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13512116 No.13512116 [Reply] [Original]

Can you recommend me books that impart practical knowledge and skills for living as remotely as possible? I spent the last hour reading about marketing techniques and I want out, this isn't how life was supposed to be.

>> No.13512201

Scouting for Boys by Baden Powell

>> No.13512228

Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills
Some books about edible plants and gardening for your area

Reminder though that it can take years to get a proper set up going and it helps to take things gradually. That's what Kaczynski did, try to go too fast and you'll end up starving to death like Chris McCandless.

>> No.13512238
File: 490 KB, 453x495, chad and ted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13512247


>> No.13512251
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You're welcome and godspeed, friend.

>> No.13512256

betrayed by his own brother
it still makes me angry - who knows how much more he could have done, bastards never would have caught him

>> No.13512264

What more could he have done?

>> No.13512268

>Q.How did you learn all this?
>A.Researching books and internet plus trial and error. I'm not indigenous and have no army training.

>> No.13512277

he would have become a legend, a revolutionary, not ended prematurely like this

>> No.13512284

His own fault, he should have anticipated that someone close to him would know who wrote the manifesto. Also, he should have chosen better targets. The oil executive was a good one but killing random professors was a bad idea, perhaps his brother wouldn't have turned him in if it weren't for that.

>> No.13512285 [DELETED] 

By do what exactly?

>> No.13512288

By doing what exactly?

>> No.13512297

created much more disruptions, develop a bigger opus, gathered a greater movement,
and who knows what he had in plan we dont even know
just imagine what would it be like to have an icon who lived entire life fighting and eluding the system, like from the movies

>> No.13512304

>who knows what he had in plan we dont even know
More bombs, that's pretty much it.

It would be interesting if he had never been caught, he would have really perfected his mail bombs and made new and interesting variants though. And it's pretty much guaranteed that if his brother hadn't have turned him in Ted would never have been caught.

>> No.13512310

So just kill and maim more people.

...didn’t he promise to stop it if he got published though?

>> No.13512313

>...didn’t he promise to stop it if he got published though?
He said so but when he was arrested the FBI found another bomb that was going to be mailed out so clearly he didn't mean it.

>> No.13512315

nice try, but casualties were minimal and only when unavoidable
you dont understand his mission and thats why you try to misrepresent it

>> No.13512320
File: 168 KB, 781x631, tk journal entry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only when unavoidable
The fuck are you talking about, he wanted to kill people, that was his goal. The casualties were minimal because it was a long time of trial and error to improve his bombs. And part of the reason he did it was purely for personal satisfaction.

>> No.13512324

I should note that this was from a personal journal and was likely coded, not something he ever intended on becoming public.

>> No.13512328

no he didnt, he was leading a just retribution against the machine and he intentionally tried to avoid unecessary casualties

>> No.13512336
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That quote is from his journals and you can google more, he wanted to kill people. You clearly haven't read up much on Uncle Ted.

>> No.13512337

Hmmm. I don’t trust the FBI. But maybe it was leftover parts, or about to be sent till he found out he got published.

Cool down, fanboy. You’re saying he didn’t mean to bring down the plane? It was an intentional dud meant to draw the attention of the feds?
What was his mission? I have read the book I DLed yet

>> No.13512355

he literally didnt, revenge doesnt mean what you are falsely claim it to be
its agaisnt the system and the establishment, not innocent people
he literally avoided killing innocents

>> No.13512358

*haven't read the book

Geez. The “communists”. Fucking ML statists

>> No.13512370

he mainly destroyed cancerous technology, damaged the establishment, people who were in service of it

>> No.13512385

>he literally avoided killing innocents
Awful bait.

>> No.13512472
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