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13514659 No.13514659 [Reply] [Original]

How come we have so many theological texts from ancient Egypt, but they're never discussed here? The corpus is as rich as the Greek mythological relics.

>> No.13514675

because it's infantile wrestling lore tier

>> No.13514678

Because people on 4chan (and generally elsewhere) are archaelogically ignorant. The idea that eveything began with the Greeks is still a widepread meme, even though the earliest Greek we care about are chronologically closer to us than they are to the invention of cuneiform.

What theological texts do you recommend?

>> No.13514684

Don't you dare compare wrestling lore to the heap of shit that is Kemetism.

>> No.13514692

The Coffin texts are generally a good introduction to an evolutionary perspective of Egyptian metaphysics and their idea of the ''afterlife''.

>start with the greeks meme
That's true - although i have been seeing ''start with the Sumerians'' a lot more lately.

>> No.13515109


>> No.13515571


>> No.13515581

Are ancient Egyptians indo-european? If so, please give me all the major texts you can

>> No.13515607

No, the Egyptian language belongs to the Afro-Asiatic language family.
>Because people on 4chan (and generally elsewhere) are archaelogically ignorant.
So were the Greeks we got the beginnings of our own literature from, who couldn't read the hieroglyphs.

>> No.13515629

>So were the Greeks we got the beginnings of our own literature from, who couldn't read the hieroglyphs.
Ptolemaic scholars could, i presume?

>> No.13515650


>> No.13515980


>> No.13515993

Most mythology/ancient theology is unironically cringey and devoid of any literary merit.

>> No.13516489


>> No.13516501

He's a Christian. Give him a break

>> No.13517078

He used the word cringey, implying atheism, but also used the word theology, implying Christianity.
Hmm. This is a dilemma.

>> No.13517088

The Egyptian Book of the Dead almost made me cry at several points. It awakened in me a purer, more genuinely religious feeling than all my years studying in the Bible.

>> No.13517097

I think the new meme is to start with the Bronze Age.

>> No.13517546

any particular passages you mind sharing?

>> No.13517880


>> No.13518015


>> No.13518808

Egypt has so much history but doesn’t matter one bit, they’re the side story of history

>> No.13518881
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>they’re the side story of history
lol no. The Egyptians had a heavy influence on Greek philosophy, and a few philosophers from Thales through Plato were inducted in Egyptian mystery cults. And of course, you have Hermeticism.

>> No.13518882 [DELETED] 

Go to bed Marsilio

>> No.13518901
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>> No.13518965


Top tier site. The "neurotheological" stuff is kinda...superfluous. Although the "reptilian brain" is pertinent to beholding everything in yourself and everything in the other and such.


>> No.13519879


>> No.13519890

The egyptians had an influence on the british so they created a school dedicated to them, doesn’t mean they mattered to western civilization then

>> No.13520342


>> No.13520638
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Praise kek nigger

>> No.13521184


>> No.13521381
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>used to be really creeped out by Egypt as a kid
>the dark, musty tombs
>thought there was something evil and demonic by the whole culture, completely repulsed

>am older
>recognize it is one of the most luminous, life-affirming cultures that has ever existed

>> No.13522064


>> No.13522075 [DELETED] 

>You think this frog plague bothers me? Everyone loves these frogs. They're just chilling with us. Your god is weak, old man.

>> No.13523365


>> No.13523675


>> No.13524358

Which edition/translation?

>> No.13524716

>used to be deeply fascinated by Egypt as a kid
>the ludicrously precise monuments
>pharaohs as living gods
>felt the draw of some mystic and imperial allure to the culture, completely enamored

>am older
>condemn it as one of the most pervasive, well-preserved body of cultural curses (and conversely the first known peak of idealist metaphysics).

>> No.13524721

*as the most

>> No.13525641

praise ra faggot

>> No.13525677
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Neoplatonism was the definitive expression of Egyptian metaphysics.

>> No.13525685
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I prefer Ptah, but I also think you mistake me: I don't throw the covers over my head and deny the curses, I'm doing the opposite by stating them as such, otherwise it all seems like dead mythology and not the source of most ancient/modern ideological entrapments.

>> No.13525696

By giving them power you accurately give them the form to allow people to free themselves from them.

>> No.13525705

Well traditionally speaking if you mediate the transfer of ideological compartments then you can effectively monitor a population through themselves, "telepathically" communicate with them, etc. But yes, that's the modernist, Freudian solution, relentlessly draw awareness to the threat as a preliminary to larger analysis/action.

>> No.13525716

That's true. The ''Freudian'' solution as you call it is mediation in itself. (what communication isn't?)
The cyclical nature of this process leads one to believe that truth must be somewhere else. (if that isn't communication and external conception itself)

>> No.13525726

It’s not just 4chan though, it’s a common western bias.

Op, I think it comes down to the fact that there is a rich cultural history of portraying hellas as the melting pot of the west and taking ownership of that in our self-conception.

Egyptian, assyrian and babylonian civilizations were great and rich but the fact is just that the greco-roman world won in terms of cultural afterlife and impact.

>> No.13525747

Because we don't understand them at all. Egyptians had like 15 words which we translate to "heaven" and yet used them in seemingly different contexts, and we still don't know for sure what did they mean by this.

>> No.13526390


>> No.13526420

Fucking furries

>> No.13527414


>> No.13528078

so are al mythologies

>> No.13528195

Start with the Sumerians is a fifty year old philology meme, and quintessentially British.

>> No.13528219

>The hieroglyphs
It's a script that was in constant development for thousands of years. Of course some Greeks couldn't read some of it. But there was a Greek colony in the middle of Egypt and both Greeks and Egyptians liked to trade at Cyprus for a very long time. Pretty sure there would be people who understood both.

>> No.13528270
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>Greek myth regularly depicts bestiality

>> No.13528980
