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/lit/ - Literature

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13517633 No.13517633 [Reply] [Original]

In about 2 hours I only read 15 pages of my book...
Help me. How do I read faster?

>> No.13517688

The more you read the faster you read. Easy as.
I'm a non-native and I read at about 165 words per minute (with an average native reading 450-500 words per minute)

>> No.13517696
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You will get faster naturally just by reading more. It also depends on what you're reading: philosophy is slower than literature is slower than YA and so on. You probably wont reach Harold Bloom levels of reading speed, but it should improve. Just stick with it.

>> No.13517699

Are you reading non-stop during that time or are you checking the internet or otherwise getting distracted?
If it's the former then there's not much to say other than you'll eventually get faster the more you read.
If it's the latter then turn off your phone or whatever and read in a very quiet place, away from music and televisions and other people.

>> No.13517702

depressing kemono friends :(

>> No.13517716

definitely start at a lower level maybe some classics on the old american high school reading list if your having a very hard time.
As well definitely stay away from textbooks if for some reason your that psychopathic and enjoy reading stuff like that.

>> No.13517814

It's the former
I've been reading all my life I think it's just the way that I read! I sort of act everything out in my head. For example if a character is talking I read it in my head exactly how I imagine him to be talking, at the right speed and everything. I'm just sort of worried about not taking everything in

>> No.13517844

Sad pic

>> No.13517872

Yes it would seem I've fixed my problem
The problem was what I said in this post
I tried reading faster and I read the next chapter of the book and I read 5 pages in 10 minutes and I don't think my reading comprehension was negatively impacted
God I can't believe I didn't figure this out sooner

>> No.13517917

This is the best night of my life lads
I just read another chapter and this time I read 8 pages in 15 minutes
I never knew the extent of my reading abilities until tonight
This is like a revelation
It's 2:09am and I can't stop reading

>> No.13517934
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Now you don't have to feel bad.

>> No.13518045

I used to do that to. I still do if I'm looking to have a lot of fun while reading something. It's also cool to be able to flesh out an image or scene of something in your mind and then make another piece of art, like a painting, depicting what was just read. It's makes a stronger impression for me and is more memorable. You might like reading to other people. Kids love that shit.

>> No.13518072

>2 hours
>15 pages
are you retarded or something? that would take me less than 10 minutes. how is that even possible?