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13519901 No.13519901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

That other guy made a thread complaining about his problems, so I want to do so to. I'm 25 years old and I still live in an apartment my parents provide for me, while pursuing a philosophy degree. I have a girlfriend who is the sweetest, easiest to get along with person I've ever met, who also loves classic literature and cuddling, and she is a college dropout who has odd jobs.

I, unlike her, am trying to get through college after taking several years off after finishing high school, but since I have ADHD and struggle with math, I have been taking only 2 classes per semester until I finish my math and science credits, because I need to spend a lot of extra time studying. I've been in school for 2 years but have only finished 1 years worth of credits. Realistically I could be taking more classes per semester, last semester I read The Odyssey, The Inferno, Gilgamesh, King Lear, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Hamlet in my spare time. I don't have any work to do this summer, and I have been playing Nier Automata, hanging out with my girlfriend, running, and I finished Don Quixote, and just started on The Master and Margarita which I own in a beautiful Folio Society edition.

I got a 1.9 grade point average which barred me from most universities with any standards towards hateful degenerates such as myself. I have a 4.0 now, probably, considering I haven't got anything less than an A, so I will likely be admitted to a decent university I've been taking classes at as a non-degree seeking student.

Having ADHD and autism has always made my life difficult. I didn't have any friends in high school and I've been banned from the local lgbt center because I had altercations with the people in the non-binary group, because they were really neurotic assholes. I also got banned from my college socialist club because I disagreed with them on stuff and would just keep arguing with them even though they didn't want to argue anymore. I'm kind of a nerd about having principles and stuff, I guess I would fashion myself as an intellectual, but come across as an awkward loser. The thought of it makes me very sad. I often feel like there's no hope for me in socializing, people make me nervous.

>> No.13519903

Other than that, I live a pretty okay life. I exercise a lot, have a lot of time to read, collect music, play video games, and I have a really nice allowance which allows me to buy pretty much whatever I want, as long as it's around 1000 dollars. I have a pretty big library of books, many of which are collectible. I eat a very healthy diet of whole foods. I have a really respectable collection of audiophile equipment, including way too many headphones and earbuds, and my main setup is KEF LS50 speakers on Rega Brio amp and sennheiser hd800 headphones on an hdva600 amp, running out of a schiit modi 3 dac and loki mechanical equalizer for making frequency adjustments. That, as well as lots of plushies, many of which are rare Japanese plushies, or hand made etsy ones, and also wrist watches. That's not all I collect, or have collected in the past, but I enjoy my stuff.

These are the ups and downs of my life, and I want lots of attention and consolation, or abuse. Whichever one occurs I'm sure it will be entertaining. I've been using this website for like 10 years, so I'm not really affected by what people say. Please be gentle.

>> No.13519912

Read the works of Kafka and Solzhenitsyn, they went through similar hardship as you had to.

>> No.13519915

Kafka's The Trial is probably my favorite book of all time, you're spot on there. I haven't read Solzhenitsyn, I will give it a try. Thank you.

>> No.13519918

Autistic Patrick Bateman.

>> No.13519955

>Has felt human intimacy by a non blood relates person
Non-Incels shouldn't be allowed to complain.

>> No.13520023
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Monsieur, I never felt that intimacy was a driver in my life, only close intimate emotional relations. For the longest time I always felt alienated from others, and the only girl who ever understood me is one who does not judge me, and we are good to each other. I am sorry that you feel the way you do, although it is likely an ironic statement.

My anxiety can be honed to a sharper edge. I feel there are few prospects for me. Living in luxury for most of my life has not made up for the solitude that I feel, and my alienation from the society which shares such different values and priorities to me. I feel as though I am not from this planet, that the toils people go through under capitalism are akin to slavery, and that I am only saved from this fate due to my fortunate circumstances.

