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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3 KB, 160x119, d35aa84d0a4a9749aba68278ca605332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1350843 No.1350843 [Reply] [Original]

Today I was utterly humbled. I realized I am just a flawed human who wants someone to accept me for nothing more then I am. I wept.

>> No.1350848


>> No.1350847

I ate a whole quiche today. It was pretty good, I don't regret it one bit.

>> No.1350849


I'm a sensitive guy. Sometimes I feel emotions strongly. I do not feel ashamed.

>> No.1350853


>> No.1350856

I recommend eating some quiche.

>> No.1350859

Last night a dee-jay saved my life.

>> No.1350867

I wish I could share this with someone

>> No.1350881

mm i love quiche
i think you're a pretty neat guy d&e

>> No.1350886

The apex of human achievement is being a pseudo-intellectual who wastes ALL DAY EVERY DAY on 4chan whoring for attention.

Every day I see D&E whoring for attention for hours and hours and hours. Every. Day.

>> No.1350888

what does d&e mean?

>> No.1350889

doubtlessly and eternally

>> No.1350891

Defecating and eating

>> No.1350894


I don't know about either of these.

>> No.1350896

Was it GOD?

>> No.1350898

Why should they accept you unless they are >= flawed than you?
What do you think people are suckers?

>> No.1350899

It's defenceless & egalitarian

>> No.1350903


I don't know. It's just what I want.

>> No.1350904
File: 33 KB, 380x550, Breker2__1943_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am the best.

captcha: critics, conamito

>> No.1350910

Does it mean dand-e? as in dandy?

>> No.1350947

>Implying anyone is flawless.

Grow up, OP

>> No.1350974


Only implying that I often fancy that I could be flawless. My realization was that I could not be, but I still want and possibly deserve another person to accept me.

>> No.1350996
File: 696 KB, 250x142, 1290591530692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is kinda a load of stupid /r9k/ shit

>I am just a flawed human who wants someone to accept me for nothing more then I am
Impossible. A loved one does not see you for "who you are" any more than your parents, you friends or strangers see you. They are all given conditioned representations of you. Your friend sees x y z in you, parents see a b c in you, lover sees g h j in you. They are all the products of prioritising, taste etc. This is a sort of yearning in the individual to be wholly known in his "entirety" by the other, it's natural but it's an illusion.

>but I still want and possibly deserve another person to accept me.
Seeking affirmation through others instead of the self. Sounds g00d bro.

what is this gradeschool nonsense doing on a literature board.

>> No.1351047

Singing ah ah ah ah staying alive

>> No.1351049

>Seeking affirmation through others instead of the self

Which is exactly what you do by attention-whoring with your trip, D&E.

>> No.1351059
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>> No.1351063

Whatever helps you sleep, dear. You're about as self-aware as Brownbear or whatever and with less of a life.

>> No.1351067


You are a jerk. It is so easy to do what you're doing, to think like that. I know because I do all the time, acting like some intellectual arbiter. But I don't want to. I'm not going to argue that you're wrong.

But the fact is that this is how I feel. The thought of someone accepting me feels quite good, I think it is something I want in my life.

>> No.1351068

I accept you, OP. We can share an e-brofist if it'll make you feel better.

>> No.1351071

You are all insane.

>> No.1351074
File: 33 KB, 468x487, Copy of superman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am perhaps the most self-aware tripfag on this board. Everyone else that tripfags here is sort of stuck-up or a bit of a halfwit with nothing particularly insightful to offer.

>> No.1351077

Further evidence to my point.

>> No.1351079
File: 38 KB, 307x460, hollywoodundead1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1351080


>> No.1351086

Brilliant response, D&E, you are the pinnacle of intellectualism, a flawless debater.

At least you're not repeatedly samefagging today.

>> No.1351087


D&E is probably the most intellectually enlightened poster on this board. Not to mention the funniest, best looking and most well-dressed.

>> No.1351089

You probably think you're terribly clever for that.

>> No.1351090


the most intellectually enlightened are the ones that don't post on this shit board

>> No.1351094

ITT: tripfags justify their tripfagging or something

>> No.1351097


You have zero insight, and that was a terrible ITT. You should be ashamed, child.

