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/lit/ - Literature

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13509747 No.13509747 [Reply] [Original]

Researchers at Poland’s Institute of Nuclear Physics found complex ‘fractal’ patterning of sentences in literature, particularly in James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, which resemble ‘ideal’ maths seen in nature

>> No.13509754
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>> No.13509776

>The results of our analysis of this text are virtually indistinguishable from ideal, purely mathematical multifractals
He did it on purpose.

>> No.13509780
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>Finnegans Wake is a book that many may have bought and probably no one has read beyond the first few pages. It seems like one must read it simultaneously, all at the same time. How can you do that it's not explained. Maybe God can do it
J. L. Borges.

>> No.13509847

>I am really one of the greatest engineers, if not the greatest, in the world besides being a musicmaker, philosophist and heaps of other things. All the engines I know are wrong. Simplicity. I am making an engine with only one wheel. No spokes of course. The wheel is a perfect square. You see what I’m driving at, don’t you? I am awfully solemn about it, mind you, so you must not think it is a silly story about the mouse and the grapes. No, it’s a wheel, I tell the world. And it’s all square.
- james joyce.

>> No.13510432

Memorize then synthesize

>> No.13511349

what does it even mean for the book to have mathematical shit?

>> No.13511618

it doesn't have mathematical shit.

>> No.13511682

Means I can get some funding

>> No.13511706

>Poland’s Institute of Nuclear Physics

>> No.13511738

People have been claiming numerology is found in literature for ages. The Muslims cite numerology in the Qu'ran as a miracle. It's all bullshit.

>> No.13511742

this isn't numerology, though

>> No.13511747

It's the same shit.

>> No.13511780

because muslims were inventing shit about their holy book?

>> No.13511799
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>Researchers have shown that page numbers and chapter index both follow a linear pattern
>"Massive breakthrough", said mathematic literary scientist Bert Butthole

>> No.13511818


>> No.13511833

it isn't, though. and nobody is claiming is a miracle.

>> No.13511837

scientists are faggots.

>> No.13511841

Why are elephants like this omg

>> No.13511865

Don't have to claim it's a miracle. It's the same reasoning.

>> No.13511867

Studies like this are all nonsense. They claimed the same thing to explain the appeal of Jackson Pollock paintings.

>> No.13511876

there's a big difference between claiming some book is a miracle because of numerology and saying a novel is as complex as a fractal when it comes to its linguistic qualities and structure.

>> No.13511885

>there's a big difference between looking for "mathematical structures" in a work of literature and doing the exact same thing but claiming it's a miracle
You don't claim it's a miracle, you claim it's a masterpiece. It's all horseshit numerology tier nonsense.

>> No.13511887


>> No.13511917

Of course the anti-stem brigade has to come and shit on anything involving mathematics. This is fascinating and probably means something, although I have no idea what. The fact that most novels display this pattern and the fact that the most experimental and dreamlike novel ever written displays this pattern so strongly seems unlikely to be coincidental.

I found the paper, the guardian didn't actually cite it properly

>> No.13511926

Nobody is claiming these books are masterpieces because they have fractal patterns, they were declared masterpieces long before that for their content. Then some people analyzed these masterpieces and found these patterns.

>> No.13512056


>> No.13512280

> Marcel Proust’s À la recherche du temps perdu showed “little correlation” to multifractality, however; nor did Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.
I haven't read Proust, but isn't his work stream of conscious too?

>> No.13512705

Really, sentence lengths? That's all they could use to characterize the structure of the text?

>> No.13512957

It means someone is paying people to "research" books, and they provide "evidence" of something vague so they continue getting money and dont end up out of a job. This "research" has likely been going on for years and will continue for another decade because these people have bills to pay and have no real job to do.

>> No.13513132

they just collected the lengths of each sentence lmao