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/lit/ - Literature

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13504215 No.13504215 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up
>browsed internet, drank coffee
>went jogging
>went in to central London to walk around and feel sad about life
>walked around a large park and saw happy normies
>had walked around this park once before a few weeks ago on the hottest day of the year and today felt like a pale imitation
>listened to more of the Weinstein and Thiel podcast
>went walking through a rich area
>went walking through the city of London, which was nearly deserted
>sat at a place I used to sit at during sad weekends of previous years
>saw some extremely demoralisingly good looking Staceys, including a Stacey / qt / thot hybrid
>now drinking Caffe Nero at eets pyoorest and feeling sad about life
>a particularly excruciating week of work is coming up
>unsure whether I will eat at home or at burger king

Sundays always feel like duller Saturdays. Not even going in to central London before 1 pm can give the day life. Sunday is truly a day of mourning for wagies.

I have barely read anything at my flat for weeks because of internet time wasting.

I thought pol was memeing when they said that working in an office with women was bad or that women managers were bad. I LITERALLY thought they were memeing, and this was after over 5 years of regular browsing. I will never doubt pol again.

And corporate environments are horrific. The most disgusting act you can do is to simply go to your job on time and do the work and go home. You have to socialise and all that shit. I unironically heard a non HR woman employee unironically talk about company values and the lack of one of them in someone. This woman is 10 years older than me, an ubernormie, yet only 1 rank higher. How the fuck can you be both a drone and this unsuccessful?

I am thinking of my day tomorrow. I will spend around 8 hours at work and then I'll get home and have a choice between spending a large fraction of my evening in the gym or doing something edifying. I will likely pick neither and waste it online and binge.

>> No.13504230
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>> No.13504284

Truly based

>> No.13504297

Stupid frogposter

>> No.13504307
File: 10 KB, 460x431, 1501487434824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did /lit/ become the board for blog posting?
>Living in the UK
>Living in London

>> No.13504309

Why you post this every week end?

>> No.13504347

Where did the frog go?

>> No.13504352

>he doesn't know London Frog
His posts are honorary /lit/ threads.

>> No.13504400
File: 65 KB, 720x992, Desespero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a small town in Brazil. I'd like to move to the first world, but I don't know. I think my life would be the same shit as it is now. I think life suck anywhere in the world.

>> No.13504411

He's Paki

>> No.13504412

Should we call you London widemouth wojak now? Doesn’t roll off the tongue as well.

>> No.13504416

He's not British or white, he's Pakistani. Also, what is wrong with being a bong?

>> No.13504418

It's not blog posting. There's a Londonfrog book somewhere around. He's officially /lit/.

>> No.13504422

Eu também anon, é triste...

>> No.13504433

>blackpill, 3rd world edition

Yes, I know that the term "3rd world" is a misnomer. In fact, I would even acknowledge that it is an offensive one and for that I apologize. However, greentexing is an informal style, reductive and inflammatory in nature, which I was merely adhering to.

>> No.13504438
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>oh boy, Londonfrog!!

>> No.13504442
File: 70 KB, 500x672, Mystique , 1961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Só de pensar no verão já fico irritado.
Não consigo ler nada no verão escaldante do Brasil.
Também mora em cidade pequena?

>> No.13504443
File: 336 KB, 650x594, Capture+_2019-05-25-18-06-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up
>browsed internet, drank coffee
>brushed my teeth
>washed my hands
>opened bathroom door
>left the bathroom
>closed the bathroom door
>picked up my phone
>turned it on
>opened up 4chan
>saw this post

>> No.13504453
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>> No.13504478

Sim pequena e com um verão eterno, Recife... Pretendo sair daqui o quanto antes possível, não suporto o calor e a macacada absurda
Se eu não sair por avião, eu saio pela morte

>> No.13504509

>sim pequena

>> No.13504513

Popeposter is a forced meme

>> No.13504540

/lit/ af

>> No.13504544

this isn't the real londonfrog is it?

