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/lit/ - Literature

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1352245 No.1352245 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ please suggest some good fantasy themed books for me

I enjoyed His Dark Materials when I was younger and LOTR is good, though not that "fun" to read if you know what I mean.

I would like something imaginative and enjoyable, set in a different fantasy world rather than it mixing with real life (Narnia)

If it means anything I love those studio ghibli films (Princess Mononoke / Spirited Away / Nausicaa etc) and their stories.

>> No.1352259

Obligatory: Discworld

>> No.1352261

Why haven't you read The Princess Bride yet?

>> No.1352270
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walter moers

you might read the name and overlook the post as yet another voice in the crowd of "LOL I LOVE X FANTASY AUTHOR" but I promise if you take the time to check him out, you will find exactly what you are looking for and more

>> No.1352283


tell me where to start with him, whats the first in his Zamonia series?

>> No.1352329

If I can remember it all..

The Pendragon Adventures
Song of Ice and Fire
Seventh Tower
Abhorsen Trilogy
Mistborn trilogy
Fires of Heaven trilogy
Shannara series
Night Angel trilogy
Dark Tower series

I don't remember everything I've read, but these should get you started

>> No.1352346


>> No.1352706

The Deepgate Codex

The Malazan Book of the Fallen

The Bas-Lag series

The Guin Saga

Spice and Wolf

The Black Company

>> No.1352707

The Steel Remains by Richard K. Morgan is excellent

>> No.1352727
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I was just about to reccomend this. Awesome book, can't wait for the sequel.

Markus Heitz's book The Dwarves is pretty enjoyable, and i'm told the Shannara series by Terry Brooks is very good, as well. And anything by Robin Hobb is generally a good read from what I remember.

>> No.1352732

>The Shannara series by Terry Brooks

The later books are somewhat more imaginative.
The first four are boring Lord of the Rings ripoffs with generic characters and shit-tier writing and should probably be skipped.

>> No.1352734

An old favorite of mine personally is the Lords of Dus series by Lawrence Watt-Evans.
Some decent light reading with a fair bit of action and adventure, without being too stupid or over-the-top.

>> No.1352737

The Deepgate Codex is beast.