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/lit/ - Literature

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13504702 No.13504702 [Reply] [Original]

I recently discovered its existence while reading a thread discussing the recent trend of "grimdark" fantasy in the vein of A Song of Ice And Fire. While I'm unsure of how popular it actually is, I was nevertheless wondering what some people from here, who seem to have a diverse set of perspectives, thought about the concept. I say that because most of the articles I could find on the subject were from obviously left-wing news sites with a political agenda.

Here's a fairly respectable source:

Here's one from vox, please don't flame me for including it:

This guy thinks it's catholic:

>> No.13504721

this is the literature board not the YA genre fiction board

>> No.13504733

you idiots cant keep adding "punk" to everything

>> No.13504737

this, I'm tired of seeing some new "punk" aesthetic, cut it out and pick a more original name

>> No.13504745


>> No.13504784

From skimming those articles I get the impression it's just a slogan for more gay "orange man bad" crap.

>> No.13504805

maybe you are just not enlightened enough to appreciate neo anarcho-punk aesthetics? pleb

>> No.13504831

That's what they're saying but it's vox so I wouldn't exactly consider their interpretation valid. I think the point is that hopepunk (which is a garbage fucking name btw) is opposed to things like GOT are very grim and cynical, with a worldview that considers people and society to be generally cruel and hopelessly flawed. Hopepunk is more about saying that despite these flaws the world is still a hopeful place and that a better reality is worth fighting for.

Maybe I'm wrong but that's the idea I got.

>> No.13504878
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Sounds like heroism, why is there even a -punk at the end? Because it's against The System(tm)?

>> No.13504917

>despite these flaws the world is still a hopeful place and that a better reality is worth fighting for.
That's wrong, though.

>> No.13504918

Listen to the British 'post punk' band IDLES for an example of 'hope' punk and its aesthetics (or just look up a pic of the band members; it's sufficient) Their second album, Joy as an Act of Resistance, is probably the best example. You can also probably guess what some of the themes of their songs are. Anyone that can be described as 'hope punk' can probably be called leftist as well.

>> No.13504924


>> No.13504932
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>human nature is fundamentally good
>the world is worth fighting for
>a better future is possible if we just try
>being alive is a good thing

>> No.13504934

Yeah, I know. Just pointing out what I think they mean. I think the world should be cleansed of all life.

>> No.13504954
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>> No.13504959

sounds reddit

>> No.13504965

Apparently goodreads has a list of books fitting the description.


>> No.13504995

Because man is vain and thinks he is superior to all previous living generations. Oh, my idea has been done before? I'll just give it a cool new flashy name, that way people forget about all the old shits before me and only remember me.

>> No.13505001

The basic idea sounds cool to me. I've heard noblebright before as a contrast to grimdark. But I like the idea of stories and literature. Being written from an optimistic mindset. Especially in the political climate we're in, where(at least in America) the conversation is centered around two opposing forms of pessimism.

Also for all the hee-ing and haw-ing in this thread about reddit and left-wing types, I don't see a single reason why the stylistic elements present in "hopepunk" aren't compatible with traditionalist, religious or right-wing mindsets.

I mean shit, chivalric literature and poetry is already basically this. I'm surprised Gawain and The Green Knight wasn't on the earlier mentioned Goodreads list.

>> No.13505002
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>The Hobbit is """"hopepunk""""

>> No.13505016

>he doesn't know you can find things from the past to fit with current aesthetics.

>> No.13505031

Sure, just explain to me what parts of the Hobbit fit any kind of 'punk'.

>> No.13505049
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No one alleged that it fit "punk", they said it fits "hopepunk". Stop being a retard.

>> No.13505068

Do you throw a fucking conniption fit when people talk about cyberpunk as well? Shut the fuck up. Also, to give an actual answer, Tolkien wrote the Hobbit partially in opposition to literary trends of the day. One could argue that it is actually "punk" in that sense.

>> No.13505075

But then why add punk to the end? What meaning does the word gain by arbitrarily attaching punk as a suffix?

>> No.13505089

Listen, I think the name is stupid too. The only justification I can think for it is what >>13505068 said. That it represents a stand in opposition against dominant literary trends.

>> No.13505090

Hobbits are filthy, smelly, and live in dirt

>> No.13505095
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What retard named this genre? And why did most of them go on with that?

>> No.13505100

They also don't give a fuck about what normie races think

>> No.13505102

No because cyberpunk is punk as fuck.

>> No.13505110

Have you got a better suggestion? It seems like all we'd come up with here is "hope-core" or some other bullshit.

>> No.13505130

Optimistic literature . . .

>> No.13505139

How the fuck is Handmaid's Tale hopepunk?

>> No.13505142

Copelit fits better

>> No.13505189

Because it's LITERALLY a 100% ACCURATE depiction of womyn LITERALLY

>> No.13505196

Fucking baizuo

>> No.13505198

What’s the story behind the pic, he the local rhino trapper or something?

>> No.13505199

I found an article from the woman who appears to have coined the word going into more detail about it.

Link here: https://festive.ninja/one-atom-of-justice-one-molecule-of-mercy-and-the-empire-of-unsheathed-knives-alexandra-rowland/

For those wondering why it has punk on it, the webster article says this:
"The –punk suffix handed down from cyberpunk into these hints toward the alienation and anti-authoritarian sentiment that is often manifested in the punk subculture. By attaching the suffix to subjects such as hope, kindness, and respect, those subjects—perhaps once considered very much as belonging to the establishment—can be portrayed as instruments of change."

for >>13505139
Another post she wrote on the subject mentions this (link here: https://ariaste.tumblr.com/post/163500138919/ariaste-the-opposite-of-grimdark-is-hopepunk))

"THE HANDMAID’S TALE is arguably hopepunk. It’s scary and dark, and at first glance it looks like grimdark because it’s a dystopia… but goddammit she keeps fighting. That’s the key, right there. She fights every single day, because she won’t let them take away meaning from her life. She survives stubbornly in the hope that one day she can live again. “Don’t let the bastards grind you down,” is one of the core tenets of hopepunk, along with, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” "

>> No.13505204

I don't know about him in particular but he is a part of the "La Sape" subculture.


>> No.13505288

>For those wondering why it has punk on it, the webster article says this:
>"The –punk suffix handed down from cyberpunk into these hints toward the alienation and anti-authoritarian sentiment that is often manifested in the punk subculture. By attaching the suffix to subjects such as hope, kindness, and respect, those subjects—perhaps once considered very much as belonging to the establishment—can be portrayed as instruments of change."
So the term “hopepunk” is hopepunk?

>> No.13505296
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>> No.13505314

So then it is just anti-authoritarian heroism?

>> No.13505487

it's shit including all the YA genres, fucking pleb