>> No.13504549

Have a good day, LF

>> No.13504555
File: 131 KB, 510x395, 1433097669503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am thinking of my day tomorrow. I will spend around 8 hours at work and then I'll get home and have a choice between spending a large fraction of my evening in the gym or doing something edifying. I will likely pick neither and waste it online and binge.


>> No.13504610
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>> No.13504900

>>Sundays always feel like duller Saturdays. Not even going in to central London before 1 pm can give the day life. Sunday is truly a day of mourning for wagies

I like Sundays, I just wish normies could relax a little more. If I was king I would enforce store closures on Sundays. Sundays should be quiet days. Instead they are all zipping around in cars, or blaring music outside, or Keeping Busy in some other way.

What is it with normies and their inability to just chill the fuck out? Maybe it's just because I'm a Mediterranean in an Anglo country, but I do not understand this life.

I was talking to my boss the other day. He is very ambitious, works hard, and has dreams of expansion. I asked him, why expand? Why do we always have to get bigger and bigger? Why can't we leave those areas to another contractor? He looked at me like I was retarded. Yet it is this attitude that turned markets into supermarkets. Instead of walking down the street to pick up fresh, local, seasonal produce, I drive 10 minutes to get produce shipped here from mexico or california. Instead of having independent merchants we have poor wagies stocking shelves.

I digress...but suffice to say Sunday's could be a lot better. Every day could be better but this world is hell.

>> No.13504904

>What is it with normies and their inability to just chill the fuck out? Maybe it's just because I'm a Mediterranean in an Anglo country, but I do not understand this life.

lol I'm the same. you're not alone.

>> No.13504910

Is he actually a Paki? How is this known?

>> No.13504986

>What is it with normies and their inability to just chill the fuck out?
I've been honestly wondering this on several occasions. I was talking to some turbonormie acquaintances of mine and when I said I am walking home (instead of driving/taking the bus) they asked why? I said I just like to walk through the park and relax after a day of working, and they looked at me like I was insane for not rushing to be somewhere else. And they ALWAYS talk about not having time.

What do normies typically do? They always complain about being in a hurry, not having enough time, being unable to relax. But what are they doing?
Take today, Sunday, for example. I woke up at 6 in the morning, ate breakfast, drank some water, finished a book I started earlier this week, went back to sleep for a few more hours, started reading another book, slept a couple more hours during the mid day, woke up, took a walk outside, came back home, ate and now I'm continuing the book/chilling on the internet.
Why can't normies chill on a Sunday like I do? What do they have to do (aside from obvious emergencies)? Every Monday I hear the same "I'm so exhausted I didn't feel this weekend at all, I don't have time to rest etc etc"
Even at work they can't simply stfu and sit down for a second, they always have to busy themselves with useless tasks, moving items from one place to another for the heck of it even if it makes no sense. It stresses me up.
What's up with this hyperactivity?

>> No.13504991

Based. Fuck expansion.

t. small time contractor

>> No.13504996


Not the other guy but I agree so much.

Another thing normies are shocked by is when I'm smiling to myself or something (while on a computer at work). They literally can't grasp that I may be smiling about something I'm thinking about. The NPC meme is unironically real.

>> No.13504997

Someone post the books

>> No.13504999

Contemplation leads to uneasy thoughts. Normies would rather fill their minds with pointless tasks so they don't have to think as much.

>> No.13505050

I just want to say that there has still been no definitive proof that londonfrog is a paki

On an unrelated note, I've decided I'm going to go trawling around central london myself and try to spot londonfrog

>> No.13505064

Leave LF alone

>> No.13505098

There's no way I'd ever actually find him
I'm just going to walk around and guess what people could be him, maybe I'll take some creepshots and we can all play along together

>> No.13505104

Yeah growth for the sake of growth seems pretty toxic. I took a class from the late US Senator Bob Bennett who said that if he had to summarize the Republican party in one word it would be growth. It was pretty interesting to me that he would distill his entire ideology into this principle and that so many people seem to agree vehemently.