My intense alienation from the society I live in, where there is few, if any people I have ever found closeness to besides family, as well as the Kafkaesque, Orwellian feeling I get from the politics of my country, put me in a sort of perpetual twilight zone. I do not want to work, I do not want to socialize, I do not want to do anything but laze around in a garden of eden type scenario; think Metropolis, the German 1920s movie, in the beginning where sheltered children are in the garden separated from the workers.

Living for me is tiresome, and to think I am living sheltered from most of the horrors, and still have yet to experience the soul crushing labor, which I am likely to experience eventually, inevitably, and already feel to some extent with my school work, as well as knowing that I am inexhaustibly, invariably, inexorably different from others, barring me from any hope of meaningful connection in this world, where I wish for underground societies of other privileged autistic nerds, too undistinguished to be of any value intellectually, but still enamored with the aesthetic of intellectualism, fills me with a feeling of dread that just yesterday rendered me floor bound, not wanting to get up because of my anguish. Please understand.

>> No.13520047

>although it is likely an ironic statement.
No, it isn't.
I am 100% genuine with this, I never had a girlfriend, the closest "intimacy" I ever had was a girl hugging me, due to social obligation.

For the rest, just go outside, so some exercise and it will be all right.
I can't even imagine someone really taking pleasure in idleness.

>> No.13520050

Please try to condense your posts into only the relevant information. No one cares to read a paragraph about your collection of headphones.

>> No.13520055

Only Londonfrog is allowed to blog/life-post on this board. Everyone else fuck off.

>> No.13520058
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>as well as the Kafkaesque, Orwellian feeling I get from the politics of my country, put me in a sort of perpetual twilight zone.
laying it on a little thick there

>> No.13520062

>His 'girlfriend' isn't fictional
Come back to me when you're stuck contemplating a constant self-referential loop of pure narcissism like a house of mirrors with no exit as your ability to properly perceive reality starts to dwindle until even browsing through droves of images on twitter/pixiv fills you with disgust as all you can do is think of it as your own depravity and inanity reflected back at you, which by itself is yet another trap to fixate you on your own ego and passionate desire to metaphorically and literally destroy what the images or rather you yourself represent.

>> No.13520065

You gay and nobody like you

>> No.13520074

>in school
>have own place
>have girlfriend
shut the fuck up

>> No.13520078

>normie wants attention

>> No.13520079

Every time I look at the news it practically ruins my day. It's not easy to think about the ecosystem and the world economy collapsing due to neo-liberalism.

>> No.13520085

>the world economy
LMAO at your life if you care about that.

>> No.13520093

Lmao at your life if you think black lives matter. We should just kill them so there will be no problems.

>> No.13520095

The world economy will eventually collapse. The major factors in past collapses were limited resources and wealth inequality. We're going to reach limited resources once global warming and peak oil create a crisis of food and water, as well as energy, considering Trump is a megalomaniac who denies that global warming even exists. That along with the fact that the USA is in a massive bubble which is going to burst resulting in an even more massive recession than 2007, as it is expected.

The way that our country is going, with monstrously predatory fascist, rapist, cut throat deregulators and wallstreet thieves having taken over, I don't have good prospects for my country.

>> No.13520096

I do not know how you logically derived me supporting BLM from me not caring about the world economy.

>> No.13520101
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Will he be vindicated by global warming?

>> No.13520106

I thought the New Testament would be boring but it's actually really based

>> No.13520110

>The world economy will eventually collapse.
I do not have such optimism.

> as well as energy
No crisis will happen, worst case is starting up more nuclear powerplants.

> once global warming
Who cares?

>Trump is a megalomaniac
Yes, he is your average liberal.

>with monstrously predatory fascist
No Fascism is found within Amerika, which is the source of 99.9% of its issues.

>cut throat deregulators
They are based.

>wallstreet thieves
Integral part of the liberal, anti-fascist elite.

>> No.13520112

There are two things you can care about, the problems in the world and humanism. I assumed because you didn’t care about the problems in the world that you cared about humanism, but I guess you don’t care about anything. Anyway we should kill black people so the world will have no problems.

