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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 404 KB, 510x421, Screenshot-2019-04-05-at-14.44.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13513289 No.13513289 [Reply] [Original]

*solves anxiety*

>> No.13513372

>you jes gotta believe!

>> No.13513392

what's more absurd, belief in anything or belief in nothing?

>> No.13513625

Fuck off

>> No.13513766

just have faith bro

>> No.13513858

Who is faith and where do I find her?

>PROTIP: you met her an hour ago. Name was Kim. Oooh I like the chubby Asian quim!

>> No.13514867

belief can be right or wrong
facts are always right

>> No.13514893

Facts are just beliefs that are right. What point are you trying to make

>> No.13514915

How do you know that?

>> No.13514919

Well you can’t fact check Kierkegaard until after death

>> No.13514923

Did you even read his books? You don't have to be religious at all, that was just his personal solution

>> No.13514940


>decide to visit /lit/ for the first time in a long time
>two trip fags in very first thread

Lol fucking faggots

>> No.13514948

rent free,
Slave morality,

>> No.13515007

one wants to be careful of the alleged objectivity and relevance of facts.
an american professor of philosophy was once approached by a researcher with the question 'how many pages of philosophy do your students read a semester?'
'well,' he replied 'i could check that for you. but isn't there a difference between ten pages from a popular handbook and ten pages of aristotle in the original?'
'that's a matter of opinion. the number of pages is a matter of fact.'

>> No.13515049

you can reach ataraxia from suspension of judgement rather than adopting a dogma

>> No.13515059

there is no truth

>> No.13515071

I “solved anxiety” with Epicureanism

>> No.13515080

why don't you stop pushing your filthy epicureanism on people eh

>> No.13515110

Why don’t you stop pushing your degenerate Christianity on us. We just want to read books!

>> No.13515130


>> No.13515136

Define fact

>> No.13515152

then what you are saying is false and therefore truth exists

>> No.13515169

something that happens

>> No.13515198

Kierkegaard's treatment of anxiety has little to do with his Christianity; he says it's the call to action.

>> No.13515200

And what if that determination of what happens is untrue? Miasma theory was a fact 500-600 years ago. But that is deemed untrue and dismissed by all sources.

>> No.13515240

Define "define"

>> No.13515252
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Guess some people never learn, huh?

>> No.13515253

And flicking your bean

>> No.13515265
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>> No.13515267 [DELETED] 

Who do I need to read to understand Kierkegaard? I've had a copy of Fear and Trembling/Repetition sitting on my shelf for about 5 years. Is it worth the read for an agnostic?

>> No.13515270

Just finished Fear and Trembling -- absolutely loved it.

Which book do I read next?

>> No.13515271


>> No.13515274


>> No.13515275 [DELETED] 

This, Butterfly is a cumbrain (beanbrain)

>> No.13515279

It definitely is worth a read.

If you want more Kierkegaard, go for Either/Or.

>> No.13515288


>> No.13515300

Repetition is brilliant

>> No.13515307
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>> No.13515364

it's necessary to believe in something you overfed inquitous animal

>> No.13515439

Shakespeare/ Edgar Allen Poe
Robert Anton Wilson
Joseph Campbell
Way of peaceful warrior
Tao teh ching
Tao of pooh
The diceman
The four agreement
Celestine prophecy
Das energi

>> No.13515456

Has anyone here actually read any RD Laing? The anti-psychiatry movement has always been of interest to me, but I've never read any of his stuff.

>> No.13515514

its not

>> No.13515535

I'm actually dating a chubby Asian named Kim. It's a good time.

>> No.13515580

is so

>> No.13515593

Is a normal person experiencing anxiety the same thing as when someone 'has anxiety'? How are they different and is it truly a mental illness?

>> No.13515615

probably it's like someone coughing and someone having a cough

>> No.13515628

neo-pyrrhonists disagree

>> No.13515662

Normal anxiety is caused by fear/nervous ess about a thing
Anxiety disorder causes one to have anxiety even without the thing, also making the anxiety even worse when there is a thing to be anxious about

>> No.13515763
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We get it, you want to live in a commune of lesbians

>> No.13515896

Makes sense, thanks

>> No.13516177

no. really?

>> No.13516196

This board is fucking embarrassing.

>> No.13516206

True. Consider placebo.
Consider ironic placebo.

>> No.13516208 [DELETED] 

Are you an atheistcel or a religicel?

>> No.13516570

"For Kierkegaard, anxiety/dread/angst is unfocused fear. Kierkegaard uses the example of a man standing on the edge of a tall building or cliff. When the man looks over the edge, he experiences a focused fear of falling, but at the same time, the man feels a terrifying impulse to throw himself intentionally off the edge. That experience is anxiety or dread because of our complete freedom to choose to either throw oneself off or to stay put. The mere fact that one has the possibility and freedom to do something, even the most terrifying of possibilities, triggers immense feelings of dread. Kierkegaard called this our "dizziness of freedom.""

