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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 218 KB, 489x424, FireShot Screen Capture #912 - 'd6f_jpg (1080×4866)' - i_kym-cdn_com_photos_images_original_001_462_095_d6f_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13514141 No.13514141 [Reply] [Original]

>"I guess after everything, I am Legend"
>"Das it nigga, das kapital"
>"Bateman, what are you some kind of America Psycho?"

Why do authors do this

>> No.13514150

To make you cringe.

>> No.13514151

>what are we some kinda Moby's dick
fuck I hate reading books

>> No.13514157

>guess we really were... the real... monster... all along

>> No.13514159

another thread died because of this

>> No.13514162

You're a wizard Harry Potter

>> No.13514165

It is a valid question. Try answering faggot.

>> No.13514294

>He was, indeed, a Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.13514356

>"why don't you just hang yourself", he said with infinite jest

>> No.13514361

Because fuck you we can. If I had a book called Eat My Ass you bet your shit I'd squeeze a line about eating my ass in there and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.13514370
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>Das ist es. Das ist Mein Kampf.
Oh come on.

>> No.13514396

>and as his throbbing member entered his assistants anus and their scrotums touched he knew that it truly was the gay science.

>> No.13514514

>... and that is why people, to this day, consider him a modern day Ulysses.
Why is Joyce considered a good writer again?

>> No.13514518

Didnt I am legend do this but unironically

>> No.13514520

>and thus that was my The Republic
So this is the wests greatest philosopher?

>> No.13514528

>And he smiled. For it had truly become a Diamond League.

>> No.13514537
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>It's time to create a deduction of the transcendental analytics, the a prioei fundaments, it's the proper temporal location to insinuate the Critque of pure reason

>> No.13514554

>Truly, even The Dead are Dubliners
The audacity

>> No.13514591

>Nine companions. So be it. You shall be called The Lord of the Rings, book 1: The Fellowship of the Ring

>> No.13515314

>Perhaps the crime and punishment were the friends we made along the way

>> No.13515399

I spat out my drink lmao

>> No.13515719

>you were right about everything harry potter and the deadly hallows part too

>> No.13515735


>> No.13515739

This meme has entered the best stage: none of the entries make any sense at all and it’s obviously just people being stupid on purpose. :3

>> No.13515754

> “ [A]nd he worked the land; thus was the life of Candide ( Barnes & Noble Classic Published 2002 ) “
Fucking shit familonga, how much of a fucking hack can Voltaire be

>> No.13515757

I spit out the cum I was guzzling

>> No.13515771

>"The strange thing isn't that I will be executed for shooting an arab. The Stranger thing is that I don't care.
Come the fuck on.

>> No.13515791

>Its the opposite of Jesus. Oh come on the answer is so easy. Are you an idiot? DER! ANTICHRIST!
I like Nietzsche, but that was a little too on the nose for me.

>> No.13515794

>>"Das it nigga, das kapital"
it's stupid but made me kek

>> No.13515800


>> No.13515822

>can’t you see? The Collected Writings of William Shakespeare were the friends we made along the way!

Fucking pleb writers

>> No.13515831

>The Prince album I hate the most is the last one
-Machiavelli, plebbin‘ it up

>> No.13515843

>It's good to be with my Brothers Karamazov

>> No.13515844
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imagine being this angry over an internet thread

>> No.13515860


Fuck I was too slow

>> No.13515869

>In this book I will teach you How to Read a Book

People take this shit seriously?

>> No.13515874

"And after it all ended, we saw ourselves East of Eden."

>> No.13515877

>das it nigga, das On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason

>> No.13515884

based autism poster

>> No.13515939

After all is said, only the parerga and paralipomena remains.

>> No.13515972

>This is a tale of war, and peace.
Seriously, Tolstoy?

>> No.13516029

>"Sancho my friend, after all our adventures, I never asked, what was the name of your donkey?"
Shut the book and moonwalked away after that line

>> No.13516127


>> No.13516132

>”what’s your name boy?”
>”blood meridian”
Uh, what the fuck?

>> No.13516426

>do a word search in my ereader
>literally thousands of results for „it“
Always knew King was a hack

>> No.13516432

he says "meridian" a bunch of times in the book

>> No.13516453

It was the Judge’s nickname for him.

>> No.13516475

> Das it nigga, das kapital
My sides have completely left the universe

>> No.13516487

only good post itt

>> No.13516505

>What year is this? Some kinda 2666?
>And these young lads became savage detectives.
>You know what their voices were? An amulet.
>The thing I love is walking by night in Chile
Bravo Bolaño.

>> No.13516816

Fuck you OP, I loved I am Legend. One of my favourites. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.13516820

it's funny 'cause it's true

>> No.13516909

Isn't this the same guy who made the "durr based duur cringe" vocaroo?

>> No.13517272


Have sex you fucking homophobic faggot :3

>> No.13517327

In some cases the author comes up with the title _after_ writing the story, so he tends to use something that represents the whole idea - and chances are that it is something already in the book.

>> No.13517346

Obviously not me. There is nothing good about homosexuality.

>> No.13517472

The infinite jest one always cracks me up, but i can't remember exactly how it goes

>> No.13517481

This one >>13514356 ?

>> No.13517501
File: 44 KB, 621x624, DqNIPEtX4AAZbtW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"and that, my friends, was a Tale of Two Cities"
Dickens was such a hack

>> No.13517507

There is nothing not good about homosexuality*
Cock rules!

>> No.13517508

Nah it's something like:
>In the end, it was the great, nay the infinite jest

>> No.13517570

>"Don't send to know FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS, it bells for thee."