>> No.13520116

>There are two things you can care about, the problems in the world and humanism.
I could also care about myself, or my family, or my nation.

>> No.13520127

Well then you should want to kill black people. Unless you’re black, but if you’re black you know that being for your family and nation isn’t being for yourself, that’s why you need white people.

>> No.13520129

Global warming is the biggest threat to human civilization, if you cared about or paid attention to the alarms being sounded by climate scientists you would think that. But you are not inclined to care because you clearly are partisan in your views. Plus, you think deregulating the economy is a good idea, which just shows you live in a fairy tale of free market worship in which there is not pulling you out of, since you don't care about working people or the reality of the financial inequality which this creates; which btw, is one of the criteria for civilization collapse studied by scientists who released a report on how past civilizations collapsed.

As for fascism, look at the criteria for fascism. A desire for absolute power, a disregard for democratic structure, demagoguery against certain groups of people, including muslims and mexicans, as well as blatant racism towards african americans, and equivocation from any sort of blame for his actions. On this front, too, there is no two ways about it, you're just caught in a fairy tale which has been fed to you by right wing media.

>> No.13520140

Climate change wouldn’t be destroying the world if Hitler won

>> No.13520144

Very funny, senior.

>> No.13520146

>climate scientists you would think that. But you are not inclined to care because you clearly are partisan
You realise scientists aren't moral bastions of the world and will lie to get funding, right?

You honestly think when every government in the first world is looking for data that supports climate change, you'd get a sizeable number of scientists going "oh sorry, we don't think this is real, now give money".

>> No.13520147

>Global warming is the biggest threat to human civilization, if you cared about or paid attention to the alarms being sounded by climate scientists you would think that. But you are not inclined to care because you clearly are partisan in your views.
Yes, Scientists want money for research I get it.
Maybe after a thousand years of 0.01 change in annual temperature there might be an effect, who knows?

>Plus, you think deregulating the economy is a good idea, which just shows you live in a fairy tale of free market worship in which there is not pulling you out of, since you don't care about working people or the reality of the financial inequality which this creates; which btw, is one of the criteria for civilization collapse studied by scientists who released a report on how past civilizations collapsed.
Yawn, again, I don't care about the global economy and America collapsing and/or every American getting shot will be a huge contribution to the well being of humanity.

>A desire for absolute power, a disregard for democratic structure, demagoguery against certain groups of people, including muslims and mexicans, as well as blatant racism towards african americans, and equivocation from any sort of blame for his actions.
All of that applies to Churchill, Stalin and Hitler, were they all Fascists?
Just attribute that quote for me:
"When you learn to think of a race as inferior beings it is difficult to get rid of that way of thinking; when I was a subaltern in India the Indians did not seem to be equal to the white man."

>As for fascism, look at the criteria for fascism.
Trump is a liberal, through and through.

>right wing media.
I do not consume any new or other "media" I am not fucked in the head.

>> No.13520150

>Global warming is the biggest threat to human civilization
Which is good and why it should be accelerated.
>you don't care about working people or the reality of the financial inequality which this creates
Only boring, indoctrinated people would.
>A desire for absolute power, a disregard for democratic structure, demagoguery against certain groups of people, including muslims and mexicans, as well as blatant racism towards african americans, and equivocation from any sort of blame for his actions
Aka the natural instincts of healthy humans.

Why even go on /lit/ when you're like this? Clearly you're a redditor in your soul through and through, r/books was made for people like you.

>> No.13520161

I don't agree with anything you said, nor do I desire to have a conversation with someone who is pathologically adverse to my points. Either way, I have made my points and justified why I feel the world is Kafkaesque and Orwellian.

>> No.13520162

>nor do I desire to have a conversation with someone who is pathologically adverse to my points
Reddit is literally for you then

>> No.13520167

That's not technically true.

>> No.13520168

>nor do I desire to have a conversation with someone who is pathologically adverse to my points.
Then go to fucking reddit, you find your echo chamber there, but don't expect people here to comfort you at every turn and avoid disagreement.

