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File: 181 KB, 1008x760, aristotle philia democracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13503363 No.13503363 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books about accepting the fact that we currently live in the declining era of western civilisation?

>> No.13503370

None. The Empire can't admit It's dying.

>> No.13503384

Are you saying we should forcefully relocate every last one of them?

>> No.13503407

i like how the greeks destroyed enlightenment ideals 2000 years before they even existed

>> No.13503414

I would say his claim is contestable at the least. The only significant thing standing in the way of multi-ethnic fraternity is the stupidity of some people and the inevitability that some stupid or delusional person will create racial tension for their own fulfillment. The truth is that a significant portion of the population (100 IQ and below) see the world in black & white without the ability to be critical to their own and to other's beliefs and without the ability to see the causes and effects of the current state of affairs.

>> No.13503419
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>> No.13503440

Read authors who lived through the decline of other empires: Augustine, plotinus, boethius, etc.

>> No.13503442

Aristotle is, of course, well-known for being infallibly correct about all his assertions

>> No.13503445

It takes much less effort to combine every member of a group into one caricature of that entire group who just happen to have those stereotyped characteristics for no apparent reason. It takes more effort to see people as individuals and question what socioeconomic factors have influenced groups of people to have certain traits. Seeing people as individuals affected by factors doesn't excuse them from responsibility for acting such ways, though.

>> No.13503454

What book is this from?

>> No.13503458

nobody who has ever existed on planet earth was right about everything

>> No.13503464

What book is this from OP?

>> No.13503470

Is there a point where forcefully relocating people becomes morally right? Lets say if a relatively small non-native population increased murders or rape by a significant margin perhaps. Let's say there was some country somewhere where a small minority; maybe around 15%, accounted for... gee I don't know... random number... 95,6% of all assault rapes. Meaning 95,6% of all the individual lives ruined, families shattered and all the costs associated with that for individuals and society could be solved, for generations upon generations to come mind you. If one were to do an ethically questioned thing such as forceful relocation. Could it be justified?
>The only significant thing standing in the way of multi-ethnic fraternity is the stupidity of some people
So... The only significant thing standing in the way of multi-ethnic fraternity is human nature? Yeah you're right, that's nothing!

>> No.13503472

My diary desu

>> No.13503479

But Aristotle was literally wrong about most things lol, except for inherently untestable concepts like "substance" or whatever

>> No.13503486

>Yeah you're right, that's nothing!
You quoted me specifically calling it significant, then strawman me claiming I called it nothing. Do you read the posts you respond to? Do you read the text that you specifically choose to quote?

>> No.13503487

How does your neighbor being black affect you? Go back to /pol/.

>> No.13503495

Read "The White Nationalist Manifesto" by Greg Johnson. It's a quick read (130 pages) and goes into detail about such questions.

>> No.13503496

hi roastie

>> No.13503501


>> No.13503502

>You quoted me specifically calling it significant, then strawman me claiming I called it nothing
not that guy but you yourself called it significant

>> No.13503512

why we fight: manifesto of the european resistance

>> No.13503519
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, DHYtmUlW0AAZOa8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting that, in the face of increasing multiculturalism in the free world, white nationalists are pointing to increased violence and terror as emblematic of the incapacity of a diverse peoples to coexist. But if you actually look into the numbers, it is precisely those white nationalists who are the source of the very violence and terror they cite as proof. If the unrest is the critical dimension against which diversity is judged, then maybe we should be considering a mass relocation of right-wingers?

>> No.13503528

Yeah and you said the claim that multi-ethnic societies can't work is contestable. And by way of contesting it you pointed toward there being only one thing that stands in the way of multi-ethnic fraternity and therefore implying it was solvable. If you didn't think it was solvable then you wouldn't contest Aristotle's claim.

You know what you did, sir.

>> No.13503530
File: 34 KB, 375x375, costanza belittles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: anti-defamation league
this is bait, right?

>> No.13503533

nice (((bait)))

>> No.13503543

>Source: ADL
You should research the foundation of that agency during the Leo Frank affair

>> No.13503550

Returning to Japanese or South Korean level of immigration is already an unacceptable position in the West, so that seems a bit irrelevant.

>> No.13503552
File: 42 KB, 755x488, extremism graphic PF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured the "this source is by Jews and therefore inaccurate" would be the only reply Nazis could manifest, which is why I feel entirely comfortable disregarding this "argument". Here's another one from a Gentile source so your poisoned minds can wrap your heads around this very real statistic.

>> No.13503553


>> No.13503555
File: 59 KB, 476x594, 1421280975523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>murders by domestic extremists
lel. And btw you can literally be a black guy and shout "I hate white people" as you push a white elderly woman onto the subway tracks and it will not be counted as a hate crime.

>> No.13503564

>starts to count from Sep 12, 2001
oh no no no no

>> No.13503584

Not including 9/11 I'd the most blatant act of cherry picking I've ever seen

>> No.13503588

>posting random statistics out of their context coupled with a fallacious "argument" in his first post is any better
>other graph stops at 2016, both look at the US exclusively
I am very certain those Nazis you mention also make up the relative majority of rapes and thefts, dont they?
you aren't any better lmao

>> No.13503603

>therefore implying it was solvable
Nowhere did I imply it was solvable. You're making things up. My belief is that it's ***possibly*** solvable, and contestable at the least. Look up the definition to contestable and you will realize the mistake you made. By calling his claim contestable I was saying Aristotle's claim has yet to be proven, my belief also has yet to be proven.
Anyway, I'll explain the "possible solution" that I mentioned since I'm interested in the topic. You seem to agree with me that stupidity is the main thing standing in the way of multi-ethnic fraternity. Some cognitive functions have been shown to be genetically inherited to a degree of 99%. The possible solution to ending the stupidity problem would be to map out every cognitive function, test to what degree each cognitive function is genetic or environmental, then make changes to improve such cognitive functions. Genetic traits would be changed with genetic engineering or selective breeding, environmentally influenced traits would be changed along with changes in schooling and societal values.