>> No.1351099
File: 31 KB, 307x460, hollywoodundead2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I give a shit bro, you are mouthfarting. Come back to me when you have something vaguely constructive that invites play of language and I will not simply shit on what you post, fucking stupid asshole.

>> No.1351102


look at me guys i'm sarcastic i'm really smart XD

>> No.1351103


i think you're a fucking idiot to be quiet honest

>> No.1351105

>i think you're a fucking idiot to be quiet honest
>quiet honest

>> No.1351104

> is condescending
> uses image of "rap-metal band"

> suddenly "deep" and "edgy" makes sense

>> No.1351106


what have you got against rap metal bro

/listens to Rage Against The Machine

>> No.1351107


more sweet insight. any reason i should care if you think i'm an idiot?

>> No.1351108


Your typo deconstruction skills are astounding. You must read some great books, 'natch.

>> No.1351111


>Your typo deconstruction skills are astounding.

>check out my polysyllabic sarcasm and correct grammar guise XD u all must be TERRIFIED OF MY INTELLECT!

>> No.1351112


There are no rules in 4chan against sockpuppeting. Keep it coming.

>> No.1351114

It would seem I've angered you. Terribly sorry, old boy.

But for you to criticize the quality of my own posts is a laughable matter, indeed. Your hypocrisy knows no end.

Further, I fail to see how I could be "mouthfarting" as I've not been using my mouth in the least to communicate.

Please, D&E, stop pretending like anything you've ever posted on this board has been of value. When you first showed up, you were a barely subtle troll, and as you continued to post, you became slightly more subtle about it, but you are still little more than a troll with a tripcode, wasting your days away on 4chan, pretending to have an ounce of intelligence so that somebody might shower you with attention.

Deal with it.

>> No.1351115


Your yellow text and knowledge of internet 'netiquette' (pardon if i be redudant) are very insightful, very much unlike my posts. Teach me more.

>> No.1351117


This is nothing that hasn't been said before a million times and it's hilarious that you obviously think this post is somehow hard-hitting, lol.

>> No.1351120

That's precisely why you're samefagging as anon in your own defense.

>> No.1351121
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>"I am angry"
>"I think you are going against values that I have projected onto you as your own"
>"you are doing things I don't like"

Bro when I said 'constructive', I didn't mean, like, using a lot of words to convey a few very boring and dead-end assertions. Are you going anywhere with this beyond venting, even?

>> No.1351123

>Your typo deconstruction skills are astounding. You must read some great books, 'natch.
Natch is a colloquial abbreviation of naturally. It doesn't have an apostrophe at the start, nor is there any sane reason why it should have one. Dear God, this is like shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.1351128


Nah, I just resent the turdlings present in this board that constantly try to "pwn" Deep&Edgy as if they're fighting for some noble cause or something, and don't realise they've already undermined themselves by beginning to care for something so trivial in the first place.

>> No.1351129

On the contrary, I just have momentary spurts of .. I dunno, wordiness.

The only conclusion you came to that is actually correct is that you're doing things that I don't like.

>> No.1351132


>and don't realise they've already undermined themselves by beginning to care for something so trivial in the first place

And therein lies the genius of the tripfag.

>> No.1351138
File: 171 KB, 695x1038, DSC_0251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has got a good gist of it.

I mean, like, who gives a shit in the long run. I'm gonna my thing for however long I'm gonna do it, you guys are gonna do your respective things. We both get up in the morning and do some shit, go to bed, and so on. It is all good.

>> No.1351140

No! It's NOT good, damnit. I hate seeing potentially worthwhile threads derailed by your nonsense.

>> No.1351142


Thou mad?

>> No.1351144

Don't get me wrong, though, this was not a potentially worthwhile thread.

Indeed, this was /adv/ trash.

>> No.1351148
File: 73 KB, 695x465, DSC_0258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point out the last "worthwhile" (meaning, threads I like) thread I derailed bro.

This is besides the fact that just today I gave someone stellar book advice in a thread on the subject of epistemology and truth.