>I feel the world is Kafkaesque and Orwellian.
No, the world is Kafkaesque and Orwellian because my people are being extinguished and no one seems to care.

>> No.13520173

No, the world is Kafkaesque and Orwellian because fuck technology and fuck civilisation.


>> No.13520182

>No, the world is Kafkaesque and Orwellian because my people are being extinguished and no one seems to care.
Is that what this is about? Well I can't help you there. Just know that your race doesn't equate to any achievement you have made, and your obsession with it is a crutch to make up for your shortcomings, caused by either neoliberalism, which you erroneously blame minorities for, or some sort of alienation perhaps caused by having nothing besides a default label to give your identity value. You must feel very insecure if being white is the best thing you feel you have going for you.

>> No.13520184

nonwhites are the biggest problem when it comes to climate change

>> No.13520204

>Just know that your race doesn't equate to any achievement you have made
Lol, who cares?
And why do you think I care about whites?

> caused by either neoliberalism, which you erroneously blame minorities for
Immigration is a tool by capitalists to stop worker uppity and further global growth.
Only a die hard capitalist could support immigration, to quote Bernie Sanders "open Borders, that's a Koch brothers Idea".

>or some sort of alienation perhaps caused by having nothing besides a default label to give your identity value.
Yes, I really love it that foreign countries feel more like a home then the city I was born in.
But I guess that ethnic extermination is okay when liberals do it, so fuck whitey.

>You must feel very insecure if being white is the best thing you feel you have going for you.
I am not so insecure that I project my racial supremacy fantasies on the non-whites taking over my country.

>> No.13520210

You care about whites, you literally said "my people are being extinguished and no one seems to care". You're just lying now.

>> No.13520213

This is unrefutable, caring about minorities is wanting the world to die

>> No.13520216

>You care about whites, you literally said "my people are being extinguished and no one seems to care".
Who fucked you in the head?
You know that in the English language "my people" can refer to an ethnic group, right?
There is also the, false, possibility that I am not white.

>> No.13520221

No, it's the oil industry, and oil lobbyists, funded by people like the Koch Brothers, who, shocker, are invested in oil.
When you talk like the alt-right, don't expect me to think you're coming from some ironic minority perspective, which from what you've said so far is no less ironic than if you were white.

>> No.13520222

>When you talk like the alt-right, don't expect me to think you're coming from some ironic minority perspective, which from what you've said so far is no less ironic than if you were white.
I don't get what you are saying, I am not American, and I am not ironic about my people being extinguished.
What the fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.13520226

what is the point of this thread?

>> No.13520231

Giving the non-existing mods on this website something to clean up.

>> No.13520233

I hope for thoughtful replies.

>> No.13520234

No the biggest problem is literally the 80% of the world that wants to industrialize like white people. Without minorities there would be no issues, any climate change could be curbed, but because minorities must catch up we are doomed.

>> No.13520236

That's why you ignored everyone who made a genuine reply and started debating politics?

>> No.13520245

>I have a girlfriend
Stopped reading there

>> No.13520253

It's a double standard to blame non-whites for wanting to industrialize. You just hate them because they're not white, a skin pigment, and doing the exact same thing white people do, but better, considering the USA, run by white nationalists, is doing more to harm the environment than any other nation, which is the only nation which pulled out of the Paris climate deal. So don't be hypocritical and say it's non whites who are the problem.

>> No.13520256

It’s not a double standard to say that if minorities weren’t industrializing there wouldn’t be an issue. It might be hypocritical to wage war with them over it, but who cares?

>> No.13520259

>considering the USA, run by white nationalists
The only nationalist who has run the US in the last few decades were Jewish Nationalists, no white nationalists would have given billions to Israel.
Trump is a die hard liberal.

>> No.13520320

I actually responded to quite a few, and ignored ridiculous statements, as any mature arguer would.

>> No.13520377
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