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13511805 No.13511805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I suggested this book to a female friend of mine. Shes now in love with me and thinks she’s my fatima and I’m here spanish sheppard. What do?

>> No.13511811

BASED. Good luck on the relationship anon! Also try gradually introducing her to actually good literature. Best wishes :)

>> No.13511820

This book is the ultimate pseud-meter. Everytime someone has recommended me this book they turn out to be the same kind of person that posts "philosophical" quotes on their social media.

>> No.13511823

What's wrong with posting inspirational quotes on your social media?

>> No.13511824

sounds cringe. break heart if you're a man.

>> No.13511827

it's pseud behavior and the people sharing them are mediocre losers.

>> No.13511829


>> No.13511834

Sounds like you're projecting. What about it is pseud behavior? Is it wrong just because you've noticed a correlation between people who post these and losers? That seems like a pseudish way of thinking to me.

>> No.13511835

Thanks anon but I’m voluntarily celibate for spiritual reasons and she wants to get married asap.
Anyway it was hard for me to get her to read but this book being the chickflick of the literature world sort of worked otherwise shes your typical social-media addict zombie. Any other suggestions are welcome

>> No.13511839

it means you're a midwit poser

>> No.13511844

How so?

>> No.13511846

Oops sounds like I hit a nerve or something. Sorry not sorry.

>> No.13511850

Are you a woman? Why can't you justify your opinion?

>> No.13511851

If you feel the need to regurgitate what someone else said to seem "deep" in the eyes of others, you're a characterless loser.

>> No.13511855

sharing banal soundbites for social credit, how else?

>> No.13511857


>> No.13511879

nothing about inspirational quotes is inspirational. It's a bunch of meaningless platitudes you share to portray a better character. Are you the type of spastic that hangs up these jargons around the house?

>> No.13511898

It's not regurgitating, it's quoting.
>to seem "deep" in the eyes of others
That's your interpretation of what happens and probably more of a reflection of yourself than them. I see it as just someone sharing a quote they liked, because others might like it too. Also could you give me an example so I can better undestand what kind of quotes you mean here?
Banality is subjective, I'm sure tons of people would find what you have to say banal. Also what kind of social credit do they gain after posting it, in your eyes?
>nothing about inspirational quotes is inspirational
Not everyone is a cynic. Admittedly, I do not find myself affected a lot by inspirational quotes nowadays, but I used to when I was younger.
>It's a bunch of meaningless platitudes you share to portray a better character
Platitudes or not, they probably had an emotional inspirational effect on the one posting them, and they simply want to share this with others. I don't think it's to portray a better character, that doesn't even make sense to me: it's just a quote.
>Are you the type of spastic that hangs up these jargons around the house?
Wow you are a mean person. I don't hang inspirational quotes around the house, but I used to post them on social media back when they had a deep effect on me. I don't do it anymore.

>> No.13511903

Please share some of the deep quotes you posted on social media

>> No.13511905


>> No.13511908

>I'm sure tons of people would find what you have to say banal.

i dont share any thoughts on social media though, nice try

and are you really pretending people dont post quotes performatively? incredible. its all out of the goodness of their own heart.

>> No.13511914
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>I see it as just someone sharing a quote they liked

You could've stopped your post there lmao

>> No.13511916

I deleted all of the quotes when I went through an unreasonable phase like you guys and was embarrassed by what I posted but I remember posting something like
>Failure is what gives success flavour
Pretty silly, I know, but it really made an impression on me when I first saw it.

>> No.13511922

Anon, just leave this thread, you're just making worse with every reply.

>> No.13511927
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>emotional inspirational effect on the one posting them
How pathetic. I couldn't imagine getting an emotional high from posting dumb shit on Facebook.

>> No.13511933
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>>Failure is what gives success flavour
If you found that inspirational anon, here's something you'll love

>> No.13511934

You could interpret literally everything everyone does on social media as trying to score social cred. Of course it's as you say performative in a way, but no more than other things that people post on there.
>brainlet pic
>unable to defend his position
Everything fits just perfectly.

>> No.13511947

Anon... atleast he dosen't post inspirational quotes on Facebook

>> No.13511948

How so?
Emotional effect not from posting it, but reading it and posting it because of the emotional effect. What kind of shit do you post on facebook?
Why are you so mean?

>> No.13511957

People here have yet to explain what's wrong with posting inspirational quotes on facebook.

>> No.13511958
File: 391 KB, 800x800, A9E5D918-507B-4901-81E9-0FF4B541843C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck if you post inspirational quotes on social media? Only people that are self-conscious about their own presence on social media (or lack of it) because a person confident in themselves doesn’t really have the time or energy to give a shit about menial crap like somebody’s post history, let alone somebody’s history with quotations. I used to do it on insta because I could literally travel back 2/3 years in time just by scrolling and know exactly how I was feeling in that one particular month in that one particular year. You people are too influenced by others on this website to formulate your own perspective. Stop with the quotation bullshit already, there’s a girl getting wet for me because of a book and I don’t know how I should get her off my back. Philosophy on respectfully rejecting pussy now please.

>> No.13511962

>What kind of shit do you post on facebook?
I don't have a Facebook because I have self-respect.

>> No.13511968

Fuck off OP. No one cares about your lame larp. The Inspirational quote guy is more fun

>> No.13511971

Do you think it's for you to decide what people discuss or won't discuss? Nobody cares about your fucking problems, you absolute mong.

