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13522984 No.13522984 [Reply] [Original]

Accelerationism only makes sense in the context of socialists who perceive a cycle of late state capitalism into socialism. No one else recognizes that late stage capitalism is even a thing, and the idea of a "rate of capitalism" is meaningless. Inequality by capitalism is solved by good government regulation, which is prescribed by some capitalists as part of a functional capitalistic system. Having a corrupt government does not invalidate capitalism.

>> No.13522991

Capitalism is only a function of the state, which is not a mechanism of economic growth, and so even those who claim that inequality will magically disappear by government intervention are talking about a system that has failed the vast majority of people. Even Land admits the market failure of capitalism without advocating a market solution.

>> No.13523017

>system that has failed the vast majority of people
Lol wut?

>> No.13523047

Not him but how is a system not harmful to the majority of people when 1 percent of the worlds population own more than half of the worlds funds? Where the efforts of ONE single human being with these ludacrious amounts of money could effectively solve world hunger by giving away half, and even with all of this the systems prime concern seems to be to turn you into a hedonistic moron that lives to consume, works to consume, and effectively dies because of consuming.

>> No.13523090

read Marx

>> No.13523111

Have sex

>> No.13523114


>> No.13523131 [DELETED] 


>> No.13523231

You are not entitled to my money.
And the more you feed the poor the more they breed, so more poor "people" are produced.
Go sniff some glue and die you pleb.

>> No.13523269

Actually, citizens of your country are entitled to your money because your money is only worth something thanks to their sacrifice.

>> No.13523280

Most productive conversation lol