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13504603 No.13504603 [Reply] [Original]

Is being in a successful raiding guild proof that communism works?

>> No.13504611

Raiding guilds are more ancom

>> No.13504613

yes because gamers are the most oppressed minorities

>> No.13504616


>> No.13504630

how do you even pay attention to all that shit?

>> No.13504645


>> No.13504705

No? If anything, a raid (especially 25 or 40) is a libertarian structure.

>> No.13504736

they know the keybinding, it ends up looking like someone's playing piano

>> No.13504750

no, its just a union of egoists and therefore Stirner was right

>> No.13504753

This, PvE is also akin to a form of dance

>> No.13504755
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Why is this on /lit/?

>> No.13504756

More like proof that ancap works

>> No.13504761

people regularly confuse /his/ with /pol/, and then they confuse /lit/ with /his/. that's how threads about communism and fascism end up on here.

>> No.13504766

very few of those buttons get used during a fight,after playing for 100s of hours it gets pretty easy to remember which button iswhich

>> No.13504768

You start at doing simple things, like killing wolves and boars just by using 1 or 2 skills. And as the game become more and more complex with the levels, you just adapt naturally

>> No.13504774

this. back in classic, as a holy paladin, you had 3 buttons max to push. as a discipline priest, it's just one. wow is pretty simple.

>> No.13504830

>Get kicked from the raid group because I'm playing a feral dps in 1.12.
>Doesn't matter that I'm tryharding and in the top 5 by damage done
>got 60 seconds before I get teleported out of the instance
>quickly pull a group of molten giants and wipe the raid
>get kicked from the guild
>"I'll let everyone know what you did, good luck joining any decent guilds"
fuck guilds, individuals will always be alone in this world... of warcraft

>> No.13504866

it is so sad that barinwashed faggots who read 1 guide on the internet think they know all and ignore the facts, just because some 'high lvl' player wrote a faggy guide for those who cannot think for themselves
you did good, no one should be in a drone guild

>> No.13504935

I hate humans so much

>> No.13504939

Are there "piano games" that will help me learn piano on a keyboard via tiered/scaffolded learning, to build a foundation for actual piano playing?

>> No.13504945

"Communism" works also perfectly well within my family, my dad works and me and my brother leech of him, that doesn't imply that the system works on a scale of millions of people who have absolutely no interest in each other.

>> No.13504955
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based and Uniquepilled

>> No.13504960

I don't know anyone who made the jump.

>> No.13504967

dude if you want to learn to play the piano just play the piano

>> No.13504978

For rote basics you could do forward movement with rhythmed base notes (and maybe sprinting with doubling, e.g. double C) and right/left turning with ascending/descending arpeggios. Change up which chord is used situationally somehow. Different attacks and actions and so on requiring different key combinations. Boss battles or different settings set to specific metronome beats.

>> No.13504980
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>just a couple months before going home

>> No.13504983

It's kind of a bad UI since there's a lot of redundant information, making it look more complex than it is. As a healer you only really have to pay attention to the health bars on the right side.

>> No.13504998

This sounds like something that never happened. You have no idea how little feral DPS did in vanilla, but even if you were doing less damage than healers people would still be happy to bring you along so long as you're willing to off tank on certain fights. Plus, there's no way you could possibly pull enough molten giants to wipe a raid. Nobody dies from them. Nobody.

We used to get a 5 map group just to farm them by ourselves.

>> No.13505027

Guilds are pure corporate capitalism

>> No.13505041

This is a board for discussing literature.

>> No.13505042

You don't

>> No.13505072

>You have no idea how little feral DPS did in vanilla

>> No.13505088

communism has been implemented and did work in small communities or towns during russian civil war

>> No.13505134

It's proof that you are a loser with childish hobbies.

>> No.13505152

> you can team up with friends in a high-trust environment and acquire resources in a cooperative manner

The only surprising thing is that you had to learn that this existed through video games, normally this happens among friends at school or families.

Now what does this have to do with private vs collective ownership of manufacturing processes? Or decentralized vs centrally planned resource allocation? Or the rights to property? Or working class vs management?

>> No.13505178

What the other anon said, piano is the easiest instrument to get started on by far

>> No.13505188

Stop being wrong. It’s good on you that you don’t know much about this subject, because it means you probably spent your time on something else more worthwhile, but you’re wrong. Feral DPS was subpar in vanilla and to some extent BC fixed it. But the “hybrid tax” on their dps never really went away even in the subsequent expansions.

>> No.13505274

Piano is the most complex instrument, dummy

>> No.13505858

the heart is