This is also besides the fact that I have just as often openly told people in threads I have shit in that I will cease shitting in said threads for productive discussion to continue.

Quit gettin mad bro, life is 2 short :(

>> No.1351160

Threads you like are not the only threads worthwhile. If there's potential for discussion you should fuck off.

>captcha: Fockies forts

>> No.1351166
File: 23 KB, 445x408, limp-bizkit-20040820-7354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I meant was, threads YOU like. The term "worthwhile" is so hopelessly subjective in any case. There is always potential for discussion, there is always just as much potential for disruption. No point in crying about it. Also,

>fails to point out any threads I've derailed

>> No.1351180

Well, you certainly derailed this one, but that's a poor example.

I haven't kept track today, but I'll be sure to let you know when I see you doing it from now on if you like.

The fact that there is potential for disruption is not justification for acting in a disruptive manner.

>> No.1351192
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>The fact that there is potential for disruption is not justification for acting in a disruptive manner.

I think we are pretty much done here bro, I honestly don't find too much enjoyment in the prospect of another twenty posts in which I explicate the utter uselessness of subjective slave reactive-jargon such as 'justification' to you all to reach the very same conclusion we have started out with; you don't like what I do and you are trying to find socially acceptable and logical ways to express this.

>> No.1351195


I've already done so. You just keep spewing.

>> No.1351228
File: 85 KB, 400x440, someone_is_wrong_on_the_internet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hopes the troll will stop when he is being presented arguments

dude, you can deal with this only in one way:
you need to suppress your urges to react to him untill you honestly don't care anymore.
This is just the internet. You can neither grab his collar and shake him nor hope that the people around will express clearly identifiable and unignorable discontent that acts as a serious social sanction.

>> No.1351234

>probably gets sand kicked in his face a lot

>> No.1351238

ITT: Just D & E posting to himself, fantasizing that people would even give him the time of day.

>> No.1351248

Bro answer me!

>> No.1351253

Deep and Edgy is by far the most interesting tripfag on all of /lit/. He has an amusing mastery of ridiculously clever in-jokes and tropes. That said, this is more a statement about the fantastic poverty of content and narcissism other trips than about D&E, who flirts self-awarely with the archetype of these other trips as a part of his character. But his functions are few and limited: "troll the shit out of everyone," "cull the bullshit threads humorously" and "call attention to hidden humor in good threads" He hasn't really presented himself (nor does he seem to want to) as a debater with a lot of new, interesting things to say. He's not what makes the board good, in other words, but he certainly seasons things up a bit.

>> No.1351257


>> No.1351267
File: 509 KB, 150x130, ocelot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would make a great vizier bro, just saying

>> No.1351350

He might be some of those things but he's not the funniest

>> No.1351354


I proofread my posts on 4chan. I am a god among men.

>> No.1351357

The funniest poster is either me or that one other Anon (s/he know who s/he is)

>> No.1351375

I'm the most decentralized poster on /lit/.

>> No.1351387
File: 79 KB, 300x225, BisonYes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when Deep and Edgy trolls everyone by subliminally mocking the average tripfag's tendencies and need for affirmation of their actions through his own trip persona

[/spoiler]check my doubles too btw[/spoiler]

>> No.1351393

From an analytical stand-point he gives agency to the very idea of tripfaggotry, as vague as that term is I think we have a general consensus of what it details...People shouldn't get so mad.

>> No.1351398
File: 166 KB, 500x333, carlesfaggot..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe one day i will be like that fucking Carles asshole who has ended up cannibalising a culture he has insinuated himself into, sort of a tragic degenerate existence where you cannot get outside the culture you are criticising and no-one ever knows whether your criticisms are external to the system or merely a self-reflexive product of it

>> No.1351415

Do you have some suggested reading on this "Carles" , or the culture you speak of?

>> No.1351416
File: 34 KB, 399x651, 1820_22_goya_the_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday I'll...

>> No.1351433
File: 73 KB, 450x827, sonic-devouring-tails-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like ur style brah

>> No.1351456


>> No.1351468




u could try stepping away from the computer... just a thought bro