>> No.13511979

>I used to do it on insta
God. What's with fucking retards and posting dumb shit on Social Media?

>> No.13511982

I think I might be autistic. I can’t tell if he’s baiting or if he’s actually a 14 year old pseud who legitimately defends posting inspirational quotes on social media.

>> No.13511983

Using facebook has nothing to do with self-respect. A lot of famous and rich guys who clearly have self-respect use it, as well as, I suspect, a lot of your friends. Some of them probably at some point in their lives have posted inspirational quotes too, and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.13511992

How can you seriously defend such vapid behavior? Have you ever met someone who unironically posts "inspirational" quotes on social media? Don't you think it's uncanny that there is a huge overlap between that group of people and teenage girls?

>> No.13511993

t. seething incels

>> No.13511996

I'm not baiting, sorry, and I'm currently 20 years old. When I was about 16 I was really embarrassed for posting inspirational quotes because of things I saw in circles like these, but later on I realized there's literally nothing wrong with that and that I took memes I saw too seriously. Posting an inspirational quote on facebook doesn't make a person any better or worse, you're all overcomplicating it. You can probably infer from it that the person is a bit idealistic and not too sceptical/cynical, maybe even a bit naive, but what's wrong with that? Just judge people by who they are.

>> No.13512000

Either you're the best troll I've seen in a while or you're seriously retarded.

>> No.13512004

Nope, sounds like you’re too embarrassed to have Faecbook because you have nothing to put in your education, work and hobbies section. Everyone knows social rejects and boring sacks of shit don’t have FB.

>> No.13512008

I have noticed an overlap, yes. Younger people and women tend to be more idealistic, less cynical. My mom also posts inspirational quotes on facebook, and I love her very much independent of it and know she's a sweet and a good person.
I am not a troll. Why do you say I am retarded? That's a rather mean thing to say.

>> No.13512013

Ayo let me tap yo moms ass bruh

>> No.13512019

Sorry, she's been happily married to my dad for nearly 30 years now.

>> No.13512020
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But why would I want to talk about education, work or hobbies section?

>> No.13512021

Sorry to break it to you, anon, your mom is a vapid excuse of a human being.

>> No.13512026

>My mom also posts inspirational quotes on facebook
Like mother, like son. You should tell your ma to stop posting such embarrassing filler. It shows bad character

>> No.13512032

Even if she was the most vapid woman on earth, I would still love her as deeply as I do now. Vapid or not, she tries her best and is an honest person.

>> No.13512037

>it shows bad character

To whom exactly? You’re not on FB because you’re a loser NEET so why do you care? Enjoy living in your cobweb of a life

>> No.13512041

It's not embarrassing, it's kinda cute :)
Also, as I said, I don't post inspirational quotes anymore, even though there would be nothing wrong if I still did it.

>> No.13512044

>she's been happily married to my dad for nearly 30 years now.

Thats cus she hasn’t met me yet. Bruh I’m telling you quotation moms swallow every drop. Can I have her number please? I’ll even give you an allowance every week

>> No.13512053

>You’re not on FB because you’re a loser NEET so why do you care?
I don't. Just laughing at retards like you defending moronic behavior like using social media and posting inspirational quotes

>> No.13512058


>> No.13512059 [DELETED] 

>being this much of a pussy to not even @ the post

Do you also write down your speech before making that pizza delivery call?

>> No.13512065

I order online :)

>> No.13512070

I thought so. When was the last time you had a phone call or is that even too mainstream for your edgy contrarian virgin self?

>> No.13512075

I'll see what I can do

You realize most people above the poverty line in the western world have and regularly use social media? Seems like you hold an irrational hate towards social media and inspirational quotes. I also went through that phase: hell, I even deleted my facebook account once. I just hope you stop being spooked by these memes soon, being antisocial is not very good for you.

Also I'm going to sleep. Talk to you tomorrow if this thread is still up. Maybe someone manages to come up with an actually coherent argument why they think it's cringy to post inspirational quotes on social media without resorting to guessing other people's intentions and associations.
As a sidenote, some indian guy added me on facebook who I don't even know and I accepted him thinking whatever. He's about 25, looks kinda nerdy and his timeline consists solely of posts about 2 inspirational quotes every day, and a lot of them are kinda cute. He's a quirky character, but brightens my mood every time I turn on facebook.

>> No.13512077
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>I thought so
Then why did you make the post about the pizza delivery call?

>> No.13512079


This the type of virgin that writes letters to his mom to inform her of the parent teacher conference

>> No.13512086

This is the type of mongoloid that posts inspirational quotes on Instagram

>> No.13512089
File: 43 KB, 493x449, 1521932181305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting on any social media site whatsoever for any purpose

>> No.13512135

You should try it sometime, it makes all the big teddy goth teens moist

>> No.13512241

is this your first day on 4chan? i don't even know how you could have a personality disconnect with board culture to this degree

>> No.13512765


Where does being "famous and rich" come into the equation regarding self-respect?


Not OP but there's not reason to be so mean. I'm sure many people who can probably fill out those sections don't FB (or any other social media for that matter). Do you categorize them as "social rejects and boring sacks of shit" as well? That's a radical and utopian way to see the world.

>> No.13512771

>typical social media addict zombie
>wants to get married asap
doesnt add up unless shes 35

>> No.13512787

its middlebrow

>> No.13512789
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