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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 313x400, film art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13509232 No.13509232 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good introduction to cinema literature?

>> No.13509250

cinema is shit
study photography instead because all of the cinema is just moving staged photography stills.

>> No.13509252

NOPE. Go make a film on your phone. You'll learn more.

>> No.13509273

just bee yourself man

op if you're intrested in filmmaking then checkout this general >>>/p/3495085
comfy general and /vid/ anons are really nice.

>> No.13509277


a-and thanks you too I guess

>> No.13509281

dont go to film
go to кинo

>> No.13509285

It’s great and Bordwell is one of the best film theorists out there

>> No.13509298


cinema is trash, living actors is worthless waste of money on hacks, all commercialized for the best sales to the middle class. Why do this if can read books written by authors who have invested their whole soul in them.

>> No.13509304

>film theorists
pure cancer

>> No.13509314

Tarkovsky would like to talk

>> No.13509341

I have an old edition of this, got it used.

That cover is awful.

>> No.13509350

Depends how much you know already I guess. If you know nothing, then it's great. Even if you already know a fair bit about film and film making, the exemplar essays toward the end of the book are great and really helped me to write about film in the right way.

>> No.13509392

I'll get it then and some other books, I dont know a lot about cinema despite having watched a lot of films

>> No.13509447

Tarkovsky just like Kubrick came from a photography background before coming to cinema that's why his composition is god-tier. in fact his films are one of the best examples of moving photographs.

>> No.13509448

if you're going to read that, don't buy it, it's used in film courses in college so it'll be priced as such. There are free pdfs of it on b-ok and libgen.

>> No.13509491

>digital "cinema"

>> No.13509499

I don't care for it because Bordwell and Thompson shove their film theory down your throat all the time. I unironically prefer Giannetti because it's so elementary and readable.

If you want to learn film theory get Film Theory and Criticism by Braudy and Cohen.

>> No.13509697
File: 91 KB, 750x947, EDWARD WESTON, Charis in Doorway, Santa Monica, California, 1936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the books which are mentioned in this /vid/ sticky
>Helpful guide, additional books and more in-depth FAQs - https://pastebin.com/kG0gRmTZ
here's mega of most of the books by some big based anon on /p/


>> No.13509786

Thanks, I saw the pastebin earlier but not the mega

>> No.13509845
File: 340 KB, 909x1000, duane_michals_the_human_condition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no problem
use /vid/ for technical and gear related questions
if you need film inspo checkout /tv/ wiki
and if you're interested in pseud-core super obscure cinema then checkout 8ch*n's /film/ board. the board is pretty much dead but still you can find tons of cool stuff from active threads.

>> No.13510484

do you have an argument for why you believe this?

>> No.13511110

they just sit and talk shit

>> No.13511171

yeah, i'm Werner Herzog

>> No.13511177

He's probably a wanker who thinks he has something deep to say.

Let him try making one film. He'll shut the hell up forever.

>> No.13511269

this is one of the most bullshit thing I have read

>> No.13511477

its not good. its bloated. and you dont feel like your learning anything that matters.

>> No.13511480

just watch movies instead jesus

>> No.13511500

>i'm learning how to fly a plane by reading a cooking manual

>> No.13511559

I think you're grossly oversimplifying it, but you have a point. It is difficult to make good films until you really understand what photography is and isn't. Current cinema is a great example; even in films that are receiving awards, the cinematography rarely rises above a mere pointing. When you try to show people alternatives, they literally cannot sit still to watch it, they are so blind to what's actually going on.

>> No.13511634

Just started reading Plazewski , highly recommend it but I don't think his work has been translated into English.

>> No.13511636

Maybe because your shitty art films are actually garbage and you're so braindead that you're okay watching literal pretentious shit for 2-4 hours at a time.

>> No.13511663

not that anon, but mind telling us some examples of
>shitty art films

>> No.13511672

The film from OP's pic is a good example.

>> No.13511697

I must say, i agree on that one, that one is pretty shit but that doesn't mean all of them are.
For instance 400 blows is amazing if you're a rebellious kid and so is Wendy and Lucy or A Brighter Summer Day (longass film i know...but man is it worth it).

