Dialekt worin geschrieben wërd. Ist Letzebürgisch viel anders als Standarddeutsch als Bayerisch oder Schwäbisch?

>> No.13533137

Ja, Ich denke schon. Ist aber auch nich der punkt, hochdeutsch ist hochdeutsch und schriftsprache. Zeitungen bei euch sind doch auch auf hochdeutsch, oder nicht.

>> No.13533152

Hab jetzt erst kapiert dass das nicht irgendein Schweizer Dialekt ist sondern Luxemburg. Keine Ahnung wie die Zeitungen bei euch aussehen, aber Ich schätze genau wie in der Schweiz hochdeutsch

>> No.13533240

Nein, war doch kein Luxemburgs. Ein bisschen improvisiert pseudo-deutsch. Schweizer Standarddeutsch (Zeitungdeutsch) ist aber anders als Bundesrepublikanisch. Ein paar Minuten scrollen auf Züricher Zeitung punkt CH ist genug das zu sehen.

>> No.13533258

Ja, ist aber trotzdem hochdeutsch genug um problemlos hier gelesen zu werden. Die WAZ in Castrop-Rauxel verwendet auch ab und zu lokale Wortkreationen oder Satzbau. Kommt aufs gleiche hinaus und ist kein Schreiben im Dialekt.

>> No.13533654
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>Schweizer Standarddeutsch (Zeitungdeutsch) ist aber anders als Bundesrepublikanisch.
Inwiefern? Ausser ss/ß bemerke ich davon nichts.

>> No.13533662

>1933 Kalender

>> No.13534281
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Ja, es ist logisch dass du nichts bemerkst, denn es geht hier um ein 'Standardsprache', es gibt in Schweizer Zeitungen und Schrift ins allgemeine viele sogenannte 'Helvetismen'. Wörter oder Satzteile die außen CH/Ö/Baden-Württemberg-Bayern kaum genutzt werden.

>> No.13534342


>> No.13534358
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Ich versteh gar nicht was du meinst.

>> No.13534449

Eure Diskussion würde ich doch gewiss als «salty» kennzeichnen

>> No.13534622

Ist mir egal ;^)

>> No.13534737
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jump straight in to Faust

>> No.13534768

/lit/ is literally 50% female though

>> No.13534816

Even native Germans can't read that.

>> No.13534821

>vor dem und um
*vor dem und, um

>> No.13534829
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no please

>> No.13534879
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>Change my mind
try this

>> No.13534911

>jump straight in to Faust
Based, but only the first part.

>> No.13534940

>despising the homunculus

>> No.13535095

>z.b. sind Wirklichkeit und Realität auch nicht dasgleiche

Currently learning German. Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.13536178

You mean avoid Grass on the recommendation of a critic who personally hated him, missed no chance to shit on him, and still wound up praising several of his books?

>> No.13536743
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krabat. It's ment for young adults

>> No.13536746

this is great, favorite book of mine as a child

>> No.13536875

That would explain the Marxism.

>> No.13537446

Read either the niebelungen or faust.

>> No.13538376

Take the kafkapill

>> No.13538391

He is starting to learn German you fucking autists

>> No.13538411

To hijack the thread, where do you guys download German language ebooks?

>> No.13538858

try booksc or libgen

>> No.13538877

Kafa's pretty approachable.

>> No.13538904

no, he's not. are you retarded? if you start learning German, Kafka is not "pretty approachable"

>> No.13539777

Perhaps if you're B1 or preferably B2 with lots of vocabulary.

>> No.13540153

that would be an enormous amount of pointless busywork but I'm sure people do it because they're videogame autists that live to fill progress bars. spend that time reading in the language instead.

>> No.13540174

I do it although I hate videogames. But I'm definitely autistic in that regard

>> No.13540203

assimil is trash that housewives use to pretend they're learning something. the only usable tape course is michel thomas and even that's just a gentle introduction for absolute beginners.

>> No.13541772

Has anyone here read Kant or Schopenhauer in German? The contents of their works are obviously not easy to grasp (especially Kant), but are they readable for a B1/B2 student?

>> No.13542287

I've read Kant in school, and I don't think so.

>> No.13542660

Kant no; Schopenhauer might very well be possible for B2.

>> No.13542671

Pimsleur is alright.
And michel thomas has multiple levels available.

>> No.13542793

Holy shit bro, do you do this for every language? I've seen, what, norweigen and french so far?

I'm very curious. Why do you do this? Do you make any money from this? Perhaps just for fun?

>> No.13542804

he's a girl

>> No.13542880

How do you know?

>> No.13542901
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>> No.13542908

Because that's a girl's name

>> No.13542945

Female yes but its just a pen name, which is just one of many
check out ingrid oslo on amazon, same guy

>> No.13542963

Huh. Well that explains the quality of language.

>> No.13543344

Kafka is amazing for learning vocabulary even as a native German speaker I learned a lot of new words that aren't commonly used

>> No.13543356

Yes, and it's a great way to make people think you're weird if you actually use them in a conversation. Either way it's not a good idea to read Kafka to learn German.

>> No.13543363

>he hasn't adopted the words, phrases and general style Kafka uses in his normal German speech


>> No.13543446

Ollendorff is what you want. You will learn the Kurrentschrift which is the handwriting and then you will proceed to the lessons which are composed of simple sentences which progressively become harder. There are many editions but all can be found if search for ollendorff on archive.org


Key to exercises

>> No.13543451

The Ollendorff method of learning is also used for other languages like Italian, French, Greek

>> No.13543455


>> No.13543459


>> No.13543661

although, i agree that the anon you responded to is pretentious af, i don't think the guy in the video was pretentious. if anything he's cringy

>> No.13545259

are you the guy who posts on /b/ asking to be humiliated?

>> No.13545589

>michel thomas has multiple levels
yes and i was talking about all of them. all the levels of mt for a given language add up to a beginner's introduction to grammar. i like these courses but they're just a starting point.

>> No.13545600

Mein Kampf

>> No.13545601

Karl May.

>> No.13545603

Yeah there's only one german person in the world