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/lit/ - Literature

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13519378 No.13519378 [Reply] [Original]

What does your mom read? Did she influence your own reading activities?

>> No.13519384

mostly middle brow fiction, and no not really

>> No.13519391

erich fromm. broke her heart when she caught me reading mein kampf.

>> No.13519399 [DELETED] 

dumbfuck, why is marxist humanist mom being wasted on you

>> No.13519402


>> No.13519406

dumbfuck, why is marxist humanist mom being wasted on you

>> No.13519415

if anything, it taught me that women will always come to the wrong political conclusions, no matter how well educated they are.

>> No.13519420
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old women read smut with rich arab fucking them in bdsm orgies

>> No.13519496

fuck off /pol/

>> No.13519549

I'm sure she never read a book but it's ok

>> No.13519571


just the Hobbit

>> No.13519609

How do you call this way of parenting? There must be a name for it. Everyday I see parents do nothing to school their kids besides handing over their phones or tablets so kids (some under the age of three) can shut up and bathe in the LCD brightness of Youtube pedo videos or silly games. It's quite horrid really, seeing those toddlers who still can't form proper sentences already caged by the little screens, and you know it's unstoppable, since every parent does it and it's natural for kids to beg for things that every other kid seems to have. Everyone in grammar school has a smartphone. Blind before 30. Poor kids!

>> No.13519685

Just make sure ypu don't make the same mistakes, thats all you can do

>> No.13519753 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13519784

Normal people classics, she loves Dickens, some Tolstoy, the bronte sisters, I remember her reading Don Quixote once, that sort of stuff. Also mystery novels, she loves murder mysteries.
Her taste has totally influenced mine, she used to pick me up a stack of books whenever she was at the library when i was a depressed teenager, mostly fantasy YA stuff but she would sneak some classics in there too

>> No.13519821
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>What does your mom read
50 shades of grey, and serial killer biographies

>Did she influence your own reading activities
Fuck no.

>> No.13519828

>What does your mom read?
The Bible

She did influence me. Back when I was a kid we would lie on the sofa shoulder to shoulder and read.

>> No.13519833

you guys fucking or what?

>> No.13519834

That's pretty wholesome, anon.

>> No.13519835

She loves Tolkien, Hemingway, Wordsworth, Brodsky, Chesterton and other meme boomer authors that women typically like.

>> No.13519842

I'm sorry for your relationship with your mom, anon.

>> No.13519859

My mom is from a family of writers. Read tons of stuff to me as a kid and took me to the library all the time.

She always told me not to be prejudiced and give everyone a chance, which is why I don't avoid stuff like Mein Kampf, Das Kapital or Malcolm X.

She was a bit biased toward reading books that were "improving" rather than just reading for fun, but that's the way a lot of moms are.

>> No.13519892

There is some truth to this, but it also depends on the kid. They can learn good stuff from Youtube as well. I also see some kids starting to take video less seriously because they're so overexposed to it. They don't binge as much as I did when I got cable for the first time.

>> No.13520195

Mom reads pulp, philistine stuff. However, she did let me pick out my books at an early age. I would not be the same, not even close, without her self-sacrifical willingness to trudge through animal encyclopedias and field guides entry by entry. I would not have my love for learning without based mom. We also read Capitan underpants and Harry Potter, but I view that as similar, as unimportant as watching a movie. Mom teaching me how to learn from birth was a divine blessing, she had me reading and writing at 3.

>> No.13520202

She’s a doctor so she’s got a million books written by other doctors. I don’t think she ever read for fun, never heard of her favorite books or anything.

>> No.13520260

She’s pretty normie, so books advised on newspapers’ cultural pages, like Camilleri or Houllebecq for fiction and psychology/politics essays. Also, “exotic” things like Murakami borrowed from her posh friends
She gave me decent entry level knowledge and encouraged my passion for reading, but not much more.
Then Dad redpilled me on Evola
Damn true

>> No.13520268
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She read a wide range, from Agatha Christie to Tolstoy. More importantly she was a circuit librarian buying books and coordinating volunteers for a dozen elementary school libraries in the country, and between the boxes I plundered before they went to the schools, the 20 books a week she let me borrow from the public library, the used book stores she took me shopping in on weekends (she collected antique children's books and other volumes of interest) and books my parents bought me, I grew up constantly surrounded by good reading material.

>> No.13520302

Based. I really was naive as fuck when I was a teenager and thought that women were rational and logical thinking like men. Guess I was really brainwashed that much and I didn't even realize it yet. But when I got older every fucking chick supported the party that wanted unrestricted immigration and hated the ones who actually wanted the white race to survive. So that redpilled me on why women should never participate in politics or anything else.

>> No.13520317

recently she read the new Anne Applebaum book on Holodomor in Ukraine. She mainly reads non-fiction, reportages, memoirs, etc.

>> No.13520329

Based non-fiction no-nonsense mom

>> No.13520378

She has a lot of classic /lit/ on her shelves (BTW she has well over 1000 books) but there's a disproportionate amount of new agey, esoteric shit. For example: she has an entire shelf devoted solely to books about dream interpretation, another shelf full of tarot books. Also many children's books. I'm currently reading some stuff I borrowed from her, including Jung, Fromm and Graham Hancock, but a lot of it is really too active for my almonds.

The older I get, the more I see the point of what she does though. Who gives a shit about intellectual pretense? Just read what you enjoy regardless of how dumb it is. Like I still tell myself I have to not only read an understand Hegel, but enjoy the process. Meanwhile she's just reading about the significance of dreaming about pigs with top hats.

>> No.13520391

My mum only reads religious books and some mythical stuff

>> No.13520507

She doesn't read, but I checked out her search history and it was mostly queries like "milf interracial", "milf bbc", etc. What a joke this bastard world is.

>> No.13520517

My mom is a published author and a lit major so she's pretty well read. Obsessed with humanist bs and muh holocaust so nothing super interesting.

>> No.13520518

she reads contemporary thrillers and murder mysteries. when i was in my childhood / early teen years she would read YA book series at the same time as me (mostly Anthony Horowitz's Alex Rider and The Power of Five series). doubt she got much enjoyment from reading them but it gave us something to discuss.

>> No.13520545
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>implying most of 4chan's search history isn't stuff like "asian girl white guy" "ebony girl white dude" "indian girl white" etc etc

>> No.13520555

pray she gets cancer sooner rather than later

>> No.13520656

Looks like she already has some form of

>> No.13520677
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I don't know

>> No.13520690


>> No.13520696

Mom isekai. Not hentai.

>> No.13520714

that fucking manface

>> No.13520749
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>> No.13520759
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dumb romance pulp fiction

>> No.13521102

All fiction is equally worthless. Stop being snobby