>> No.13511711

Dude, Avatar 2 is going to beat Endgame. Just get over it now, and enjoy life. There's so much more to live for than
>sarcastic quips

>> No.13511728

Honestly, I don't even know what Avatar or Endgame are. Your remark went totally over my head. You should stop filling up your mind with pop culture garbage. >>13511697 I've seen too many shitty pretentious art films to give anymore of them chances, but I appreciate the recs. I'll stick with books, but maybe in a few months I'll get bored and want to watch a film. I'll try to remember one of those titles then.

>> No.13511774

What's your favorite book?

>> No.13511809

Tough question but if I was forced to pick I'd say El Quijote.

>> No.13511863

I'm guessing you're a Spanish speaking anon. Whoever you are, i hope you one day watch - El Sur and El espíritu de la colmena, my man.

Cinema is not an enemy of books as 4chan believes.

>> No.13511912

Is El espíritu de la colmena really an anti-Franco film? Why would I watch that?

>> No.13512074

>The Modern World is awful
>My favorite book is the birth of Modern literature
>I like it because it subverts the tropes of Chivalric Romance
>It's also great because the author defended his copyright and prevented his characters from becoming a meaningful part of the cultural folk lore

>> No.13512083

You're really good at assuming my opinions and straw-manning. I think you have a good career in journalism in front of you.

>> No.13512105

Nah, already went to journalism school. Doesn't pay well enough for my skills. Advertising is the life for me.

>> No.13512107

If you want to get into film theory or film history, start with David Bordwell or Thomas Elsaesser or maybe Casetti.They are very accessible.
Don't expect too much though. Film theory is kinda shit.

>> No.13512117

I don't know. I quite like Bazin. Would you consider Sculpting in Time to be film theory?

>> No.13512133

L’argent was my first bresson. I enjoyed it but was underwhelmed. Am I missing something?

>> No.13512454

you mean: study painting first.

>> No.13512589
File: 265 KB, 600x534, proveit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cinema is shit
Prove it

>> No.13512748

Okay, I gave El espíritu de la colmena a chance and here are my thoughts: the film was alright. Nice symbolism, good cinematography. That said, I don't like the political message behind the film. After reading about it I thought it was silly. This is one of the reasons I don't like film. Leftists/liberals always push their message with the medium and it totally ruins it. This is less a complaint about film itself then about how film is abused as a medium by artist-politicians.

>> No.13514167

>Sculpting in Time to be film theory
why this is a question you fucking disgraceful faggot?

lol fuck no. there are some similarities between all visual arts. but photography are cinema are way different from painting.

its not truth but a statement in a different body with respect to time, full of contradiction and dream

>> No.13514196


>> No.13514328

>its not truth
so it's a lie

>> No.13514443

What's difference, apart from the pay?

>> No.13514547

>le good ol' normalfag binary thinking

>> No.13514627

Ah! So you do speak Spanish.
You're putting too much value on politics, man. Almost all good films (not Hollywood) ever made are slightly left leaning, if you study them closely. That's how the world is. It's not fair but that's the reality of art. Learn to ignore politics for a while, otherwise you'll miss out on very good films.

Take Yi-Yi for instance. It's a masterpiece of family drama but i'm sure it will be found to be left leaning if people like you dissect it.

>> No.13514691 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 1777x999, proveitshane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it

>> No.13514703
File: 83 KB, 1777x999, proveitshane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13514741

im not he, but for me more mediam cost, shite they are. Too much monetary interest intervention. That's why the most crappy media is games, and best is books, because everyone can write them, and for that needed only one person. Than money spoils even literature, so what else think about cinema

>> No.13514744


>> No.13514881

but those things also imply on publishing books. i mean not that hectic but still.

