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13519674 No.13519674 [Reply] [Original]

>We were standing at the door. I realised that I hadn't the slightest idea, and also that I didn't give a fuck. I kissed her softly on the lips, and said, 'There is no Israel for me.'
>If there was an ethnic conflict, I'd automatically be lumped together with the whites, and for the first time, as I went to buy groceries, I was grateful to the Chinese for having always kept the neighbourhood free of blacks of Arabs - of pretty much anyone who wasn't Chinese, apart from a few Vietnamese.

how does he get away with it?

>> No.13519683

The French say the darnest things

>> No.13519736

those two goblins look so cute together

>> No.13519750

Is this what he wrote in submission?

Damn, Houellebecq is based.

>> No.13519767

Is this actually his writing? It’s awful. It reads like a bad greentext.

>> No.13519776


hehehe nice link isnt it.

>> No.13519782
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It's his writing, yes. But what he lacks in literary style he compensates with substance - specially saying what noone else has the courage of saying. I admit he has a cheap writing style but he more than well compensates for it in other ways and I admire him for it.

>> No.13519862

What do you mean? I think it's very inelegant and hamfisted.
>We were standing at the door. I realised that I hadn't the slightest idea, and also that I didn't give a fuck.
This has no flow to it right?
I read him translated to (Norwegian). I can't remember having noticed bad prose at the time, but now flipping through Whatever it does seem a bit like that.

>> No.13519917

No, it's the translator's writing

>> No.13519921


>En cas de conflit ethnique je serais, mécaniquement, rangé dans le camp des Blancs, et pour la première fois, en sortant faire mes courses, je rendis grâce aux Chinois d'avoir su depuis les origines du quartier éviter toute installation de Noirs ou d'Arabes – et d'ailleurs plus généralement toute installation de non-Chinois, à l'exception de quelques Vietnamiens.

> « [...] Et toi, qu'est-ce que tu vas faire? Comment tu crois que ça va se passer, à la fac?»
>Je l'accompagnai sur le pas de la porte; de fait, je me rendais compte que je n'en avais pas la moindre idée; et je me rendais compte également que je m'en foutais. Je l'embrassai doucement sur les lèvres avant de répondre: «Il n'y a pas d'Israël pour moi.»

It reads better in French for me, but that might be because I don't have a feel for it yet.

>> No.13520339

Agreed. He's about as good as bukowski

>> No.13520389

He's just carrying on a very dear French tradition, ask any frenchie who's the most important author of the 20th century and they'll say Celine despite being a more hardcore antisemite than Hitler himself.

>> No.13520558

It's because you're reading the prose of the translate. Learn French you brute.

>> No.13520576

>My dick went flaccid. 'God damn, I hate the Dutch, truly a nation of swines', I thought to myself.
I love Houellebecq

>> No.13520618

>specially saying what noone else has the courage of saying

since when is this true? there's an equal amount of content on both sides, racism has been around since forever, the gibberish about how we're now become more "sensitive" is just a cover up to create the illusion that ones words have more meaning than they actually do

it's not like he's saying something that hasn't been said before, also, there's "Germany Abolishes Itself"

>> No.13520621

??? What is a more accurate translation then

>> No.13520635

José Saramago > michel houellebecq > Margaret Atwood > stephen King

>> No.13520660

Smart but very dull
Nihilistic but brilliant and honest
Intellectually dishonest, bland, no redeeming qualities
Literally genre fiction.

Well, seems like you should swap Saramago and Houellebecq

>> No.13520681

lol no

let me know when houellebecq gets the nobel. Really it was more of a close thing between atwood and houellebecq and don't pretend any of them are drastically superior to king.

>> No.13520693

>Nobel Prize
get a load of this pleb

>> No.13520723

Ahh so this the girl who did gangbangs and fucked a dog in "Serotonin" right?

>> No.13521155

>let me know when houellebecq gets the nobel
Get out pleb.

>> No.13521306

Where do you go when you have read all of Houellebecq? Who is on the next level up?

>> No.13521326

For me, it was Marx. But I'm also re-reading some of Houellebecq in French now.

>> No.13521359

Michelle "my wife is asian" Houllebecq

>> No.13521447

Céline, Cendrars, Huysmans.

>> No.13521620

Houellebecq loves Israel, not sure how he's taking up Celine's torch.

>> No.13521677

>Japanese women love to fuck dogs!

how does he get away with it?

>> No.13521733

He's still without a doubt the enfant terrible of french literature.

>> No.13522079
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Maybe if you think Les Inrockuptibles is edgy.

>> No.13522132

Besides Houellebecq who are some other current newer French writers worth reading?

>> No.13522148

I want to read Whatever but they don't have it in any of my local bookstores and I don't want to buy it on amazon because I don't want to be flagged as an incel

>> No.13522166

browsing 4chan flags you as an incel and much worse

>> No.13522171


>> No.13522192
File: 464 KB, 646x595, pepe_spooked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought it was a direct quote
>googled it
>porn sites results come up
Waiting to get v& right now.

>> No.13522303

Oh, it's certainly not the direct quote, but desu it's the very conclusion of Serotonin's early chapter

>> No.13522359

Gollum physiognomy. Kikes confirmed slaves to sin.

>> No.13522375

> muh Sverige Riksbank Prize
Lmao, imbecile.

>> No.13522431

>lacks in literary style

>> No.13522464

I'd rather be a permavirgin than fucking that ugly gook.

>> No.13522526

Israel is the purest negation of the Jew

>> No.13522615

Lmao have sex. I just had it for the first time like a week ago. Bro its the best thing of all time. No one ever tells you how warm a vagina is. Feels like home.

>> No.13522646

how fucking embarassing this post is. for you! for all of us here! F A G G O T

>> No.13523323

he aint your houllebecq, girl.