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/lit/ - Literature

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13519547 No.13519547[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why am I terrified of everything?

>> No.13519573

you are an autistic faggot and you should end your life momentarily

>> No.13519631
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Not much to go on but i'll guess that you either come from a background of constant insecurity growing up or massively over-controlling parents to the point where you never had to (or had the opportunity to) do anything yourself. In the former, every change is seen as a threat, and as such terrifying (for obvious reasons); in the latter, it is the anxiety of facing novel situations now that your support is gone and you have no experience in even the most banal situations. In either case (or even if i'm entirely incorrect), you can get over it by building a foundation of personal competence that you can rely on. This can be physical security, in working on getting stronger, participating in combat sports, getting a gun (if you're a yank) ect., things you can rely on if you ever get into trouble; it could be financial security, in getting a secure job and developing substantial savings which you can draw on if anything goes bad; it could be social security, in making several friends that you can rely on as a safety net and generally for help; or it could be cognitive/emotional, in a confidence in your ability to think of a solution to any given problem you may find yourself in. Ideally, you should aim for all of these as its better to be well rounded. But start with one and then use it to get over your anxiety.

>> No.13519635

Vitamin deficiency. It's at the root of almost all severe anxiety and panic attacks.

>> No.13519646

What vitamins? I have been told by my doctors that I have low calcium, does that mean anything?

>> No.13519648


>> No.13519655

Can we please stop making /lit/ into /r9k/ ? This board is about literature not your depression. If you want to talk about depression then talk about a book that is about depression.

>> No.13519659

probably one of those youtube chriopractors like dr. berg that are giving medical advice to plebs.

>> No.13519672

That or an anecdotal "I had anxiety and drank some orange juice to cure it" meme

>> No.13519675

Saw a Facebook post awhile back linking an article that said a lack of vitamin B6, vitamin D, and/or iron is linked to anxiety and panic attacks.

>> No.13519678
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>> No.13519706

All efforts in fixing my issue have resulted in failure. Any solution I can conjure up in my mind is instantly critiqued and set to the highest standard. Any meaningful flaw found in the solution will put it in the trash. Reading because you're worried about being wrong on a certain topic? Reading is an empty, lazy endeavor and will bring nothing of value to your life. Want to go to the gas station down the road to buy some snacks? Buying food from small convenience stores only continues the cycle of wasting money on addictive sugary and unhealthy snacks. Want to try making friends with that person over there? Going into a conversation with anyone is an instant propaganda game and in the end will only make you more miserable over time regardless of whether the person is giving or taking because of guilt and annoyance respectively. These are all just short random examples of course. I don't know what to do. Even posting this I am terrified of the replies that it will get because of how unsure I am about my thought process.

>> No.13519717


>> No.13519737

It is natural to be terrified of everything you would be surprised how fragile humans actually are and how many things can kill us. Most of Society just suppresses the feeling, but you were probably raised poorly and didn't develop proper supression mechanisms.

You could resort to things like alcohol and drugs, to numb yourself out like most normies do. Or try a placebo vitamin like the other anon suggested.

Or better yet you could accept your fragility and anxiety, and use it to push yourself forward. Contribute to society or at least just better yourself, maybe you could do something to make the world a slightly less terrifying place.

>> No.13519739


start drinking

>> No.13519763

Books for this?

>> No.13519772


Anime damaged your brain.