>> No.13516707

Read Epicurus

What you’re saying is that it’s necessary to believe in lies. It’s not something you should construct your life around. It’s dangerous actually.
Beliefs are a bridge to Knowing. Knowing is far more necessary.

Cute. More? Lovely shot too. Love clouds.

It used to be pretty wonderful. Back when it was slow, lots of name users and janitors with enough power and/or care to weed out the reactionary trad shits. It will never be the same, I know.

>> No.13516794

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.13516806

Gtfo furry

>> No.13516839

>the religicel can't accept his freedom
what else is new

>> No.13516851

way to out yourself as having never read Kierkegaard

>> No.13516880

>We get it, you want to live in a commune of lesbians
ngl I would definitely love that.

>> No.13516916

How can he help me get over the anxiety I feel whenever I see an ash tree, or don't where I should. I can't stop worrying about the emerald ash borer.

>> No.13516939

>It used to be pretty wonderful
oh yeah when was that, 1982? i remember looking when i was underage & the first thing i saw was a suicide note thread (second thing was your trip)

>> No.13516952

>Yeah dude I totally accept my freedom!
>*cries for days on end about nothing invigorating him*
>*cries about wasting his life*
>*cries that he has not been faithful to god*
>*fantasizes about girl for weeks, hates himself for it*
Way to out yourself as to having never read his journal.

>> No.13516959

Based Butts

>> No.13516986

the pursuit of knowing (sorry, Knowing) produces no abnormal psychosomatic effect in its devotees. it dulls the mind; separates man more and more from his natural context in wild nature; and so far enthrones intellect as the greatest of all human attributes as to remove all checks on its irresponsible functioning.

someone - i've forgotten who - called man a religious animal, and religious he must continue to be, because of the uncontrollable imaginative processes which take over the human mind when its crucial function is in abeyance.

>> No.13517525 [DELETED] 

*solves anxiety*

And I didn't have to read even a single book by a Christcuck too.

>> No.13517531
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*solves anxiety*

And I didn't have to read even a single book by a Christcuck too.

>> No.13517592

This is your brain on materialism

>> No.13517602 [DELETED] 
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>I'm addicted to pills
>This is a good thing

>> No.13517617


>> No.13517621

>you jes gotta believe!

>> No.13517622

.... why not? You're just assuming that anxiety pills are bad.

>> No.13517637

Facts are human artifacts.

>> No.13517686


You don't read. It's obvious. You just come here to get attention from people most normal people wouldn't talk to even if you paid them. For reasons no one understands, you spend your free time desperately trying to make everyone here hate you. You don't start threads and you never add anything of value to any thread you are a part of. You just try to piss people off in as few words a possible. You are, without any doubt, one of the most pathetic people on this entire site. Remember, you're here forever Butterfly.

>> No.13517833

based Pyrrhonist

>> No.13517834


>> No.13517843

I’d rather be addicted to pills than to Christ. At least my mind is still free from the chains of Christianity.

>> No.13517848

chains are chains

>> No.13517861

I can quit any time I want to.

>> No.13517862

Christianity doesn't alter the way your brain functions to make you docile and conforming
I doubt that.

>> No.13517881
File: 16 KB, 366x366, 7AD7C7DA-F50F-4FF4-AE0D-C37A70859F43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity doesn't alter the way your brain functions to make you docile and conforming
LMAO nigga you can’t be for real rn

>> No.13517919

Objectively, no. Every system is dependent on certain axioms to remain internally consistent. Accepting these axioms doesn't make you a slave to anything. Christians are free to act in any manner, even if it is in contradiction of Christianity itself.
From the standpoint of a true skeptic, axioms based upon empirical data are not inherently more truthful than axioms based upon faith. Chances are you've been taught about certain historical events or scientific theories in a manner you have not questioned or cast in to doubt, which would make you more "docile and conforming" in this regard than a Christian who came to the faith only after a long period of doubt and study.

>> No.13517926

Fuck off

>> No.13517929

>ackshually being skeptical makes you a conformist
solid hot take from a christcuck. further proof that belief in Jesus requires a self-lobotomy.

>> No.13517994

No one asked you buttercunt

>> No.13518000

Just be a skeptic absolutist then. If you reject all true statements (type 2 error) your level of confidence will be near 100%.

>> No.13518013

buzzwords and memes aren't a proper counter-argument
Christians don't "conform" to anything, at least no more so than Confucians or Aristotelians do to their respective systems. The many differing branches and denominations of Christianity should be proof of that itself.
I'll remind you that we're in a Kierkegaard thread, and since you appear to be completely ignorant of him, his interpretation of Christianity is absolutely that of an individualistic and freeing faith that radically rejects the values and ethics of the world.
The Christian takes the leap of faith and throws himself willingly into uncertainty, suffering and dread. Atheist pill-poppers such as yourself are frightened by true non-conformity with the world. You shame men such as Abraham and Jesus Christ so that you may sleep more soundly at night.

