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/lit/ - Literature

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1351994 No.1351994 [Reply] [Original]

Reading "Book of Lies" by Aleister Crowley
(any hints?)

>> No.1352000

stop trying to be harry potter and read something worthwhile?

>> No.1351999

Hint: If you turn the pages you proceed in the book.

>> No.1352001

don't everything you read?

>> No.1352003
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>> No.1352007
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>> No.1352009

nothing special on a slow board...but arigato asperger-san

>> No.1352016

gb2 dresden files--Aleister Crowley was an actual scholar and "book of lies" is like a more intensely encoded kind of kafka or borges--I can't explain--because, I think it would be more readable if it were annotated (in this way it is like "paradise lost" or "ulysses", which to the modern or casual reader can be difficult to really grasp without footnotes) Honestly, even though Crowley wrote notes to my edition, they are as oblique as the text and I wondered if anyone on /lit/ has taken a break from reading Camus or Dostoyevksy (and thinking they are very special for reading popular novels) to try something a bit different.

>> No.1352017

The Book of Lies is veiled in heavy symbolism. You won't get any of it unless you're a top-tier magician.

>> No.1352023

Afraid of this--I can grasp the least of the references. It has a lot of humor in it, like a lot of crowley's books, so there's that,but, I just think there are countless other books I have to read to understand this one (i was actually given it as a gift I wouldn't have bought it for myself)

>> No.1352025

he's like kafka or borges if kafka and borges thought they were wizards casting magic missiles

>> No.1352028
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>top-tier magician
"yer a wizard harry potter"

>> No.1352029

How do you know that they did not? Either way, you really don't have to prove your intense rationality to me, I don't see it as a virtue at all.

>> No.1352035

this isn't about rationality it's about picking on dungeons and dragons nerds

>> No.1352040

I thought dungeons and dragons were for nerds not intellectual enough to read, but with autism so they are skilled in strategy? Honestly, you shouldn't prejudge books like you do, because if you do your taste will stay unrefined and banal.

>> No.1352044

>unrefined and banal
how much black nail polish are you wearing right now?

>> No.1352048

Christ, your ad hominems are weak and dated..I guess..but you know what? I was listening to Monte Cazazza earlier and he was signed to Industrial Records so you got me. whatever, you're boring.

>> No.1352056

you're just mad cuz i know your type so well~

>> No.1352057
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even the ubermensch played a lil d&d in his day

>> No.1352062

you can get the body of this statue by working out and eating right, not from dungeons and dragons books about spells

>> No.1352065

Not mad, just in despair.

>> No.1352080

trust me honey, if you give up the sweets you'll fit into the jeans in no time

>> No.1352095

you saying i'm fat now? I'm sooo skinny. you don't know the type, really.

>> No.1352106

>dungeons and dragons books about spells
That's quite an offensive name for philosophy.

>> No.1352138

Should've posted this on /x/ OP.
You would've gotten a more comforting (but shittier) reaction.

>> No.1352143

i would have, but being a part-time /x/phile I know how bleak it is there before 3 am.

>> No.1352172

I thought Aleister Crowley was a devil worshiper who ate children or something.

>> No.1352177

yeah that's true.

>> No.1352220

but it's an accurate name for an opiate addict's inance ramblings about demons~

>> No.1352224

hey op here's how you get powerful for real instead of lame ass "magick" books:
stop slouching
go out in the sun more
work out
eat right
get enough sleep
dress appropriately

soon they'll name you grand magus of robot killers or w/e

>> No.1352290

We have a board for this. It's called /x/, and it's filled with people just as stupid as /lit/.


>> No.1352725

He made up lies about eating children so that people would think he was Satan.
In fact the closest thing he ever did to cannibalism was enjoy being sodomized by fellow members of his secret societies. He was very into that.

>> No.1352736

I'm pretty sure you won't learn anything meaningful from an Aleister Crowley book. But suit yourself.