>> No.13503612
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>> No.13504013

Excellent b8 chart.

>> No.13504014

>implying there's any "flesh-and-blood fraternity of citizens" remaining after two centuries of industrial capitalism

>> No.13504036

This. Life, as Klages would call it, has become the next and final endangered species. The man capable of love, emotions, art, and so forth, is a truly dying breed

>> No.13504043

>wah wah there are "non whites" living in my country due to circumstances that my people created

>> No.13504890

I'm a Finn living in Finland. We didn't do nuffin bro.

>> No.13504931

Ehtnic divides are in the same way the product of 'despotic' endeavours of setting boundaries in order to dominate.
flesh-and-blood fraternity of citizens is not based on a reductionist 'ethno-racial' fundament but on embodied experience of 'humans' as a whole.

>> No.13505176
File: 67 KB, 1024x576, dolph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genetic traits would be changed with genetic engineering or selective breeding
im a dirty commie but if we could have mass genetic enginering humanity would looks like hitler's wet dream

>> No.13505184

It's more like rhetoric

>> No.13505206

>Some cognitive functions have been shown to be genetically inherited to a degree of 99%
We'll need a source on that buddy.

>> No.13505209

Lol, 9/11 came from your Saudi allies. When did /lit/ get flooded by hicks?

>> No.13505214

Aristotle's Politics.

It is clear then that a state is not a mere society, having a common place, established for the prevention of mutual crime and for the sake of exchange. These are conditions without which a state cannot exist; but all of them together do not constitute a state, which is a community of families and aggregations of families in well-being, for the sake of a perfect and self-sufficing life. Such a community can only be established among those who live in the same place and intermarry. Hence there arise in cities family connections, brotherhoods, common sacrifices, amusements, which draw men together. But these are created by friendship, for to choose to live together is friendship.


Thus arises a city, not of freemen, but of masters and slaves, the one despising, the other envying; and nothing can be more fatal to friendship and good fellowship in states than this: for good fellowship springs from friendship when men are at enmity with one another, they would rather not even share the same path. But a city ought to be composed, as far as possible, of equals and similar… (and these are usually the middle-class)


Another cause of revolution is difference of races which do not at once acquire a common spirit; for a state is not the growth of a day, any more than it grows out of a multitude brought together by accident. Hence the reception of stranger in colonies, either at the time of their foundation or afterwards has generally produced revolution; for example, the Achaens who joined the Troezenians in the foundation of Sybaris, becoming later the more numerous, expelled them; hence the curse fell upon Sybaris. At Thurii the Sybarites quarreled with their fellow colonists; thinking that the land belonged to them, they wanted too much of it and were driven out. At Byzantium the new colonists were detected in a conspiracy, and were expelled by force of arms; the people of Antissa who had received the Chian exiles, fought with them, and drove them out of their own city. The citizens of Apollonia on the Euxine, after the introduction of a fresh body of colonists, had a revolution; the Syracusans, after the expulsion of their tyrants having admitted the strangers and mercenaries to the rights of citizenship, quarreled and came to blows; the people of Amphipolis, having received Chalcidian colonists, were nearly all expelled by them.

... It is A cause of revolution, but not the primary one and does not always have to be that way. We all know that ethnic diversity can be a source of trouble. But you have to willfully neglect the succesful and negative cases to make a positivist argument.

>> No.13505360

Of course, more research needs to be done on this and on every cognitive function imaginable.
Once sufficient research has been completed, selective breeding is an option that will be immediately available. Functional genetic engineering may take decades or centuries longer.

>> No.13505490

>How does your neighbor being a serial killer even remotely affect you?

>> No.13505557

>But Aristotle was literally wrong about most things lol
Even Darwin was impressed by Aristotle's observations on the behavior and anatomy of animals. Aristotle also single-handedly founded logic as a proper field of study. But surely a loser like yourself posting on a Laotian wood-carving newsletter knows better than him.

>> No.13505619

Everytime i see the sample size and characteristics on behavioural genetic studies i wonder how can such studies be considered methodologically acceptable. It's indispensable to rigorously monitor the participants profiles if you wan't to even have any credibility when trying to 'isolate enviromental factors'. In the study you linked they just consider income.
Also, heritability doesn't equate to inmutability.

>> No.13506546

>comparing blacks to cereal killers

>> No.13506583

Dawn to decadence by barzun

>> No.13508233

People bring up the point in the pic often but I think the idea of racial segregation simply won't fix it. The true source of the Western decline is freedom, it breeds individualism and therefore divides us. Our nation is divided into thousands of smaller communities, many of which oppose each other, because we pick and choose values and beliefs. With an authoritarian government, all races could be united under one culture, all working towards the good of the whole instead of chasing whatever petty bullshit they find important.

>> No.13509429

>starts after 9/11 and isn't per capita
you must be one of those famous left wing intellectuals I hear so much about