>> No.13517618

So this what 4channel's transition into reddit looks like.

>> No.13517643

There have been thousands of these threads during the lifetime of 4chan and not a single one has been good

>> No.13517672

Yeah and also the "what do you mean what do" one from /fit/. Highly based anon.

>> No.13517695

if this is what comes out of threads like these, then aren't these good threads after all??

>> No.13517708

Obviously not me
Why don’t you try spewing your sad pathetic opinions in public and see what happens :3

>> No.13517786
File: 43 KB, 800x447, 14a3ab1659e5744dc6d43d021a94685c8cce75d984944367ddb244b905a4c451_1~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13517798


>> No.13517899

Stop doing these

>> No.13517948

Don't stop doing these.

>> No.13517953
File: 46 KB, 780x439, dont-let-the-lawyer-fool-you-1502818850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Bateman, what are you some kind of America Psycho?"
Hey, i wrote that in the last thread. I demand royalties

>> No.13517955

Archive them PLEASE

>> No.13517958

>It truly was a Crime and Punishment...
Still my favorite book

>> No.13517959
File: 69 KB, 820x550, MV5BNzQ4Y2U5ZDQtM2U4Yi00MWZhLTk4OWUtYzM2OTU0MTBiYWQ5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDY3OTcyOQ@@._V1_SY1000_CR0013571000_AL_-e1543450332668-820x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's it, huh? We're some kind of Animal Farm?

>> No.13517963
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What am I, some kind of The Idiot?

>> No.13517974
File: 55 KB, 306x400, Checkmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do War Stories actually help or hurt a novel or series, be it fantasy or sci-fi or both?

Would it help if it were more like a secret agency or society involved for the main cast of characters?

>> No.13517980

look how many people this btfo lmao

>> No.13517982


meant to make this into a thread, sorry.

>> No.13517995


>> No.13518025


Obviously not me :3

>> No.13519105



>> No.13519110

hey its the new jersey /his/ spic

>> No.13519171


>> No.13519709

A little mad boi ?

>> No.13519775

Based Boston Anon

>> No.13520153

>Oedipa stumbled into Lot 49 — crying...

>> No.13520239

>"I've never", Natalie Portman insisted, "sucked Moby's Dick!"
Really Herman?

>> No.13520372

Well do it on /co/ FFS.

>> No.13520544
File: 21 KB, 344x500, tZYBbS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13520702

How very unpredictable.

>> No.13520704


>> No.13520710

"And so I will go on to exist and walk observing people on the streets and cafes while dropping boners to the news of a raped girl", he said with nausea.

>> No.13521050

>*record scratch*
>Yep, that's me, trying to take my boots off. You're probably wondering how I got into this mess. It all started one day when I was Waiting for Godot.

Beckett didn't even try with that one, did he?

>> No.13521082

>What you mean this? Why, we are building a fence, kid, and we are building it all the way to that Blood Meridian, the Evening Redness in the West!
really could have done without that

>> No.13521117

>"In the final reckoning there is only love, only that divinity. That we are only capable of being what we are remains our fifth head of cerberus"

I peaced out after this bullshit

>> No.13521318

>Socrates: I'll tell you, Meno
The fuck is this shit Plato?

>> No.13521396

>on /lit/ as well

>> No.13521909

"Only once did he have news of Katherine Driscoll. In the early spring of 1949 he received a circular from the press of a large eastern university; it announced the publication of Katherine’s book, and gave a few words about the author. She was teaching at a good liberal arts college in Massachusetts; she was unmarried. He got a copy of the book as soon as he could. When he held it in his hands his fingers seemed to come alive; they trembled so that he could scarcely open it. He turned the first few pages and saw the dedication: “To The Stoner, Haha weed"
His eyes blurred, and for a long time he sat without moving. Then he shook his head, returned to the book, and did not put it down until he had read it through.

Really john? really?

>> No.13523261

>All of this supposedly happened in the year 2666
Good god, what a hack

>> No.13523268

>what about the night, dick?
>tender is the night
that's when i stopped reading

>> No.13524159

>"Well Loki, it seems like everything really is just a Poetic Edda in the end."

wtf Snorri

>> No.13524209 [DELETED] 

>As awe gripped my mind I could see that God, in the center of it all, was....Laughing.
>The whole world is truly a Divine Comedy.

>> No.13524215

>As awe gripped my mind I could see that God, in the center of it all, was....Laughing.
>The whole world is truly a Divine Comedy.

Fucking italians.

>> No.13524375
File: 24 KB, 500x386, D44C926E-8CAC-4C77-A3CB-E764405042E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13524639

Le epic lolz xd

>> No.13524993

>and he was called Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, cause he BTFOd Oedipus and really loved Capitalism and Schizophrenia

>> No.13525976

>Wow, I guess we really were formerly Fucked and Sucked by Chuck
Really Sneed?

>> No.13527598


>> No.13527717

>in the end, when we are on my father's light; we would truly have become: the bible
oh come on

>> No.13527763

at least they didn't end the book with the protagonist literally writing the bible...

>> No.13527796

hey can you record ANYBODY SEEN RICHIE?

>> No.13527815

>Watt did you say to me, you fucking faggot?

Why does everyone love Beckett so much

>> No.13527827

Lmao. For real though, Thus Spake Zarathustra breaks this rule about 500 times.

>> No.13527840

>homophobic slur
Wow dropped

>> No.13527863
File: 2.35 MB, 4032x3024, A1E65A0F-5B90-4716-814D-DF5978C7C364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only reason Chandler gets a pass for this is the fact that it’s published in 1939.

>> No.13527882

yeah printing upside down was pretty revolutionary.