>> No.13518022

have you considered that he *might* not actually take pills and successfully trolled you for shits and giggles?

>> No.13518051

Thank god not everyone thinks like you, otherwise this board would have no decent discussions. Sure, maybe the guy he is responding to is baiting, but what does that matter? Eventually he'll stumble upon a serious poster and have a normal conversation with no baiting.

>> No.13518075

yes, but being the serious and intelligent Christian debating the idiot looks quite good doesn't it? I don't see what I have to lose when someone acts the strawman for you.

>> No.13518089
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>> No.13518114

How will he ever recover?

>> No.13518292

>suffer from panic attacks and intrusive thoughts about sticking sharp objects in my eyes
>take zoloft
>all my symptoms go away and i'm free to live my life again

>> No.13518301

>takes off trip

>> No.13518303 [DELETED] 

Go pop another pill, you junkie. It sounds like you're having another panic attack from reading a 9-word post.

>> No.13518442

So you like acting for a make believe god and bloody sick man all to virtue signal? Got it.

>> No.13518458

We have to go back farther. Back before I was forced to take a trip.

Abnormal? This is supposed to make psychotic episodes of religious fervor sound appealing? The effects of learning things may not lead one to acts of terrorism and “honor killings, but they sure do satisfy people on a number of other levels.

Your brain is material

Why do you little toadies shadow these doofus and cheerlead their comments that are always 100% wrong? Same poster?

That wasn’t me. I was working
>Buttered cunt
Strangely I’m craving squash and zucchini smothered in butter now.

>> No.13518501 [DELETED] 

Why does this post smell of dilatory fluid? Butterfly, you buffoon, discard your fedora and seek the good lord!

>> No.13518504
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>> No.13518512



>> No.13518527 [DELETED] 

Butterfly is a 50 year-old menopausal lesbian tranny. You should be saying "she (male)"

>> No.13518535

What’s this, fascist posters coming to defend Kierkegaard’s honor?
Scared Boys strike again.

I sought, and discovered that it was a fiction designed to control the foolish masses the whole time.

Terrible forced meme. I am not that old yet, not menopausal yet.
And obviously trannies cant get menopausal, just fuck off

>> No.13518541
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>> No.13518547
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>> No.13518571

As far as anyone here knows I'm just another anonymous poster. I don't gain anything for myself. Some other user may benefit from this exchange, however.

>> No.13518674

Sickness Unto Death

>> No.13518742

>accept his freedom

Because freedom from moral restraints is freedom right? I guess we can't be free unless we have the freedom to commit sodomy by your logic right? Remember, a man is a slave to however many vices he has. If you want to pursue fleeting pleasure than go ahead, but to imply that is "freedom" and not a dead-end trap is just deceiving yourself.

>> No.13518751 [DELETED] 

>moral restraints

>> No.13518900

Whenever I see this moth thing I just skip to the next post cause I know it's gonna be something entirely vapid with the sole purpose of getting attention lmao

>> No.13518902 [DELETED] 


>> No.13518933

Dubs of basedness

>> No.13518967
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>That wasn’t me. I was working
Do you know how attributed quotes work, honey?

>> No.13518969

it is absurd to believe that there is no purpose to the universe.
it is absurd to believe that your limited experience in 1x10^-1000 % of spacetime grants you any modicum of understanding.

be open to ideas, but don't give them all equal weight. just because it could be true doesn't mean you should act as if it is.

>> No.13518977
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>spokenword love letter

>> No.13518988
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>see this moth thing
you can auto hide posts with filters

>> No.13519296

philosophy (as stated by lucretius) not only rids man of religious terrors, but also banishes that sense of illumination which from time to time lightens the heart.
it's a pity some people don't pause to consider myth & magic dispassionately.

>> No.13519908

Hmmm... Kierkegaard... or Xanax? Kierkegaard... or Xanax? Xanax... or Kierkegaard?

I think I will go with Kierkegaard. Thank you! :3

>> No.13520324

I love a good fiction. Thank you for the civil reply.

>> No.13520685

didn't camus say something about that

man really is unique though & if we're capable of unselfishly loving one another, we are absolutely alone as a species. the divination of christ is just a way of saying that. that's why it's true, it dramatises the idea that man is divine, you horrid epicurean.

>> No.13520740

Whenever I see this moth thing I just skip to the next post cause I know it's gonna be something entirely vapid with the sole purpose of getting attention lmao

>> No.13521009

what conditions force you into taking a trip? what possible reason could there be to ensure that other posters know who's behind your posts?

