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/lit/ - Literature

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13514078 No.13514078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most decadent thing about you?

>> No.13514086

/lit/ - literature
fuck off

>> No.13514121

based board guardian

>> No.13514125

no. let us become high iq /b/

>> No.13514127

i'm not against slightly off topic threads when appropriate, but this kind of garbage post just transforms every board into a generic chatroom

the real problem is that it encourages phone-posting, since any time you get a vague itch for low-effort social interaction you can log onto your 4chan chatroom and go "What book should I read if I looooove color blue" or "What kind of haircut do philosopher get"

>> No.13514132

>What kind of haircut do philosopher get"
Could we have this discussion though?

>> No.13514135


My bad guys
I'm really into Decadent lit right now.
Probably should have just made a Decadent lit discussion

>> No.13514139

don't fucking bump it you retards

>> No.13514172


>> No.13514174

My diary desu

>> No.13514175

>What kind of haircut do philosopher get"
Could we have this discussion though?

I'm interested as well. Can we?

>> No.13514177

Take a photo. This is an image board.

>> No.13514184



>> No.13514190
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>> No.13514191


>> No.13514197

you don't read posts for the prose?

>> No.13514205


>> No.13515134

OP, that book is not meant to be published yet... are you Thomas Moynihan?

>> No.13515142

i have to keep a steady stream of a certain drug into my body or i wont function

>> No.13515146

Laziness, if I don't have to do something I'm not doing it.

>> No.13515157

Probably my pet situation. I've got a little cat that I pulled out of the woods as a kitten because its mom abandoned it. According to vet it has feline leukemia, so he'll only be around for another year and a half now, but I feel responsible for it since I was the one that removed it from the state of nature in the first place. And then I also have a dog, an 8 month old great pyrenees that I can barely fit into my tiny apartment. He's maybe half his full size so I'm gonna have to figure something out. But anyway opulent in the sense that I just have them for the sake of having them, although the dog does guard my property pretty well.

>> No.13515160

Depends on the philosophy they adhere to. Cynics used be tonsured on one side, like archers do to not get their locks caught in their bowstring. Irish monks apparently had some form of weird tonsure unlike the common monastic ones, but there is still lively debate as to whether they shaved their heads on one side in the manner of the Greek cynics, or on one side in the manner of the cue under Manchu rule in China, or in some form of undercut.
Personally, I'd prefer to talk about Aristophanes' depictions of various regions' muff styles and its analogue in the modern associations of Brazil and Hollywood with waxing. bump

>> No.13515176

The pipe, really, is a universal symbolism. As it applies to most, you can see how many would be influenced by the overall bent towards want and desire.

As Jon Arbuckle owns capital, Garfield, his own property, subsumes it. It could be considered in a Marxist light, as the landowner watches his property become under the control of the state.

But no. No, I imagine something more revolutionary and specific. In Garfield I see the American working classes. Jonathan is the capital owner, and the pipe symbolizes his capital. In this unimaginable horror to Jon, he watches as his capital is embezzled out from under him and justified by the workers as the reappropriation of their product, the item of labor, which, like their labor, they owned and worked with.

Garfield is one who has gone against the grain. He has battled the superiors verbally for the last time: he is taking control of his rightful domain by force. And Jon can do nothing but scream. GARFIELD as the spreading out of capital continues unabated. As the ability to produce wealth is ubiquitous so are the pipes. A veritable Che Guevara, Garfield does not care. He does not respond. He has taken the reigns of this economic power by the lapel and shook it until it realized what had happened. He did not wait for Legislation, he took what the proletariat needed :3

>> No.13515181

most decadent thing?
>mozzarella sticks

I'm a good ol' country, catholic boy

>> No.13515180

Smoke weed everyday

>> No.13515480

This post both tells OP to fuck off and anwers his question, because /lit/ is the most decadent thing about all of us.
This is pure genius

>> No.13515979
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My ability to retain my sense of self worth and show kindness to others even when they’re undeserving.

My dad recently passed away after a long bout with Alzheimer’s. He’s been bed ridden for the past year and like a child for the past 5 years. Im conflicted about how to feel. Why? Let’s back things up a bit. Growing up my father was a good provider and we always had the essentials but he had a terrible temper. He worked long hours for the Bureau of prisons and it took a toll on him.

Growing up, if you made bad grades or angered him, we (my brother 4 years older and I) were whipped with a belt and/or beaten. Mom divorced him when I was 8 but we still lived with him. If you got the belt, you had to drop pants and underwear and lay across the bed while taking uncountable lashes with a thick leather belt capable of holding his equipment while at work.

As I got closer to my teenage years the belt came out less and I was slapped, punched and kicked more. And I’m not talking about pulled punches. Imagine stepping into a ring with Mike Tyson in his prime and calling him “Uncle Tom”. THATS how hard I got hit. A physically fit 40 year old man has significantly greater driving force in his arms and fists than a preteen boy. You might be able to deflect the first shot but you don’t have the stamina or reflexes to stop the rest.

