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13503975 No.13503975 [Reply] [Original]

God, this book makes me wish I lived in Japan.

>tfw you'll never spend a summer sitting in the shade of a temple listening to the chirp of cicadas

what are some other books that paint a romantic picture of Japan?

>> No.13503980

In reality you spend your summer working 80 hour weeks at the office.

>> No.13504060

I lived in Japan teaching English for two years. The cicadas are comfy until they become DEAFENING. Also the cost of living is ridiculously high, and unless you have a really well-paying job you won't be able to afford to live at all. 80 hour workweeks are not an exaggeration. Also the culture is Pharisaic: people are super polite but underneath that absolutely vicious with no real sense of empathy or forgiveness, people are only concerned about outer appearances rather than the truth of the matter, pretty much everyone is at some level miserable, there are tons of rules but everyone agrees on loopholes, social status is literally everything, and they do hold foreigners in contempt to some degree (what country doesn't?). The entire country is run like a military and they push students so hard. I decided to leave after a couple of my students committed suicide because they failed entrance tests (English wasn't a graded subject, but I still feel guilty), and the hours were killing me and the low pay drove me to bankruptcy. I was doing maybe 60 hour weeks, but they were going light on my white ass, and all the Japanese teachers were doing 70 or 80 or more. Japan is like a nightmare. To think there's tens of millions of people who spend their entire lives in that society is depressing. The aesthetics of the place is nice and the women are pretty, but besides that it's a dystopia.

>> No.13504133

I always feel bad after I watch Japanese porn since I have some conception of what's presumably going on behind the scenes of all of it.

>> No.13504169

cicadas can be loud and annoying if they are close by

>> No.13504201

Only if you want eat.

>> No.13504202
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>> No.13504213


Porn industry are horrible in everycountry dude

>> No.13504220

whiteoids need to liberate the japanese people.

>> No.13504244

Based and japanpilled. Would read again.

>> No.13504324

Hmm, I don't know. I think the western independent sphere is not quite as bad, and certainly has more of a voluntary nature and isn't relying on blackmail, etc. to find women. Also I think that Japan has a particularly low view of the dignity of the human body, which leads to its pornography having an increased quality of degradation not found in western works.

>> No.13504332

Suicide because of failing entrance exams is decreasing constantly, so that might be remedy to you
Well, most of you say is perfectly true, but I'd like to comment one thing. When we are being hypocrite(or Pharisaic, I dont know what that mean tho), it is not because we have no sense of empathy or forgiveness. It is rather mostly about social rules and social status like you said later. Japan thinks it is some sort of virtue to hide one's feeling about others whether it is good or not.
But it would be still hard to catch real feeling, especially you are foreigner. Society demands the extreme kindness on the surface. The real feelings are covered with those fakes, and you cannot see.

>> No.13504337

I mean to you

>> No.13504503

*bows respectfully*

arigato gozaimasu

>> No.13504553

Is nip work culture as bad as it's stated online? I can't imagine it being much worse than the west.

>> No.13504565

80 hour weeks are consistent in Japan, so yes.

Also, OP you read a book written by a Japanese nationalist obsessed with the idea of the romanticized “perfect past” of Japan. You fell for the bait.

>> No.13504629

>You fell for the bait

What's so wrong with indulging in romanticism?

>> No.13504701


Seriously, that's what made you feel this way? Not the fact that Japan is likely the most inhumane, war-crime committing country in the last 200 years? You have no idea of the level of cruelty and coldness that culture has towards others, and sometimes even towards themselves.
The only reason they invest so heavily in making cute cartoons for you to drool to is because it gives them money, not because they have any kind of love for that medium.

>> No.13504709

probably. the fucked up thing is that even though they spend 80 hours in an office, they only do actual work for like 30 of those hours. they just waste all their time there to look busy to impress the boss. it's enormously fucked up. society needs to just step back, be real, and tell everyone to knock the shit off, get their work done and gtfo.
>students committed suicide
that is pretty fucked up.
pay is lower even adjusting for cost of living in japan... that's why they obsess over things like running across town to buy eggs on sale, something an american wouldn't even consider. hours are shit. work is shit. BUT they do get jobs for life... in america it's a constant fucking hustle, a rat race high on cocaine, and no one is in the same job more than 2 years. burgerstan also has actual crime to consider, for your commute pleasure, and transit in japan is top notch, if crowded and expensive. it's pros and cons. cheating on your partner is also common place there. everyone cheats, all the time, and they don't think it's wrong.

that said. eating out is actually dirt cheap there, food is all pretty healthy, no litter no crime few/no niggers, booze is cheap and abundant. cities are beautiful, tons of culture and history, it's a safe modern country, and those fancy toilets are damn nice. aesthetic, and imo even the rathole apartments are uniquely /comfy/ in a way american slumshacks will never be. but socially, it's stifling. you need to conform 100% of you are ostracized.

>> No.13504722

Read Nietzsche

>> No.13504767

i recently read this, my favorite part was when he comes up to kashiwagi and kashi blows him the fuck out out of nowhere, and the parts where he tried to "break" the master was also masterfully written

>> No.13504994

>cheating on your partner is also common place there. everyone cheats, all the time, and they don't think it's wrong.

why tho

>> No.13505076


>> No.13505883

I figured I'd ask here cuz this thread is about Mishima's works.

So I'm currently reading Confessions of a Mask and I am aware it's supposed to be semi-autobiographical but I just wanted a second opinion. Did Mishima really masturbate and fantasize about killing others? I'm sure it's some fictional sprinkles here and there but I just wanted some clarification.

>> No.13506024
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What about academics? I am thinking of getting a PhD via MEXT. Should I?

>> No.13506073

They want to live their netorare fantasies IRL

>> No.13506165

All fiction is semi-autobiographical, but it's fiction. You can't use anything Mishma wrote in his works to say anything about Mishma himself.

>> No.13506224

This is based. Ima finna dab on Dem azn bois w/ my BWC

>> No.13506246

I'm on my back porch in the mountains listening to cicadas right now, they are found all over the world you know.

>> No.13506285

>Doesn't like the cicaophony
Cringe, I bet you have bad taste in music

>> No.13506298

>chirp of cicadas
interesting choice of adjective for that godawful sound

>> No.13506329

In reality, modern Japanese life grinds you down to an efficient cog in the machine; there's little room for Mishima's nationalist nostalgia, although it is there.
>Intending to go to a public park with a friend at night and realizing it's actually a graveyard.
>Running through the station at midnight because you swear you saw a phantasm of a friend.
>Watching butterflies drop dead toward the evening, feeling the sweat roll down your back.
>Hiding your tears of happiness on the train home because the offering you made in that mountain shrine made the difference when you finally told her. It didn't.
Everyone here is mainly lonely and atomized.

>> No.13506438

To be honest I just feel like I lost the ability to feel and I don't know how to get it back.

>> No.13506764

That's the world we live in. There's no particular place for an excess of feeling except for hedonism or increasingly unattainable ecstasy (spiritual, romantic, self-actualizing). You can't give up though.

>> No.13506874

Presentation, have a proper family; wife, kids etc to fulfill your 'duty' and then just have your side thing.