>> No.13514941

I mentioned this, but you understood the main point

>> No.13515395

>studying cinema
>thinking that cinema deserves any kind of intellectual attention
pseud alert yikes

>> No.13515428

then explain this


>> No.13515430

I'm putting the value on politics that the film gives it. If I were to ignore the politics of the film, I'd say I'd be ignoring such a major part of the film so as to impede understanding. Especially since the two girls of the film are symbolic of the republic/nationalist forces. It's seriously impossible to ignore that. A lot of Spaniards used art to cope with Franco's regime. Apart from emotional coping for leftists, their works of art have little value. Yes, the film looks beautiful, but it's still leftwing and anti-Franco to its core. The politics aren't some "extra" thing to be ignored; the film is a political film. In Spain it was common place to conceal one's political message to get past the censors, I think you'd probably make a bad censor anon since you missed the entire symbology of the film. lmao

>> No.13515437

just a whore standing around smoking a cig, do you really think this is deep?

>> No.13515446

i have posted this 1min ago and you replied after 30sec but the short is 2:30
you are a visually illiterate caveman npc

>> No.13515449

lol it's just trashy eyecandy
I bet you like Refn
Pseud status confirmed

>> No.13515461

so is this a massive text book? I'd read it but if it's just a text book I don't have space for that shit

>> No.13515465

you are missing a lot, read Susan Santog essay

>> No.13515467

skipped through it because it's boring and also you probably have mental illness if you're keeping track of me like that

>> No.13515478

i like french, iranian, soviet and little bit of bengali cinema

>> No.13515490
File: 18 KB, 200x300, 9780252074110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favourite book on film/film-maker, /lit/? This is mine. If you're a fan it's worth checking out.

>> No.13515491

that wasn't me I was >>13515449
I watched it all wtf do you even see in it apart from a hot bitch and sparkling light
Just watch softcore porn it's intellectually on the very same level

>> No.13515496


>> No.13515502

its literally a 2:30min vid for fuck sake
you have the attention of 15y/o zoomer
lol and i am not tracking you i updatded the thread when you replied.

>> No.13515519

lol that wasn't even InTellECtUaL
now explain this pleb


>> No.13515528

no one wants to watch your weird fetish collection

>> No.13515543

Advertising is more honest. At least when you see an ad, you know who's paying for it.

>> No.13515564

Because as much as Tarkovsky explains his understanding of film and puts forward some ideas about theory, the presentation lets them stand in between personal reflection on what worked and true critical analysis. It lacks the formalism so common in western philosophy, even continental philosophy, for a far more "greek orthodox", mystic approach. The very idea of subjective time is not easily accepted by most people, and as much as I and many might agree with Tarkovsky, it is difficult to explain how this might effectively be put into practice, and if it were not for the example of his own films (which many find impenetrable) then there would be little support for anything he says.

>> No.13515567

>explain it
OK, it's an aesthetically well put pile of bullshit.
Look I'm not even here to troll you I too had my juvenile infatuation with cinema. But I simply grew out of it. It's all an ugly bourgeois wankery and it is literally an illusion. The most fake of mimetic forms of art.
After realizing that, my list of movies that I consider worthy has been literally decimated, and my respect for the art itself plummeted quite dramatically.

>> No.13515596

A different anon. I'm quite certain you've mistaken the reprehensible use the medium has been put to for the actual quality and power of the medium itself. It's no more an illusion than a novel or a painting or a sculpture. Most of it is hideous because the ideas of our age are barbaric and cruel. Most films are a disgrace; but if you can recognize how detestable most of it is, then that implicitly acknowledges the incredible potential that remains wasted.

>> No.13515641

Whoever says film is a bad medium hasn't seen enough / the right films. You can find the entire range of human experience in film, from the most intellectualising and formalist to the most heartwarming and humane, to the most abstract and impenetrable. And at the end of the day you get out of it what you put into it, if one is unwilling to engage with the art form of course they'll find it boring.

>> No.13515649

>the medium is good because it shows you what you have already found in life
I like cinema, but your argument is poor.

>> No.13515670

there is already a film board, pls talk to them and fuck off >>>/tv/

>> No.13515675

What I mean is, the medium is good because it has the ability to portray the facets of life in all its complexity, as a range of very difference directors have managed to make very different films that are still comprehensible to another human being. So the medium can't be bad.