By the fourth grade I’d already learned to cover up the bruises and create the lies needed to keep the regular questions of the teachers unanswered. I regularly cried myself to sleep begging god, or the devil, or even death to take me if it would end the torment but apparently none of them wanted me. When my brother graduated and went to the army I was on my own and we’d moved out to a rural country home when I was 13. My father remarried a woman indifferent to his actions or my reactions so now I was trapped on a proverbial island with my abuser and the one witness who wouldn’t speak up for me.

Even when he wasn’t angry he verbally abused me, “nigger” and “faggot” and “worthless” tended to be his standby insults. On one instance where my grades weren’t up to his expectations I was thrown into the garage and locked in wearing only a pair of tidy whiteys in January. I spent the night sleeping on the small square of carpet set aside for the dog.

But The worst beating came one summer when I was supposed to dig a 10 inch deep by 6 feet wide by ten feet long trench across the yard so that a stone walkway could be laid. It was hot that year, raging temperatures and humidity.The one day I didn’t meet my quota for the day I was severely beaten until I went down and then kicked around the chest, back and head.

Pic related. It’s a screenshot from an episode of American pickers after William shatner bought the house we lived in. As you can see from the divot on the left, The walkway was removed when he moved in. I took that terrible beating right about
where those two are standing

>> No.13515998
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I was 15 by then. That particular night I’d had enough of his abuse. He had a habit of sporadically waking up in the middle of the night to come downstairs and get a glass of milk and a cookie for some reason. It was really a 50/50 chance that he’d come downstairs. So that night I decided to let fate decide what would happen. I loaded the 12 gauge he’d bought me for Xmas with 3 rounds of double 00 buckshot and waited at the bottom of the stairs after bedtime. The stairs creak, so I’d have plenty of time to ready the gun and aim for he chest. I sat there waiting to kill him for the years of abuse. The stairway is a chokepoint and nobody gets up from taking 3 shotgun rounds center mass and he’d bleed out before an ambulance reached the house.
As luck would have it, after a few hours I fell asleep with the gun across my lap. My alarm clock in the next room was set to go off earlier than anyone else’s so when it woke me and I realized morning had come and he hadn’t come down that night. I unloaded the gun and went to school.

A week or so later we were back to it with the punches and name calling. It was during these years that I found myself escaping to wander the forests after school or all day during the summer. Anything not to be in or near the house. I let my imagination take me anywhere that wasn’t near the house. With a full canteen of water and a few cans of Vienna sausages or deviled ham, you can stay away for days at a time in the woods. Fires are easy to build and half a tent shelter can keep you comfortable at night. There’s always the potential to come across dangerous animals, but with 7 rounds of .40 caliber in a pistol there’s not too much to fear. In the days that followed I used the large flat stones of the creek beds to dam the creek for swimming holes and used shovels and pick axes to build entire stone structures a place to be away from the house. I built shrines and alters to imaginary gods praying for them to send lightning to burn down my house or just strike me but they weren’t listening either.
I know a dozen places hidden in the forests that look like pic telated

>> No.13516035
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She’s never liked me but when dad died I held my stepmothers hand during the funeral and even have a eulogy to which pleased everyone. Who the fuck gets buried in hitlers birthday?

The person who made me not want to live is also the person who gave me the steel resolve to navigate the world with conviction and resolve without being afraid of anyone or anything. It is a literal manifestation of the Johnny Cash Song, A boy Named Sue.

The imagination cultivated in tough times gives me the fuel to write novels, but it’s one of the few things that brings me joy. It lets me escape when i need to. So I write about space ships, and jetpacks, and fantastical things because if you’d been with me for the length of my own journey, the starbursts of rockets and make believe are far preferable to what ive been shown to be real

>> No.13516066

That's altruistic not decadent

>> No.13516108
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Now that I’m approaching middle age I try and seek out people who need assistance or just a helping hand because I know what it’s like to be alone and stranded. I can’t help the brutality shown to me but I can offer to show kindness wherever and whenever the opportunity presents itself. So I sip bourbon and try to think of outlandish stories to tell my younger self in hopes that it eases the pain just a little. When dad got sick and couldn’t care for himself I washed and bathed him and carried him to the bed he’d ultimately die in. I hated and loved him equally and I don’t think my opinion of him is ever going to change.

>> No.13516123
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>> No.13516583

I'm a NEET and I can't get out of this shithole

>> No.13516621

I eat chips with a fork

>> No.13516626

My big fat nuts

>> No.13516634
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>> No.13517680

Aww yiss

>> No.13517752
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Imagine being a wannabe jannie LMAO

>> No.13517758

That's a good question. I haven't thought much about it. Probably my habits of masturbation and video game playing, though I do less of those these days and spend more time reading. Unless you count 4chan browsing as decadence in which case I'm decadent as fuck

>> No.13517909

Wanting to be girl

>> No.13518244


>> No.13518269
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My porn addiction.

>> No.13518323

My femdom addiction. I feel pathetic after cumming and shamefully have to delete 10 tabs after 2 hours of searching for the right video. 1 year ago, I would not beileved what I have become and feel disgusted by anyone who would be into that. I've tried nofap and failed so many times.

>> No.13518364

It’s just symbolism for the underlings of society getting a hold of things meant for those of a higher type.