>> No.13521029

Not me

>> No.13521033 [DELETED] 

This rofl

>> No.13521085

she actually does just want the abuse

>> No.13521098 [DELETED] 

This, I don't want to give her too much attention but she is seriously mentally ill. She's a middle-aged lesbian who has been compulsively attention whoring on /lit/ for years. She is very fucked up.

>> No.13521107

don't judge, anon

>> No.13521143 [DELETED] 

I want her to read my post and seek help.

>> No.13521166

course you do

>> No.13521225 [DELETED] 

If she doesn't, she could end up killing herself.

>> No.13521237

Can we just kill butterfly?

>> No.13521254

I can tell you're frighteningly intelligent by your voice alone.

>> No.13521305 [DELETED] 

I love your passion.

>> No.13521420
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>> No.13521475

is this samefagging? or is it just ironic or something
no one would really say that

>> No.13521482

Hey anon you can't speak for all of us, I might say that. You don't know me.

>> No.13521497

Shit I still had it highlighted.

>> No.13521500

no you wouldn't

>> No.13521508 [DELETED] 

Oh look, another seething Marxist crawling out of the woodwork.

>> No.13521548

Absolutely based

>> No.13521554
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That's Snail Mail, the generational voice of Zoomer lesbians

>> No.13521579
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>> No.13521608
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love this song

>> No.13521642

His point is that it takes away your symptoms but that still doesn't solve the underlying issue. You're dependant on those pills to function normally. It's not a permanent cure.

>> No.13521812

Is there a way to filter trip fags?

>> No.13521894

it's a permanent cure if you take them permanently

>> No.13521956

Not permanent if you build a tolerance.

>> No.13522005

you'd just take more, no?

>> No.13522072
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>> No.13522087

If he were alive today he'd be a discord tranny 100% sure

>> No.13522134

Believe in the me that believes in you!

>> No.13522648

anxiety isn't real, you just have to man up

>> No.13522686

*creates anxiety*

>> No.13524255

Cuter as a brunette

>> No.13524263
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>> No.13524303
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You know, he brings up an interesting point.
You/he wishes for people to be more independently resilient to pains, you may prescribe Stoicism or something. And I can agree, to some extent. Artificial stimulants might not work so well and can lead to addiction. Moderation, an Epicurean way, is what I usually like.
The same goes for all you despondent sad sacks who are shopping around for a deity to give you meaning. In this case I don’t recommend taking the sedative. Don’t dope your head full of nonsense to ease this existential pain. You run the risk of addiction and erratic behavior.
A little bit, if you can stand it, a little bit fiction in your life to stimulate it and inspire you to get up and participate in your life is all you need. Don’t become a faith fiend

>> No.13525489
File: 17 KB, 220x344, C8C46C4B-4B19-421C-9FE8-1E3E0F19D26A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody who has read this and can tell me if it’s worth reading? What’s his treatment of the Kierk about?

>> No.13525540

Is it me or has Butterfly become more bold in her faggotry in the past couple of weeks?

>> No.13525578

why's addiction bad anyway?

>> No.13525644
File: 35 KB, 500x500, BEE0FED0-9BD0-419E-B136-F6308E581965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related right? Is kierkegaardianism on a slippery slope to violence?

>> No.13525916


>> No.13526279

I include the reason there, *erratic behavior*, in the case of spiritualism, you have a world of terror and bloodshed, delusion and slavery.

>> No.13526377

being erratic is all right really though. lots of geniuses are erratic, like kanye west

>> No.13526398

Being drunk and such on occasion and individually seems fine to me, but societal generational delusion has proven degenerative and quite fatal

>> No.13526472

well if it's fatal then it is a permanent cure.

>> No.13526587

Says the infected.
Ants with a fungal infection have the sense enough to go curl up and die away from the nest. Religious zealots feel honor bound to spread the infection. Children keep colds to themselves better

>> No.13526595

>*solves anxiety*
goes nuts instead

>> No.13526601

Whenever I see this moth thing I just skip to the next post cause I know it's gonna be something entirely vapid with the sole purpose of getting attention lmao

>> No.13526604

Says the infected
Ants with a fungal infection have the sense enough to go curl up and die away from the nest. Religious zealots feel honor bound to spread the infection. Children keep colds to themselves better.

>> No.13526613

This. I've tried going off medications a couple times and it ends up just coming back even when I've had a proper diet, daily exercise ect. I really wish I didn't have to take them but it's a worlds difference better than just not

>> No.13526634

ok but why bother telling us, no one cares

>> No.13526667

it's pasta m8

>> No.13526671


>> No.13526676

do not post in my thread, faggot

>> No.13526745


Is this the Italian guy without the accent?

>> No.13526752

same with the comment you responded too. It's a pasta response to pasta

>> No.13526983

same with the commet you responded to