I don't really want to get intot this discussion, but as a counterexample we can look at videogames. They've been around for over 30 years and yet the issue of 'gameplay' seems to be a hurdle that hinders what can be done with the medium and limits it. Film on the other hand managed to develop into a proper artform within one or two decades from its invention.

>> No.13515684

Asking as a foreinger, what else they (leftist filmmskers) were suppoded to do? Just go along? Besides what is the difference with a pro-Franco filmmaker, you just praise him?

>> No.13515687

>it is literally an illusion

So is any work of fiction, be it a book or a painting or whatever. Do you want to take this hardline Platonic view of art?

>> No.13515725

>It's all an ugly bourgeois wankery
like all of the published literature which consider hight art. this implies to almost all medium of arts.
>it is literally an illusion
you have read too much baudrillard for your own good.
how his philosophy is not "bourgeois wankery" by your logic?

>> No.13515740

I don't know. I can't blame someone for expressing dissent with art, but as a right-winger I don't have to like it. The situation is exacerbated right now since we have a socialist in power in Spain and he is letting in thousands of Africans into the country. We also have a lot of Eastern Europeans from Poland and Russia coming in. I can't imagine Spain withstanding all this. All left-wing movements are dissolutive for the country and it's hard to watch a film that was so dishonest as to portray the republican forces as innocent (Ana) and the nationalist forces as deceptive and cruel (Isabel). Anyone familiar with the wars fought in Spain in the 20th century knows that both sides were capable of the most tremendous atrocities. In the end, only Spain lost and now foreigners basically rule over us and are giving away the country to a globalizing process that is destroying the Spain I grew up in. It sucks. That's why I don't really like left wing films.

>> No.13515753

I'm more about the actual process of making a movie, that I tend to not like because it involves so many people you hardly can tell who actually contributed to it and it's a far step away from the integrity of other forms of art where a single artist have a lot more control on the craft. Brainlets are told that all credits go to the director, but this is lame as shit.
No, I'm just saying that films are by a long way the most fake. To explain what I exactly mean would take too long.

>> No.13515841

> it involves so many people you hardly can tell who actually contributed to it

Ah but you see, look at it another way: film is perhaps the only, the last remaining art form that is truly made by a 'community', that is by a group of people, similar to the great medieval art that had no 'author', but a number of people who worked on it, a cathedral for example. Like a cathedral, a film has an architect (the director) and various people in charge (head of department - cinematographer, producer, production designer, gaffer, costume designer, and so on), as well as the builders (everyone else on set), all of whom bring something to the film.

This is something I find very special about film and it's one of the reasons I got into working in filmmaking, because all other arts follow a Renaissance and Romantic view of the artist as lonely genius, fulcrum point of his culture who can somehow convey the 'art' of his time through his genius mind. Whether or not that's the case in contemporary plastic arts is up to each person's opinion. Film is a group effort, where each person bring something unique to the picture, and sometimes that comes together to create a special work, other times people don't get along and it's crap. But in terms of process, it's completely unique in the arts today.

>> No.13515891

>socialist in power in Spain
Is the Spain state trying to hand over the means of production to the prolet? Or by left/right division you mean their position on immigrants?

>> No.13515930

Well idk, maybe.
But in fact, I'm not mad about architecture either. And I don't think the analogy works smoothly.
Architecture is hardly a form of art. It must produce a functional building (that, hopefully, ends up to be beautiful by the way). It's "collective effort" is really a very pragmatic necessity, and I would say the architect has way more overall control over the building than a director over a movie.
The fact about working in group, when it is a matter of an artistic endeavor, sounds good and exciting in theory but it ends up being an utopia.
Working with a lot of people is not really always pleasant. It really can bring all kind of antics in the way of the work. I do like the idea, but I don't like the reality of it.

>> No.13516043

It seems you've spent most of your time deliberating over your imagination of these industries rather than actually studying them. The world is bigger than the cube you live in.

