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13503187 No.13503187 [Reply] [Original]

Stop reading Descartes. Stop reading Sartre.

>> No.13504056

ok martin
does jew pussy tastes authentic?

>> No.13504071

im 100 pages into being and time right now and so far he has said absolutely nothing besides definitions of his terms based on their relationship to other terms he also made up

descartes was nowhere near as pretentious as this old clown and sartre actually made sense what he was talking about

>> No.13504106

Don't be such a lazy philistine. This is probably your one opportunity to humble yourself and learn to read philosophy. If you keep acting smug and dismissive, and demanding that any given text lay itself open at your feet, you will waste this opportunity to learn that reading philosophy is about raising yourself to the level of the text and is actually an initiatic rite of creative destruction (solve et coagula).

Even if you end up disagreeing with Heidegger he's not particularly complicated and you should still learn to understand him unless you want up end up like Sartre, who is a middling psychologist who didn't understand Heidegger, or Descartes, who never achieved a phenomenological standpoint and remained trapped in an ontic ontology of substance and subjectivity.

>> No.13504265

>implying Heidegger would ever say either of those things

>> No.13504374

Will you be my dad?

>> No.13504387

which translation?

>> No.13504424
File: 34 KB, 576x576, a_j_ayer-_51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say...stop reading Bradley, old chap!

>> No.13505576

joan stambaugh

inb4 your obscure 1958 translation by a catholic minister that is better

blow it out your ass faggot