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File: 147 KB, 800x1125, William Faulkner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13506393 No.13506393 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the complete opposite of William Faulkner

>> No.13506398


Stephen King

>> No.13506405

rupi kaur

>> No.13506422

It’d have to be someone to focus on highly developed, modern cities and the uplifting great lives people live in them. Edward Bellamy I guess?

>> No.13506496

Someone who doesn't suck

>> No.13506505


>> No.13506515

>opposite of faulkner
he would need to have
>simple streamlined story
>concise and readable style
>reasonable and relatable characters
hemingway perhaps?

>> No.13506699

good one

>> No.13506750

sounds boring as all fuck

>> No.13507731 [DELETED] 

She would have to have been born in the opposite of Mississippi, about nice, sophisticated people in the exact opposite of the first half the twentieth century

>> No.13507733


>> No.13507736

She would have to have been born in the opposite state of Mississippi, have written about nice, sophisticated people in the exact opposite of the first half the twentieth century. Publish no books in her lifetime, not win any prized for it, and not actually exist.

>> No.13507745

You don’t need to go so far opposite that he’s not a person

>> No.13507755
File: 287 KB, 912x1333, 53109DD9-5E3C-458C-A438-35D721A55BE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and not actually exist.

>> No.13507792

My point exactly, making it a female as the opposite of male is the same as making them not exist as the opposite of existence.

>> No.13507810

R.L. Stein

>> No.13507824

Just go back to the opposite state of Mississippi already

>> No.13507846


(And yet, ironically, both are indispensable)

>> No.13507853

>hated by everyone
>tells people to go back
The internet has spawned some amazing personalities

>> No.13507974

Elrond Hubbard