>> No.13516050

You do study photography when you study cinema

That's like saying study calculus before you study the natural sciences - it's a requisite

>> No.13516077

A lot of people "study" photography, but as you can see by the results, very few people actually know it.

>> No.13516084

You could say that about literally anything

>> No.13516100

Does that make it less true?

>> No.13516162

yeah dodge it like a faggot

>> No.13516319

>you'd probably make a bad censor anon since you missed the entire symbology of the film.
I don't believe in censorship but thanks for the background info. I did not know it was anti-Franco or whatever you claim it to be. I am not interested. I just see it as a good children's film.

>> No.13516324

imagine being pro-Franco lmao embarrassing

>> No.13516360

Sanchez is left wing but obviously he is limited in his power.
Well, have fun ignoring the full depth of the films you watch, for better or for worse.
I'm not pro-Franco. I like falangism and carlism though. Francoism was superior to what the republicans wanted. That's pretty obvious. But Francoism had a lot of faults. Left wing critique of him is just weak though.

>> No.13516538

>Directors are not like authors, because there's a team of people
>Architects don't really have that much control or influence, because there's a team of people
>The conductor is unimportant, because it's the symphony that plays the music
>CEOs really shouldn't get so much money, because the company would run without them
>What do we need a president for? We've already got a bureaucracy.
Given that you don't like being around other people, it makes sense that you wouldn't understand leadership.

>> No.13516633

>little bit of bengali cinema
tell me more anon

>> No.13516649

>my list of movies that I consider worthy has been literally decimated
what are some of the remaining worthy ones?

>> No.13516669

You are a miserable fucking joke, truly anon.
Go back at your eyecandy visuals you fucking idiot.

>> No.13516681

I asked you what your favorite book is. What do you think my favorite film is?

>> No.13516905

the Parallel Cinema genre basically started from bengal. i fucking love this genre.
Satyajit Ray was my introduction to bengali cinema and parallel cinema.
Pather Panchali is my most favorite movie of all time. this movie is like a documentation of my childhood. i think most of the people of the indian subcontinent who have spent their childhood in a village could easily relate to Apu and Durga's childhood. i can feel those scenes man. i just can't explain it in words how i feel about this.
this scene is everything


>> No.13516928

Pather Panchali is considered the cornerstone of Bengali cinema. You have good taste. But my favourite of Satyajit is Apur Sangsar, the last film of the Pather Panchali trilogy.

>> No.13516949
File: 81 KB, 960x612, fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's pretty obvious.

>> No.13516989

bunch of atheist retards who wanted the disintegration of spain into a bunch of anarchist LGBT feminist communes

>> No.13516999

>have fun ignoring the full depth of the films

>ignores cinema at first
>hasn't seen shit
>gets called out for having a closed mind
>gets angry at being called out for being a shallow cunt
>goes on a full blast THESIS on film's political ANTI-FRANCO overtones (recently pulled out of his ass)
3 posts later calls films deep

Glad i could show you the light.

>> No.13517008

Sounds great to me.

>> No.13517021

THIS IS SO BADLY STAGED LMAO.....You guys think this is Cinema?

>> No.13517023

I've wanted to make films for years but can't see myself asking someone for a shit load of money to work on my stuff. Especially when it's borderline impossible to make your money back, film is all but dead.

>> No.13517027

keep trying....

>> No.13517040

Stop being a pussy. You are taking money from retards only looking to make a profit off of you so if you waste their money what does it matter?

>> No.13517090

There's no honor in making a career out of scamming people out of their money to pay for your "art."

>> No.13517105


>> No.13517114

haha epic bait bro

>> No.13517115

kys then

>> No.13517118

It's not scamming if they are taking a educated guess on whether the film is going to do well or not. The people who give you money are scamming pieces of shit anyways so you should try to take as much money from them as you can.

>> No.13517124

no u

>> No.13517135

Yeah, maybe you're right. Something about it just never felt right to me. Maybe because investors don't put money into a completed project, they have to fund the construction of it. With something like film, I don't know. Very strange. I think it's just me.

>> No.13517631

suggest some iranian, soviet and french films

>> No.13517646

a dig at orson welles